Tag Archives: working mothers

“Business Lessons” Are Not Your Typical Mother’s Day Tribute

This past weekend, we all celebrated Mother’s Day. Some of us celebrated by remembering their mothers who are no longer with us. One of the things I remember the most about my mom is her sensibility. She had a philosophy for life that was kind, inclusive, smart and at the same time funny. That’s why I can remember some of the bits of wisdom she both repeated and modeled to me as a child, and have used them as business lessons in my career.

While most of these were not given to me in the business context, I have been able to apply these 5 life lessons as 5 business lessons. Moms sometimes have a very clear vision for what makes a successful brand, company, or business. And now I can say that my mom was my first business consultant. So I’m going to share some of her wisdom with you in honor of Mother’s Day.

Close enough for government work.

We might all just stop trying to be perfect. You are good enough just the way you are! My mom would always say “close enough for government work” when something didn’t come out exactly as I expected it would. And instead of being upset, we’d all laugh. And we’d move on. And we’d try again.

Because heck, if a giant business like the government doesn’t do it perfectly the first time, then how can we be expected to do so? Do your best and that will be good enough. It’s our effort and perseverance that counts.

Not what I would have done, but just as good.

As a business leader, recognizing that your colleagues or direct reports might not solve a problem exactly as you would have, evaluate others’ work through fresh eyes. Weigh their solutions against the brief or the client ask, and if it works (even if its not what you would have done) then it’s good.

This simple and valuable business lesson will go a long way toward building trust and loyalty within your team. After all, you hired these people and they are experts at what they do, so treat them as such.

Take care of everyone smaller than you.

When I was very small, this meant if a friend falls down on the playground go help them up and make them feel better. Or if a kid younger than you seems like they need a friend, be one. Share your snack with kids who don’t have one. That sort of thing.

As I got older, the meaning became less literal and more figurative. “Smaller” could mean less access, fewer resources, more burden. Anything that made someone’s life smaller than yours.

So now as an adult, if you have access to something that others don’t, share your access. Hire a non-traditional intern who might never have had the opportunity. Bring a younger colleague to an industry event or dinner. Give public kudos and rewards to your team. Create and support programs in your company that create a more equal, diverse and inclusive environment for everyone.

Practice what you preach.

If you say one thing, but do the opposite, what message are you sending about yourself? You’re damaging your credibility said my mom. When you demonstrate this business lesson — that you know what you’re talking about — then people will believe that you are an expert.

For example, if you are a digital marketing agency that handles social media for your clients, but your own agency doesn’t have social media channels, how can potential clients know that you’re an expert?

If you need help, ask.

This was one of the most important lessons that I learned from my mom, that I’ve applied to my entire career as a business lesson. It’s ok to not know how to do everything. It’s ok to say in a meeting “Well, I don’t know the answer, but I will go find out.”

Leaders, surround yourself with people who are better at things than you are, and ask them when you need help, and you’ll always be successful. We are all over the “fake it til you make it” mantra. Be vulnerable, ask for help. In the process, you’ll be giving someone else a compliment by asking for their expertise. And you’ll probably be learning something new.

My Business Lessons From Mom Made Me a Successful Business Person

I hope you’ve enjoyed some of the wisdom that my mother shared with me. She always said that if you can do something that might help someone, take that opportunity. I’ve tried to follow that advice my entire career. And I would consider myself successful in that regard…and to me that’s the aspect of business acumen that matters the most.

How do you describe a mom who is ready to re-enter the workforce and the marketing world after spending the past two years almost exclusively at home with toddler twins? Nervous. Excited. Anxious.

Will my sleep-deprived brain remember what to do? The marketing world is so fast-paced – is my skill set still relevant? How will I juggle all the things? As the self-doubt crept into my brain, I sat down to make a list. What do I need to do to be successful in my next workforce venture?

Ready to e-enter the workforce? Prioritize. Then, prioritize. And prioritize again.

Make a daily to-do list. First, what has to be accomplished today? Second, what can wait until tomorrow if the day doesn’t go as planned?

Set an alarm, and don’t hit snooze.

Whenever possible, wake before the rest of the house. Enjoy an early morning workout, or get a head start on work. Maybe drink a cup of coffee in silence. Then, get yourself mentally prepared for the day ahead.

Always prep the night before.

School lunches, snacks, clothes – the list goes on. Nothing is worse than waking up to realize ALL THE THINGS need to be done. So doing them the night before relieves this particular anxiety.

Learn to say ‘No.’

There are only 24 hours in a day. It’s ok to politely say no, I don’t have the bandwidth for that project or school activity.

Ask for help.

You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t have to.

Re-enter the workforce by refreshing your marketing skill set.

Learn something new! Take a social media course. Or, follow a new marketing blog. Perhaps do a tutorial or a webinar.

These are just a few of the things that made it onto my growing list. After a few sleepless nights making this list, I then realized it was missing something very important. Probably the MOST IMPORTANT!

**Choose an employer who values my commitment to my family as much as my commitment to my job.**

Because the truth is without this, I can do all of the other things extremely well and still be unsuccessful when I re-enter the workforce. Since this item became super important on my list, another more meaningful list emerged describing this dream-employer.

  • Choose an employer who doesn’t care when I clock in and out.
  • Stick with an employer who understands life happens. Sick kids happen. Doctor’s appointments, house and car emergencies, and extracurricular activities all happen too.
  • Work for an employer who values what I bring to the table, and my encourages my professional development.
  • Value an employer who values me as a person. This would be an employer who cares what is happening in my life and wants me to be as successful at home as I am on the job.

At the end of the day, valued and trusted employees are happy. They do great work. And, they tend to stay at their jobs. It doesn’t matter if that work is getting done at 8:00 am or 8:00 pm.

I’m happy to say I have found that employer with Front Porch Marketing.

I’m new to the team, but I can’t express how excited I am about this opportunity to re-enter the workforce.

I want to do great work for myself, my team, and my clients, but Front Porch understands I’m a mom first. And with that, every day comes with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Will it mean some late nights and early mornings? Sure. But moms tend to just figure things out. Woman-owned companies get things done! So, pour me another cup of coffee because I’m ready!

The working world is changing, there’s no doubt about it. Remote work arrangements are on the rise as companies maneuver to keep overhead low, and more and more workers are prioritizing flexibility in their work schedules.  A recent Labor Report indicates that 23% of workers report doing some or all of their work at home, and this trend shows no signs of reversing.

Here on the Porch, we all work remotely. We gather when we need to, have robust dialogue via phone, text and email, and share work product and resources digitally.  The rest … the when, where and how we work … is entirely ours to manage.

For me, it’s ideal. Solitude and silence are welcome commodities. I can largely plan my work around my kids and my commitments. I can work anywhere, at any time. It’s a great combination. But it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, and unfortunately, it’s easy to succumb to the pitfalls.


Office environments come with their own set of distractions, there’s no doubt about it – the ringing phones, the chatty co-worker, the people who pop into your office when you’re at your most productive. But when you work remotely, your entire life can be a distraction – the unwashed laundry, the food that needs prepping for dinner, the television, the phone calls from friends.

It’s ok to let yourself go there on occasion, the ability to multi-task when necessary is one of the perks of working from home. But don’t sabotage yourself. Identify your triggers and make a conscious effort to avoid them. Put the remote control away. Set aside a window to respond to personal texts and emails. Or make deals with yourself – work for a few hours straight and then allow yourself a 20 minute spin on the Peloton or 30 minutes with the Real Housewives.

Designated Work Space

If working remotely is a once in awhile situation, working from the kitchen table or having Kelly Ripa on in the background is fine. But if working from home is the norm, you need a designated work space.

Set up a space to work in and ensure that you can be productive there. A designated room in your home that can act as your office is an ideal situation. Ensure it is well lit and stock it with all that you need to work efficiently. Don’t have an entire room to spare? Then set up a desk in a quiet corner and Container Store the heck out of it. Staying organized and focused is a must.


The good thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. The bad thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. So boundaries are important.

You will be more likely to succeed if you set up a schedule for when you will work and stick to it. This will not only ensure that your work gets done, it will ensure that work doesn’t bleed over into your personal time with your family. Know when to work and when to put it away. It will keep you efficient and it will keep you sane.

Change It Up

Although working remotely can be rewarding, it can also be isolating. If you find yourself feeling disconnected, change things up. Take your laptop to Starbucks. Have lunch with a remote colleague instead of spending an hour on the phone. Connection is a human need – don’t create a life lived in a tunnel.

The ability to work remotely is a wonderful thing. If managed properly, it can give you the perfect combination of efficiency and flexibility. With a dash of Real Housewives.

If you’re anything like me, right about now the reality is hitting you – Summer. Is. Here.

Truth be told, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with summer. In theory, it’s fantastic – fewer commitments, less stress, and opportunities to travel and enjoy my children. In reality, however, its not all fabulous trips and lazy summer days. It can be discombobulating – I don’t know what day it is. My children get on each other’s nerves, and mine. And getting work done is hard (case in point, I’m writing this blog and it’s almost midnight!).

When I start to feel summer stress, I do well to remember to do these few things:

  1. Adjust Your Expectations. Expect that things are going to move slower and take longer. Kids are underfoot! Efficiencies that exist when your children are in school may go out the window in the summertime. Allow for this to keep frustration to a minimum.
  2. Keep A Schedule. As tempting as it is to just go with the flow every day because you can, everyone will do better if you keep to a schedule, even a loose one. A little bit of structure goes a long way.
  3. But Don’t Be Afraid to Throw the Schedule Out the Window. Some of the best memories are made when you deviate from the norm – stay up super late binge watching Netflix with your teenagers, take an impromptu weekend trip out of town, have ice cream for breakfast. Yes. You can. It’s summer.
  4. Use Your Village. Friends, family members, babysitters, drivers. Use them! Lean on them and help each other out. You will need it.
  5. Let Go of the Guilt. You may have to work more than you would like. There may be weeks where you have to put your kids in a camp just because you need a break. It’s ok. Your kids will survive. And oh by the way, they may need a break from you, too.

Enjoy your summer, friends!


It’s been a rockin’ year at Front Porch Marketing and for our blog, Off Our Rocker. Off Our Rocker Blog

Our team shares their musings, wisdom and counsel about branding, marketing, trends, pop culture, being a working mother and motherhood in general here.

We love to blog for clients, our team members, advocates and ourselves and have decided to countdown and share with you the five most-read blog posts for 2016.

We would love for you to look back and read them again or maybe read them for the first time.

So, we will leave you with these.

Happy almost New Year.

No. 5 Blog

Motivation: 5 Ways to Find It When You’ve Hit a Wall, by Ann Marie Bishop

No. 4

Do Your Actions Speak Louder than Likes?, by Darcey Newsum

No. 3

4 Lessons Learned By Losing, by Vanessa Hickman

No. 2

5 Rockin’ Things About Branding & Marketing Businesses, by Julie Porter

No. 1

Being a Working Mom: Five Things That Saved Me This Summer, by Jacqui Chappell

I love my kids. They are the coolest, funniest, most interesting people I know. And I love all the extra time with them that the summer provides.

But this summer almost killed me.

Striking the perfect balance of down time (important for kids), time with friends, physical activity, intellectual stimulation, and family time for them is hard enough … trying to juggle it all while working myself and trying to maintain our household and my own sanity was extremely difficult. Working Moms, you know what I’m talking about.

IMG_0078My kids went back to school last week. And although I’m sad that the summer is over, as I reflect on the past three months, I have to give a shout out to these five things that allowed me to keep my sanity in check:

  1. Other Moms. There is no doubt, Moms need other Moms. I can’t count the number of times I needed logistical help, a place for a child to hang out for a few hours, or someone to have a laugh and a drink with. I’d be lost without my group of Moms.
  2. Summer Camp. Whether it was the month-long camp that my daughter attended (and loved every minute of), or the shorter weekly camps that my sons popped in and out of, we all needed the activity that they provided.
  3. Amazon Prime (and Prime Now). Knee deep in laundry and ran out of detergent? Need required summer reading books? Don’t want to brave the lines at Staples for school supplies? Enter Amazon Prime and Prime Now, where everything is delivered right to your door in a matter of hours. Heaven.
  4. Me Time. Tennis. House of Cards. Bubble baths. Me time. I didn’t get much of it, but when I did, it recharged my batteries and gave me some much needed escapism.
  5. Gratitude. Yes, I felt like I was burning the candle at both ends for three months. But focusing on all that I have to be thankful for helped me keep things in perspective.

I’m lucky. Here on the Porch, we are all in the same boat and our Chief Rocker has built her business into something special that lets us all have our cake and eat it too. I am thankful for that.

So long, summer. Until we meet again.


aphero72514Want to know a little secret? Summer is not, well, pleasant for me.

Don’t get me wrong! I love spending extra time with my children, the vacations, hanging with out of town visitors among other things.

Working parents have several balls in the air during the school year. When summer comes, those spherical objects spin and a multiply. Heck ~ I dream about them.

In addition to keeping my family’s schedule straight, as a small business owner, I am also managing my team’s vacation schedule and filling in the gaps where needed. Even rockers need vacations!

Here are some things for working parents to rely on during the month of August:

  1. Camps – Even if it is one from 1-4 p.m., sign that boy or girl up.
  2. Helpers – Full time babysitters, part time college helpers, couldn’t get through this chaos without them. I have three and only two kids. No joke.
  3. Friends – Ditto. They help with the shuttle to and fro, the additional activities to keep the kiddos entertained and they are your go to for that much needed GNO.
  4. Family members – Make the call. Most often than not, they want to help and spend time with your children without you around.
  5. Your colleagues – Amazing how helpful they can be in a pinch if you just ask.
  6. Exercise – It changes your mood and increases metabolism.
  7. Mindless activity – Read a trashy novel, do the dishes, watch TV ~ I am currently obsessed with The Good Wife and watch an episode every night before I say nigh nigh. Already plowed through these this summer: Homeland, House of Cards, Revenge and Scandal. Started on episode one, season one on all of them.
  8. Positive thinking – Think half full. Always. Being an optimist reduces your stress and is better for your overall health and well being.
  9. Healthy eating – How do you feel after eating fast food? Nuff said.
  10. Sleep – It is non-negotiable. We need seven to nine hours to be productive.
  11. Music – It can have a powerful effect on mind and body far beyond its ability to promote relaxation and stress relief according to Dr. Andrew Weil.
  12. To do list (Mine is a ta da list) – Hit the ground running in the mornings with focus and a list of tasks at hand. Here’s a great article to how to make yours effective.

Only a couple of weeks before school starts. You can do it!