Tag Archives: lifestyle

Did you know that anxiety is normal? It actually can be a good thing because it means you are paying attention. Whether we internalize or externalize it, everyone deals with it differently. Most people actually experience it from an early age. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, almost 18% of American adults have an anxiety disorder. That is practically 40 million people! The key to managing your anxiety is first acknowledging it. We have provided a guide to help during these stressful times.

Identify Your Triggers

Anxiety triggers will be different for everyone. Caffeine, alcohol, driving/traveling, genetics, and a stressful work environment are common triggers. Once identified, you should try to limit your exposure. Being hyperaware can help you avoid certain situations. If you can’t limit exposure, you may try consulting a therapist to help with changing negative thought patterns using CBT, or even just talking to a professional regularly.

Put Things Into Perspective

Often times our minds spiral and blow things out of proportion. If you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, measure the situation. Imagine a scale with one side being the more reasonable outcome, and the other the out-of-control option your brain has formulated. Chances are, whatever you are worrying about is much closer on the spectrum to the reasonable outcome. This should help you steer yourself back onto the path of positive thinking.

Drink Lots of Water

Hopefully you do this already, but dehydration can spur panic attacks. Be sure to hydrate to avoid those pitfalls and manage your anxiety effectively.

Exercise Daily

Anxiety oftentimes spikes while we are inactive. Getting even 30 minutes of exercise a day will help relieve tension and release endorphins.

Establish A Sleep Schedule

Sleep studies have shown the average adults needs 7-9 hours a night. It is also best to be asleep anytime between 8 and 12. When we are rested we are our best selves! Setting a routine can help manage your stress better. A sleep schedule is one more thing you can control, which can lessen anxiety.

Key Takeaway

We are lucky to live in a time where anxiety is normalized now more than ever. Above all, you need to do what is best for you, whether that be simple DIY tricks, counseling, or medication. We want to help in any way we can, and hope we have provided a helpful guide for managing your anxiety!

Think of the last few things that you bought, big or small—a new phone, a pair of yoga pants, a new car, a pair of shoes, even a food item. All of these products have one thing in common: the company you purchased them from is selling you a lifestyle.

lifestyleSo what is a lifestyle brand?

Webster defines a lifestyle as an individual’s whole way of living, and a brand as (a) an identifying mark or label (b) the make of a commodity or (c) a special kind.

Wikipedia’s says: A lifestyle brand is a company that markets its products or services to embody the interests, attitudes, and opinions of a group or a culture. Lifestyle brands seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people, with the goal of their products contributing to the definition of the consumer’s way of life. They often operate off an ideology, hoping to attract a relatively high number of people and ultimately becoming a recognized social phenomenon.

In Forbes article A Survival Guide For Symbolic And Lifestyle Brands, they point out “(Lifestyle Brands) deliver strong social benefits through which a consumer will be able to subconsciously answer the question, “when I buy this brand, the type of people I relate to are…” they create a sense of belonging or disrupt the status quo. So, Nike aligns people who want to push their limits. Club Med connects those who wish to communicate; The Body Shop, those who value nature.”

If you are a lifestyle brand or if you aspire to be a lifestyle brand, you must fully grasp the lifestyle your customer aspires to and you must reflect it in thought, word and deed. You need to clearly communicate that you embrace the same ideals as your customer, but also define your product.
Consumers have started referring to brands as if they have their own personalities. Have you found yourself saying “That doesn’t seem like them” or “That was off-brand”? Case in point: a brand whose red cup can wage a war on Christmas.

In today’s constant barrage of communication, people want transparency, authenticity, and honesty. They want to admire and trust the brands they bring into their life. To create a lifestyle brand, you must:

  1. Discover Your Brand: What do you want people to feel about your brand? Determine what lifestyle aspirations your brand fulfills, and communicate accordingly.
  2. Create your Brand: Clearly define your brand personality. Your identity needs to be holistic. What is your brand’s whole way of living?
  3. Communicate Your Brand {with confidence}. Be conversational. Our friends and family enhance our lives with their adventures and personalities. Consumers expect that from a lifestyle brand. Create experiences. Share your personality. Form connections. Express your personality on many different platforms.

“In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes,” Tommy Hilfiger

Here on ‘The Porch we are making brands rock your lifestyle daily.