Tag Archives: social media

“One of the greatest rock songs ever written is ‘Stairway to Heaven’ [by Led Zeppelin]. ‘Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.’ So, whatever’s wrong, whatever’s not working out, whatever you’re not happy with – in yourself or a situation – take the initiative and fix it.” – Shaun Breidbart, comedian and executive director, The Ivy League of Comedy

As you choreograph your brand’s 2019 marketing plans, press pause if the same old song and dance is on repeat – particularly in the following four areas. A remix (and the addition of instrumental help) may be your brand’s ticket to achieving rock star status.

1. “Let it Go.” Turn Over Control of Social Media.

Time is money. Social media marketing isn’t just about increasing sales. It is storytelling. It is about consistent connection with your target audience. For social media to truly boost your brand, dedicated time to engage with your audience regularly – in real time – is crucial. You can’t press pause for vacations, trade shows or weekends.

Mistakes are costly. Social media management is customer service. In the absence of a solid social media strategy – and someone experienced to execute it – mistakes are likely. Poor customer service leads consumers to give brands the freeze-out.

The person/company managing your brand’s social media is its agent, tour manager and promoter all rolled into one. Outsourcing those managerial duties gains you an experienced professional who knows the ins and outs of social media.  This frees you up to focus on other areas of your performance.

  1. What are You Waiting For? Take the marketing plan off the back burner.

Leaders must understand the importance of brand marketing. As we’ve said before, we love partnering with business leaders on single release initiatives. But to avoid being a one-hit wonder, a brand needs a solid marketing plan to complement their strategic plan.

If the creation or implementation of a marketing plan is left “Standing Outside the Fire” you will have no plan. If you have no plan, you will have no direction. Without direction you won’t have consistency – leaving your brand running “Against the Wind” to build consumer trust.

  1. Breakaway.” Transform garage band marketing to unique, memorable content.

Having a website is great, but customers believe “What You Get Is What You See.” Are you getting the veto vote because your marketing is lacking? How do you look when going up against competition? Are potential clients trying unsuccessfully to validate you?

Bands wanting to become famous must promote themselves to make the right connections to boost their profile. Likewise, your marketing must make meaningful connections to your brand. You can bang those drums “All Night Long” but that alone won’t help you advance. You must have someone in your corner to successfully influence the interest of others.

  1. “Shake It Off.” Say Goodbye to Gmail.

Excellent email communication is now a required piece of good customer service. Here are 3 reasons you should say goodbye to Gmail:

  • Your email address and content represent ‘how you look’ in the online world. Having a business email address with your company’s domain name is judged as professional. Business emails sent through Gmail raise doubts about your credibility.
  • An email account contains confidential business information. Using Gmail does not afford you the luxury of controlling whether employees utilize that information appropriately.
  • Gmail does not allow you to integrate your brand’s logo and colors to your email messages to make them more consistent and memorable. This renders it ineffective as a marketing tool.

You are “The Leader of the Band.” No one knows your brand better than you. It is ultimately up to you to determine your vision and whether your current track is helping that vision materialize. We are here to help you rock!

Over the weekend, a friend sent me some screenshots from the Instagram account of an event we are both familiar with. “HAVE YOU SEEN THESE???” she said. The series of posts featured a scantily clad woman and her friends promoting the event. Slightly confounded by the choice, I took a quick visit to her Instagram page. She had a gaggle of followers, but no real connection to the audience or the event itself, and unfortunately, it didn’t play well.

The idea of using a social media influencer was not a bad one. Influencer marketing is on the rise – Google alone saw a 325% increase in “influencer marketing” searches last year. It’s based on the practice of using influencers in your niche to create and distribute relevant content and share it in an authentic way. It can be a fantastic way to find and reach your people.

However, influencer marketing is a wasted exercise (and investment!) if you aren’t using the right influencers. And while it’s tempting to use metrics like number of followers as a measure of influence, it’s important to take a closer, more comprehensive look at a potential ambassador before you ask them to promote your brand.


How relevant is the influencer to what you do? How aligned is their content with your messaging? The best partnerships are natural fits – their audience must believe that the endorsement is genuine and your audience must be able to relate to them.


Is the influencer engaging with their followers in a meaningful way? Or are their pages just a collection of selfies? If people aren’t commenting and interacting with the person, keep looking. Your audience will get bored with someone who is just skin deep.


Reach is certainly a valid consideration, so take a look at traffic and followers. But ask yourself who they are reaching. Is it your target audience? Reach is irrelevant if the influencer isn’t reaching the right people.


Influencers must be viewed as authentic and genuine. Is this person partnered with too many sponsors? If so, they will not appear trustworthy.

When chosen thoughtfully, an Influencer partnership is one of the best ways to build your brand online and raise awareness among your target audience. Need some help choosing the right influencer? We can help!




To be influential, one must hold the power to determine, guide and/or impact the decisions and perceptions of others. When applied to marketing, the goal is advocacy. “Influencer marketing is getting others to share your story, generate interest and make your case.” ~ Ardath Albee

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy focused on capitalizing on the power of people (influencers or brand ambassadors) to advocate for your brand.influencer marketing

“Never mistake the power of influence.” ~ Jim Rohn

By utilizing influencer marketing, your benefits are solid. You gain access to a pre-established, receptive audience which already has a built-in level of trust with the brand ambassador. This helps build credibility. You also get additional help creating content. This content meets your target’s needs. Know your content and message are getting out in the right way, to the right people at the right time.

Is influencer marketing right for you? That depends on what you’re trying to influence (see what we did there, friends?). Know your business and marketing goals, audience, strategies, tactics and measurement. These help determine if influencer marketing is worth the considerable amount of time it can take.

Mapping out an influencer marketing strategy up front can help you minimize the time it will cost you and maximize your results.

Four Keys to a Successful Influencer Marketing Plan

  1. Know Your Audience. Make sure you are spreading your message to the (targeted) audience you need to see it, and in the places they are most likely to see it.
  2. Know Your Goals. Make sure you have set, measurable objectives. Otherwise, it will be impossible to measure your success.
  3. Know Your Ambassadors. The most powerful tool influencers bring to the table is the foundation of trust their audience has in them. This allows the influencer to authentically advocate your brand to your target. It is critical we don’t confuse influence with popularity. TIME does not grant their annual 25 Most Influential People on the Internet influential status based upon the number of followers they have on social media. Instead, they “evaluated contenders by looking at their global impact on social media and their overall ability to drive news.”
  4. Know Your Space. Influencer marketing is not limited to social media platforms. The places where the people in your audience are hanging online (if they aren’t on your site) are key to know as those places are influencers. Depending on your audience, you may have better results through specific bloggers’ websites over Instagram (or vice versa).

YOU are your brand’s biggest ambassador. However, when done successfully, having others advocate for you is powerful. Influencer marketing can help you in cultivating the growth you want for your brand.

The power of social media platforms has skyrocketed.  Social media is now an essential part of building a professional career, a way to stay on top of the latest trends, and connect with companies.

The power of social media platforms has skyrocketed.

Here are three popular social media platforms that can build your career.


LinkedIn is considered to be the top online source for accessing job recruiters and managing a professional social media reputation. Most professionals use the network to keep in touch with their current network.

But, you can also use LinkedIn to connect with who you want to know. Look up what LinkedIn groups they are part of and request to join those groups. Raise your visibility by contributing to group discussions.


Twitter is the online capital of instant and direct communication. It’s a great platform to promote your professional brand expertise.

Follow industry influencers on Twitter.  Observe the topics and trends they are talking about. This can serve as a jumping off point for online and, potentially, in-person connection.


Instagram is one of the best platforms to show off your digital savvy. With visually pleasing content, you can display who you are personally and professionally.

Spend time looking through a company’s Instagram account. Note how they are engaging with audiences on the platform. This can create unique ideas for how you can find opportunities and openings.

Keep in mind that building your career through social media is an art, not a science. Pick and choose platforms that your audience connects with best.

How brand ambassadors are re-defining influencer marketing.

In today’s market, college students hold a considerable (and growing) amount of purchasing power. How does a brand target these highly-coveted consumers? Create brand ambassadors.

What is a Brand Ambassador?

Brand ambassadors are a component of influencer marketing.  Typically, they are employed to promote a company’s products and brand personality in their communities. Whether this is in-person or through social media, these ambassadors are generating valuable word-of-mouth impressions. Per research published on Invesp, word-of-mouth impressions create 500 percent more sales than paid media impressions. Nearly 90 percent of consumers report that they are more likely to give their hard-earned cash to a brand recommended by a friend.

Ambassadors are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially on social media platforms, such as Instagram.  Typically, an ambassador will post a photo featuring a product sent to them by a company. Ambassadors often explain the product and brand in the photo’s caption. They also include a special discount code for their followers to apply to online purchases.

College students - a brand's secret weapon?

Photo by Jens Johnsson on Unsplash

Brands on Campus: Why They Work

Influencer marketing is also common on college campuses.  I have seen ambassadors for companies such as Red Bull, Kind Bar and Bumble at UT Austin. They understand the immense purchasing power of students, especially due to mobile purchasing, and want to reach them in as many ways as possible. Brand reps often give away swag, free products, and sponsor campus events.

Millennials are interested in building their online presence through social media.  They are willing to feature exciting products for companies with little in return. Though ambassadors are not paid, there are many perks to their ‘job’. These include free products, access to brand-sponsored events and networking opportunities throughout the industry.

The True Value of Ambassadors

Brand ambassadors have proven valuable to the companies they represent as well. They increase a company’s social presence by constant content generation. They also provide consumer feedback, personally and from their peers. Companies value this insight from their most-coveted target market.

When I return to school in the fall, I expect to see many brand ambassadors on campus. Some of my favorite past examples include when Kind Bar gave students free breakfast bars during finals week. Express ambassadors, or students part of ‘Express U’, set up tables on campus to showcase the clothing company’s newest products.

I can’t wait to see how brands show up on campus this school year!

Now more than ever, the process of choosing a college is rooted in digital marketing. As a prospective student, I was blasted with recruitment emails, targeted Instagram posts, and even Pandora radio ads. The sheer amount of content was overwhelming.  I was nowhere near a final decision on which school would be right for me.

A Critical Flaw

“The school will just feel right.”  I heard this phrase over and over again throughout my college search. Frankly, I thought only parents believed this outdated saying. Digital marketing made my decision process more dynamic than theirs – right?

Today, I recognize a critical flaw in the reliance on social media and online content in one’s college decision process. Social media does an exceptional job of showing us the good: what people want us to see. However, it is impossible to get a holistic view, or “feel” of anything solely through the screen of a device.

Austin City Limits

I attended an event at the University of Texas at Austin called “Best of Texas” during my senior year of high school.  Essentially, this was a massive marketing stunt – a weekend intended to persuade prospective students to accept their admission offers to UT. The Moody College of Communication held a luncheon in one of their buildings on campus. Here, the dean explained that we were eating in what was once the Austin City Limits Live studio, and that the school continues to work closely with the studio today. Sitting there opened my eyes to the opportunities that living in the city of Austin would provide. Here, I could envision a successful future for myself as a Texas Longhorn.

All One Could Truly Ask For

It is because of this experience that I stress the continued importance of traditional, in-person marketing in the college decision process. Visit a school that interests you. If you are still unsure, visit again – I did! Touring the campus and asking enrolled students about their experience first-hand allowed me to weigh pros and cons of the decision myself, not just with the help of an Instagram post.  I am beyond satisfied with my decision. My school pushes me to be the best version of myself, and that is all one could truly ask for.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. – Groucho Marx

One of my favorite authors, Gretchen Rubin, once wrote that if a person enjoys reading about their industry in their off-duty hours, they are on the right career path. I actually enjoy reading about marketing – I love learning about how companies promote themselves, new marketing tools I can use, and the pitfalls of unsuccessful marketing.

Here are a few of my favorite titles:

The Storytelling Non-Profit: A practical guide to telling stories that raise money and awareness  by Vanessa Chase Lockshin

Before reading The Storytelling Nonprofit, I was a big fan of Lockshin’s blog. It took me a while to buy her book (my parents call me cheap, I prefer the word frugal). I’m glad that I did.

Every nonprofit has a story to tell and I fervently believe that nonprofits can, and should, use storytelling to market themselves and raise funds. Part guide, part workbook, The Storytelling Nonprofit takes the reader step-by-step through a storytelling process that will reach audiences and donors.

The Crowdsourceress: Get Smart, Get Funded, and Kickstart Your Next Big Idea  by Alex Daly

I like the The Crowdsourceress for a few different reasons: 1) I love learning about people who took a circuitous route to the work that they do now, 2) it’s full of fun stories about successful (and not so successful) crowdsourcing campaigns, and 3) the book gets down to the nitty-gritty of marketing.

In the beginning of the book, Daly was working for a documentary film production company, writing grant applications, when one day a colleague asked her what turned out to be a fateful question: “What do you know about Kickstarter?” From there, the book takes a deep-dive into marketing for crowdsourcing campaigns. Even if you never crowdsource funding, this book is applicable to the marketing of any business or product.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott

Now in its 6th edition, David Meerman Scott’s The New Rules of Marketing and PR is a great introduction to digital media that enables two-way communication between businesses and their customers. At the time that the first edition came out, I knew that social media could be used to build relationships with prospective audiences, but I wasn’t sure how. This book was a great introduction. Scott updates the book every year with fresh, new content.

Scott outlines case study after case study of businesses that used social media, video, and blogs to create an open dialog and build relationships with their customers. If you are unsure about the seemingly Wild West that is the social, online world, The New Rules of Marketing and PR is a great primer.

“You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world! This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have – arm yourselves!” – Doctor Who, Episode: Tooth and Claw

If you love reading about marketing as much as I do, I hope you enjoyed this list. If you don’t, you can always call us, and we would be more than happy to help guide your next campaign.

Happy 2018, friends! March is underway – which marks our 7th in business! We have a rockin’ team and the most amazing, difference-making clients around. We couldn’t be happier to be where we are today. Bringing you our love and passion for marketing and branding is our mission!

So let’s get to it!

The marketing landscape is a dynamic animal, and in this competitive climate, staying on top of it is imperative. So far, this year we are seeing some definite shifts in the world of social media marketing, so without further ado, here’s the skinny:


7 Things to Know About Social Media Marketing in 2018

1. Free reach on social media is dwindling.

There is no doubt about it, organic free reach is in decline. Algorithms have shifted consumer reach and increased content competition has made break-through infinitely harder. Bottom line? Your social media efforts aren’t reaching as many people as before. Time to pivot. This shift will require you to be more thoughtful, create unique and curated content for each platform, and monitor your audience more than ever before.

2. There will be more focus on influencers.

Did you see our very own Tara Engelland’s blog about influencer marketing? If you missed it, you may not know that this word-of-mouth advertising is taking off. We know that consumers are increasingly making purchasing choices based on recommendations. Users with large followings on social media have the power to influence their online friends and followers, therefore, more and more businesses are forming strategic partnerships with these influencers to lead them in their direction.

3. Marketing is gearing towards millennials.

Most social media users are millennials (technically those born between 1980 and 2000). This generation relies heavily on social media to form and maintain relationships, get news and information, and research brands and products. Right now, this generation is coming of age – leaving home, graduating college, getting jobs, and earning their money and independence. Appealing to this demographic will be key going forward.

4. Mobile ready content is a must-have. 

Here are the numbers: more than 2½ billion people around the world are using smartphones, and 80% of social media users use them to access their platform of choice. So you do the math! The majority of online traffic now comes from mobile devices, so your social media marketing content has to be mobile ready.

5. Algorithms are making decisions. 

We. Are. Being. Watched. Online behavior is constantly being scrutinized and analyzed, and social media platforms are increasingly using algorithms to determine what content is most relevant to the end user. So how do we work alongside this technology? Study the algorithms closely and understand how they work.

6. Consumer data restrictions are getting tighter. 

Legislation such as the CAN-SPAM Act and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) leave marketers no choice but to offer transparency in their data collection. Use this opportunity to build trust in your brand: Ask consumers for relevant data with clear language addressing opting in.

7. Video marketing is here to stay.

Social media platforms are heavily focused on a video-first strategy, and it won’t be slowing down anytime soon. So jump on the video bandwagon!

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. This business is our business and we are here to help! Give us a call.

All year we’ve been talking Pick Six to celebrate six years of Rockin’ the Front Porch! So, for our sixth and final newsletter of 2017 we have Six Things You Must Do Before 2018 – and each of them should only take you about six minutes. pick six

Friends, can you spare 36 minutes to finish the year strong?

Pick Six

1. WRITE a quick thank you message to a special client that made a difference for you in 2017. Here’s ours:

Thank you, Faith Family Academy, for trusting us to solidify your brand and your messaging and lead you in spreading the word about your fantastic school! You inspire us daily and we love being your marketing partner.

2. SCHEDULE a breakfast or lunch with someone you consider to be an important counselor or mentor. Pick up the phone and call that person right now!

Patti Johnson, be expecting my call!

3. DOWNLOAD an app that enriches your personal or professional life. We love the concept of beginning the year with meditation as a means for focus.

Headspace is our meditation app of choice. Their tagline, “A few minutes could change your whole day” sums it all up!

4. FOLLOW a new social media site to learn something new. Resolve to use your time wisely in 2018! Here is a marketing expert we love to follow on twitter:

We love Robert Caruso’s twitter @fondalo – he is the real deal!

5. DONATE online to a worthy charity with a quick visit to their website and a final tax-deduction for you in 2017.

Catch Up & Read is a great choice in the Dallas community!

6. CALL a small business. Enlist their help in refreshing that website, learning about SEO, writing a blog, or updating your social media … and we just happen to know a really great choice for this!

Front Porch Marketing can help!

Write. Schedule. Download. Follow. Donate. Call.

Pick six.

Rock your holiday, friends! We’ll be back in January with seven ways to seriously improve your online presence in 2018.

Social media marketing is constantly changing and evolving, which is both good and bad. Keeping up with social media marketing trends is practically a full-time job! And so is figuring out the best social media marketing strategies for your brand.

As businesses are planning for the new year, there are several social media trends that appear to be here to stay (at least for now). You should consider these when putting together a strategy for 2018:

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has exploded over the past few years and there is no sign of it slowing in the near future. Using social media influencers is an excellent way to expand the reach of your brand messaging when you choose the right partners to work with.

Studies show that 74% of people look to their networks on social media for advice on buying decisions. In addition, 40% of people have bought something because they have seen it being promoted by an influencer on Instagram or Twitter.

Finding the right influencer marketing partnerships can seriously get your brand noticed!

Social Media Advertising Costs

Gone are the days of social media posting generating free organic reach. In order to gain new followers and grow your brand via social media, you must have a social advertising budget. Unfortunately, as the number of advertisers on social media increases, so will the cost of social ads.

As people realize that social media marketing provides an extremely cost-effective way to reach a targeted group of consumers, the competition for social advertising results increases. Therefore, to keep up with the competition, a social media advertising budget is a must for 2018.

You Gotta Have Video

Did you know that social videos generate 1,200% more shares than text and images combined? In addition, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when they read it in text. It’s estimated that by 2019, video will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic.

Need I say more? It’s time to take video seriously! Social media video marketing needs to be an integral part of your social content strategy in 2018.

Social media marketing is constantly evolving. You won’t know if something is going to work for your business unless you test it. If you need help navigating the trends and reaching your audience, we on the Porch are here to help!