Tag Archives: spring cleaning

Need to apply some spring cleaning to your marketing and PR? As the Marketing/PR saying goes, Sweet April Ideas Bring May Results! The positive power of spring cleaning can be applied to a company’s PR and marketing strategy. And now’s the time to do it!

Five Ways to Spring Clean Your PR:

Outer Order Contributes to Inner Calm

Take a hard look at documents and correspondence that have not moved from your desktop and/or email box for months. If the strategies and ideas no longer apply to your clients’ overall objectives, then hit the delete button. A clean slate will give you a renewed focus and attitude towards your clients’ success.

Happiness is a Spring Cleaned Marketing and PR Plan

Spring is the perfect time for marketing — messaging should be thematic of revitalization. Revisit the marketing and PR plan that was developed at the beginning of the year and assess your progress. Ask yourself the question: where are we now and what fresh practices can we use to achieve results? This simple check-in is a great first step to shining new light on your communications program and spring cleaning your messaging.

Put a New Spring in Your Marketing/PR Step

Now that your marketing and PR plans have been spring cleaned, and your inbox is updated and clutter free, there’s room to add new items to your wheelhouse. First, embrace the changes and explore different strategies, such as updating target media, or identifying new thought leadership speaking opportunities. These tune-ups could be just the thing you need to take your clients’ business to the next level!

There is a Season Turn, Turn, Turn!

As the classic Byrd’s song says, there is a season turn, turn, turn, a time to build up, a time to break down. To begin with, Spring is a time for renewal, use this period to build enthusiasm for your clients’ offerings/services. So Spring cleaning your PR can mean teasing new trends that are applicable for the warmer weather. Introduce spring-inspired products that are available for a limited time. Bring back seasonal bestsellers.

This Collateral Won’t Spring Clean Itself!

Spring is abloom with life — after months of winter, people are ready to immerse themselves in the warmer weather. Use this to your advantage and imbue your website with colorful palettes, as you spring clean that website. Inspire optimism by using florals to spell out words. Capitalize on content that talks about being active and enjoying the great weather.

Get Started on Spring Cleaning Routines for Your PR

When you take the time to spring clean your PR practice this quarter, you’ll reinvigorate your clients’ messaging. And sooner than later, the work you’ve put in to refocus your messaging will pay off.

Spring Has Officially Sprung — So Let’s Organize Your Workspace?

This year, I’ve added “organizing your workspace” to my spring-cleaning to-do list! If you’re anything like me, you associate spring with spring cleaning. It’s time to dust off the cobwebs of those ceiling fan blades you rarely touch, clean out the closets and tackle the flowerbeds. I love strolling the aisles at my local greenhouse to pick out the flowers I’m inevitably going to see wither away in the triple-degree Texas heat. And, it’s time to get my workspace into tip-top shape.

Clean Your Workspace, Clear Your Mind.

Whether you’re working remotely or in an office, it’s the perfect time to sort through the piles of papers that have accumulated on your desk, clean out those old emails and establish that new online folder organization system you have been daydreaming about.

Now, I realize that not everyone receives the same amount of joy that I do from filling a large trash bag full of unnecessary papers or an inbox with only a handful of emails. Some of you may argue that there isn’t enough time in the day. While others might cite there is evidence that a messy desk is a sign of genius. Say hello to my husband’s top excuse. Ha!

Organizing Your Workspace Has Multiple Benefits

No matter what camp you fall into, it’s hard to argue that there aren’t benefits of a well-organized space.

  1. Increased Productivity. How many times a day do you find yourself searching for a piece of paper, email or document? We’ve all been there, but when you have a clean and organized space, you’ll inevitably spend less time searching and more time doing.
  2. Reduced Stress Levels. Meeting in five minutes. Can’t locate the document you’ve been tirelessly working on. Enough said!
  3. Boost Creativity. When you’re organized, you’re typically not working under the gun of a million deadlines. When you’re calm and in control, your creativity will flourish.

You might now be asking the question: How Do I Tackle My Unorganized Workspace?

  • Start small. First you need to remember,your mess wasn’t made in a day. It might take a little time to organize your workspace into the space you want. Pick the time of day you’re most productive and set a timer for 15 minutes. Grab the stack of papers and go.
  • Tools and Resources. Hit the office supply store or your supply cabinet at the office. Grab the file folders and organizers and start labeling and sorting. You should now be able to see the top of your desk.
  • Online Organization. Your inbox really only needs to house emails that require your response. Everything else should have a home. Create folders in your inbox by client or project and file them accordingly. The same goes for documents. Take it a step further and establish a naming convention for your documents to make things even easier.

How to Maintain Your Organized Workspace

Once you’re done organizing your workspace, it’s just as important to maintain it. You don’t want to turn around a month later and be back at square one. Set aside 15 minutes at the end of each workday to tidy up your space. Throw away the papers and go through your emails and documents.

Soon, you’ll find a tidy workspace is second nature and the habits you created will be easy to maintain. Happy spring cleaning!

Are you ready to spring clean your brand for 2022?

Spring is in the air! As much as we need to enjoy this time and “smell the roses” it’s time to go through your media channels and update them. Use the idea of spring cleaning on your brand and your company’s media assets to help you stay relevant with what’s going on in terms of design, copy, content, PR and media to be competitive in today’s marketplace. Maybe its time for a marketing audit?

Could your logo use updating?

Let’s first start with your logo. Is it still relevant? Does it convey what your company stands for and the products/services you provide? Maybe it doesn’t necessarily need to change, it just might need an update. Use these questions as more of a checklist, and think about your logo against the backdrop of your company’s competitors’ logos. Sometimes business have had the same logo for decades and it works, but sometimes it does not. What these companies often do is simplify their logo, and clean up the look of it to make it feel more modern.

Is your social media talking to the right people in the right way?

Try a spring cleaning social audit:

It’s time to get your hands dirty and do some data analysis – spring clean your social media. Take a look at the insights/analytics offered on each of your social media platforms to find out better times to post. See what content you have posted in the past that got the most likes and comments, and then do more of that. Long-term, you can record your followers and likes in an excel sheet or Google sheet, to track changes from month to month. Or you can subscribe to a scheduling app like Buffer or Hootsuite to post your social media. Those types of platforms have great analytics to track your engagement over time.

Then do a competitive analysis:

Hello Neighbor! Your social media be doing well and be on track, but it’s important that you see what your competitors are up to as well. Pablo Picasso once said “good artists copy, great artist steal.” Now don’t take this advice literally, but don’t be afraid to adopt similar strategies that other companies in your industry are doing. It’s a great place to start. Work smarter not harder. Start with something that works in your industry, make it your own, and then improve on it.

Brush the cobwebs off your website.

Your website is your company’s home. This is probably the most important place to focus your spring cleaning because this where you want your clients to go – again and again. Since this is your brand’s home, how good is your homepage? Make sure you have quality imagery, an engaging font, and text that flows well when read.

It’s important to consider not only how your website looks, but also how it works. Is it easy to navigate your website? Does your website answer the questions that people would ask about your product or service? You might also consider adding Google Analytics code to your website so that you can study your site visits. Where do visitors come from? What pages do they read? How long are they staying on your site? This information can help you continue to build a better and better website over time.


It’s important to stay up to date with your brand’s image online and this spring is the perfect time to do it. Get your spring cleaning done sooner than later, and welcome your customers and fans into your remodeled “house” the rest of the year!