Last week Greg Asher wrote a great blog on the importance of proofreading. Errors in punctuation and grammar make me twitch, so I completely related. But it got me thinking … what good is proofreading if the writing itself is bad?
Here on the Porch, I am frequently called upon to write, edit, and polish pieces of all sorts. I really love it — writing is my thing. It’s my clarity, my therapy, and my joy. Feeling the way that I do, I am always surprised by the large number of people I encounter that don’t like to write, are terrified to write, or are just not good at it.
Writing is important now more than ever. We communicate digitally through email, text, and social media constantly. And oftentimes what you have written will be what forms a first impression of you. Strong writing skills are critical.

The good news is, you can become a stronger writer. Writing is like a muscle – it needs exercise! The best way to become a better writer is … to write.
Here are some tips to keep in mind:
- You can do it! Don’t overthink it – just get started. You don’t even have to start at the beginning. Get your thoughts on the page and you will quickly find your direction.
- Know who you’re talking to. Your audience will drive your tone and style. You wouldn’t write formally to a friend and you wouldn’t communicate too personally with a client.
- Use your own words. Your writing should sound conversational and it should sound like you. Be authentic.
- Be clear and concise. Avoid buzzwords or filler – they are completely unnecessary. Make your point and make it clear with a strong, active voice. Don’t be passive – be impactful.
- Before you press send, read it out loud. Make sure there are commas where you naturally pause. If a sentence is too long and rambling, figure out a way to shorten it. Not sure about something? Look it up. The Associated Press Stylebook is my compass.
Writing is not something to fear. When done well, it can showcase you in the best possible way. So fall in love with writing! (or you can always call us to do it for you!)