Tag Archives: stress management

The Bigger Picture

Picture this. You have the perfect idea for an event, and you feel that it represents your brand’s vision to a T. Yet, there are so many steps to get from A to Z that you start feeling overwhelmed and as the date of the event looms nearer, you realize how many things you wish you had planned for. If you have ever felt this kind of stress before or are currently experiencing it, this is the blog for you.

When it comes to event marketing, there are multiple moving pieces. At times there are so many pieces that it may seem like there are too many starting points. To help set a starting point for you, let’s focus on the big picture and then hone into the minute details that will lead your brand’s vision to the picture-perfect moment.

The First Focus: Scheduling

Imagine event marketing to be like a photographer setting up the most picturesque scene. To capture the moment perfectly, at times working backwards is best. In this case, thinking about what you want the vision to look like as a whole then mapping out how to get to that end goal. Although this may seem unorthodox, this process will lead you to a track record of success while also allowing you to tweak the planning breakdown to fit your needs.

At Front Porch Marketing, we start with writing everything down, especially anything that is time-sensitive i.e. inviting VIPs, scheduling speakers, printing deadlines, and booking sponsors. This timeline allows you to envision a clear reality and identify immediate “strikethroughs” or ideas that should be nixed.

Next, identify your audience, define your message, and determine the experience you want to provide. Having a clear vision is important, because all of the smaller event details and decisions will flow from it.

The Second Focus: Seamlessness

Once you have the deadlines and your audience in mind, choose a venue, food, music, entertainment, format, and feel that aligns best with your vision. Stay true to the experience you want to provide, and these decisions will flow easily.

When it comes to your deadlines, also keep geography in mind. Although it may seem natural to book an event near your location, for your professional partners, sponsors, or guests this location may be new terrain. As such, ensure the professional partners and sponsors you choose to assist you are on board with your vision. Your caterer, photographer, videographer, etc. should also be well versed in what your plans and expectations are for the event.

The Final Focus: Structure

Now that your event is on the horizon, it is time to hammer out the final details. Here are some of my final tips on how to create that picture-perfect moment for your future events.

  1. Create an overall schedule for the day and share with all of your professional partners and staff.
  2. Double-check with your staff on their roles and make sure that all loose ends are tied.
    • Examples of closing loose ties:
      • Posting check-in times to all communication platforms.
      • Pre-inspecting uniforms.
      • Finalizing catering details with the company of your choosing and making sure no cross-contamination occurred.
      • Securing all entrances and marking them accordingly.
      • Making sure that the exits are not blocked by staff or their respected station.
      • Posting last minute schedule changes to all social media platforms.
  3. Notify staff and members who should be called in case of an emergency or in the event that something needs to be addressed.
  4. Do an event run through the night before to make sure that all equipment is running smoothly. Also do another run through at least two hours prior to the event.
  5. Check that social media has been posted and is shareable throughout the event. (A quick way for guests to get plugged in is to post QR codes throughout the location or on deliverables.)
  6. Center the company’s brand at the forefront of the event from color schemes to logos to swag.
  7.  Brand the sponsored content and products by making sure that they are explicitly seen.
  8. Label Wi-Fi passwords and make them visible.
  9. Double-check that all mandated COVID protocols are being followed. Have disposable masks and sanitation stations readily available to increase accessibility and comfort.
  10. Promise a good time (and deliver)!

In Conclusion

We love planning, executing, and marketing events for our clients! Most recently, it has been our privilege to partner with Faith Family Academy to create a socially distanced graduation ceremony that is expandable for future success. We look forward to executing more events in the future and are proud of the recent 2021 graduates.

2021 Faith Family Academy Graduation

I hope that these tips are helpful and got your creative juices flowing! If you need help planning an event come see us on the Porch!

Bad habits are time-sucking, energy-wasting, and detrimental to our wellbeing. So why does seemingly everyone have them, and is there a way out? We develop bad habits mostly due to stress and boredom. These bad habits actually address certain needs in our lives! While cutting them out cold turkey may seem like the best solution, the better alternative is actually to replace our bad habits with good ones. By doing so, we replace our bad habits with a healthier behavior that addresses that same need. Here’s Front Porch’s advice for overcoming bad habits:

Set a deadline

Setting deadlines forces yourself to act. Whether this means forcing yourself to move and undertake the burden of rent or not stopping until a task is done, put yourself in a situation where you physically have to get your rear in gear!

Knowledge is power!

Read about what you want to be/do. It will build confidence and help you in a professional setting, and any setting for that matter.

Eat well and exercise

The power of a good morning routine can easily be overlooked. I have found that waking up early and exercising jumpstarts my day, as well as automatically removing any stress I was carrying.

Find a substitute habit!

As mentioned earlier, we develop bad habits to deal with stress, such as nail biting, foot tapping, and jaw clenching. Finding a substitute habit will help overcome bad habits. An example of a substitute habit can be taking a walk when you find yourself tapping your foot. Also, squeezing a stress ball when you start clenching your jaw.

Find a buddy!

Joining forces with someone who shares a common goal can be very powerful, and this way you both hold each other accountable. You are in it together!

Cut out triggers

While this may seem self-explanatory, actually stick with it! Throw away sweets, hide TV remote, delete apps temporarily- do what needs to be done to ensure you rid yourself of the bad habit.


Bad habits are normal, so don’t beat yourself up! If you are able to recognize they are bad, you’re one step closer to replacing them. Thank you for reading, and we hope you are able to overcome at least one bad habit with Front Porch!

Did you know that anxiety is normal? It actually can be a good thing because it means you are paying attention. Whether we internalize or externalize it, everyone deals with it differently. Most people actually experience it from an early age. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, almost 18% of American adults have an anxiety disorder. That is practically 40 million people! The key to managing your anxiety is first acknowledging it. We have provided a guide to help during these stressful times.

Identify Your Triggers

Anxiety triggers will be different for everyone. Caffeine, alcohol, driving/traveling, genetics, and a stressful work environment are common triggers. Once identified, you should try to limit your exposure. Being hyperaware can help you avoid certain situations. If you can’t limit exposure, you may try consulting a therapist to help with changing negative thought patterns using CBT, or even just talking to a professional regularly.

Put Things Into Perspective

Often times our minds spiral and blow things out of proportion. If you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, measure the situation. Imagine a scale with one side being the more reasonable outcome, and the other the out-of-control option your brain has formulated. Chances are, whatever you are worrying about is much closer on the spectrum to the reasonable outcome. This should help you steer yourself back onto the path of positive thinking.

Drink Lots of Water

Hopefully you do this already, but dehydration can spur panic attacks. Be sure to hydrate to avoid those pitfalls and manage your anxiety effectively.

Exercise Daily

Anxiety oftentimes spikes while we are inactive. Getting even 30 minutes of exercise a day will help relieve tension and release endorphins.

Establish A Sleep Schedule

Sleep studies have shown the average adults needs 7-9 hours a night. It is also best to be asleep anytime between 8 and 12. When we are rested we are our best selves! Setting a routine can help manage your stress better. A sleep schedule is one more thing you can control, which can lessen anxiety.

Key Takeaway

We are lucky to live in a time where anxiety is normalized now more than ever. Above all, you need to do what is best for you, whether that be simple DIY tricks, counseling, or medication. We want to help in any way we can, and hope we have provided a helpful guide for managing your anxiety!