Tag Archives: teams

Finding joy is the overarching theme at my daughter’s school.

It is perfect as children are good at finding joy in the simplest of things. It is also a reminder to find joy throughout the day. Yet, in the busyness of our professional lives, practicing gratitude often takes a backseat. As enter the Thanksgiving season, what if we took the time to find joy in the most miniscule of things each day?

Practicing gratefulness is particularly important for business leaders in challenging times.  Research shows that an attitude of gratitude can mean fewer sick days and higher job satisfaction rates. It is easy to appreciate that both of those things help the bottom line.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

~Vincent Van Gogh

Start by finding the positives.

Was that presentation you’ve worked on for a month canceled at the last minute? Great! Now you have time to connect with a coworker or to make the call you have been putting off.  Was a meeting called unexpectedly?  No problem.  Now you can grab that extra cup of coffee while you listen to a presentation.  

Uplift yourself. Each day give thanks for one very small thing or accomplishment. Start daily and increase from there, consistently giving thanks for things that may seem miniscule.

Show simple appreciation.  We all like to know our time is valued. Give thanks to your team for simple things. This can include changing the copy paper or hopping on a call at the last-minute.  Pay attention.  Check in with your team often to let them know you care. Celebrate any and all successes, no matter how small. If they are out of sorts one day, drop them a quick note to let them know you appreciate their work.  Circle back often.

Soon, you’ll notice the culture of your business is more positive.

Why wait for Thanksgiving? What is one small thing you can find joy in today? 

Teamwork is essential in so many aspects of our lives today. How many team hats are you wearing right now?

My kids’ closet shelves are scattered with different hats, jerseys and socks, for instance. I love all our different teams, whether its academic, spiritual, work, sport. We even call our family a team.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Big agency life perk is the opportunity to join brands and marketing teams spanning different sizes, categories and geography. Joining new teams to reach goals is one of our favorite things. We are energized and inspired regularly by the talented, dedicated teams we partner with to achieve defined objectives.

Did you know that our Chief Rocker blares Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney every day in her car during football season? The lyrics resonate with her for many reasons and because of the quotes by some of the greats at the end. Above all, her favorite quote is from Joe Namath: Life is a team game. It is the big game.

Effective teamwork is simultaneously simple and challenging.

We’ve rounded up nine factors that we link to team success. The folks that live and nurture these factors seem to achieve their targets effectively and consistently.

Nine factors of successful teams:

  1. Clear and Defined Goals
  2. Clear and Assigned Roles
  3. Be and Stayed Organized
  4. Respectful Interactions
  5. Constantly Communicate
  6. Equal Contributions
  7. Support Each Other
  8. Produce Quality Outputs
  9. Have FUN!

My family invests a lot of time in sports, we are a football, basketball, soccer and baseball loving crew. Therefore, team sports organically have all these components – how convenient for parenting two preteen boys! Do your teams hit all the notes?

Teamwork rocks!

We are giving thanks for so much. We on the Porch are feeling very grateful. We have the best clients, amazing business partners, wonderful colleagues and the most rewarding professional work imaginable. AND, we get to do what we love Every. Single. Day. It rocks!

Our Team is grateful for all of you. And more!Print

Some beautiful words from the Rockin’ Roller: “I am thankful for our freedom. As I am ready to head to my childhood home to spend Thanksgiving with my family – my husband and daughter, my parents and my sister-in-law, niece and nephews – my brother will not be there because he is currently, voluntarily deployed to Kuwait where he is an Army Blackhawk pilot. I am thankful that there are people in this world like him who selflessly serve and risk their life so that we can enjoy freedom in this country. And I am thankful for amazing people like my sister-in-law who give everything to keep life as normal as possible for their three kids while he is away. And I am thankful for all of the veterans – including my dad and grandfather.”

The Rocketeer says, “This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my education, my family and my health. If I have learned anything from this year, it is that life is way too short and can be taken from us at any moment. I’m so thankful for the people I surround myself with every day.”

The Rock is thankful for, “Family, friends, a flexible job and, most of all, living in a country where we are free to celebrate the things we are thankful for.”

We celebrate our Rock Artist when she says, “I am thankful for my health. I just had my five-year checkup with my oncologist and I am an official five-year breast cancer survivor! Health is definitely something I did not used to take for granted, but I’m grateful every second of every day now. I am also thankful for our daughter – for my husband and me, being parents is the biggest joy in the world. Watching our six year old learn how to read, make friends and teach us (adults) how to see life from a new perspective is just amazing.”

Our Rock It Launcher has a list of thanks:
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Community
  • Opportunity
  • Charity
  • Kindness
  • Dallas CASA
  • Teachers and coaches
  • and last, but not least, comedians and laughter!

Our Chief Rocker weighs in: “I am so grateful for our team, family, clients, advocates, U.S.A. and Thanksgiving! This holiday rocks. My children continue to amaze me. Coming off Grandparents Day for my freshman and a blessed day with our lil. A highlight from last week was when our intern didn’t know who Snoop Doggy Dog was. I am forever grateful for always learning and gaining a new perspective. I am humbled to work with such great people in a country that allows me the opportunity to run my own business. I am very grateful that I can do this without sacrificing time with my family.”

The Future Rocket says, “I am thankful for opportunities I have. The opportunity for me to be positive and happy. The opportunity to go to class everyday and learn something new. The opportunity that I have to make healthy choices and be active every day. The opportunity to look at events as a chance to better myself, rather than something that will take up my time. Looking at everyday events as a chance to become a better person rather than looking at things as a chore, because so many people would love the chance to go to class early in the morning or go to the gym, but don’t have the opportunity to do so.”

Our Back Porch Rocker wraps it up by saying: “I am thankful for the insight, clarity and perspective that this year has given me. Sometimes, when things fall away, you are given the gift of rebuilding better and stronger than before.”

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. From our Porch to yours!