Tag Archives: holiday season

Every year at this time, I sit down to write a blog that adequately expresses the gratitude I have in my heart. And the truth of the matter is, I struggle to find words weighty enough.

Friends, I am beyond thankful.

I am thankful that …

  • my dream of forming a company to do work that I love, every day, has become a reality.
  • my team of amazing professionals are not just co-workers; but also parents, warriors and above all else, friends.
  • I work for and alongside amazing client partners who value what we do, follow our lead and in turn, inspire us to grow and evolve.
  • the structure of my professional life allows me to be present for the important moments in my personal life. And I am proud that my entire team is able to do the same.
  • I have a loving husband who values and appreciates me.
  • I have strong, healthy, independent, amazing children whose successes bring me more joy than I thought imaginable. Don’t even get me started on this one. I am so grateful.
  • my entire family, but most specifically my parents, whose unending support and involvement in my life means everything.

I am thankful, friends. Beyond thankful.

Thank you, all of you, for making my personal and professional life rich and meaningful. My heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

In my husband’s family, his mother did something wonderful at Christmas every year – she gave them a budget and took them shopping to choose their own gifts. I love this idea, it’s extremely sweet and reinforces the importance of giving. And although I appreciate the lessons inherent in granting children control over these decisions, I just have never felt like I had the time necessary to carry on the tradition.

However, this year, my youngest son Mason saved $13. And, having heard the stories about his father’s process as a boy, begged me to take him shopping, so he could do the same and purchase his own gifts. And so, with 10 people on his Christmas list and $13 burning a hole in his pocket, we headed to the only store that could accommodate him – Dollar Tree.

img_6567And so off we went. He walked in, list in hand, got his cart, and went to work. And I’m just sitting back, enjoying watching it all unfold, when Mason bumps into a friend’s mom in the toy aisle. He proudly tells her what he is doing and asks her opinion about a gift for my niece. And of course, she is as touched as I am. As she tells me how sweet she thinks my son is, I begin to cry. I’m overwhelmed by his goodness and appreciative of the validation.

Mason thoughtfully chooses his precious and thoughtful Dollar Tree gifts and pays for them, spending all $13 dollars, and borrowing the amount necessary to cover tax from me (and quickly re-paying the loan, I might add). He says, “I spent all my money on other people … but I feel really, really good. It feels good to give.”

And that, my friends, is all I need … my child instilled with the spirit of giving.

And it’s a reminder to me, this holiday season and always, that It indeed is better to give than receive.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

Tips for remaining zen during the holidaysWe look forward to the holidays all year long. They are a wonderful time for festive gatherings, re-visiting family memories and traditions, and creating new ones. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukkah or Kwanzaa, the virtues of each of these holidays are celebrated for weeks and months in advance.

However, preparations for these celebrations can really zap our time. On any given day, the challenges presented by Father Time during the holidays can be intense. A Hollywood producer might love to document the chaos of a holiday reality show — imagine Gordon Ramsay trying to handle the heat in the kitchen while simultaneously shopping, decorating, wrapping, delivering and entertaining!

And beware! Just when you think you’ve wrangled things into manageable chaos, factor in a last minute curveball, because Someone. Will. Get. Sick.

It’s tempting to throw in the towel and let yourself get voted off the island and retreat. But with a little patience, pluck and determination, you can survive the holiday jungle and actually enjoy your holidays!

Here are a few of our tips on how to get through the season in one piece and beat Father Time at his own game:

  • Drink calming tea – it’s vital for survival.
  • Pay attention to behaviors. Delegate the right tasks to the right people. And, by all means, bring in “special teams” when necessary.
  • These days are long, people! Avoid the jitters and get an extra boost of sustainable energy with a Radiant Red Glow (with jalapeno) from The GEM.
  • Survivors will be welcomed back into civilization and rewarded with the rejuvenation gleaned from a good night’s sleep. On The Porch, we love the comfort and feel of crisp percale Egyptian cotton sheets. Lyric by Peacock Alley are our faves.

So enjoy the chaos and the glamour of the holidays, but remember, when it all comes down to it – there is a reason for the season. Take a deep breath, grab a mug and position your children under each arm, because “It’s a Wonderful Life” is truly what we have.

thanks8How is Thanksgiving and the holiday season already upon us?

It’s hard not to go full speed from now until the end of the year trying to get it all done – holiday shopping, end of the year goals and quotas at work, holiday festivities, family commitments … the list goes on and on. As much as we might have going on during this hectic holiday season, Thanksgiving is a good time to stop, take a breath and reflect on the experiences and things in our lives that have brought us to this point and most importantly, to be grateful.

Oftentimes things seem harder than they are. Being grateful can help put things into perspective. Being thankful and expressing gratitude will improve your life.

Take the time to be thankful each and every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

It will make you appreciate the good things in your life and allow you to enjoy them to the fullest.

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for our team, families, friends, partners and clients who have appreciated us, pushed us to perform to new heights and have stuck with us. You are a gift to us. We are thankful and grateful for each and every one of you!

We wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings!