Tag Archives: protect

This is my brother, pictured with my son, who adores police officers, because of my brother. He is a husband, a son, a grandson, a brother, the BEST uncle, a nephew, a cousin, and a soon to be police(within days) daddy. He is also a police officer. He signs up his days and nights to care for the citizens he has sworn to protect and serve. He answers calls that could cause him harm. He answers calls that save others from harm. He investigates accidents. He protects motorists and protestors from traffic accidents. He is a good police officer. His intentions and morals are good and without regard of race, as are most police officers.

His life matters to his wife, to his son, to our parents, to me as his sister, to our Mimi, and to my children who look up to him with the greatest love and admiration.

He is the best of the best and is a police officer.

He is one who will teach the next generation how to love one another despite our differences.

Through his actions he will continue to teach my children, and his, what it means to serve others – even those who hate him only because of the uniform he wears. Without him, many lives could be lost, all while he risks his own.

He serves as a personal and living reminder that each of the people who choose to risk their safety for others is a loved one, as are those whose lives have been lost at the hands of a police officer, with or without cause.

We have to love one another. We have to serve one another. We have to learn to respect and honor one another. We have to forgive one another. We have to protect one another – for He holds ALL in the palm of His hands.

Melissa Tyra is a wife, mom, lover of animals, food, wine, reading and travel. She is also someone we love very much and deeply respect.