Tag Archives: partnership

We are in Q4 of 2021. Whaaattttt? Don’t panic-spend the rest of your marketing budget! Maximize your your remaining 2021 marketing budget through the end of the year by thinking smart and acting smarter. This isn’t our first rodeo, so we see this every year. And we get it: marketing is one of the first line items asked to be cut for next year. How do you combat that mindset? Spend wisely with what’s left in your remaining 2021 marketing budget because budgets are being scrutinized before being renewed. So if you’ve spent your marketing budget wisely this year – showing brand impact and growth – you’ll have a better case to make for 2022’s marketing budget numbers. How can you maximize your remaining 2021 marketing budget and get more done? First, start with the help of your marketing partner.

Where can business leaders find real value in the fourth quarter 2021?

Marketing partners. Small or large, your team can help you plan and carry out the most efficient and effective way to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to Q4 spending. Partners can help you in these 7 ways to maximize your remaining 2021 marketing budget:

First Maximize Your Remaining 2021 Marketing Budget by Using it to Set Up Your 2022 Plans and Budgets

  • Forge marketing budgets and marketing plans for 2022. As objective professionals with your business’s success in mind, marketing partners will research, employ best practices and take great care in detailing your path to success. Not just for Q4 2021, but next year as well. Marketing partners tend to think both short-term gains AND long-term momentum, which ultimately means growth and sustainability for your business.

Then build a winning team

  • Next, build a marketing team that is set up to succeed. From your marketing plan for next year, and your budget, identify the gaps you have needed to execute your plan. Provide resources for finding the talent and tools to fill those gaps. Whether you’ll need new team members, new tech or new skills, make sure you’ll have it covered ahead of time. Being reactive about getting things done at the last minute because of poor planning benefits no one.

Seize Opportunities for Brand Impact

  • Then, capitalize on existing opportunities to shine. Q4 is full of events, inherently built into the holiday calendar. And fall is often trade-show season. And, your marketing calendar can include multiple opportunities for touch-points with your audience around the holiday season
    • Sponsor events at trade shows for exposure to a broader audience
    • Community events around the holidays are great local, grassroots places to connect with your audience
    • Partnering with a charity is a tangible way for your business to give back to the community
  • Also, give direction but stay out of the weeds when it comes to social media. Maximize your time, by providing social marketing content in the form of access to your asset library (photos, graphics, brand guidelines), as well as any messaging documents, previous collateral and press releases. Your team can build successful, impactful social media and “speak as the brand”. If you are wordsmithing copy and micromanaging design from your team, you’re wasting resources, not maximizing them. One big time suck that every business owner and leader needs to take off their list – editing social media content before it is posted. As a business leader, is this the best way to spend your valuable time? Ask your marketing partner to handle this for you.

Adopt a Continuous Improvement Mindset

  • Most importantly, fine tune your website. Q4 is the perfect time to assess the strength of your website. Ask your marketing partner to help you:
    • Assess your digital situation. Prune your content, evaluate and fix underperforming pages and links
    • Fine tune your SEO (search engine optimization) so that your content answers the questions that people are asking. Draw customers to you with smart, precise content
    • Update the look and feel of your website to reflect modern times and modern UX behavior (user experience). Your site should be responsive (able to change to fit desktop, mobile, ipad, etc) and use common structures to guide site visitors along their customer journeys.
    • Start content marketing. This means setting up a blog on your site, if you haven’t already. and get your marketing partner to ghost-write weekly content – which can then also be promoted on your social media channels. Content marketing, as this is called, is one of the most important ways to keep your site fresh and “indexing” higher on Google. The more you establish your voice of authority in your business space, the more your site is recognized by Google and recommended to others for that knowledge.
  • Don’t forget to reward your loyal clients/customers. It’s not always about finding new customers. In Q4, make it about retaining your strong client base for 2022. Remind them why they’re with you.
    • Identify your top email subscribers, top social media followers, etc. and create a marketing campaign that is created for and target to them on the channels where they interact with you.
    • Create direct mail holiday messaging and snail mail a heartfelt message and perhaps a reward (like a gift, discount, or plus-up) just for being loyal members, subscribers, clients.

Maximize Your Remaining 2021 Marketing Budget When it Counts – The Holidays

  • What is your holiday plan? Counsel with your marketing partner and then execute on holiday season activity via direct mail, email marketing, text campaigns and social media. Create a sale, a promotion, or an experiential event for your customers and invite them to experience your brand during the holidays. Introduce a simple as a holiday discount, or hold a fun a pop-up brand experience as part of a neighborhood or even city-wide event. Your marketing partner can help you discern what opportunities are best-suited for your company.

Maximize your remaining 2021 marketing budget to win, yes even in Q4

Smart marketing leaders can continue business growth during this time by working with smart marketing partners to maximize remaining 2021 marketing budgets. How do they do it? They don’t waste valuable resources – the most valuable being THEIR TIME. Spend your valuable time wisely on the big things that will grow your business for next year – and your marketing partners can handle the details for you. As we like to say “spend time ON your business not IN your business” to maximize your impact as a leader.

Empathy. Understand and share the feelings of another. More relevant in our country now more than ever.

Like many, last week on the Porch was spent defrosting from the massive winter storm.

Natural disasters occur. Business owners and leaders lead with empathy.

Heed these marketing and communication 101s:

  • Safety first. Focus on the wellbeing of your team, then your clients. Reach out to check on them, their families and business. Focus only on their immediate needs and any help you may be able to offer. Show genuine empathy for those in crisis. Everything else waits.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work. Thanks to one of our amazing team members, we had two co-working spaces. We were able to use that to communicate with our clients and to help them manage their internal and external business messages. In turn, it was easier for our clients to focus on their own team’s needs. Rally the troops that are available and get to work focusing on others’ needs.
  • In addition, dedicate to serving who, how and where you can. We know from our own experience that the smallest gesture can make a powerful impact. This time, the Porch had power so we were able to offer our space and internet, and laundry room, to our Clients and friends who did not. Other clients had water their neighbors did not and eagerly gave of their own resources. Others may simply need an ear to listen. Make it a point to let your clients know you are there to help them in any way you can, not only with the needs that earn you income.
  • After that, patience is a virtue. Rethink planned marketing initiatives.
    • Email marketing: Your communication can wait when other people are in crisis.
    • Social media posts: Meet your customer or Client where they are. During these times, emotions are highly-charged. Be authentic and empathetic.
    • Press releases: Don’t send press releases during times when a portion of the country is going through damaging events. Timing is everything.

Most importantly, extend empathy. There will come a time when you are facing your own unexpected storm and will need someone else to freely offer it to you.

In conclusion, we hope you and yours are safe, warm and damage-free. Client service is not simply our job; it is our heart.

Please reach out if we can help you.


It is all rockin’ on the porch!



: a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group

: a group of people who work together

: a group of two or more animals used to pull a wagon, cart, etc.



: of or performed by a team <a team effort>; also : marked by devotion to teamwork rather than individual achievement <a team player>


: to bring together (two people or things)

This past week marked the first team retreat for Front Porch Marketing. Led by our Chief Rocker, our event was an inspiring forum for creativity, innovation, processes and process improvement (oh, and world domination).

It made me ponder a little bit about what teams look like in today’s business environment.

As you can see from the definitions above, the word “team” is a noun, adjective or verb. But, what does that mean to us?

There are huge benefits in working as a team. When teams work well, each member feels they are contributing towards a shared goal. The shared knowledge and camaraderie forges (or frays) are the ties that link us together.

There is also a shared accountability for the success or failure of each project.

But, what do teams look like today? By definition, all of us are part of a team of some sort. For small businesses, there is an ebb and flow to the group. Some work in virtual teams, i.e. depending on the goal, project or time of year, individuals or groups come in and out of a project/initiative/account. This creates an efficient working structure and high value to the customer/client.

Whatever your team looks like, just remember – we’re all in it together!