Tag Archives: brand promise

There is no shortage of scientific research indicating the importance of familiarity and brand awareness in customer decision making. Advertisements appear everywhere we turn – from window decals to television and social media. Brand management is essential to differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are seven elements to successful brand management:

1. Construct a strong foundation.

Design and build your brand. A branding exercise can help you define essential elements of your brand. Explore who you are, what your vision is for your brand, and how it is relevant to your target audience.

2. Define your USP.

Once you understand how you fit into your target market, determine how your brand is different from the competition. This is your unique selling proposition (USP).

3. Build the cornerstone.

Use your USP and create a short message defining your brand position. The message should be subtle and easily recognizable to your audience. Use that message as the cornerstone of your marketing.

4. Manage your brand from the inside out.

  • The best ambassadors for your brand are its team members. Collaborate and communicate with them. You need them to buy-in and be trained for any interaction to maintain brand consistency.
  • Create standards and policies to use internally outlining how marketing materials are to be named, stored, and utilized. These include logos, slogans, previously used concepts, etc. Guidelines can help your brand maintain consistency and stay efficient in times of employee turnover.

5. Build a community. Develop relationships.

  • Social media has become a principal source of customer service. Engage consistently and continuously with your audience to build a connection and a reputation for authenticity.
  • Influencers can be a strong ally in growing your brand. As with any relationship, you have to make sure the influencer is a good match for your brand and then work to keep the relationship healthy and growing.

6. Protect your investment.

Your brand’s reputation is hard-earned. Once you’ve developed it, protect it.

  • Set up Google Alerts so you may be instantly informed if there is news impacting your brand. Be vigilant on social media.
  • Crises will happen. Take ownership. Be honest and transparent with the information you have and how you are working to mitigate any damages.

7. Update and polish regularly.

Track the results of any marketing campaign. If needed, polish existing fixtures and upgrade as needed.

We would love to help you design, build and manage all aspects of your brand!

I’m always looking for parallels in my life. A single thought that can be applied across all situations is something that resonates with me. These days, I am recognizing the importance of consistency.

Coaching Consistency

My youngest son is a tennis player. Although he is only 10 years old, he is serious about it and quite good. He can hit amazing serves, screaming forehand winners, and beautiful touch volleys that are something to behold. But his coach is stressing the need for consistency on the court. Those screaming forehand winners are beautiful, but can you hit them consistently? Are you putting in the work to get them there?

Last night, I had a bit of a parenting meltdown. After an extremely long day, I walked into my children’s den and found an absolute mess. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I lost it. But after I settled down, I realized that there have been little things that had been wearing on me all summer, but I hadn’t been consistent in my enforcement of the rules. I’d been letting things slide.

It’s not always easy to be consistent. It’s a mindful, daily commitment to doing what is best for the long term, even if it makes the short term difficult.

Marketing is largely about consistency as well

Establishing your brand voice and ensuring that you are consistently using that voice, across all channels, at every customer touch point, all day, every day, is absolutely key in marketing.

  • A good brand is built over time by establishing trust. Consumers want to know your brand, trust your brand, and depend on your brand to deliver quality time and again. This involves consistency of product and experience.
  • You must communicate your brand promise consistently. In your marketing materials. On your website. Across social media channels. Everything  you put out into the world should accurately reflect your brand.
  • Your employees have to buy into the need for consistency. In their interaction with customers, in the service they provide on your behalf, they need to be looped into your branding so that they are also consistently reflecting the core values of your company in all that they do.
  • Your marketing program requires consistent attention. Social media posting should happen at consistent intervals, on brand and on message. Consistent blogging is key. Your customers want to see you, hear you, and recognize you on a regular basis.

Are you being consistent in your marketing? Are you consistently applying your brand promise, day in and day out, at every touch point? If you’re not sure, give us a call. We are passionate about branding here on the Porch and we will set you straight!


It’s the time of year for another Mother’s Day story, this one about a business forgetting their core brand promise and letting me down as a customer and new mother. I missed a mother’s moment when a business failed to deliver on their customer experience promise.

In the early days of managing new parenthood and a corporate career, it was all about completing the day’s responsibilities while making precious time for holding, feeding, and rocking a new baby. Each moment seemed critically important, and a focus on executing one was key to optimizing the next.

I learned that promises delivered are critical for optimizing each moment.

During those years, one of my favorite brands was a luxury car company and dealer known for superior customer service. I appreciated the dealer’s great reputation, professionalism, and attention to detail. Then, on a busy day, a customer experience led me to realize they were beginning to focus on things that had little to do with their core brand promise of superior customer service.

After missing the normal morning time with my son to drop off my car for repairs, I was looking forward to the evening, having returned from days of business travel and ready to get back to maximizing the next moment. When I arrived to pick up my car after work, I noticed a new waiting area for customers with beautiful furnishings, food and drink, and merchandise displays. Fancy!

The waiting process was longer, as the staff spent time offering food, chit-chat, and everything but my car. During the delay, a shift ended as it was late in the day, and no one was available to bring the car. I waited while noticing employees cleaning windows, sweeping, and offering cookies. They had the fancy extras but were late with the delivery and failed to meet their brand promise of great customer service. An hour later, I got stuck in traffic and missed the evening with my son.

Forget fancy! Get me home in time for moments and I am a customer for life.

In our quest to have the best image, be the best known, and achieve the highest ratings, are we forgetting the most critical deliverables? Please don’t let yourself get so sidetracked and focused on a new shiny, sparkly-self as you may end up losing customers. Find your brand promise, stick to it, pinky swear it!


Years ago I left that dealership. My current dealer has some nice perks, but they are obsessed with getting customers in their cars and on the road. They have stayed focused on their brand promise around the driving experience, versus too much focus on a beautiful waiting room space.

I value businesses that help me deliver on my purpose of being a mom, volunteer, and porch rocker. Although my moments are now spent driving to practices and tournaments vs. holding and feeding, and I am rockin’ the front porch vs. a baby and corporate career – every. single. moment. still. counts.

Happy Mother’s Day! It doesn’t have to be fancy for you to enjoy the moment.

What should I blog about? I asked my friend, as we texted this afternoon. “Instant connections,” she said. “Whether it’s a business or a personal relationship. Like a friendship born in a seedy Grand Prairie volleyball warehouse.”

IMG_1861It’s true. We became friends three years ago in a cold, remote, loud volleyball warehouse where we spent an entire weekend watching our daughters play for the same club team. We bonded quickly over our disdain for the helicopter parents in attendance and the absurdity of the diet our girls were forced to adhere to. By the next tournament we had a wagon full of inside jokes that we shared … and we were off.

Today she is one of my very closest friends, even though our daughters are no longer close, and volleyball is but a distant memory.

What causes people to gravitate to each other? And what enables those authentic connections to endure? The same can be pondered in business – what causes people to gravitate to businesses or brands and maintain that loyalty?

Brand loyalty doesn’t happen by accident. Brands that cultivate loyalty find ways to emotionally connect with their customers. How is this accomplished? Here are three things to consider:

  1. Focus on what your brand does best. If you try to be all things to all people you’ll end up being nothing to anyone. Be bold. Be unique. Differentiate your brand around what makes you, YOU.
  2. Serve your customers. Wow them. Take care of them. Listen to them. Serve them. Give them reasons to come back to your brand again and again.
  3. Determine what your brand stands for and deliver on your promise. You must become relentless in your dedication to deliver on your brand promise. Every day.

Creating authentic connections and maintaining a successful brand that brings loyal customers to your door is key. Does your brand measure up?

We are passionate about branding here on the Porch! If your brand isn’t speaking to your customers the way it should, give us a call. We can help.

Branding Rocks!

Duh! Of course we are going to say that. It’s what we do. It’s what we are passionate about! So you have your logo. Sweet! You have a vision. Fantastic! You have beautiful photography. Terrific! But do you have a brand? Not quite.

At the core of every marketer is a storyteller. We love to tell stories about:

  • products
  • places
  • experiences
  • … well we don’t really need a list – we just like to tell stories!

Digital media has opened up the communication lines for marketers. In the ‘old days’ (as my children say) you had a story to tell about your company, product, place or experience but you had to pay mightily for that story to be shared. Now there are several public forums that you can utilize to tell your story, which is a MARKETING DREAM.

So what does this have to do with your brand? Your brand is your story and vice versa. Why is it important to have a BRAND strategy in addition to your marketing plan? Here’s 8 reasons (we could give you 80, but we will save some for porch conversations):

#1 Your story makes you uniquely you! No one else is the same, which DIFFERENTIATES you from your competition.

#2 Consistent branding translates into RECOGNITION.

#3 Your brand is a PROMISE to your customers, your team and to the marketplace.

#4 Brands create an EMOTIONAL CONNECTION with your customer.


#5 Branding creates TRUST with all audiences.

#6 An established brand provides BUSINESS VALUE.

#7 A compelling background, history or brand strategy will MOTIVATE your staff and provide DIRECTION.

#8 Branding can FOCUS and guide your marketing efforts, saving time and money.

Sounds pretty good, eh? So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start rockin’ YOUR brand strategy!