Our 2021 Christmas cards arrived early this year … shocking friends and family and prompting messages like “first card received” “winning” “overachiever” – well-intended messages that gave me a good chuckle. Holiday cards are a highlight of the season for me. The responses of being first, winning and overachieving, prompted thinking about how the concept of winning is engrained in our daily lives. It has become a measurement tool of our success. Whether it’s in athletics, business, or life, we want to win. What does winning mean to you? To your business?
I have two young athletes in my house, they are competitive, they like to get medals, but they also know how to lose. In athletics it is easy to define. You come out on top, or you learn and grow.
Defining what winning means in business.
It is not as clearly defined in business. How do we define winning professionally? Is it getting trophy, certificates, nominations, or promotions? Is it having the highest sales? Beating a competitor? Selling the most widgets? Making it to market first? Or could it be something different?
“Winning is fun … sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you’ve done is the point.”
— Pat Summitt
Being the best version of you.
It’s not about performing better than others, rather it is performing to our highest abilities. You can be great without being first, and you can lose coming out on top. In this framing how do you win? You do this by performing to the best of your abilities.
“Competing at the highest level is not about winning. It’s about preparation, courage, understanding and nurturing your people, and heart. Winning is the result.”
— Joe Torre

Back to the holiday cards, absolutely was not going for the gold by sending a piece of paper to my family and friends, however, being the best professionally and personally in Pat Summitt’s context would be a great ’22 accomplishment.
As we march toward a new year how will you resolve to win and how can we help you?