Continuing on in our Rocker Spotlight series is Front Porch Lil’ Rock Maria Gregorio, who will share her insights on her own career and her experience on the Porch.
What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?
People want quality marketing for very little money. Cheap and great quality don’t really go together.
What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity?
Sit down, talk with customers, friends and colleagues. Have lots of post-its and pens around. Branding can be a tedious process but worth it in the end when you know who you are as a company and what you stand for.
One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
Keep learning and growing. If it looks like you can’t grow or learn in your position, its time to look elsewhere.
What does good marketing look like?
Responsive, meets the customer where they are, makes you smile.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?
My parents’ house in the Philippines.
If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?
My grandpa (deceased).
If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?
As the Front Porch Lil’ Rock nickname hints, I am short, funny, and quirky.
What is your favorite thing about FPM?
No commute! Seriously though, that we get to do interesting, creative work for great clients.
Tell me about a major milestone in your life?
When my husband visited me in college, Memorial Day Weekend 2001. We have been together ever since.
In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?
I think we’re all straight shooters who want to do great work and do right by people.
Your goals for FPM?
Grow the business and continue helping small businesses achieve their dreams.
How would you describe the culture at FPM?
We are a fun group who work very hard and genuinely like being around each other. That’s not something you see every day in other workplaces.
How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?
I think that judging from our quirky titles and the name of our company, people can tell that we like to do things a little differently. It does sound a little “folk-sy” but we just want to do great work for companies we believe in.
Fun fact?
I have never lived in one place for more than four years. (military brat/railroader wife) And I used to do acting competitions in high school. I liked playing the villain 😈