Tag Archives: direct mail

Sales and selling never stops. What you are doing today impacts future sales the next quarter and beyond. Recently, we have heard of companies and non-profits pulling back on their marketing based on success to date, cash flow, lack of resources and/or business leader fatigue, among other things.

We know it is the end of another very long year, and you may be tired and lacking in energy and resources. But going dark isn’t the answer. There are ways to continue marketing efforts with less cash, less effort or less time. Build momentum and keep it going.

Be smart about what you’re doing today – impact future sales tomorrow.

Get the most out of your marketing efforts in a consistent, strategic way.

For instance, if your busy season is Q1, use Q4 to set your strategies, and get your ideas and materials ready so all you must do is hit “go” when you’re at the peak of utilizing your manpower in other areas throughout Q1. Have your plan for next quarter all ready to work for you.

As an example, we have already approved plans and strategies, are securing paid media schedules, and developing creative assets for Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains’ (GSTOP) Q1 initiatives. Doing this now means they can simply hit send when they are at their busiest time in January – gearing up for Girl Scout Cookie Sales time!

Here are six other ways to market now and help yourself later:

  1. Run a brand campaign. You can keep it simple or gear up for a big push. Just make sure you do something to get and keep your name out there. Always remember that new clients or customers take time to make a decision and do research before buying.
  2. Make a list so you can check it twice. First, create a list of prospective audiences to whom you can market. Then, build on this base list. This can include:
    a. Past customers / clients
    b. Prospects or past website visitors
  3. Check Google trends. Find out what main keywords may be trending that relate to your business. Spend now to get noticed and included in these trends.
  4. Develop or redesign your website. Do not wait for Q1 to jump back on this task. Get it done now so it is ready to launch in Q1. 4th Quarter is the perfect time to refresh and update the content on your website.
  5. Send those emails. E-mail marketing is cheap and easy but halting your monthly communication will affect results when you start back up. Don’t lose momentum. Don’t rest and count on past success to continue. If you’re not consistent, your sales won’t be, either.
  6. Stay active on social media. Your audience is listening, even if passively. Be consistent and engaged. Build your audience now, so they’re with you when all your big news hits next year.

So, when is a “safe’ time to put the brakes on marketing your brand? Around a quarter to … never.

Building and maintaining a successful brand requires continuity. Consistent marketing creates and sustains trust with your audience. Don’t stop marketing your brand when cash and/or resources are low. Don’t stop marketing your brand based upon success to date.

Your brand doesn’t wait while you’re tired. Your brand deserves continuous marketing effort, in some way, to make an impact both now and in your future sales. Don’t ever stop.

Stop and start marketing is not an option for successful brands.

Get out there and keep rocking your brand. Call us to help. The Porch is always ready to roll.

Maria Gregorio

Continuing on in our Rocker Spotlight series is Front Porch Lil’ Rock Maria Gregorio, who will share her insights on her own career and her experience on the Porch.

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

People want quality marketing for very little money. Cheap and great quality don’t really go together.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity? 

Sit down, talk with customers, friends and colleagues. Have lots of post-its and pens around. Branding can be a tedious process but worth it in the end when you know who you are as a company and what you stand for.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Keep learning and growing. If it looks like you can’t grow or learn in your position, its time to look elsewhere.

What does good marketing look like?

Responsive, meets the customer where they are, makes you smile.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

My parents’ house in the Philippines.

If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

My grandpa (deceased).

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

As the Front Porch Lil’ Rock nickname hints, I am short, funny, and quirky.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

No commute! Seriously though, that we get to do interesting, creative work for great clients.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

When my husband visited me in college, Memorial Day Weekend 2001. We have been together ever since.

In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?

I think we’re all straight shooters who want to do great work and do right by people.

Your goals for FPM?

Grow the business and continue helping small businesses achieve their dreams.

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

We are a fun group who work very hard and genuinely like being around each other. That’s not something you see every day in other workplaces.

How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

I think that judging from our quirky titles and the name of our company, people can tell that we like to do things a little differently. It does sound a little “folk-sy” but we just want to do great work for companies we believe in.   

Fun fact?

I have never lived in one place for more than four years. (military brat/railroader wife) And I used to do acting competitions in high school. I liked playing the villain 😈

Marketing insights are ever changing in the year 2020. Front Porch Marketing is nine this month! To open our celebration, we thought it would be fitting to look at nine marketing insights to help grow your brand and top line. Are you on track for steady, long-term growth?

Marketing Insights

Nine Marketing Insights to Grow the Top Line

  1. Brand architecture is paramount. Think of your brand like a pyramid and focus first and foremost on the base level. You can alter the other pieces and levels as needed, but the base must remain solid and stable. Need help designing that base? Start with a branding exercise.
  2. Referrals are fabulous, but how do you grow them? According to a TrueSpace and Gallup study titled the Five Conditions Assessment, slow and steady (and a tight focus on your market), wins the race. “The project’s data shows that the tighter a company’s focus on its market, the stronger its revenue will be,” according to Charles Fred, TrueSpace chairman and chief executive.
  3. Be consistent with your marketing. Shift your time frame and focus on long-term ROI, not just the instant gratification that comes with getting a flier or social media post out right now. For your brand’s long-term growth potential, consistency – in colors, words, logos, etc.- is key. Along those same lines, one single marketing campaign isn’t your silver bullet.
  4. Blogging is alive and well. Choose your Medium (pun intended!) based upon your target audience’s preferences and vary your content to avoid direct product advertisement only, and blogging is still a huge piece of the inbound marketing trifecta.
  5. Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Period. As the second piece of the trifecta, personalized email marketing is a direct, inexpensive and easy way to generate leads. Want to double down and double your leads? Of course, add automation.
  6. Social media rounds out the trifecta. Social media’s influence has grown so much over the past nine years. With its ability to connect brand and audience through real-time interaction, social media is a hugely successful marketing tool. In other words, it is another avenue through which consistent, organic content can “give you wings” without exclusively hacking your own product. For instance, ask Red Bull.
  7. The printed piece is not archaic. Direct mail, business cards, handouts and personalized birthday and holiday cards work. There is something timeless about printed pieces, particularly if your target audience tends towards paper over electronics.
  8. No matter the size of your marketing budget, you can make your mark. For instance, social media, blogging and e-mail marketing mean anyone with a dream and a solid plan can connect with others quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. Don’t let minimal marketing dollars hold you back. Therefore, use the budget you do have effectively by building the right partnerships to execute solid marketing plans.
  9. Teamwork makes the dream work. On the porch, we don’t take this lightly. In other words, we truly believe that to whom much is given, much is required. Giving back to our communities and supporting each other is a cornerstone of our personal and professional lives. Of course, make it a priority to connect with those around you.

Thanks for NINE FINE years!

Above all, we are only able to celebrate nine years on the Porch because of our clients, advocates, friends, family and team. A heartfelt thank you to each of you – past, present and future. Of course, we love what we do and are ready to rock with you this year!