3 Lessons I Learned Working for Amazon
For as long as I can remember life has always been fast-paced. Going to school was always about keeping up and trying to stay ahead 24/7. Sports were always about learning while on the go. Even life, in general, was always about how little time we had to accomplish the tasks at hand, and once again I was able to experience this lifestyle working for Amazon, a company that only knows one speed, fast pace.
One of the biggest adjustments coming into the job of working for Amazon was how much responsibility you get right off the bat. With little time to adjust, I was thrown into my job and expected to keep up like the rest of our company. Just like life, I was expected to take the little I knew and find a way to succeed.
How to Adjust to a Fast-Paced Environment
Luckily I’ve had some great lessons about how to adjust to fast-paced environments, and I used these to help me succeed.
- Stay as organized as possible. It is so easy to become overwhelmed with all the components of your job. It is important to find a system that helps you excel when you organize for the day. Take the time to keep all your ducks in a row, it helps you so much in the long run. Also, don’t be afraid to take extra time to get this right, slow and steady wins the race even in a fast-paced environment.
- Be as flexible and adaptable as possible. This one I cannot stress enough, because it is easy to just stick to the things you know. Whether that is knowledge or process, it is easy to not want to adapt to new things and change. At Amazon, there were so many processes, in the beginning, I refused to learn because I didn’t want to change my method. When I finally decided to give them a try my entire workday changed for the better. Sometimes a little change can be beneficial, so embrace it!
- Use all the tools given to you. This practice backpacks on being flexible and adaptable, and is so important. One of the first things I failed to do when I started at Amazon was use all of the different tools that were provided to me. Doing this made my work more difficult and made my day seem like it was so slow. When I decided to utilize my tools I was finally keeping pace and enjoying the process at work.
Working for Amazon Forced Me Out of My Comfort Zone
Amazon was truly an eye-opening experience for me as it forced me out of my comfort zone. It made me realize that working doesn’t have to be this thing you can’t stand every day. Instead by using different tactics and finding ways to work more efficiently, I was able to conquer my days and feel like I won. I think the biggest takeaway from working at Amazon was that when you decide to get past the working part and truly apply yourself, any job can be enjoyable.