And here we are at the end of 2020. Last year’s reflections focused on time and community. At the end of 2019, we encouraged you to spend the first year of this new decade in community with others and in the company of those you love. Little did we know how life-altering 2020 would prove to be.
This is the year of the letter “I.” 2020 has not been idyllic, but it has been, for better or worse, impactful. First, it has been isolating. But, 2020 has illuminated how important people and community are, and how much we take for granted in our modernized world.
2020 highlighted the fact that we are all imperfect people who could use a little extra kindness and grace extended toward us.
It’s been a year of incredible innovation and imagination to say the least. How did this happen? Industrious people were required to slow down and indulge in the company of those closest to them while requiring others to be indefatigable in their care of others.
So we hope these reflections lift your spirits and provide hope and inspiration for a brighter 2021.
Chief Rocker Julie Porter
For me, 2020 was always going to be a monumental year. I anticipated significant changes in my personal life. But I never would have imagined how quickly and continuously my family would have to adjust our plans and expectations.
From a personal perspective:
My son graduated from high school during COVID. Bands of angels are singing that it happened. Then, his school, as did most others, adjusted their plans to provide a wonderful graduation celebration.
Yes, he also left the nest and began his freshman year of college. Now, he’s more than 1,000 miles away. No amount of planning could have prepared me for this. So I simply miss him. My heart yearns for his presence every single day. Yet, I am so proud of him. Of course, he has acclimated brilliantly to his school in a different state, even without the usual opportunities to build new relationships.
Next, I quickly learned I should not quit my day job in favor of becoming an elementary school teacher. Actually, I would be awful (and miserable!) at it. My daughter, an extrovert, began learning online after Spring Break 2020. Homeschooling isn’t for either of us. As a result, I could never be more thankful for those blessed with the ability and passion for teaching.
And finally, my husband, employed with the same company for 19 years, left his job. That could be a whole blog post itself.
From a business perspective:
This year, I have marveled at the Front Porch Marketing team. Their talent, attitude, dedication, collaboration, innovation and work ethic are unmatched.
Honestly I don’t know what I have done to receive them as one of my many blessings. They are the best.
So 2020 was a reminder we need to let people do their thing. I often said to our team members, “You do you. I will do me. There is no judgment.”
Inspiration has come from business owners and leaders who pivoted, rebranded and/or valiantly stayed the course. Hence, I am grateful many have realized the power of branding and marketing in growing and saving their businesses.
Mid-March, I wasn’t sure what would happen to Front Porch Marketing. What would happen to our clients’ businesses? Where would new business come from?
Every year brings new lessons. 2019 was hard for my family because of a personal loss. It made us stronger ~ my family, my business and me. Thus, I am grateful for the strength I gained and could rely upon this year. Looking forward, I am hopeful for the opportunity 2021 holds. May we continue to be the light. Always find the joy.
Media Rock Christine Finnegan
2020 was a pivotal year in my life. To start, I had to take hold of my family’s well-being like never before. This was more about a mindset than physical acts, particularly with college-aged sons. Their emotional framework was dictated by how I was reacting to our world, as we knew it, changing seemingly overnight.
Consequently, my sons and I operated as a unit and, as such, our already strong bond increased to a new level. So 2020 made me more resilient. I hold the ones I love closer and tighter. In some ways, I am going to miss the closeness the quarantine afforded my sons and me.
Rock Star Vanessa Hickman
One special outcome from the year is gratitude for all the things! Big things, small things and everything in-between. Bigger and better appreciation for simple creature comforts (toilet paper), ability to provide for our kids, travel and go to school.
Separation intensifies love, so my case-study of one validates absence makes the heart grow fonder. This year brought great appreciation for missed events, gatherings and people. It really put a spotlight on our priorities and was a reset on how and where we spend our time.
We are more grateful for our family, friends, community, healthcare providers, food suppliers, teachers, delivery drivers, and leaders than ever before.
We continue to be amazed by our community’s resilience, resourcefulness and ability to keep going with a positive attitude. It is always good when your blessings are bigger than your bummers and that is how we are wrapping up the year and to that we give thanks!
Rock Collector Alison Moreno
In such a turbulent year, I have found that being grateful for the small things helped me find more moments of peace. First, making a concerted effort to find joy in the everyday helped me to recognize I was able to spend extra time with family. I could learn new skills, enjoy being outside on a beautiful day and work with wonderful people. In these things I have found healing in gratitude and I am going into the new year knowing there is always good around us – we just have to look for it.
Intern Allison Corona Del Cid
2020 has been filled with challenges. But it has also been a true blessing to spend this year growing closer to my family, friends and faith. And I am truly appreciative of my FPM family and the joy they get from our clients’ successes. So here is to a new year! My biggest wish is for health, happiness and hope for all.
Swiss Army Rock Lea Ann Allen
2020 – the year that seems to have taken away so much from so many. On paper, it meant job loss, isolation, breast cancer and a pandemic. But I choose to acknowledge that this is the year I have realized a lifelong dream I never thought was possible. After a 30+ year career as a female creative, I am finally doing work that I am good at doing. And it is work that I love doing – for and with kind people who value me.
Now I work exclusively with women-owned businesses like Front Porch Marketing. Women have always been strong. This year, for the benefit those around them, women across the world have had to take on additional roles and shoulder heavier burdens. It surprises me not at all that women are persevering and creating work for others: recommending each other, lifting each other up and keeping each other afloat. In short, 2020 has been a year of incredible strength and resilience on everyone’s part.
Lil’ Rock Maria Gregorio
This year did not go according to plan. But, as Julie always says, “Be the light.” I choose to shine a light on the good things:
- My niece, Elise, was born in November. She’s a few weeks old and doing great.
- I have a job that I like and that I’m good at doing. (If someone told me as a kid that I would make a living with my creativity, I’m not sure I would have believed them.)
- I have great friends and family. They are all people with whom I can share the good stuff and the bad stuff.
I am grateful for what I have because it’s a lot. It’s a lot.
From All of Us on the Porch: Let Your Light Shine, Friends
Stay humble and kind.
Rock on.
Innovate. Inspire. Imagine.
With love in our hearts for our family, friends, clients, communities and country, we will thrive.