Most marketing people I know worship at the altar of Seth Godin. He’s a larger than life marketing guru — a best-selling author several times over, an accomplished entrepreneur, an in-demand speaker and teacher, and a revolutionary thinker.

In Seth’s own words:
My favorite thing about Seth Godin, though, is his blog. It’s always an eye-opening, thought-provoking, perspective-shifting few words that arrive in my inbox every day. For the past 11 years. It’s a streak.
“Streaks are their own reward.
Streaks create internal pressure that keeps streaks going.
Streaks require commitment at first, but then the commitment turns into a practice, and the practice into a habit.
Habits are much easier to maintain than commitments.”
Frequently his blogs are just a couple of paragraphs, sometimes they’re longer and more involved. Sometimes they’re deep, and sometimes they are lighter fare. It doesn’t matter. He gets his ideas out there and he does it regularly. And people love him for it.
We preach this philosophy to our clients all the time. The important thing is to blog. Regularly. Dependably. Habitually.
It doesn’t need to be overthought. We hear it all the time – How will I find the time? What will I write? Are my ideas worthy of a blog? Do people really want to read it?
The answer is yes. Your customers (and your potential customers) want to hear from you. They want to get to know you and what you have to offer. They want to make an emotional connection with you. Blogging does that.

So just do it. Take a page from Seth Godin’s play book – start a streak and allow it to become a habit. You’ve got this.