Tag Archives: business model

Most business leaders know successful marketers when they meet them. These marketers are focused on the same things they are. Building enterprise and customer or client value.

Marketers must mobilize all the people inside and outside the organization. They are focused on return. Do less, more consistently and effectively.

Therefore, hate to tell you, just because your bestie is on Instagram, doesn’t mean she is a marketer. Newsflash. Sorry to disappoint.

Moreover, our team is filled with seasoned marketers. We have fabulous, cream of the crop interns. They keep up with multiple clients, projects, deadlines, industries and trends. These folks are skilled enough to have conversations with CEOs. Front Porch Marketing is not a teaching hospital. For instance, we are triage surgeons on most days.

Technology and consumer attitudes have and will continue to change drastically. Marketing professionals must stay flexible. Know a bit of everything that is going on in the company. Some days are filled with customer service and distribution. Meanwhile, other are sales management and internal communication.

However, despite the varying roles, these qualities are at these professionals’ core. Super powers they have in common.

The Super Powers of Successful Marketers

  1. Adaptable. In other words, with all technology changing at light speed, know how to evolve with it.
  2. Analytical. Marketing is data driven. Some don’t know what to do with all the data being generated. Therefore, if you can sort through it, and find the relevant. You will be indispensable part of any organization.
  3. Collaboration. Must be an extraordinary team player. Seek input. Solve issues. Foster cooperation. Similarly, often the CMO is the company’s glue. The entire team rallies around the company’s vision because of this person. Illustrate how collaboration creates more value.
  4. Excellent communicators. Words have power. The right words break down barriers and rally the troops. Inside and outside the organization.
  5. Creative. Marketers value innovation. Take risks to facilitate it. They vigorously seek solutions. Explore new approaches. In conclusion, continuously.
  6. Inquisitive. The best marketers are a cross between a detective and a scientist. Therefore, they ask the questions.
  7. Strategic. Start with why. Strategy is the key to successful businesses. Obsessed is a strategic thinker. Constant eye on the market. Diligently studying consumer behavior. In addition, watch the competitors’ every move.

In conclusion, marketing is a marathon not a sprint. Have the right people on your team. Boulders move up the hill with smart people pushing them. Above all, right now, everyone could use a few less boulders. Therefore, pick the marketers that demonstrate super powers.

Today it is Lea Ann Allen’s turn to rock the porch with her Rocker Spotlight interview!

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

Marketing is not something you set and forget. It’s an on-going process. Brand-building is like planting a garden and then watering, weeding, fertilizing and trimming it constantly to help it grow.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity? 

Take a look at your brand’s competitors and peers. What are they doing? Now, how are you doing it different? Show that. Tell that story.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Who you work with is more important than everything else in your career.

What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing makes a brand look like a person you’d want to be friends with.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

I am where I want to be.

If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

I go to dinner every night in my home with my husband and I wouldn’t choose anyone else, anywhere else.

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Resourceful. Analytical. Empathetic.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

FPM values people. Really demonstratively values them.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

I worked 3 jobs simultaneously to put my son thru Columbia University with zero debt.

In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?

FPM team members respect each other’s individual lives, in everything they do.

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

Agile. Supportive. Enthusiastic.

How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

FPM did not have to pivot their business model because of the pandemic, they’ve been a virtual team since their inception – making them ideal partners for understanding what the future world of work looks like now.

Fun fact?

I might have the largest yacht rock record collection in Dallas?

Thanks for tuning in to another week of Rocker Spotlight questions featuring Lea Ann Allen and her rocking time on the porch!