Unless you’re one of the Chick-fil-A cows and misspelling “chicken” is part of your advertising strategy, proofreading is an important, but often overlooked step in the creative process. This is especially true since excellent email communication is now a required piece of good customer service. Besides looking sloppy and unprofessional, even a single typo can lead to unexpected, and sometimes, horrifying results. Investing a few minutes to proofread before hitting print or send can help you make a good impression with your customers.

Here are 5 tips:
1. Go beyond spellcheck. Computer checkers are good to use as a proofreading tool, but they are not foolproof so don’t stop there. Digital spell checkers may not flag incorrect use of homophones (e.g., “to,” “two,” “too”) or other contextual errors (“then” for “than” or “he” for “the”). Worse, some of the errors missed by digital checkers may change the entire meaning of your message (“are” instead of “aren’t”).
2. See it with fresh eyes. Take a break between writing your text and proofreading it. Circling back after some distance can help you spot mistakes more easily. Review your text three times – once for spelling, once for punctuation and once for grammar.
3. Read it backwards. Reading your words independently, rather than in context, can make any misspellings jump right off the page. If it doesn’t sound right, it may not be spelled correctly, and probably deserves a second look.
4. Be consistent. Many words have alternate acceptable spellings. For example, “spellcheck,” “spell-check,” and “spell check” are all accurate. Though all three are correct, pick one spelling of a word and stick with it.
5. Read your text out loud. Insert proper punctuation where you “hear” pauses. Make a change if a sentence sounds too long, too fragmented, or too ambiguous.
As the Royal Family can attest, no one is immune to making mistakes, but proofreading your content can help you prevent embarrassing errors in grammar.
To save yourself time and worry, let us use our experience, knowledge, and professional editing tools to create and proofread your content for you.