Tag Archives: planning

In light of recent circumstances, we on the Porch felt it would be useful to dive into crisis management.

The Bare Bones:

 Clear, open communication to employees is crucial. Analyze the problem and get to fixing it! Strategy is a key component of any crisis management plan.

What you might include in your crisis comm plan:

The communication aspect of the crisis communication plan should include (for each scenario) progressive communications, their audiences, and communication channels. For example, it is better to tweet out a holding statement to buy some time while figuring out what the situation is and later updating with more detailed information as you know more. Having all of this documented is helpful because it will reduce the chances people get flustered, thus helping them take action.

Other Tactical Things You Can Implement:

Crisis simulation is one strategy that can be helpful because employees will be able to recognize when their emotions ramp up during an actual crisis and can therefore reign them back in.  Leadership is also important because people are looking to leaders for support. According to Fast Company, a company that succeeds in a crisis has “Leaders who can show that change is being made or something’s being fixed, that a product is being recalled or replaced, who take action that restores the confidence of the consumer, or the investor, or the employees.”

A study from Business and Society Review mentions the TTR Test, which stands for Transparency, Two-Way symmetrical communication, and Right Time.  Every crisis communications plan should cover the TTR Test!

Transparency is key for businesses in crisis management because it allows information to be made available and easily understandable. Two-way symmetrical communication is pivotal because it is a business’s duty to foster communication. Right Time is all about delivering prompt, credible responses.

Words of advice from another Fast Company article include:

  1. Companies must stand on principle, not on politics
  2. Think about your employees
  3. Prepare to get ahead of the curve

An article from Cassling encourages a crisis communication plan to be as concise as possible. It also encourages the use of a crisis management team who collects information, creates key messages, and handles media. Internal procedures should always be accounted for, such as deciding how employees will receive messages. Employee training is also necessary if a crisis were to occur. Cassling also encourages companies to utilize social media, even suggesting a ghost website that can be made live in the event of a crisis.

Key takeaways:

Be knowledgeable and communicate, communicate, communicate! There is nothing you can do when a crisis hits, so keep calm and stick to your plan. And remember: the most important thing is to not get emotional!

Contemplating a communication strategy to enact in the event of a company crisis is a cringe-inducing exercise for any business leader. But it’s a necessary exercise.

Considering possible catalysts and consequences allows you to craft contingency plans that will help weather a storm … before the clouds appear on the horizon. The more you plan, the more likely damage control becomes if a crisis strikes. Rapid containment helps prevent catastrophic damage to a brand’s reputation and bottom line.


There are core components of any crisis control plan, regardless of industry, company size, or severity of crisis.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” ~ Alexander Graham Bell, inventor

Before a crisis strikes, create a comprehensive crisis communications plan.

What are elements of a crisis communications plan?

Identify a corps crisis team. Your CEO, COO, Communication Coordinator(s) and Legal Counsel will undoubtedly be part of this group. Consider who else may need to collaborate.

Identify and know your stakeholders. Anyone who could be impacted by what occurs with your brand should go on this list. This includes customers and shareholders.

Identify and train spokespeople. Anyone handling communications with the media and/or on social media should be trained on the dos and don’ts. Train these spokespeople to remember you are never “off the record.” Ingrain in them these three C’s of crisis communications:

  1. Be Clear. Concisely communicate the information and the plan as they are established.
  2. Be Credible. Communicate only facts and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Authenticity and empathy build credibility. Acknowledge and respond to questions and mistakes quickly.
  3. Be Cohesive. Stay on message throughout all communication methods and channels. Confusion breeds conflict.

Establish notification and monitoring systems. Consistent social media monitoring will allow you to watch for the early warning signs of a brewing crisis. Having established notification systems will allow you to quickly coordinate a response to avoid catastrophic damage.

Be proactive with your public relations. This includes having a a solid social media presence. Consistent connection with your audience builds a strong brand. The stronger brand you build before a crisis, the more credibility you will have when weathering one.

When a threat or crisis is identified, immediately implement your plan.

Coordinate Central Command. Establish frequent communications with the crisis team.

Control the Narrative. Crucial to conquering any crisis is controlling the narrative surrounding it. Compose a message establishing what you currently know and what you are doing to counteract the damage. Identify the communication channels you will use to provide future updates.

Communicate. Pause scheduled posts on social media but continue monitoring and responding in real time. Remember the Three C’s when engaging with the media and/or on social media. Every touch point is critical.

Collect Information. Most of the time that means going offline, but it is critical that you continue to monitor and respond.

“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” ~ President John F. Kennedy

After the dust settles, comb through what worked and what didn’t. Change the plan accordingly, and continue to update it on an ongoing basis.

Truth be told, I have not historically been the epitome of the happy, organized, relaxed holiday doyenne. Instead, I have been the poster child for procrastination (“I know those limited edition sneakers are hard to come by … but I’ll find them tomorrow”), delusion (“I am in great shape – plenty of time left”), and last minute panic (“It’s Thanksgiving morning … where am I going to find a pie dish?”). Every year I find myself with the very best of intentions, but decidedly too much to do and not nearly enough time to do it.

So I am turning over a new leaf. I want to actually ENJOY the holidays this year. Care to join me in that? Let’s do it.

First, Let’s Think About Things

Spend some quiet time thinking about what you have loved about the holidays in years past. Who do you want to spend time with? Where? What is important to you? What is important to your family? Ask them … you might be surprised by what they love and what you only think they love. Let the rest fall away.

Fall in Love With the List

The key to managing the holidays is planning and organization, and the key to planning and organization is … the list. Actually, let’s pluralize that … LISTS. Gifts to buy lists, gifts you’ve bought lists, lists of activities, lists of recipes, lists of groceries for the recipes … you get the idea. Make your lists and scratch things off as you go along – it’s uber gratifying. If you want to knock yourself out, invest in a holiday planner. A friend of mine just bought this one and it looks awesome!

More Important than the List is the Timeline

Some things can’t be planned for but setting a timeline and keeping on schedule is essential. It will minimize the need to shop for and hand-deliver gifts to all your kids’ teachers on the last day of school before the break. Sigh. I might have done that a time or ten. New leaf, new leaf, new leaf. Plan ahead, people. Time moves at warp speed in the months of November and December.

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself

Don’t stop doing what makes you feel good, even though you’re busy. Sleep, exercise, meditate, get outside, laugh, breathe. Put “me time” on your list. It keeps you from losing your mind. Your body (and your family) will thank you.

Stress Happens so Have a Ripcord Nearby

Despite all our thinking and list-making and scheduling, there will be times when we feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Find a way to decompress and re-center, whatever that is for you. For me, it’s tennis and a bubble bath. For you, it could be karaoke and tequila. Do it. I don’t judge.

And lastly, ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS. Be present. Be joyful. Make some memories.