Tag Archives: consistency

Where are you on your 2021 goals right now?

Already, we are halfway through January. What has the year looked like for you? Are you following through with your resolutions? Are you on the trajectory to meet the goals you have set for yourself?

Or are you going through the motions? Because it already feels like you don’t have the time to start or already missed your chance.

Creating resolutions or goals at the start of the year may seem frivolous or trivial to some but these ideas can truly kickstart your year on a high note. When it comes to 2021 goals for your company or for yourself as a team member, I want to encourage you to commit to getting things done. By putting your mindset into one that is proactive, realistic and driven I believe that you have the ability to accomplish any goal that you set your heart to.

Now that I’ve got your mind thinking about your goals or potentially lack there of, it’s time to get to business. Grab the nearest paper you have or even open your notes app.

Think of three types of goals you want to set for yourself.

Three Types of Goals: Physical Goal

The first kind of goal is physically oriented. There are numerous ways that this goal could look like to you. It could look like a number on a scale or the number of workout classes you take per week. Or it could look like you getting more rest than you are getting right now and allowing yourself the time to recharge. We could also pivot to nutrition where you may want to be more proactive about what you put into your body rather than what you do with it. Maybe that looks like eating a salad twice a week or skipping desserts until the weekend. Truly, YOU know your body best – what do you want this goal to look like?

Three Types of Goals: Mental Goal

The second kind of goal is mentally oriented. Do you let yourself take a breather when you need it? Or do you push through and jump onto the next thing on your never-ending to-do list? While endurance is admirable, I want to encourage you to also take the time to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. If you take a break after a long day there is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you deserve that breather and I am proud of you for persisting with as much tenacity as you have.

This goal may also look like setting healthy boundaries that you’ve always wanted to set but felt like it just never stuck. I myself, have difficulty with setting boundaries but with practice it has become easier to find pockets of peace in my day. This could look like you sending automated messages through your work email past a certain time. Be more proactive with your work/life balance.

Although silly, something that helped me was writing in my agenda “me time.” This was my way of giving myself the space to do whatever I wanted for one hour. Therefore, not to stress about the other things on my agenda. It allowed me to recharge. Hit the ground running with new ideas and a positive attitude.

On the flip side maybe you are so set in boundaries to the point that your no’s in life highly outweigh the yes’s. Give yourself the mental space to step out of your comfort zone. Therefore, try something new. Start saying yes to things that you wouldn’t normally do and discover a different side of yourself that you may have never explored. In the infamous words of Babe Ruth, “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

Three Types of Goals: Personal Goal

The third kind of goal is personally oriented. Think about something that you want for yourself. Is there a raise that you’ve been wanting for some while? But, haven’t been taking the steps to get it? Are there monthly profits you want to accomplish for your company? Or is there an activity that you always wanted to try out but never did?

No matter what this goal looks like, make sure that it makes YOU happy. Ask that person out that you’ve always wanted to but never have. Try new foods that you’ve been too nervous to try. The world is your oyster. With an entire year ahead of us, time is on your side.

Dig Deep

Goals and resolutions buzzing through your head? I encourage you to write them all down. No matter how frivolous they may seem. Take a moment to dig deep. Then, analyze what you’ve written. Is there a common thread? Something that surprised you?

Whatever it may be, I want you to group them up as best as you can and find those three core goals. With the simple act of just writing these down, “you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals.

How fantastic is that!?!?

Have Your Three?

Now, figure out a game plan. Plan out realistic smaller goals. Reach your overarching goals and resolutions. Create consistency. Is your goal to get a raise? Then, start looking at the historical value that you bring to the company? Should you do more? For instance, meetings you could attend during your free time? And are you taking the steps to reach that goal?

In conclusion, whatever goals you choose to set, remember to make 2021 the year of getting things done.

In April, we discussed using the start, stop, continue approach to cultivating the growth you want from your 2018 marketing plan. Good marketing begins with branding.

Branding gives you an exceptionally effective way to broadcast who you are to your target market quickly and efficiently.”– Rick Haskins, MultiChannel News.

Therefore, start by determining who you are and who you aspire to be as a company. What is your vision? “A brand’s strength is built upon its determination to promote its own distinctive values and mission,” Jean-Noel Kapferer wrote in (Re)Inventing the Brand (2001).

Who you are should be based in part by what target customers want. What / who do your customers or clients need you to be? Therein lies the power of the branding exercise. With the right guidance and strategic partnerships, in working through the branding exercise you can determine what your brand should be, what makes the brand relevant to your target, and how to best describe its personality.

Branding Exercise Defines Key Brand Pillars

Great brands have three key attributes:

Belief by everyone within your company that the brand is important and that the brand stands for a specific and important promise to the consumer.

Imprint the brand into the essence of the organization so it comes alive for everyone it touches. Brand consistency equals earnings consistency.

Your brand must connect (through conviction and consistency) with target consumers to be effective. After all, as Zig Ziglar said, “If people like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.”

Whether your company is established or new to the market, large or small, retail, direct buy, online or MLM, one of the most important things you can do to achieve growth is to create a strong brand. It is a critical component of any business.

Take the time to define your brand architecture. The exercise is valuable. We’d love to help define your company’s foundation.



I’m always looking for parallels in my life. A single thought that can be applied across all situations is something that resonates with me. These days, I am recognizing the importance of consistency.

Coaching Consistency

My youngest son is a tennis player. Although he is only 10 years old, he is serious about it and quite good. He can hit amazing serves, screaming forehand winners, and beautiful touch volleys that are something to behold. But his coach is stressing the need for consistency on the court. Those screaming forehand winners are beautiful, but can you hit them consistently? Are you putting in the work to get them there?

Last night, I had a bit of a parenting meltdown. After an extremely long day, I walked into my children’s den and found an absolute mess. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I lost it. But after I settled down, I realized that there have been little things that had been wearing on me all summer, but I hadn’t been consistent in my enforcement of the rules. I’d been letting things slide.

It’s not always easy to be consistent. It’s a mindful, daily commitment to doing what is best for the long term, even if it makes the short term difficult.

Marketing is largely about consistency as well

Establishing your brand voice and ensuring that you are consistently using that voice, across all channels, at every customer touch point, all day, every day, is absolutely key in marketing.

  • A good brand is built over time by establishing trust. Consumers want to know your brand, trust your brand, and depend on your brand to deliver quality time and again. This involves consistency of product and experience.
  • You must communicate your brand promise consistently. In your marketing materials. On your website. Across social media channels. Everything  you put out into the world should accurately reflect your brand.
  • Your employees have to buy into the need for consistency. In their interaction with customers, in the service they provide on your behalf, they need to be looped into your branding so that they are also consistently reflecting the core values of your company in all that they do.
  • Your marketing program requires consistent attention. Social media posting should happen at consistent intervals, on brand and on message. Consistent blogging is key. Your customers want to see you, hear you, and recognize you on a regular basis.

Are you being consistent in your marketing? Are you consistently applying your brand promise, day in and day out, at every touch point? If you’re not sure, give us a call. We are passionate about branding here on the Porch and we will set you straight!