Tag Archives: content marketing

I love telling a story.

Last week, my son asked a girl to Homecoming. Naturally, I posted the obligatory photo on Facebook, but the way he asked needed explaining, because it involved a three year old conversation, a completely nonsensical batch of verbiage, and a pint of guacamole. So I told the story. It was heartwarming, it was funny, and it illustrated the completely unique bond between my oldest children.

The post received more likes and responses than usual. Why? Because I told a story, and that story resonated with people, who felt compelled to engage with me about it.

This is no surprise to us on the Porch. We have long known that effective, evocative storytelling is the cornerstone of marketing. Finding the right words and ways to tell our clients’ stories is what marketing them is all about. On social media. On their websites. In their email newsletters.

It’s no wonder, then, that the marketing world is proclaiming that storytelling is the Future of Content Marketing in 2018.

It’s no longer enough to give consumers some evocative imagery and slick typography. The visuals are important, of course. It’s what catches their eye and piques their interest. But you have to give them something to connect to emotionally, something that engages them and keeps them coming back for more.

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” – writer Phillip Pullman

Your marketing should tell your story. It should tell the story of your business – what sets you apart and makes you unique. It should take information that is fairly practical – company capabilities, project descriptions, etc. – and give them life, context, and meaning.

It’s what I love most about my job. Meeting our clients. Listening to them and watching them and figuring out who they are and what makes them special. And then choosing the words that paint their picture. It’s the best.

Are you effectively painting your picture? Does your website show people exactly who you are? Do your social media accounts give people a glimpse into why you do what you do? If they don’t, then come see us. We can help you tell your story.

Fall is a season full of new engagement and reconnection. There are new coworkers in our offices. Our children are reconnecting with friends at school. Also, its a good time to look at tactics and strategies to increase your marketing ROI. After all, it is the last quarter of 2018. Enter the power of email marketing.

Certainly, social media is important.  (We love connecting on Instagram and Facebook!) Yes, influencer marketing campaigns are on the rise. But, email marketing is still known for higher ROI percentages for new and repeat consumer engagement.

Why?  Email allows for a more “conversational tone.” As a result, email communication can create a genuine feel for the consumer. Remember, “a small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.”

You've Got Mail: Increase ROI with the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing has higher ROI percentages for new and repeat consumer engagement.

Here are some tips for successful email marketing communications:

Make it personal: Know your audience. Personalization goes beyond including users’ names. This is an expected practice and off-putting if not done.

Email marketing allows you to “create different journeys for different groups,” says Forbes contributor Seamas Egan in his article, Netflix Is Winning At Email Marketing. Use the power of personalization to your advantage.

Make it interactive. Egan suggests using GIFs to animate emails. This is a great way to create relevant and interactive content. Check out this collection of animated marketing emails for inspiration.

Make it quick and easy. The less effort and time required for interaction, the better. Make emails skim-friendly. As a result, readers can quickly find the call to action and the main purpose of the email.

Sometimes a single email triggers a response that reconnects us. But, sometimes a single email is all it takes to land new business.

Research, branding and reboots … The latest version of our own Pick Six (for six glorious years in front porch marketing researchbusiness, natch …) finds us walking our own proverbial yellow brick road in search of marketing nirvana.

We always say (but it bears repeating), marketing is more art than science. Finding the perfect mix of marketing strategy and tactics that will deliver the biggest impact for clients is never a one size fits all exercise – it’s a bit of a journey! And we have to admit … we absolutely love the journey.

Research, branding and reboots, oh my!

Enjoy these exciting and fulfilling stops along the way:

  1. Research and Branding – The research and brand architecture exercise that we are undergoing with Mister Sweeper gives us serious back to basics euphoria! We live for this stuff, friends.
  2. Newsletter Refresh and Reboot – We love giving a long-standing client a refresh, and the end result is fantastic! Check out the latest Corps Team Client newsletter. Phenomenal!
  3. Blogging – We can’t say enough about blogging and the importance of it in your content strategy. Blogs we love include, but aren’t limited to, The GEM, TodoModo Group, PeopleResults and Feizy.
  4. Learning – The Chief Rocker’s association with Vistage continues to be an invaluable one. Lots of great ideas were shared recently by Communications Specialist Michael Allosso, who was the guest speaker at a business owner’s event.
  5. Team Straight Talk – Even when our Rockers aren’t delivering the skinny ON the Porch, they are telling it like it is OFF the Porch. Check out Tara (aka The Rock) in The Dallas Morning News.
  6. New Connections – We love that our clients and friends spread the word on our behalf! Meeting with new people and prospects to see if we can help is always a charge.

Thanks for walking our yellow brick road with us, friends! We continue to be thankful for each and every one of you.

Join us elsewhere if you want jams: TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn!

According to a 2016 Gallup Poll, Millennials have the lowest level of customer engagement across the industries that Gallup tracks. Gallup estimates that only “25% of millennials are fully engaged customers”, leaving brands to wonder how to engage the remaining 75%.

Gone are the days when when just posting and publishing frequently was enough. Now, with all the clutter on every form of social media, not only does your content need to be eye-catching, it also needs to be interactive and engaging.

As the younger generations shift their focus to work and individual production, their spending and buying habits shift as well. The Gallup Poll shows that while “71% of traditionalists and baby boomers consider themselves fully engaged with specific brands, only 53% of millennials and Gen Xers consider themselves fully engaged.”. Gallup further ranks each generation by their engagement, and found that “millennials tend to be more loyal and profitable when fully engaged,” as compared to other generations.

It is clear that if the success of a business relies heavily on millennials, understanding how to engage more than 25% of them is necessary for success. Even if a company relies on traditionalists and baby boomers for their profits, it is important to learn to adapt marketing plans as times change.

Consequently, companies need to strengthen their engagement and loyalty with millennials. Here are some tips.

Tips for Marketing to Millennials:

  • Mobilize Your Efforts. 85% of Millennials use smart phones. Ensure your content is optimized for them.
  • Think Like a Millennial. Understand what channels they frequent and how they interact on them. Make sure you are speaking to them and hitting all touchpoint.
  • Content is Key. Give them valuable, interactive, meaningful, honest content about your brand and your story. Tell a story – millennials want to engage.
  • Listen and Adjust. Listen to what they are saying, and be flexible and ready to adjust your plan when necessary.

Ensure your business isn’t missing this important millennial demographic. We here at Front Porch Marketing are ready to help!

I’m always looking for parallels in my life. A single thought that can be applied across all situations is something that resonates with me. These days, I am recognizing the importance of consistency.

Coaching Consistency

My youngest son is a tennis player. Although he is only 10 years old, he is serious about it and quite good. He can hit amazing serves, screaming forehand winners, and beautiful touch volleys that are something to behold. But his coach is stressing the need for consistency on the court. Those screaming forehand winners are beautiful, but can you hit them consistently? Are you putting in the work to get them there?

Last night, I had a bit of a parenting meltdown. After an extremely long day, I walked into my children’s den and found an absolute mess. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I lost it. But after I settled down, I realized that there have been little things that had been wearing on me all summer, but I hadn’t been consistent in my enforcement of the rules. I’d been letting things slide.

It’s not always easy to be consistent. It’s a mindful, daily commitment to doing what is best for the long term, even if it makes the short term difficult.

Marketing is largely about consistency as well

Establishing your brand voice and ensuring that you are consistently using that voice, across all channels, at every customer touch point, all day, every day, is absolutely key in marketing.

  • A good brand is built over time by establishing trust. Consumers want to know your brand, trust your brand, and depend on your brand to deliver quality time and again. This involves consistency of product and experience.
  • You must communicate your brand promise consistently. In your marketing materials. On your website. Across social media channels. Everything  you put out into the world should accurately reflect your brand.
  • Your employees have to buy into the need for consistency. In their interaction with customers, in the service they provide on your behalf, they need to be looped into your branding so that they are also consistently reflecting the core values of your company in all that they do.
  • Your marketing program requires consistent attention. Social media posting should happen at consistent intervals, on brand and on message. Consistent blogging is key. Your customers want to see you, hear you, and recognize you on a regular basis.

Are you being consistent in your marketing? Are you consistently applying your brand promise, day in and day out, at every touch point? If you’re not sure, give us a call. We are passionate about branding here on the Porch and we will set you straight!


314Here on the Porch, social media marketing is king. A strong social media plan is key to a healthy, robust presence on-line – which in turn leads to increased brand recognition, increased brand loyalty, more traffic, and ultimately more customers.

Using social media to grow your business can seem like a daunting task. But it needn’t be! Here are our 6 top tips for developing a strong social media presence:

  • Have A Social Media Plan for Each Channel. Please people, don’t just create one type of content and blast it across every social platform! Identify your audience and your goals for each platform – they are very different creatures. Ensure your posts are true to your brand and strike the tone you wish to convey. Develop a calendar and stick to it.
  • Create Meaningful Content and Deliver it Consistently. Quality content that excites and engages is worth its weight in gold. Make sure everything you post is valuable, relevant to your audience, helpful, and/or entertaining. And get it out there consistently!
  • The Key Word in Social Media is Social – Interact! Engaging with other users on a regular basis is key. Like people’s posts. When people comment, reply! Comment on other people’s posts. Retweet. Give people a shout out! Encourage communication and conversation.
  • Optimize Your Content with Visuals and Links. Visuals grab people’s attention, so don’t neglect this important piece of the puzzle. Photos, infographics, memes, videos – all valuable tools. Mix it up. Then don’t forget to drive traffic back to your site! Always link back to your products and services.
  • Blog, Blog, Blog. We can’t stress this enough. Develop blog posts that are easy to read,  highlighting ideas that are interesting and thought-provoking. Creating original content in the form of blogs is a win-win! Don’t become overwhelmed, blogs don’t have to be long. Just do it!
  • Get Your Entire Team In On the Action. Everyone has a valuable point of view and cache of experience, so encourage everyone to help your marketing efforts. Get them to blog and share their expertise. At the bare mimimum, ask them to follow and comment on the social profiles of your company and your clients.

We always say, marketing is more of an art than a science, and that is true! Take the human approach when developing your social media strategy – it will pay dividends!

We here on the Porch are huge proponents of blogging.

guest-blogging-sourceFor companies and entrepreneurs, establishing and growing an online presence is essential in order to gain subscribers, leads and ultimately revenue. An online presence is a dynamic animal, and simply can’t be achieved by merely having a website.

Creating a blog with content that is valuable, informational, interesting, and entertaining is an important piece of the puzzle. It will:

  • increase search engine traffic
  • humanize your brand and show the personal side of your business
  • work hand in hand with your social media marketing plan
  • establish you as an authority in your industry
  • generate leads

Very important things indeed.

I am privileged to work with our own Front Porch Rockers and many of our clients on their blogs. I am part writer, part editor, and part cheerleader! Writing anything, much less a weekly blog, can seem daunting. But it can be accomplished.

Here are a few blogging tips I have learned along the way:

  1. Just Write. Have an idea or a raw nugget of inspiration? Just write. Lists, fragments, rambling thoughts – all valuable. Get the words and ideas out and worry about polishing later.
  2. Write What You Know. You are a rock star! Get your wisdom out there. Your audience wants to hear it.
  3. Show Who You Are. Be yourself. Use vernacular that is your own. Let your audience get to know you. Write about things that are interesting and important to you. Have some fun!
  4. Mix It Up. Some blogs should highlight your company and its services. Some blogs should be informational. And some blogs should just be interesting to your readers. Aim for a good mix.
  5. Ask for Help. Have someone review your writing. Sometimes it only takes a minor tweak by someone with fresh eyes to make it infinitely better.

And above all else, just do it!

I’m here to tell you, it’s fun.


Photo courtesy of @thegemjuicebar

On the porch, we LOVE social media. We are OBSESSED with leveraging and analyzing it to benefit our clients.

Although … I am the mother of a 14-year-old teenager, and I should probably be writing this post about how to lock down your child’s devices … but that is for another day.

Instagram is one of my favorite social media networks at the moment. Not only is it a rockin’ sales driver for our clients, it is also not riddled with advertising and other noise that some social media networks have evolved into.

Here are some of my favorite Instagram accounts today:

And, of course, a few of our rockin’ clients’ accounts:

  1. ellenhoffmandesigns
  2. feizyrugs
  3. thegemjuicebar
  4. suzandavidsondesigns

I would love to hear what you are lovin’ on Instagram and with whom I can refresh my feed. So share!

Julie Porter is chief rocker at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her, julie_porter, or her company, itsfrontporch, on Instagram.

collage-720x415While the Super Bowl game is fun to watch for many reasons – the match-up between two great teams, the excited fans, the half-time entertainment – we all know that what everybody really wants to see are the Super Bowl commercials.

Every day this week my morning news show has unveiled a different commercial and I have yet to be disappointed. I can’t wait to watch the game and see them all run live. I also love the after-the-game-successful-commercial debate.

Since airing a 30-second Super Bowl spot reportedly costs a staggering $4.5 million, to many, Super Bowl commercials seem frivolous. But as we all know, brands who get their Super Bowl ad campaign right are big marketing winners.  If there were not a reward, leading brands wouldn’t spend the dollars year after year on Super Bowl ads.  It is interesting to watch these same brands make the most of their spots by pairing them with digital and social campaigns.

In the end, not only is there a winning football team, there is a winning advertising campaign.  What it takes to win a Super Bowl campaign is the same as it is for any really good marketing plan:

  1. Have a strategy.
  2. Be relevant.
  3. Provide meaningful content.
  4. Strike an emotional chord and deliver a compelling message that will have people talking for days.

I definitely have my favorite spots already, but I will wait to choose a winner until I see all the ads in all their glory on Sunday evening!  Happy watching!

contentmarketing-1Chances are your business is using content marketing as part of your overall marketing plan. The objective of content marketing is to deliver valuable information that will engage your audience. Consumers are tuning out the more intrusive marketing tactics. What they really want is great, customer-focused information that helps them make a decision or solve a problem. That’s what content marketing delivers.

I actually like The Content Marketing Institute’s definition of content marketing the best: “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

So when it comes to content marketing, as a marketing professional, your job is to create and share valuable, free content to attract and convert prospective buyers into customers and engage existing customers so they are repeat buyers. The content you create and share should be closely related to what you sell without selling.

The purpose is to build relationships, awareness, branding and overall establish your company as an expert in your industry. You want to educate people and gain their trust so they do business with you.

There are many types of content that form a content marketing strategy including:

  • Blogging
  • Guest blog posts
  • Social media posts and sharing
  • Email marketing
  • Infographics
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Podcasts
  • Standard videos
  • Micro-videos (i.e. Vine)
  • Public Speaking
  • Webinars
  • Articles

It’s up to you to know what is the best way for your brand to reach those potential and current customers. Just remember the power of great content marketing can make a person stop, read, think and behave differently. The return on investment for content marketing can be huge if executed correctly. And, it really doesn’t take a significant investment!