Tag Archives: small business

As I skim materials for my upcoming Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Marketing and Sales class, my mind wanders (Hey, a squirrel! Or is it procrastination, perhaps?). I must blog. Now.sales

This post builds on my colleague Jacqui Chappell’s last blog on differentiating against competition. She is known as being the writer extraordinaire on the Porch, so I do not want to disappoint as I follow a post from her! So just read this blog for content and nuggets of marketing and sales knowledge. Puhleeeease!!

There is no one size fits all marketing and sales strategy. And this post does not suggest it, either. Period.

However, as I stare at a document asking me to define “current and aspirational competitors and their market share,” I realize Front Porch Marketing has a million and one competitors. I do not watch them daily, nor do I care if they are watching us.

I was asked recently by a client if they should list names of their clients on their website, collateral materials, etc. My answer: Heeeelllll, yes! If you are doing your job well, then no competitor can cold call your client list and take them away from you.

Doing your job well is obviously the first way to weed out your competitors.

Here are five more:

  1. Define your brand. Know your pillars.
  2. Communicate your brand consistently inside and out. If you look like every other company in your category, you are not doing this, nor is your brand defined.
  3. Look outside your industry. Take key learnings from strong or unique brands in other spaces and consider how you can use them to help your brand.
  4. Talk to your clients / customers. Ask them why they selected your company or product over others? What didn’t they get from their last partner or other product?
  5. Ask yourself if who you consider your main competition is really that. Speaking to two business owners independently recently, they named each other as direct / primary competition. The more we learned about said businesses, the more we found them to be great complements to each other’s concepts and thought of more than a dozen ways they could leverage each other to grow their businesses. (Maybe if they use our ideas, they will let us blog about them specifically in the future.)

Identifying and evaluating your competition is an important exercise, there is no doubt. But it’s a delicate balance. Knowing they are there keeps you on your toes, pushes you to do your best work, and provides occasional inspiration. But ultimately, what will differentiate you from your competitors is your brand, the work that you do, and the way that you do it.

So rock your brand, rock your work and rock your competitors! TTFN!


All year we’ve been talking Pick Six to celebrate six years of Rockin’ the Front Porch! So, for our sixth and final newsletter of 2017 we have Six Things You Must Do Before 2018 – and each of them should only take you about six minutes. pick six

Friends, can you spare 36 minutes to finish the year strong?

Pick Six

1. WRITE a quick thank you message to a special client that made a difference for you in 2017. Here’s ours:

Thank you, Faith Family Academy, for trusting us to solidify your brand and your messaging and lead you in spreading the word about your fantastic school! You inspire us daily and we love being your marketing partner.

2. SCHEDULE a breakfast or lunch with someone you consider to be an important counselor or mentor. Pick up the phone and call that person right now!

Patti Johnson, be expecting my call!

3. DOWNLOAD an app that enriches your personal or professional life. We love the concept of beginning the year with meditation as a means for focus.

Headspace is our meditation app of choice. Their tagline, “A few minutes could change your whole day” sums it all up!

4. FOLLOW a new social media site to learn something new. Resolve to use your time wisely in 2018! Here is a marketing expert we love to follow on twitter:

We love Robert Caruso’s twitter @fondalo – he is the real deal!

5. DONATE online to a worthy charity with a quick visit to their website and a final tax-deduction for you in 2017.

Catch Up & Read is a great choice in the Dallas community!

6. CALL a small business. Enlist their help in refreshing that website, learning about SEO, writing a blog, or updating your social media … and we just happen to know a really great choice for this!

Front Porch Marketing can help!

Write. Schedule. Download. Follow. Donate. Call.

Pick six.

Rock your holiday, friends! We’ll be back in January with seven ways to seriously improve your online presence in 2018.

Hey, business owners, have you ever thought about what the “American Dream” is? Have you ever thought about what it means to you?
future business owners
Over the weekend, I was honored that my son selected me to interview for an English essay about the American Dream. I am certain that it had absolutely nothing to do with proximity, nor did it matter that I respond very nearly to his beck and call (I know that it comes as a shock to many who know me that I can be a beck and call girl, but I digress).

The interview humbled me, and I found it to be a very thought-provoking exercise. The questions he posed to me:

  1. In your own words, what is the American Dream? What does it mean to you?
  2. Do you see the American Dream in your own life? Has it motivated you, influenced your decisions?
  3. Over the course of your life, have your own dreams changed? In what ways?
  4. How would you define a “successful” life? What’s most important?
  5. Which generation – yours or your parents’ – has had a better life?

My answers were as follows:

  1. The American Dream is the right to freedom, choice, justice and prosperity. For me, the American Dream means living in a place where we are free and are treated fairly. It also means the right to have multiple, differing opinions; and those opinions are respected and acknowledged, and actually make us better and stronger as a nation. Having the opportunity to prosper and start my own business are also part of what the American Dream means to me.
  2. I see the American Dream in my life every single day. I am married to the man I chose to be married to and have two healthy, happy, wonderful children who attend schools we selected for them. We practice the faith of our choice. I started and have owned Front Porch Marketing, my business, for almost seven years, which not only helps my family financially prosper, but also helps those that work with me contribute financially to their households. I am also extremely lucky to partner with clients that work for start-ups, small to mid-size businesses, organizations and franchisees who themselves are living the American Dream. Daily, I am inspired by my family, team and clients. Because I am mindful of the fact that in other countries, many people, especially women, are not allowed the opportunities I am, I honestly count my blessings every day.
  3. Some of my dreams have not changed, like having a family, giving back to our communities, and being successful professionally. Over the course of my life, others dreams have changed. I dreamed of owning the first company in which I worked. That didn’t happen, because I was hired away from that marketing company by a client that I managed. My dream then became to climb the corporate ladder and become the Vice President of Marketing for that company. Ticked that box. Then, I pivoted and started Front Porch Marketing. And it has been the absolute best part of my professional journey to date.
  4. A successful life to me is being happy, healthy, kind, empathetic, resilent and respectful; having a strong sense of self; raising responsible, happy, kind, humble, respectful, empathetic, resilent children; giving back to others in need, and providing for the needs of my family.
  5. I really don’t think it is up to me to judge if my generation or my parents’ generation had a better life, because it’s like comparing apples to oranges. And, because our world since 9/11 changes at light speed, in addition to constant emerging technologies today, our generation is more complicated; but I think one could make an argument for either

So why did I ask business owners to answer these five questions?

A perspective check-in is always a good thing, and I hope this exercise inspires you as much as it inspired me. Be well, friends; and keep livin’ the dream.

P.S. We can help you keep livin’ the dream by growing your topline through strategic branding and marketing, so call, email or text us today!

Today, social media is a huge part of people’s daily lives. It is used as a way to communicate, keep up with family and friends, see what’s happening around the world and network virtually with business connections that we may not have the opportunity to meet in person.

Social media is such a major component of people’s personal lives. It should be a sure sign for small businesses that a social media presence is an absolute must to build and grow. It is a way for businesses to interact directly with current customers. It is also a way to reach potential customers.

These days, consumers and clients want to engage with businesses through social media and expect businesses to be present on multiple networks. The key to using it successfully is choosing the right networks and consistently updating content. With all the platforms that exist today, the big question for small businesses is, “Which networks are right for my business?”

At Front Porch Marketing, we are big proponents of social media. It is the foundation of almost every marketing plan we create.

Some of our favorite social media networks on the Porch:

  • Instagram – for sharing visual content
  • LinkedIn – for B2B companies
  • Facebook – presents a huge opportunity for consumer engagement
  • Twitter – allows businesses to keep on top of what is being said about their industry and stay ahead of the competition

What small businesses have to do is figure out which networks are the right fit for their company based on their target audience. Each reaches a different set of demographics. Once the right networks are defined, it’s critical to share content and interact with customers in a timely and consistent manner. This creates an awesome experience for the customer and any potential customers who may be watching.

If you are looking to establish, expand or evaluate your social media presence, we can help!

Folks, it’s 2nd quarter. If you haven’t finalized the strategy, written the plan or started the project, it’s time. No need to agonize or over-think it, just get started and take a small step forward.

  • Do you still need to define or revise that strategy?
  • Are you not executing on a plan, or haven’t written one for the year?
  • Is the project behind schedule, or not started yet?

The reality is we are all behind on something and you’re not alone here, but maybe it’s time to leave team belated and start something right now that needs to get done and can help you produce great results. This year is still young – bring on your second quarter by ringing that opening bell, firing the starting pistol, waving the green flag and get yourself going on something that can no longer wait.


“But …”

If this is what you are thinking right now, you are going to need assistance to get started! Start small with a phone call or e-mail to that person or company that will follow-up with you and make absolutely sure you are doing what needs to be done and begin executing. Find a partner internally or externally who helps you define, decide, plan, execute and grow.

“I need to …”

You already know what you need to start that has been on the back burner but you just haven’t done it? Write it down immediately, in a place where you can look back on it and add future notes. Ask that partner to capture it for you. The best execution starts with clarifying the need(s), then defining the strategy and executing a plan based on the need(s). Write it all down.


You don’t need a lot of time, this isn’t like writing a blog or book. Remember, you are starting small. Make a list of needs. It’s a simple process. Determine a few important ones followed with a one-page plan of attack is enough to get going and help you define a process to move forward, quarter by quarter. Write it down. Find a partner. Set the plan. Start executing. Plan to Win.

Q2 has started friends. It’s time to tackle that need that is just waiting for the right plan. If you need a little help, you can find us on the Porch.

Customer experience is a daily topic on the Porch. Those who know me are probably like “smh” that I would say I learned about customer experience from Disney Princesses ‘cuz mama be like, Hey, Cinderella, what’s the story all about … you know, the Suzy Bogguss song?!?! No? Well, Google it …customer experience

Did you know Millennials ranked Disney number one in the latest Brand Intimacy Report***?

***Survey was not by the Porter family nor was the Porter family surveyed for this report.

Why did they rank Disney number one you ask? Millennials tend toward “escapism and the need for respite” during this point in their lives. Disney delivers. The Disney brand rocks it with Millennials, children, teens, parents, grandparents and everyone in between.

My latest experience at Disney World brings me back to why the most powerful brands are the ones that have mastered customer experience, among other things.

Three customer experience takeaways from Disney:

  1. Hire people who love their jobs and continually give them reasons to love it. They have to love it. There are people of all ages touching Disney Princesses and their hair and clothing for hours on end. Random lils asking questions about the Princess’ movie or last episode of their Disney Junior show. Upon each interaction, there were smiles and dialogue about the show and questions about whether they liked the outcome of that episode or if they knew what Belle’s favorite book was. My favorite answer, “Yes, princess, your hair is the same color as mine.” Swoon.
  2. Consistently deliver on the brand at every touch point. When you call the front desk or housekeeping or the restaurant at a Disney property, you always hear, “Welcome home.” If you ask, “Are you open tomorrow?” You will most certainly not hear, “We are off tomorrow. Sorry.” Take note friends.
  3. Words your team speaks matter. You are called your highness or majesty. Your children are called princess or prince or your highness every time you turn around. How can you not love being at Disney?

Customers and clients are the new royalty. The quality of customer experience you must offer to compete in your market and win is of the utmost importance — now more than ever.

Dream big marketer. Be A Champion.

Disney, you got me hook, line and slipper.



It’s been a rockin’ year at Front Porch Marketing and for our blog, Off Our Rocker. Off Our Rocker Blog

Our team shares their musings, wisdom and counsel about branding, marketing, trends, pop culture, being a working mother and motherhood in general here.

We love to blog for clients, our team members, advocates and ourselves and have decided to countdown and share with you the five most-read blog posts for 2016.

We would love for you to look back and read them again or maybe read them for the first time.

So, we will leave you with these.

Happy almost New Year.

No. 5 Blog

Motivation: 5 Ways to Find It When You’ve Hit a Wall, by Ann Marie Bishop

No. 4

Do Your Actions Speak Louder than Likes?, by Darcey Newsum

No. 3

4 Lessons Learned By Losing, by Vanessa Hickman

No. 2

5 Rockin’ Things About Branding & Marketing Businesses, by Julie Porter

No. 1

Being a Working Mom: Five Things That Saved Me This Summer, by Jacqui Chappell

A week ago, my Christmas tree inexplicably came crashing to the ground, and with it, 16 years of family ornaments, a new one chosen every year by each of the five members of my family, came crashing down with it. Keepsakes shattered. Memories lost. It was heartbreaking.

But after the glass was swept away, the tree re-decorated, and my attitude re-adjusted, the loss reminded me of some very important things that I sometimes lose sight of in the holiday hustle and bustle:

1. Memories Have a Shelf Life – Strive to Make New Ones. I was surprised to learn that my kids couldn’t remember who chose many of the ornaments and why. Things that are meaningful at one point in time may fade, so embrace change and allow yourself to make new memories.

peace-ornament-17242185-22. Nothing Is Perfect – Let Go of That Notion. Your holiday is not a magazine spread! Let go of the idea of perfectionism – it’s unattainable. And unimportant.

3. Open Your Eyes! The holidays are happening all around you, don’t spend your time frantically running around. Whittle your to-do list down to only what is truly necessary. Slow down. Say no to things that aren’t important. Open your eyes and enjoy.

4. Be Thoughtful. And Grateful. And full of thanks for everything and everyone around you that enriches your life. This is the time of year to recognize those people and tell them how important they are to you. Do it! It feels great.

5. Don’t Forget – You Need Time for Yourself. Togetherness is wonderful and celebrations are fun; but taking time for yourself ensures that you will remain centered and better able to create a peaceful holiday.

This season, remember what’s important, and ENJOY. Happy holidays, everyone!

She arrives early at Starbucks for our first meeting, is already working on the first item of our Front Porch Marketing orientation “to do” list, and impresses me with how eager, engaged, and talented she is. An SMU undergraduate student majoring in marketing with a minor in advertising, she is ready to learn, ready to work, ready to rock it.


Folks, if you hear someone rambling about all of the flaws they see in the next generation, make a positive choice – don’t listen to them.  In fact, I won’t list any of the negative commentary I read while researching Gen Y, because there is no reason to give it any cred. Here is what you need to know as you consider making our future leaders a part of your business team – They are:

  • Energetic
  • Tech-savvy
  • Intelligent
  • Cost-effective
  • Bilingual
  • Flexible
  • Eager
  • Civic-minded

Take a quick peek at Wikipedia and you will learn that Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between the early 1980’s and the early 2000’s and are sometimes referred to as the Echo Boomers, because estimates of the number in the U.S. exceed 80 million. Read a bit further, and you will discover that authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, who wrote specifically about this generation in a book titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000), predicted this group would become “civic-minded” similar to our great G.I. Generation.

Interns Rock!

It doesn’t matter if you work for a Fortune 500 company, manage a nonprofit organization, or own a small business – there is benefit to hiring this generation of interns. In my previous sales management career with a Fortune 250 company, some of our most successful regional sales leaders made the business case for bringing on part-time interns to provide local sales support, and markets where we hired tech-savvy millennials to join tenured teams produced the most amazing sales results.

Nonprofit organizations can also benefit greatly from these hires. With tight budgets, extensive workloads and purposes great but challenging, nonprofits can bring in unpaid interns from high schools and colleges to help out while engaging them in an important cause. A family member of mine runs a foundation for exceptional children specializing in autism therapies, and has numerous interns on board helping to assist these children and their families. It is life changing for these interns and the families in need, and some of these interns have made this their career and purpose following graduation.

For a small business, an intern can make a real difference, and Front Porch Marketing has been rocking it successfully with student interns for several years!  As experts in unlocking the social nature of brands for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and franchisees, we make certain our clients are getting access to experienced marketing and advertising professionals, while utilizing young talent to provide a social media view and analysis when we need it. Rocker Interns on the Porch are part of our culture – it’s just how we rock n’ roll.

We are excited to welcome our Future Rocket, Rachel McMains!

One more fantastic intern on The Porch…ready to rock it.

You’ve gotta have a plan. And when starting a new business, everyone knows that you need a strong business plan. But for some reason, many times business owners forget about a marketing plan, which is just as critical to the success of a business.

A marketing plan focuses on how you are going to get the customers you need to survive. It’s your plan of action – what you are going to be selling, who is going to buy it and how you are going to reach those potential customers and convert them to sales.

Here’s how to create a marketing plan that works:

Who are you? Define your company, the products or services you offer, and what sets you apart from the competition. Positioning your product requires a complete understanding of the market segment you are entering. You must know what your competitors are offering and what makes your product or service unique or a better value.

Include an overview of your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses will be factors within the company while opportunities and threats are external factors.


Who is your target audience? Describe your prospective customer – this can be done in terms of demographics or by lifestyle. If you’re marketing B2B you may define your target audience by the type of business, size of the business, job title or any other factors that make them potential customers. It is important to know exactly who your target customer is in order to plan your marketing strategy.

What do you want to achieve? Write down a list of measurable goals.

Develop strategies and tactics. These are the guts of your plan! Focus on reaching prospective customers at all stages of your sales cycle, whether they are cold or warm prospects. Outline your primary marketing strategies, then include a variety of tactics you’ll use to reach prospects at any point in your sales cycle. This should be a combination of several tactics that can include social media, traditional print advertising, online advertising, blogs, customer events, loyalty programs and email marketing. It’s important to know which media your customers and potential customers will go to for information on the type of product or service you sell.

Remember, a great marketing strategy needs to be realistic and implemented consistently over time. Building brand awareness takes time and patience. If you need a guiding hand, we on the Porch can steer you in the right direction!