Tag Archives: LinkedIn Business

LinkedIn continues to be a powerful sales and marketing tool. With other social networks manipulating algorithms, LinkedIn ranks in the top two where organic social media marketing is still effective.

And the user demographics for LinkedIn are a proof point for brands and business leaders to utilize this tool now to engage their audience and grow their business.

What Works on LinkedIn

Strategy and other things are critical to maximize results for brands and personal pages on LinkedIn.

  • Provide value. Heavy, brand only content isn’t effective. Audiences want value. Be engaging. Tell stories. Share advice. Use testimonials. Give perspective on industry trends. Be a storyteller. Share what your team is passionate about at work and personally.
  • Posting cadence. Have a content calendar and be committed to posting frequency.
  • Message and visual consistency. Make sure you are following your message map, content buckets, brand style guide and visual guidelines.
  • Encourage team members to interact with your brand page. As we always say, you can’t market externally if your team isn’t educated and engaged internally. Turn each team member into a brand champion. Provide them with the knowledge on how they can market the brand. Make sure content shared on LinkedIn is engaging to them. They should want to like and share the brand’s posts.

Where to Start On LinkedIn

At a minimum, business leaders on LinkedIn should:

  • Have an updated headshot.
  • Upload a branded timeline cover.
  • Log into LinkedIn three times a week.
  • Like team members’ and brand’s post.
  • Accept relevant and meaningful connections.
  • Reach out and ask for connections to team members, clients and other contacts you meet at conferences, conventions, etc.
  • Monitor competition’s brand pages to get a snapshot of the competitive landscape.

Interested in assistance utilizing LinkedIn for your business? For you as a business leader? The time is now. Front Porch Marketing is here to help you succeed on this important business platform.

LinkedIn mistakes can be avoided with careful branding and strategy.

LinkedIn continues to be a powerful tool for brands, B2B, B2C and nonprofits, as well as business leaders — and instead of LinkedIn mistakes your company can make LinkedIn a tool for driving your bottom line. Often, companies and nonprofits as well as business leaders approach us to partner with them on LinkedIn strategies and execution. But a few things need to be in place before we start.

When and How to Get Started With LinkedIn

Front Porch Marketing first looks at the brand architecture, target audiences, and competitive environment. For a LinkedIn strategy to be successful, there has to be a good marketing foundation. Therefore, if the branding and strategy isn’t right to begin with, we will not be able to help. We believe in being stewards of our Clients’ budgets and brands, so we consider a one-off LinkedIn initiative to be shooting money into the wind. And that LinkedIn mistake isn’t brand- or thought-leader building.

With that said, these are the five most common LinkedIn mistakes we are seeing companies make right now:

1. Brand pages reposting individuals’ content on its feed

Individuals should share brand content on their feed not the other way around. Content should lead back to the brand.

2. Brand pages posting once or maybe two times a month is a LinkedIn mistake

People cannot see the posts without regular consistency. Be consistent to create connections with your audience.

3. Brand pages only posting what is happening with the company

But what’s in it for your followers? To be truly successful on LinkedIn, provide value and insights no matter where they come from. It’s not what’s all about you you you.

4. Brand pages are not being social

LinkedIn members are commenting and liking your posts. Are you engaging them and doing the same in return? Talk to your followers and this will lead to insights that will inform future content.

5. Business leaders are not convicted about the network

They say that people are only trying to sell me things, or that social media is a waste of time. And the worst of all, *that* isn’t worth sharing. Your followers want to know more about your company, what it stands for, how it can help them, what it’s like to work there and more. LinkedIn is not a mistake — it’s a platform for engaging with your employees, your future employees, your peers and the larger business world.

Want to chat more about LinkedIn, and not make a LinkedIn mistake?

We are happy to do so, to help your company understand how LinkedIn can be a business-driving tool for their industry online. Let’s have a real conversation on the Porch.