Tag Archives: thankful

Finding joy is the overarching theme at my daughter’s school.

It is perfect as children are good at finding joy in the simplest of things. It is also a reminder to find joy throughout the day. Yet, in the busyness of our professional lives, practicing gratitude often takes a backseat. As enter the Thanksgiving season, what if we took the time to find joy in the most miniscule of things each day?

Practicing gratefulness is particularly important for business leaders in challenging times.  Research shows that an attitude of gratitude can mean fewer sick days and higher job satisfaction rates. It is easy to appreciate that both of those things help the bottom line.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

~Vincent Van Gogh

Start by finding the positives.

Was that presentation you’ve worked on for a month canceled at the last minute? Great! Now you have time to connect with a coworker or to make the call you have been putting off.  Was a meeting called unexpectedly?  No problem.  Now you can grab that extra cup of coffee while you listen to a presentation.  

Uplift yourself. Each day give thanks for one very small thing or accomplishment. Start daily and increase from there, consistently giving thanks for things that may seem miniscule.

Show simple appreciation.  We all like to know our time is valued. Give thanks to your team for simple things. This can include changing the copy paper or hopping on a call at the last-minute.  Pay attention.  Check in with your team often to let them know you care. Celebrate any and all successes, no matter how small. If they are out of sorts one day, drop them a quick note to let them know you appreciate their work.  Circle back often.

Soon, you’ll notice the culture of your business is more positive.

Why wait for Thanksgiving? What is one small thing you can find joy in today? 

Every year at this time, I sit down to write a blog that adequately expresses the gratitude I have in my heart. And the truth of the matter is, I struggle to find words weighty enough.

Friends, I am beyond thankful.

I am thankful that …

  • my dream of forming a company to do work that I love, every day, has become a reality.
  • my team of amazing professionals are not just co-workers; but also parents, warriors and above all else, friends.
  • I work for and alongside amazing client partners who value what we do, follow our lead and in turn, inspire us to grow and evolve.
  • the structure of my professional life allows me to be present for the important moments in my personal life. And I am proud that my entire team is able to do the same.
  • I have a loving husband who values and appreciates me.
  • I have strong, healthy, independent, amazing children whose successes bring me more joy than I thought imaginable. Don’t even get me started on this one. I am so grateful.
  • my entire family, but most specifically my parents, whose unending support and involvement in my life means everything.

I am thankful, friends. Beyond thankful.

Thank you, all of you, for making my personal and professional life rich and meaningful. My heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

thanks8How is Thanksgiving and the holiday season already upon us?

It’s hard not to go full speed from now until the end of the year trying to get it all done – holiday shopping, end of the year goals and quotas at work, holiday festivities, family commitments … the list goes on and on. As much as we might have going on during this hectic holiday season, Thanksgiving is a good time to stop, take a breath and reflect on the experiences and things in our lives that have brought us to this point and most importantly, to be grateful.

Oftentimes things seem harder than they are. Being grateful can help put things into perspective. Being thankful and expressing gratitude will improve your life.

Take the time to be thankful each and every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

It will make you appreciate the good things in your life and allow you to enjoy them to the fullest.

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for our team, families, friends, partners and clients who have appreciated us, pushed us to perform to new heights and have stuck with us. You are a gift to us. We are thankful and grateful for each and every one of you!

We wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings!