Need to apply some spring cleaning to your marketing and PR? As the Marketing/PR saying goes, Sweet April Ideas Bring May Results! The positive power of spring cleaning can be applied to a company’s PR and marketing strategy. And now’s the time to do it!
Five Ways to Spring Clean Your PR:
Outer Order Contributes to Inner Calm
Take a hard look at documents and correspondence that have not moved from your desktop and/or email box for months. If the strategies and ideas no longer apply to your clients’ overall objectives, then hit the delete button. A clean slate will give you a renewed focus and attitude towards your clients’ success.
Happiness is a Spring Cleaned Marketing and PR Plan
Spring is the perfect time for marketing — messaging should be thematic of revitalization. Revisit the marketing and PR plan that was developed at the beginning of the year and assess your progress. Ask yourself the question: where are we now and what fresh practices can we use to achieve results? This simple check-in is a great first step to shining new light on your communications program and spring cleaning your messaging.
Put a New Spring in Your Marketing/PR Step
Now that your marketing and PR plans have been spring cleaned, and your inbox is updated and clutter free, there’s room to add new items to your wheelhouse. First, embrace the changes and explore different strategies, such as updating target media, or identifying new thought leadership speaking opportunities. These tune-ups could be just the thing you need to take your clients’ business to the next level!
There is a Season Turn, Turn, Turn!
As the classic Byrd’s song says, there is a season turn, turn, turn, a time to build up, a time to break down. To begin with, Spring is a time for renewal, use this period to build enthusiasm for your clients’ offerings/services. So Spring cleaning your PR can mean teasing new trends that are applicable for the warmer weather. Introduce spring-inspired products that are available for a limited time. Bring back seasonal bestsellers.
This Collateral Won’t Spring Clean Itself!
Spring is abloom with life — after months of winter, people are ready to immerse themselves in the warmer weather. Use this to your advantage and imbue your website with colorful palettes, as you spring clean that website. Inspire optimism by using florals to spell out words. Capitalize on content that talks about being active and enjoying the great weather.
Get Started on Spring Cleaning Routines for Your PR
When you take the time to spring clean your PR practice this quarter, you’ll reinvigorate your clients’ messaging. And sooner than later, the work you’ve put in to refocus your messaging will pay off.