Tag Archives: productivity

3 Lessons I Learned Working for Amazon

For as long as I can remember life has always been fast-paced. Going to school was always about keeping up and trying to stay ahead 24/7. Sports were always about learning while on the go. Even life, in general, was always about how little time we had to accomplish the tasks at hand, and once again I was able to experience this lifestyle working for Amazon, a company that only knows one speed, fast pace.

One of the biggest adjustments coming into the job of working for Amazon was how much responsibility you get right off the bat. With little time to adjust, I was thrown into my job and expected to keep up like the rest of our company. Just like life, I was expected to take the little I knew and find a way to succeed.

How to Adjust to a Fast-Paced Environment

Luckily I’ve had some great lessons about how to adjust to fast-paced environments, and I used these to help me succeed.

  1. Stay as organized as possible. It is so easy to become overwhelmed with all the components of your job. It is important to find a system that helps you excel when you organize for the day. Take the time to keep all your ducks in a row, it helps you so much in the long run. Also, don’t be afraid to take extra time to get this right, slow and steady wins the race even in a fast-paced environment.
  2. Be as flexible and adaptable as possible. This one I cannot stress enough, because it is easy to just stick to the things you know. Whether that is knowledge or process, it is easy to not want to adapt to new things and change. At Amazon, there were so many processes, in the beginning, I refused to learn because I didn’t want to change my method. When I finally decided to give them a try my entire workday changed for the better. Sometimes a little change can be beneficial, so embrace it!
  3. Use all the tools given to you. This practice backpacks on being flexible and adaptable, and is so important. One of the first things I failed to do when I started at Amazon was use all of the different tools that were provided to me. Doing this made my work more difficult and made my day seem like it was so slow. When I decided to utilize my tools I was finally keeping pace and enjoying the process at work.

Working for Amazon Forced Me Out of My Comfort Zone

Amazon was truly an eye-opening experience for me as it forced me out of my comfort zone. It made me realize that working doesn’t have to be this thing you can’t stand every day. Instead by using different tactics and finding ways to work more efficiently, I was able to conquer my days and feel like I won. I think the biggest takeaway from working at Amazon was that when you decide to get past the working part and truly apply yourself, any job can be enjoyable.

Where are you on your 2021 goals right now?

Already, we are halfway through January. What has the year looked like for you? Are you following through with your resolutions? Are you on the trajectory to meet the goals you have set for yourself?

Or are you going through the motions? Because it already feels like you don’t have the time to start or already missed your chance.

Creating resolutions or goals at the start of the year may seem frivolous or trivial to some but these ideas can truly kickstart your year on a high note. When it comes to 2021 goals for your company or for yourself as a team member, I want to encourage you to commit to getting things done. By putting your mindset into one that is proactive, realistic and driven I believe that you have the ability to accomplish any goal that you set your heart to.

Now that I’ve got your mind thinking about your goals or potentially lack there of, it’s time to get to business. Grab the nearest paper you have or even open your notes app.

Think of three types of goals you want to set for yourself.

Three Types of Goals: Physical Goal

The first kind of goal is physically oriented. There are numerous ways that this goal could look like to you. It could look like a number on a scale or the number of workout classes you take per week. Or it could look like you getting more rest than you are getting right now and allowing yourself the time to recharge. We could also pivot to nutrition where you may want to be more proactive about what you put into your body rather than what you do with it. Maybe that looks like eating a salad twice a week or skipping desserts until the weekend. Truly, YOU know your body best – what do you want this goal to look like?

Three Types of Goals: Mental Goal

The second kind of goal is mentally oriented. Do you let yourself take a breather when you need it? Or do you push through and jump onto the next thing on your never-ending to-do list? While endurance is admirable, I want to encourage you to also take the time to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. If you take a break after a long day there is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you deserve that breather and I am proud of you for persisting with as much tenacity as you have.

This goal may also look like setting healthy boundaries that you’ve always wanted to set but felt like it just never stuck. I myself, have difficulty with setting boundaries but with practice it has become easier to find pockets of peace in my day. This could look like you sending automated messages through your work email past a certain time. Be more proactive with your work/life balance.

Although silly, something that helped me was writing in my agenda “me time.” This was my way of giving myself the space to do whatever I wanted for one hour. Therefore, not to stress about the other things on my agenda. It allowed me to recharge. Hit the ground running with new ideas and a positive attitude.

On the flip side maybe you are so set in boundaries to the point that your no’s in life highly outweigh the yes’s. Give yourself the mental space to step out of your comfort zone. Therefore, try something new. Start saying yes to things that you wouldn’t normally do and discover a different side of yourself that you may have never explored. In the infamous words of Babe Ruth, “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

Three Types of Goals: Personal Goal

The third kind of goal is personally oriented. Think about something that you want for yourself. Is there a raise that you’ve been wanting for some while? But, haven’t been taking the steps to get it? Are there monthly profits you want to accomplish for your company? Or is there an activity that you always wanted to try out but never did?

No matter what this goal looks like, make sure that it makes YOU happy. Ask that person out that you’ve always wanted to but never have. Try new foods that you’ve been too nervous to try. The world is your oyster. With an entire year ahead of us, time is on your side.

Dig Deep

Goals and resolutions buzzing through your head? I encourage you to write them all down. No matter how frivolous they may seem. Take a moment to dig deep. Then, analyze what you’ve written. Is there a common thread? Something that surprised you?

Whatever it may be, I want you to group them up as best as you can and find those three core goals. With the simple act of just writing these down, “you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals.

How fantastic is that!?!?

Have Your Three?

Now, figure out a game plan. Plan out realistic smaller goals. Reach your overarching goals and resolutions. Create consistency. Is your goal to get a raise? Then, start looking at the historical value that you bring to the company? Should you do more? For instance, meetings you could attend during your free time? And are you taking the steps to reach that goal?

In conclusion, whatever goals you choose to set, remember to make 2021 the year of getting things done.

Sometimes a big idea can be daunting, especially since it is often much easier to think of brilliant ideas than act on those ideas. In fact, Forbes says “giving ideas life is much like giving birth to a child.” All jokes aside, there is validity here! Since most folks are working from home now, we thought it would be an excellent time to give you some tips on how to turn your ideas into action!

Goal Setting:

Fast Company highlights the importance of first setting a goal. Defining your end result is critical, no matter how abstract. Physically writing down goals rather than keeping them in your head is a great start. Following this step, visualize!

Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool and one that should never be overlooked. That same article explains how “Coming to understand and appreciate exactly what you’re trying to reach is the first step toward actually reaching it.” It is okay to daydream, as long as it is productive! Imagining the feelings and emotions that come with achieving your goal puts you one step closer!

Be Confident:

Another component to bringing ideas to fruition is believing in yourself. Most people quit working towards a goal because the consequences are too difficult. Accountability plays a key role here, and Forbes says this “requires believing in yourself enough to be 100% dedicated to getting the work done.” To build on this confidence, have your own circle of advisers you trust and can learn from. Always be open to suggestions from anyone because you never know when you will hear a good idea.

Have a Road Map:

Roughly jot down how you will get from point A to point B. If you get stuck, take a break. Figure out who from your circle of advisers could help you, or any resources you already have that could be of aid. Once you are done planning it is time to turn those ideas into action. It can be sloppy but needs to be good enough to share with those you trust. Then revisit your rough draft and focus on the details. Once you are ready, plan what channels and tools you will use to share it with others.

Patience is a Virtue:

This is where true grit and determination come into play. As stated earlier, it takes relentless pursuit to make ideas a reality. As the saying goes, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” Patience is what separates great entrepreneurs from mediocre dreamers. Adjusting your mindset to welcome risk is a key part of this step. With every new idea comes risk, so learn to expect unexpected outcomes.

Have Passion and a Purpose:

If your passion for your work shines through, you will be an inspiration to others. This will open countless doors for you. Purpose is the fuel behind why you do what you do- without this, you are more likely to quit along the way. The Porch is committed to turning ideas into action; make the commitment to yourself today!

Procrastination and Its Discontents

Posted on by Maria Gregorio and currently has Comments Off on Procrastination and Its Discontents

We’ve all been there. It’s the eleventh hour before a project is due and you are frantically trying to get work done, kicking yourself all the while for waiting so long. Why oh why did you procrastinate for so long?

Later. Always later.

Why People Procrastinate

People procrastinate for several different reasons, but they pretty much come down to how a task makes them feel – overwhelmed, insecure, anxious, resentful, etc. Procrastination isn’t a character flaw, rather, it’s an “…emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem.”

Human beings are hard-wired to think about the here and now. We tend to prioritize the present over the future. The lizard part of our brain was designed to address clear and present needs – like avoiding getting eaten by a lion or figuring out where our next meal will come from – rather than addressing our long-term needs. And to make matters worse, we’re less able to make productive, future-oriented decisions when under stress.

So, how do we short-circuit our lizard brain to get our work done?

Tips to Beat Procrastination

Do one small thing
This is my personal favorite. Sometimes a project can seem so overwhelming in scope or importance that you become almost paralyzed at the thought of working on it. Try doing one small thing – a little research, a short outline, breaking down the project into a list of tasks, etc. Sometimes all we need to get started is to just start – no matter how small the step may be.

Create mini deadlines
Try setting a mini deadline for yourself. This can be anything from having a draft done by a certain date to just working on your project for 15-30 minutes. Sometimes it helps to know you won’t be working on a project forever if you can see a light at the end of a (short) tunnel.

Don’t be so hard on yourself
Give yourself a little kindness when you procrastinate. Case in point:

“In a 2010 study, researchers found that students who were able to forgive themselves for procrastinating when studying for a first exam ended up procrastinating less when studying for their next exam. They concluded that self-forgiveness supported productivity by allowing “the individual to move past their maladaptive behavior and focus on the upcoming examination without the burden of past acts.”

The Upside of Procrastination

I know I’ve been going on and on about how to not procrastinate, but I would also like to say that procrastination isn’t entirely a bad thing. Sometimes we need to let our mind wander around.

(Caveat – this works for tasks that are more problem-solving or creativity oriented. Procrastination doesn’t get your house cleaned.)

Letting your mind wander allows the brain to work on a task in the “background” while you go about your day. Have you ever had a great idea while washing dishes or taking a walk? That’s your brain working on a task in the background.

This blog post is an example of a silver lining to procrastination. I was procrastinating on another project when I decided to Google procrastination. I found a trove of articles and saved them for later use. And that is how this blog post came to be.

So, give yourself a little break and let your mind meander around. Your next five minutes of procrastination could start the seed of your next great idea.

I don’t mind telling you, friends – the past couple of weeks have been a complete and total exercise in spinning my wheels. I’ve had some big distractions – visiting relatives, a sick child, a big project, some health issues that needed addressing – but honestly I have had a hard time getting back to prime productivity.

Here’s what helps me right the ship when things veer off track:

Make A List 

Writing out a to-do list keeps it all front and center. I always think I will remember everything that needs doing, but the reality is that things will fall through the cracks if it doesn’t get written down. Pen. Paper. Write it out. It’s important! Plus it makes scratching through things as they get done oh so fulfilling!

Set Aside Time to be Productive

If you don’t schedule it, it may not happen. Designate blocks of time to focus and be productive. One thing at a time – get through that list.

Don’t Fall Down the Rabbit Hole

Distractions are the death knell to productivity. A “quick” telephone conversation, “five minutes” of mindless internet surfing, taking a break for a snack – allowing yourself to be distracted in these ways will absolutely sabotage your productive time.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Everyone has to be fluid when things come up, but productivity is a commitment. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

And … Repeat

A system, any system, needs to happen over and over again to be successful. Staying the course and developing good processes is the key to productivity.


Throughout high school I was told to focus on my weaknesses in order to be a well-rounded student for college applications. While I have always loved history and English, math and science were never my strong points and were subjects I strived to have a purely basic understanding of. Instead of being encouraged by my high school counselor to explore my interests in history and writing by enrolling in challenging courses, it was suggested that I take science courses instead to “round out” my application.

While my counselors stressed the importance of having an overall knowledge of basic core subjects, colleges wanted to know what made me unique and what I was passionate about in school. This contradiction is a common not just for students, but also for many business professionals in today’s world.

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 9.11.35 AMMy college professors have given me a different perspective in this matter, and have showed me the importance of utilizing strengths and coping with weaknesses. As an assignment for my business leadership course I read the book Strengths Finder 2.0, and took a “strengths” test that followed at the end of the book. This personality test reveals your top five strengths and suggests jobs that correlate with those strengths. There are many different ways to find your strengths, but the Strengths Finder 2.0 test revealed key insights to me that I had yet to think of.

When are people happiest in their jobs?

Instead of encouraging you to “correct” your weaknesses to be an attractive candidate in a job application, author Tom Rath promotes the idea of harnessing one’s strengths to be as productive and happy as possible. The book asks if, “you have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday?” Statistically speaking, people are happiest when their jobs showcase their strengths, and allows them to make a difference and be productive at work. If everyone was a well-rounded employee, their strengths would not be utilized and thus productivity and efficiency would decrease.

When you examine the most successful people in the world, you notice one thing they all have in common – they know what they do best and they DO IT.

keep-calm-and-unplugLike many of us, I am on my maiden voyage of “USS Raising A Teenager.” As such, I am in a constant state of waiting, watching, evaluating, tweaking and re-tweaking my parenting methods in an effort to discover the magic formula. I may never find it, but occasionally I do unearth a nugget that I feel the need to share.

So the story goes … my teenager was grounded. No after school activities, sleepovers, hangout sessions, and worst of all for her, NO ELECTRONICS. No texting, talking, skypeing, instagramming … the social death knell to a teenager. The first few days she was furious with me. And miserable. And surly.

And then, suddenly … not. Delightfully not. I noticed her head was up and she was smiling. She helped me cook dinner. She climbed into bed with me and we talked about friends and boys. I heard her upstairs laughing and singing songs with one brother, she played two hours of lacrosse in the backyard with the other.

Where had my surly teenager gone? And how could I replace her with this delightful creature on a permanent basis?

The conclusion is obvious. When she unplugged, she stepped outside of her stressful world of teenage tumult. She engaged. She paid attention. She enjoyed. You know where I’m going with this.

Don’t we all need that? Don’t we owe it to our friends, our families, our children to truly unplug and do the same?

  • Face facts, you’re online more than you think you are. According to CNN, Americans spend at least eight hours a day staring at a screen. And more than one-third of smartphone users get online before they get out of bed. Um, yikes.
  • On-line multi-tasking should make us more efficient, yet it really doesn’t. According to John Medina, author of Brain Rules, once a person is interrupted by something that’s not work related while on-line, it can take up to 50 percent longer to finish an assignment. Further research suggests that each time a person is sidetracked, the brain takes up to 45 minutes to refocus.
  • It’s hurting our health. It’s increasing our stress (heard of Social Media Anxiety Disorder?), hurting our sleep, and straining our bodies.
  • Our glut of connectivity is making us less connected. We aren’t connecting because we aren’t talking. It’s hurting our interpersonal skills. As one very astute high school student said, “We’re the most connected generation in history, “but we suck at intimacy.”
  • And don’t get me started on what it does to kids. Children’s excessive technology use has the potential to cause attentionbrain and behavioral problems. No bueno.

Listen, I love my smartphone as much as anyone. But I can tell you first hand, putting it down feels good. Not just to you, but to those around you.

My teenager is no longer grounded. I haven’t shared this with her, and she hasn’t asked. She’s pretty happy these days and I’m riding this wave for as long as I can. I’m enjoying it. And I think she is too.

Perhaps we should all ground ourselves from our devices from time to time?

It was my intention to write a prophetic post this week about the Texas bag law and the impact on Texans, small business and the progress on our slow road to being a sustainable nation. Small Business Owners Daily Survival Guide

And, then, duh dun dah … Mr. Flu A happened in the middle of the night and Ms. Worst Diaper Rash in the history of ever (ITHOE) caused baby to scream, “Mommmmiieeeeee,” every time she is changed during the day which is every 20 minutes due to the severity of her raw booty’s condition.

Folks, mama needed to work ~ lots of deadlines and things to be done.

Small business owners can’t just go a hundred miles an hour the day after a sleepless night. They can’t drop everything to take their child to an early morning, unscheduled pediatrician’s appointment. They can’t run and cuddle their wailing baby at the drop of a hat in the middle of a work day … Or can they??

Friends, they can.

There are four must haves for every small business owner in case life takes an unexpected turn on an action-packed work day:

  1. Highly, functioning virtual work space – Have the bunker ready at all times. High speed Internet, phone charger and all necessary supplies you use on a daily basis at the office. Thankfully I have a high quality color laser printer wired and ready in the home office and a pack of the 32 pound paper on hand at all times. We were able to complete the brand book we are presenting to a client today.   
  2. The village – I mention it frequently. It takes a spouse that can stay home from work for a few hours with the sleeping baby while mama goes to the early morning doctor’s appointment with the other baby. It is extremely helpful if the spouse’s employer believes in their employees putting their families first in times of need. It also takes a doting daytime care giver to be there when mom can’t to console the aching baby.
  3. Attitude of gratitude – It is easy to go down a dark hole and focus on all the things negative happening in your world. Instead, focus on the positive. Be grateful for all that is right. There are a million and one books, articles and studies showing that professionals with a positive attitude are more productive and successful. Put on your rose-colored rock star glasses and leave the tissue with lotion for the sickees.
  4. And, last but not least, a dependable and adaptable team When the work needs to be done – the client’s blog sm’ed by 8:30 a.m., the enewsletter draft to the client by noon, the conference call rescheduled, etc. – the work needs to be done. Make sure your team is as adaptable and reliable as you are and willing to step in and step up in a pinch.

Check, check, check and check! The kiddos are on the mend, deadlines were met, work got done and there is a new episode of American Idol on the DVR calling my name. Ciao for now!