Tag Archives: business success

Inquiring minds want to know!

TikTok is in the top six social media networks for 2022. Does that mean that your brand should have a presence? Maybe. Maybe not. To find out if your brand should be on TikTok, take a deep look at the components of your brand: your mission, your audience, your goals, your assets before you just jump right in. Having a plan for any endeavor translates into better success. This includes your brand being on TikTok – no matter how shiny it seems to you this moment.

The social media landscape is continuously evolving.

Social media can be scary to some people and some brands, but exciting for others. And, being aware of new channels and finding the next one for your brand is what a smart marketing leader does. Examine your brand before deciding.

Let us help you answer the TikTok question by asking a few questions.

Brands on TikTok?

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What are your marketing goals?
  3. What are your marketing strategies?
  4. How much potential does TikTok have for lead generation or driving potential website traffic among your target?
  5. Do you have additional resources to support another social media network consistently?
  6. Do your internal personnel have the bandwidth or do you have the budget to add incremental dollars to your agency partner’s fees to manage it for you?

There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution to your brand on TikTok.

There are many brands who choose to be on TikTok because it is advantageous for them to do so in some way. But there are also many brands for whom TikTok is not a good marketing channel fit, and their needs are better met by other social media channels more appropriate to their audience, their product, and their goals.

Don’t get shiny object syndrome. Focus on the big picture that fuels the growth of your brand. If TikTok will be a part of that, it will be. You’ll make it happen, but maybe not this year. And that’s ok. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Plan for your future success first, on this and every possible marketing channel, and you can make the most of the social media channels that are right for you.

3 Lessons I Learned Working for Amazon

For as long as I can remember life has always been fast-paced. Going to school was always about keeping up and trying to stay ahead 24/7. Sports were always about learning while on the go. Even life, in general, was always about how little time we had to accomplish the tasks at hand, and once again I was able to experience this lifestyle working for Amazon, a company that only knows one speed, fast pace.

One of the biggest adjustments coming into the job of working for Amazon was how much responsibility you get right off the bat. With little time to adjust, I was thrown into my job and expected to keep up like the rest of our company. Just like life, I was expected to take the little I knew and find a way to succeed.

How to Adjust to a Fast-Paced Environment

Luckily I’ve had some great lessons about how to adjust to fast-paced environments, and I used these to help me succeed.

  1. Stay as organized as possible. It is so easy to become overwhelmed with all the components of your job. It is important to find a system that helps you excel when you organize for the day. Take the time to keep all your ducks in a row, it helps you so much in the long run. Also, don’t be afraid to take extra time to get this right, slow and steady wins the race even in a fast-paced environment.
  2. Be as flexible and adaptable as possible. This one I cannot stress enough, because it is easy to just stick to the things you know. Whether that is knowledge or process, it is easy to not want to adapt to new things and change. At Amazon, there were so many processes, in the beginning, I refused to learn because I didn’t want to change my method. When I finally decided to give them a try my entire workday changed for the better. Sometimes a little change can be beneficial, so embrace it!
  3. Use all the tools given to you. This practice backpacks on being flexible and adaptable, and is so important. One of the first things I failed to do when I started at Amazon was use all of the different tools that were provided to me. Doing this made my work more difficult and made my day seem like it was so slow. When I decided to utilize my tools I was finally keeping pace and enjoying the process at work.

Working for Amazon Forced Me Out of My Comfort Zone

Amazon was truly an eye-opening experience for me as it forced me out of my comfort zone. It made me realize that working doesn’t have to be this thing you can’t stand every day. Instead by using different tactics and finding ways to work more efficiently, I was able to conquer my days and feel like I won. I think the biggest takeaway from working at Amazon was that when you decide to get past the working part and truly apply yourself, any job can be enjoyable.

Getting marketing and sales on the same page is critical to your brand’s success.

This month, we were honored to attend a client’s 2022 sales kick off meeting in Orlando to see this practice of harmonizing marketing and sales in action. Being with our client in this setting reminded us that cross-functional teams are one of the keys to maximize growth for business success. Smart business leaders and collaborative relationships fuel us, so we wanted to share our top tips for helping marketing and sales work together for greater results.

Sales teams typically focus on talking directly to the customer. The sales process might take a very long time, but the sales team will discover useful information like solving a particular problem, or what pain points a potential customer runs into. These insights can be valuable, especially to the marketing team.

The marketing team approaches the customer in a somewhat different way – focusing on the brand. Increasing awareness of the brand and these brand conversations typically take the form of websites, content marketing, social media and email marketing and advertising.

Often sales and marketing groups seem to have different goals: but in reality their goal is the same – grow the business. They just approach it in different ways. When you harmonize marketing and sales strategies you reap the benefits of shared data on targets and prospects, shared communication, shared processes, and working together to solve challenges that arise.

Four ways to start bringing your sales, marketing and even finance teams together.

  1. Discuss with sales what marketing strategies and tools moved the needle in the previous year. Was it messaging, tactics and delivery? Something else? What did potential customers and clients respond to?
  2. Planning is key. Make sure that marketing is supporting sales strategies. The marketing team should review annual sales plans and have a meaningful discussion on how they can support the sales efforts.
  3. Agree on goals. Not just numbers and target customers, but the terminology. Are you speaking the same language? Using the same metrics and processes?
  4. Make sure the finance team is not developing forecasts in a silo. Communicate with them. Just because they can access the CRM does not mean they can create real projections.

Marketing is only as successful as sales; and sales is only as successful as marketing. Harmonize marketing and sales to work together to success. Working together is more important in 2022 than ever before. It is by working together in harmony, that the greater good can be achieved.

As an account manager, I love the beginning of a new year.

In account management, a new year means a fresh start, not just personally but professionally! It’s an opportunity to put the struggles of 2021 in the rearview mirror and focus on what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Maybe you’re committed to getting healthy or decluttering. Or, did you a pick a word that you want to embody in 2022? Like “Present”. Or maybe “Accountable”. Perhaps, “Grateful”.   

The start of a new year at work means a chance to re-energize yourself and get better at doing your job. If you work in the agency world managing accounts like me, maybe you want to focus on a few core skills that will make 2022 your best year yet as a successful account manager.  

Recommitting to excellence.

Where do you start? Well, we know the traits of a successful account manager are many. But I think we can all agree that no matter your career level or personal management style, there are skills that every effective account manager should possess.  So what are they?

  1. Excellent Communicator. And Excellent Communication. Plus, Excellent Communicating. Saying it once isn’t enough. First, we are responsible for balancing the needs of clients with the resources of agency partners. Next, we communicate in every aspect of our job whether it’s through writing creative briefs, submitting change orders, or managing timelines and budgets. And most importantly, we understand our clients’ needs by actively listening and asking the right questions. Clear and consistent communication is invaluable in every aspect of our job.  
  2. Organized. If you’re in this field, chances are high that you love a to-do list. I know I do! You’re always equipped with your favorite note-taking tools. You jot down important pieces of information all day long. You will undoubtedly glean insights others miss, with your excellent notes. In addition, you’re simultaneously juggling multiple clients. And your projects move forward while you make sure you keep everything on-brand, on-time, and on-budget. Whatever method of organization you prefer, exercising organizational skills is critical.  
  3. Resourceful Problem Solver. It goes without saying that marketing is fast-paced and change is inevitable. So you’re not afraid to address problems head on. And you don’t leave any stone unturned to resolve a situation. Better yet, you’re always thinking ahead and proactively working with your clients to head off any roadblocks before they even occur.  

Get started on your account management reset!

Whether you choose to focus on all of the skills above or one or two, chances are if you stay committed and focused the possibilities are endless for a successful 2022 as an account manager. What are you waiting for? Get out there and ‘Rock Your Relationships.’  

This week, we welcome Natalie Rosga, our newest marketing rocker, to the team! As a mom of twins, we know she’s very practiced at patience, problem-solving and making peace.

Natalie Rosga takes a moment on the porch:

1. What is the biggest misconception about marketing today? 

Marketing is easy and can be done by anyone. This can’t be further from the truth!  

2. What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Don’t be afraid to take chances.  

3. What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned in your career? 

Always keep learning and growing!  

4. What does good marketing look like? 

Good marketing is thoughtful. It speaks to your customer and makes them want to learn more about your brand or your product/service.  

5. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

Rocking on the porch swing on my parents back porch. (Narrator: This here is why we hired her, y’all.)

6. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

My paternal grandfather who passed away when I was in grade school. We were very close and shared the same birthday. 

7. If you could describe Natalie Rosga in three words what would they be?

Determined. Loyal. Tired (The result of two little munchkins always ending up in my bed.) 

8. Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

Becoming a mom to my two little monkeys – Hudson & Emerson!  

9. What is a fun fact about you?

I grew up in northwest Oklahoma in a small farming and ranching community. My family has lived there for generations. Cows outnumber people by FAR and my graduating class was 34!  

What’s next for Natalie?

We are so excited to have our new rocker Natalie on the team as we continue to grow!

The secret to business success for 2022 is to start planning for it now. Many of our clients are reviewing their business plans, marketing plans and strategies for achieving their goals. Planning ahead for next year is a valuable way to invest in your business. You can know ahead of time what to do next and be proactive – not reactive. Making and having plans helps you guide your actions with efficiency and effectiveness.

Planning Ahead for Next Year, Now

Rounding the corner on Q3 2021, now is the time to plan for business success in 2022. So dust off your business plan. Does it still resonate with your goals for success? First, take the time to review the foundation of why you started this business in the first place. Make sure it still makes sense for you, for your time and energy, and for the market. Update it if you need to.

Next it is time to draft your marketing plan for 2022. Where to start? Look at your business revenue goals for the year. That number helps guide your marketing spend. Companies in 2021 spent 8.6% of topline revenue on marketing. Whatever your percentage is, don’t let this number be subjective. It is black and white.

Once you have your number, create a marketing plan. Without a roadmap, the squirrels and shiny objects will be your focus. Don’t let that happen. Staying on track to business success is much easier with a plan. Build your plan around repeating and expanding around prior success points, and adding new tactics that make sense. The plan you create can be annual or quarterly, but it can encompass many things: creative campaigns, paid advertising, PR, content or a new product or services launch. A solid marketing plan will create focus and executional excellence around several tactics working together toward a common goal. This approach will ultimately save you money, by getting you more bang for your buck.

Invest in Your Business Success

Invest in your business the smart way – and we don’t just mean monetarily. Your focused thoughtfulness and the time spent on your plan will be repaid. First, focus on your business successes by continuously improving your plan and your execution of the plan. How did your tactics for a specific campaign fare? Track and measure your results each quarter, and implement your findings into the next quarter’s plan to continue success and build momentum. Invest in the things that work. Pivot toward the successful strategies. Experimentation within the framework of your marketing plan can help you home in on insights that will get you to your revenue number for 2022.

Define Your Goals So You Can Reach Them

Define messages, targeted audiences, goals, strategies, tactics, timeline and budget. How can you reach your goal if it is not clearly defined? How detailed you are is up to you. What we have found on the Porch is that the partners that have defined their marketing budgets and plans have been successful. Being thoughtful upfront about your goals in all areas of marketing your business can set you up for business success in 2022 and beyond.

A popular phrase in the marketing world states, “always be one step ahead of your competition.” But, how do you accomplish that? Develop a competitive analysis.

Why are your competitors outranking you? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their marketing strategies? All of these questions are answered through a competitor analysis.

What is a competitive analysis?

A competitive analysis identifies and evaluates your competitors in comparison to your business. More specifically, your analysis should include the following:

  • Identifying your competitors and highlighting those that pose the biggest challenge
  • Researching information about your competitors
    • i.e. pricing, financials, marketing campaigns and social media, company history, their marketed demographic, and locations they cover
  • Evaluating their strategies
    • Determine their strengths and weaknesses to your brand’s

Why do competitive analysis?

Competitive research is crucial to your success as a business because it helps you create better marketing strategies. Moreover, it allows you to make educated decisions about your strategy and guarantees you can create competitive advantages. A competitive analysis gives you the ability to quickly identify industry trends and adapt to other marketing campaigns. As a result, all of these enable you to stay ahead of your competitors.


It cannot be a one-time thing. In short, frequently completing a competitor analysis gives your business the advantage to outsmart the competition. 

Anywhere on the internet, you are greeted with constant advertisements cluttering your favorite websites, YouTube videos, and social media pages. It’s very possible you overlook those ads or even have an ad blocker to rid of them altogether. Flyers are still effective in the world of marketing because people actually read them. They are cost-efficient, tangible, and eye-catching. They also create valuable face-to-face connections with potential customers.


Flyers are one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business. Rather than renovating your website or paying for advertising space, flyers can be mass-produced on a modest budget.


Customers like having something they can put their hands on. With today’s internet flooded with online advertising, coming across a high quality and printed flyer is a delightful surprise. The flyers’ extra thickness allows the flyer to be placed into any mailbox neatly. Even when falling to the floor, a flyer remains solid and presentable to pick up.

Because flyers are palpable and tangible, they have a significant effect on the audience just upon the first initial glance. Customers are more likely to read an advertisement that can be held and touched than an online one. This makes your choice of marketing stand out from the rest.


In addition to flyers being cost-efficient and tangible, the design of your flyers makes all the difference. There are very few limitations to flyer advertising. They enable you to get creative. Therefore, you can employ unique designs while ensuring your intended message expresses clearly.

Imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop and seeing a colorful, stunning flyer posted right at eye level while waiting for your drink. You’d probably notice it. Visualize shopping at an outdoor mall and seeing a stunning flyer as you walk to the next store. You might stop and have a brief look.

Creates face-to-face connections

The biggest reason why flyers are effective in marketing is that you are creating face-to-face connections with your potential customers. This is especially important when distributing flyers by hand. Having in-person interactions make people feel valuable and much more likely to take an interest in what you have to say. Unlike advertisement emails, people are not in a hurry to trash it, which automatically ups the chances of your flyer being read.


Flyers might appear to be an old and ancient way to promote a business, but they always have proven effective in marketing. They are one of the most affordable ways to market your business. They are tangible, causing more people to give your advertisement a second thought. Through its limitless design, they catch your eye when you’re out and about and going to your everyday locations. And lastly, flyers create face-to-face connections adding a personal touch to your message. Businesses still rely on flyers for these reasons and more, proving that they do work and are likely to stay for many years in the future.

With the ever-growing presence of technology in our world, social media is something that should not be overlooked. It should actually be at the forefront of your business, giving people an idea of what you are all about and hopefully prompting them to become customers! Whether you are skeptical about the use of socials to generate business or have an active presence on all platforms, there is something to be learned for everyone! Here are some ways you can boost your business on social media:

Engage in Comments Timely

Simply put, you want engagement! Facebook and Instagram use this as a primary factor when determining what to display. Posts that have more comments are displayed more prominently within feeds and pages.  Also note that the faster you respond, the more likely others will too, which can spark a conversation and increase engagement. Some companies employ a social media monitor whose primary focus is to react timely to comments.

Measure On-Platform and On-Site Success

Google Analytics is an excellent tool to see if your social media strategy is measuring up. It tracks follower growth, engagement, distribution, and on-site performance. Analytics also measures on-site behavior, so you can see the average time a user spends on your website.

Improve Search Engine Ranking

Good news- social media can improve your search engine ranking! When your social media share rate increases, your domain authority increases! This leads to an improved search engine ranking. Hence, more visits to your socials will also increase your social media page ranking, improving your chances of being one of the top ranked pages.

Drive Traffic

Relying on only your network to drive traffic is completely nonsensical! Social media expands your brand reach and generates traffic organically. If you don’t have a profile yet, create one and use it to share customized content. You want to make sure your audience can seamlessly share your content!


Using social media to boost your business is as important, if not more important, than other business-boosting tasks. Front Porch has provided these tips as a way for you to dive deeper into your social strategy. We want to see you succeed with your socials!

Princess Rock Brianna Slay steps onto the porch to share her ideas on marketing, Porch culture, and a fun fact!

The biggest misconception about marketing today?

It is easy to market.

Best advice to give someone struggling with brand identity creation?

Keep it simple. (KISS) baby steps.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

With my new experience as an intern along with being a student, I’ve learned to always be prepared, involved, and aware.

What is good marketing?

Good marketing is a message that’s clear and concise.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

I would travel to Ireland to visit my cultural roots and enjoy the green scenery!

If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

I would love to have dinner with Jesus because he could answer life’s biggest questions, as well as making the food delicious!

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Observant, Trustworthy, Collaborative.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

I love FPM’s fast-paced workability. The FPM Team can take a client’s vision and quickly make it a reality.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

A major milestone in my life was traveling internationally for the first time. It was the summer into my sophomore year, and I stayed with a host family for three weeks. I learned how to communicate with others who don’t speak my native language.

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

FPM’s culture is very optimistic, and they keep an open mindset when working with clients. They are always positive when talking to clients about updates. The team is enthusiastic in their manner, and they give solid opinions that are backed with facts. They never make their clients feel pressured.

Fun Fact?

I’m going to Southern Methodist University in the fall. Go ponies!

Thanks for tuning in to another Rocker Spotlight featuring Princess Rock Brianna Slay!