Tag Archives: time management

The Bigger Picture

Picture this. You have the perfect idea for an event, and you feel that it represents your brand’s vision to a T. Yet, there are so many steps to get from A to Z that you start feeling overwhelmed and as the date of the event looms nearer, you realize how many things you wish you had planned for. If you have ever felt this kind of stress before or are currently experiencing it, this is the blog for you.

When it comes to event marketing, there are multiple moving pieces. At times there are so many pieces that it may seem like there are too many starting points. To help set a starting point for you, let’s focus on the big picture and then hone into the minute details that will lead your brand’s vision to the picture-perfect moment.

The First Focus: Scheduling

Imagine event marketing to be like a photographer setting up the most picturesque scene. To capture the moment perfectly, at times working backwards is best. In this case, thinking about what you want the vision to look like as a whole then mapping out how to get to that end goal. Although this may seem unorthodox, this process will lead you to a track record of success while also allowing you to tweak the planning breakdown to fit your needs.

At Front Porch Marketing, we start with writing everything down, especially anything that is time-sensitive i.e. inviting VIPs, scheduling speakers, printing deadlines, and booking sponsors. This timeline allows you to envision a clear reality and identify immediate “strikethroughs” or ideas that should be nixed.

Next, identify your audience, define your message, and determine the experience you want to provide. Having a clear vision is important, because all of the smaller event details and decisions will flow from it.

The Second Focus: Seamlessness

Once you have the deadlines and your audience in mind, choose a venue, food, music, entertainment, format, and feel that aligns best with your vision. Stay true to the experience you want to provide, and these decisions will flow easily.

When it comes to your deadlines, also keep geography in mind. Although it may seem natural to book an event near your location, for your professional partners, sponsors, or guests this location may be new terrain. As such, ensure the professional partners and sponsors you choose to assist you are on board with your vision. Your caterer, photographer, videographer, etc. should also be well versed in what your plans and expectations are for the event.

The Final Focus: Structure

Now that your event is on the horizon, it is time to hammer out the final details. Here are some of my final tips on how to create that picture-perfect moment for your future events.

  1. Create an overall schedule for the day and share with all of your professional partners and staff.
  2. Double-check with your staff on their roles and make sure that all loose ends are tied.
    • Examples of closing loose ties:
      • Posting check-in times to all communication platforms.
      • Pre-inspecting uniforms.
      • Finalizing catering details with the company of your choosing and making sure no cross-contamination occurred.
      • Securing all entrances and marking them accordingly.
      • Making sure that the exits are not blocked by staff or their respected station.
      • Posting last minute schedule changes to all social media platforms.
  3. Notify staff and members who should be called in case of an emergency or in the event that something needs to be addressed.
  4. Do an event run through the night before to make sure that all equipment is running smoothly. Also do another run through at least two hours prior to the event.
  5. Check that social media has been posted and is shareable throughout the event. (A quick way for guests to get plugged in is to post QR codes throughout the location or on deliverables.)
  6. Center the company’s brand at the forefront of the event from color schemes to logos to swag.
  7.  Brand the sponsored content and products by making sure that they are explicitly seen.
  8. Label Wi-Fi passwords and make them visible.
  9. Double-check that all mandated COVID protocols are being followed. Have disposable masks and sanitation stations readily available to increase accessibility and comfort.
  10. Promise a good time (and deliver)!

In Conclusion

We love planning, executing, and marketing events for our clients! Most recently, it has been our privilege to partner with Faith Family Academy to create a socially distanced graduation ceremony that is expandable for future success. We look forward to executing more events in the future and are proud of the recent 2021 graduates.

2021 Faith Family Academy Graduation

I hope that these tips are helpful and got your creative juices flowing! If you need help planning an event come see us on the Porch!

Where are you on your 2021 goals right now?

Already, we are halfway through January. What has the year looked like for you? Are you following through with your resolutions? Are you on the trajectory to meet the goals you have set for yourself?

Or are you going through the motions? Because it already feels like you don’t have the time to start or already missed your chance.

Creating resolutions or goals at the start of the year may seem frivolous or trivial to some but these ideas can truly kickstart your year on a high note. When it comes to 2021 goals for your company or for yourself as a team member, I want to encourage you to commit to getting things done. By putting your mindset into one that is proactive, realistic and driven I believe that you have the ability to accomplish any goal that you set your heart to.

Now that I’ve got your mind thinking about your goals or potentially lack there of, it’s time to get to business. Grab the nearest paper you have or even open your notes app.

Think of three types of goals you want to set for yourself.

Three Types of Goals: Physical Goal

The first kind of goal is physically oriented. There are numerous ways that this goal could look like to you. It could look like a number on a scale or the number of workout classes you take per week. Or it could look like you getting more rest than you are getting right now and allowing yourself the time to recharge. We could also pivot to nutrition where you may want to be more proactive about what you put into your body rather than what you do with it. Maybe that looks like eating a salad twice a week or skipping desserts until the weekend. Truly, YOU know your body best – what do you want this goal to look like?

Three Types of Goals: Mental Goal

The second kind of goal is mentally oriented. Do you let yourself take a breather when you need it? Or do you push through and jump onto the next thing on your never-ending to-do list? While endurance is admirable, I want to encourage you to also take the time to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. If you take a break after a long day there is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you deserve that breather and I am proud of you for persisting with as much tenacity as you have.

This goal may also look like setting healthy boundaries that you’ve always wanted to set but felt like it just never stuck. I myself, have difficulty with setting boundaries but with practice it has become easier to find pockets of peace in my day. This could look like you sending automated messages through your work email past a certain time. Be more proactive with your work/life balance.

Although silly, something that helped me was writing in my agenda “me time.” This was my way of giving myself the space to do whatever I wanted for one hour. Therefore, not to stress about the other things on my agenda. It allowed me to recharge. Hit the ground running with new ideas and a positive attitude.

On the flip side maybe you are so set in boundaries to the point that your no’s in life highly outweigh the yes’s. Give yourself the mental space to step out of your comfort zone. Therefore, try something new. Start saying yes to things that you wouldn’t normally do and discover a different side of yourself that you may have never explored. In the infamous words of Babe Ruth, “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

Three Types of Goals: Personal Goal

The third kind of goal is personally oriented. Think about something that you want for yourself. Is there a raise that you’ve been wanting for some while? But, haven’t been taking the steps to get it? Are there monthly profits you want to accomplish for your company? Or is there an activity that you always wanted to try out but never did?

No matter what this goal looks like, make sure that it makes YOU happy. Ask that person out that you’ve always wanted to but never have. Try new foods that you’ve been too nervous to try. The world is your oyster. With an entire year ahead of us, time is on your side.

Dig Deep

Goals and resolutions buzzing through your head? I encourage you to write them all down. No matter how frivolous they may seem. Take a moment to dig deep. Then, analyze what you’ve written. Is there a common thread? Something that surprised you?

Whatever it may be, I want you to group them up as best as you can and find those three core goals. With the simple act of just writing these down, “you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals.

How fantastic is that!?!?

Have Your Three?

Now, figure out a game plan. Plan out realistic smaller goals. Reach your overarching goals and resolutions. Create consistency. Is your goal to get a raise? Then, start looking at the historical value that you bring to the company? Should you do more? For instance, meetings you could attend during your free time? And are you taking the steps to reach that goal?

In conclusion, whatever goals you choose to set, remember to make 2021 the year of getting things done.

The working world is changing, there’s no doubt about it. Remote work arrangements are on the rise as companies maneuver to keep overhead low, and more and more workers are prioritizing flexibility in their work schedules.  A recent Labor Report indicates that 23% of workers report doing some or all of their work at home, and this trend shows no signs of reversing.

Here on the Porch, we all work remotely. We gather when we need to, have robust dialogue via phone, text and email, and share work product and resources digitally.  The rest … the when, where and how we work … is entirely ours to manage.

For me, it’s ideal. Solitude and silence are welcome commodities. I can largely plan my work around my kids and my commitments. I can work anywhere, at any time. It’s a great combination. But it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, and unfortunately, it’s easy to succumb to the pitfalls.


Office environments come with their own set of distractions, there’s no doubt about it – the ringing phones, the chatty co-worker, the people who pop into your office when you’re at your most productive. But when you work remotely, your entire life can be a distraction – the unwashed laundry, the food that needs prepping for dinner, the television, the phone calls from friends.

It’s ok to let yourself go there on occasion, the ability to multi-task when necessary is one of the perks of working from home. But don’t sabotage yourself. Identify your triggers and make a conscious effort to avoid them. Put the remote control away. Set aside a window to respond to personal texts and emails. Or make deals with yourself – work for a few hours straight and then allow yourself a 20 minute spin on the Peloton or 30 minutes with the Real Housewives.

Designated Work Space

If working remotely is a once in awhile situation, working from the kitchen table or having Kelly Ripa on in the background is fine. But if working from home is the norm, you need a designated work space.

Set up a space to work in and ensure that you can be productive there. A designated room in your home that can act as your office is an ideal situation. Ensure it is well lit and stock it with all that you need to work efficiently. Don’t have an entire room to spare? Then set up a desk in a quiet corner and Container Store the heck out of it. Staying organized and focused is a must.


The good thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. The bad thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. So boundaries are important.

You will be more likely to succeed if you set up a schedule for when you will work and stick to it. This will not only ensure that your work gets done, it will ensure that work doesn’t bleed over into your personal time with your family. Know when to work and when to put it away. It will keep you efficient and it will keep you sane.

Change It Up

Although working remotely can be rewarding, it can also be isolating. If you find yourself feeling disconnected, change things up. Take your laptop to Starbucks. Have lunch with a remote colleague instead of spending an hour on the phone. Connection is a human need – don’t create a life lived in a tunnel.

The ability to work remotely is a wonderful thing. If managed properly, it can give you the perfect combination of efficiency and flexibility. With a dash of Real Housewives.

It will take you one minute to read this so why not do it right now?


Feeling overwhelmed by the busyness of the season or paralyzed by a long “to do” list? Can’t get started on that big project, or haven’t written your 2017 plan? Can’t find the time to read all of the books, articles, emails, and other information you want to know?

Stop what you are doing to take a minute, or five or ten, to set a small goal and get it done, right now!

There is one surefire way to pull yourself out of frustration and procrastination and it’s to quit thinking and start doing – in very small steps. These brief moments of action will force you to make quick and small progress, triggering a sense of accomplishment, reducing the size of that list in your head and training yourself to get things done throughout the day.  Some examples:

  • Do one or two things that each take just a few minutes to accomplish at your desk at the start of each day, then tackle the big stuff. A few important calls, one brief key conversation, send a thank-you note, read a favorite blogger, schedule a future important meeting.
  • Quit talking about all of that holiday shopping you haven’t done yet, pull out your smartphone and order one gift on your list. A few minutes of this daily and your shopping is done!
  • Instead of trying to find a full day to clean out your garage, kitchen, closet, etc. take less than 30 minutes and tackle one drawer or section. You will create a habit of mini projects and the repeated small progress over time will keep you organized.
  • No time to read that book or newspaper? Subscribe to one of many summary services available.
    • Summaries.com. Eight-page executive summaries from the latest business books.
    • Nextdraft.com. Quick, entertaining look at the day’s best news stories from Dave Pell.
    • Farnamstreetblog.com. Sunday’s Brain Food newsletter for increasing your knowledge.
  • Need a rest or mental break? Set 10 minutes on your smartphone clock for a power nap or to sit quietly to recharge. Or download the Headspace App on your smartphone and start taking 10 minutes anywhere/anytime for a guided meditation that will positively change your brain and your day.
  • Take a few moments and make a list of needs and goals as a start to the process of writing your 2017 plan – for yourself, your family or your business. Start small and you will develop good habits for writing down plans which is the first step to successful execution and achieving amazing goals. Even better, take a minute and call us because we have the folks on board that can help you write and rock your plan!

And now that you have taken a minute to read this, set a small goal! Stop what you are doing to order that gift, write a thank-you note, sign-up for a summary service, clean out that one desk drawer, or pick up the phone and make that one important phone call.

So set a small goal and get started. It takes just a minute.

Tips for remaining zen during the holidaysWe look forward to the holidays all year long. They are a wonderful time for festive gatherings, re-visiting family memories and traditions, and creating new ones. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukkah or Kwanzaa, the virtues of each of these holidays are celebrated for weeks and months in advance.

However, preparations for these celebrations can really zap our time. On any given day, the challenges presented by Father Time during the holidays can be intense. A Hollywood producer might love to document the chaos of a holiday reality show — imagine Gordon Ramsay trying to handle the heat in the kitchen while simultaneously shopping, decorating, wrapping, delivering and entertaining!

And beware! Just when you think you’ve wrangled things into manageable chaos, factor in a last minute curveball, because Someone. Will. Get. Sick.

It’s tempting to throw in the towel and let yourself get voted off the island and retreat. But with a little patience, pluck and determination, you can survive the holiday jungle and actually enjoy your holidays!

Here are a few of our tips on how to get through the season in one piece and beat Father Time at his own game:

  • Drink calming tea – it’s vital for survival.
  • Pay attention to behaviors. Delegate the right tasks to the right people. And, by all means, bring in “special teams” when necessary.
  • These days are long, people! Avoid the jitters and get an extra boost of sustainable energy with a Radiant Red Glow (with jalapeno) from The GEM.
  • Survivors will be welcomed back into civilization and rewarded with the rejuvenation gleaned from a good night’s sleep. On The Porch, we love the comfort and feel of crisp percale Egyptian cotton sheets. Lyric by Peacock Alley are our faves.

So enjoy the chaos and the glamour of the holidays, but remember, when it all comes down to it – there is a reason for the season. Take a deep breath, grab a mug and position your children under each arm, because “It’s a Wonderful Life” is truly what we have.