Happy New Year’s Resolutions!!! Sure, we’re now halfway through the month of January, but most people believe it’s perfectly acceptable to keep using ‘Happy New Year’ as a greeting all month long. In fact, some might even stretch it into February if they haven’t seen you in a while. At the end of the day, it’s your own personal judgement call.
Since it’s still perfectly acceptable to say ‘Happy New Year,’ it’s also a great time (if you haven’t already) to set new goals or resolutions for the year ahead! Let’s dive into the origins of resolutions, different types of goals and tips for staying on track.
When did New Year’s Resolutions start?
Resolutions have evolved over time. According to history.com, the practice began over 4,000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians. Unlike today, their new year started in March and was rooted in religious customs. Later, Julius Ceasar established January 1 as the start of the new year, which still holds true today. And modern-day resolutions have shifted to focus on personal self-improvement rather than making promises to the gods.
Types of Goals
When we’re trying to decide on resolution(s) for the year, our minds probably all go to the tried-and-true ones on a lot of people’s lists.
- Self-Care: hitting the gym, eating healthier, getting more shut eye, prioritizing mental health
- Personal Development: getting that work promotion, decluttering, getting organized, taking up a new hobby
- Relationship Goals: more quality time, expanding circles of friends, practicing gratitude
- Financial Goals: saving money, creating a budget, paying down debt
But maybe the traditional list of resolutions isn’t for you. Maybe you’ve chosen a single word to inspire and guide you throughout the year. Think growth, gratitude or kindness. These one-word resolutions are becoming more common and can serve as a theme to help guide your actions for the year.
My personal favorite New Year’s resolution is the straightforward “less” and “more” approach. Grab a piece of paper and make a column for both. Less clutter. More family time. Less stress. More time in nature. Less screen time. More gratitude. “Less” and “more” resolutions are easy to incorporate into your daily life.
Keeping Your Resolutions
Now that resolutions have been made, the important question is how do we hold ourselves accountable to keep them? It’s sad to say that the percentage of people who successfully achieve their New Year’s resolutions is in the single digits. So, here are a few tips to stay on track.
- Start Small. You don’t have to hit the gym seven days a week. Start with two or three days and work your way up if you choose.
- Be Flexible. Life happens. Adjust your plan and keep trying instead of giving up completely.
- Reward Yourself. Celebrate the small victories. Maybe it’s a new outfit if you’ve lost weight. Or a sweet treat at the end of the week if eating healthily is your goal.
- Stay Positive. If things don’t go as planned be kind to yourself. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progression.
Your resolution can be as simple or as ambitious as you want. The goal is to start the year on a positive note, celebrate the wins and enjoy the journey. Happy New Year!!!