Tag Archives: Internal branding

Dr. Stephen Covey taught us to, “Diagnose before you prescribe,” which is a simplified reason why you need internal research for your business. Also, the adage, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

The internal research process in a branding or re-branding effort gives an honest evaluation via an outside, unbiased third party of your strengths and weaknesses so you can dig into your brand’s core.

After all, the worst thing you can do for your brand is to market a promise that can’t be delivered.

Is there another way for you to know that your brand strategy, promise, positioning and message are going to be on target?

Internal Research On Target

Internal research allows us the ability to monitor quantitative and qualitative results and provides a foundation for our decisions. It removes personal bias and places the focus on tangible data.

The internal research process also builds internal alignment and engagement. Folks take ownership of your brand’s progression. Your team becomes brand champions.

Here’s a glimpse into questions we ask during internal research:

  1. Tell me about yourself and your specific role within the company?
  2. How long have you been with INSERT BRAND?
  3. What do you believe current customers/clients think of INSERT BRAND?
  4. What does INSERT BRAND do for customers/clients that others do not?

Not rocket surgery or brain science? Now, why would we put that bit on our blog and share on social media?

We on the Porch know a thing or two about internal research. Our seasoned, experienced team has been in-house as corporate, regional and field marketing as well as been in leadership positions at global and local agencies.

Think of us as your marketing department. We can help with branding. Our team can develop marketing strategies and plans. Our experts also execute on an on-going or project basis – website updates, identity refreshes, collateral development, advertising campaigns, event and trade show management and execution, email marketing, social media and so on and so on.

“Cuz you know what they say:” Here in the South, we don’t hide crazy. We parade it around the front porch and give it a cocktail.

When was the last time you looked up at the sky and really enjoyed the sunshine, being in the moment.

Felt the breeze on your face. Found shapes in the clouds.

Sunflower close-upIf you stopped right now, went outside and looked up, how would you feel? What would you be thinking? Are you happy? Content?

Perhaps, like many of us, things are basically good, but you’re in a bit of a life rut. Same routine over and over, and you suddenly realize how quickly the years are slipping by. Or maybe things simply aren’t going the way you want. There’s a little too much rain on your parade, and it’s gotten you down.

We all feel this way at some time or another. In today’s busy society, no one is immune from getting swept up in the stampede of life. Or being occasionally trampled by it. So how do you break free?

One way, again, is to simply look up. It’s sunshine, folks!

Let me explain. The other day, I heard a client talking about an employee who wasn’t performing at her best. He noted, “All she needs is a little water and sunshine, and she’ll be great.”

That was an amazing observation, and it really struck home with me. Of course, he was talking about nourishment. Nourishment of a person based on who she is. The things that feed her soul. Things to help her grow and thrive and blossom!

Ok, I’m overdoing it a bit, but you get the idea.

Friends, what is your sunshine? What are the nutrients that will nourish the essence of who you are? What do you need in your core being to shine more brightly?

It’s easy to ask these questions but not always easy to answer. Try to discover the tiny inkling within that excites you. Something you love and are passionate about, deep down. Maybe it’s a hobby, like painting or gardening. Perhaps it’s philanthropic, like rescuing dogs or mission work. It could be a special career skill that you didn’t pursue in college. Something on your bucket list? Take a moment and really listen to your gut. What are you hungry for?

When you find it, FEED IT! Embrace it! Nurture it! And give it plenty of sunshine!

Before you know it, you’ll be following your own heart on your own journey instead of being fenced in, grazing with the herd. It may be new and different, and it may require taking a risk. But you are only you once.

Dare to be great!

Cheers! Your company has a clearly defined brand – brandinga simple, relevant customer promise that competitively gives you an edge. Check that off the list, right? Absolutely! But before you move on to other things, have you thought about your internal processes?

What must you do internally to execute the brand? To make it come alive? Become more than just a piece of paper? Ensure that your customers understand the brand as you intended?

Before you talk about your brand to the masses, you need to first look within to be sure you’re delivering on that brand throughout the organization. You don’t want to set an expectation that disappoints later! So consider this carefully – What are your customer touch points? Think about ALL of them, from where your store is located to how well the product performs or even how clean the front desk is when you walk in the door.

They’re all important.

Ergo, all companies need to identify and proactively manage their brand at all points of customer contact. Make a list of your contact points. Especially the less obvious ones like:

  • the way your phone is answered
  • how seamless your billing processes are for customers
  • what your employees say to others about their job
  • the attire of your salespeople
  • the quality of your packaging
  • the functionality and ease of navigating your website
  • your response time for customer questions

Basically, everything you say and do as an organization reflects on your brand. Look carefully at your internal processes. If you’re experiencing problems at a touch point, they need to be addressed – you don’t want a seemingly minor issue to be the string that unravels all the work you put into building your brand. Assess each item on your list, and then prioritize those you need to change.

The goal is to eliminate negative experiences and keep or build on areas in which you are strong. Strong in communicating the brand promise.

Often, we ask a client, “If you do everything right, what’s the one thing you want your target to remember about you? If we conducted research now, would they give that answer?”

This is the fun part, folks! Branding and marketing rocks! Every company has struggles, but strategic marketing built on a strong brand is the impetus for success!

Go team!

Julie Porter is the chief rocker at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her, julie_porter, or her company, itsfrontporch, on Instagram; and Twitter @juliedporter01 or @itsfrontporch; and like us on Facebook at FrontPorchMktg.