Now that Julie has laid down some groundwork for a great marketing foundation, let’s look ahead. What is on the marketing horizon for 2020? Here are a few possibilities:

Social Media
Yes, organic reach isn’t what it used to be, and some businesses are even pulling out of Facebook altogether. But social media continues to be a driving trend and marketing tool going into 2020.
Social media engagement looks different than it used to even five years ago. Consumers are increasingly using social media to research products and services. And platforms are delivering ad options to take advantage of this trend. Are you?
Did you know there was such a thing as a zero-click result? A zero-click result is a search result in which Google automatically provides the answer to the search query in the form of an automated snippet. See my “What’s the temperature in Dallas?” screenshot below.

Why is this important to marketers?
Because 61.8 percent of search results in Google are now zero-search results, according to data from Jumpshot. As a result, more and more keywords are becoming less profitable.
Alp Mimaroglu
The automatic snippet oftentimes come from a website that ranks somewhere on page 1 of the search engine results page (SERP). But companies do not know for sure how to optimize their content so that Google chooses them over anyone else.
Marketing Silver Bullets
There is no one marketing tool to rule them all.

According to marketing guru Neil Patel, we are all fighting for the margins now.
A lot of businesses were built off of one marketing channel… But you no longer can build a business through just one marketing channel. Good channels now get saturated extremely fast. Even if they work and cause explosive growth, it will only last for a short while before your competitors jump on board and make it harder. Marketing is now heading in the direction of being about “marginal gains”.
Neil Patel
I know this sounds a little daunting. But I think this is a good thing. At no other time in history have small businesses had so many tools and channels to choose from to market businesses and grow their sales. Back in the dark ages of media and marketing, you had three channels to choose from and the cost of production to create and place a 30-second spot was out of the realm of possibility for most small businesses.
Now, we have a plethora of choices. Take some comfort in that. You have so many tools to choose from going into 2020. What will you choose?
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