Tag Archives: Blogging

gallery-thumbnailsAfter the long, cold winter, the arrival of spring is a welcome influx of new growth and new beginnings. Spring flowers, Easter and Passover celebrations and the kickoff of baseball season brings us happiness and warmth. We embrace this change.

Change is good.

In business and in life, the one thing we can be certain of is that change is around the corner.

Change is necessary. And change is rarely smooth.

Change can often be tumultuous – just google spring weather and take a look at the storms created by the replacement of cold air with warmth. But then think about the spectacular aftermath … after the spring storms depart, we are left with a rewarding burst of color.

Anything worth doing well comes at a price. Successful disruptors are revered, and for good reason. To have the vision for necessary change and the courage to enact the plan is not for the faint of heart. Patti Johnson notes in her book, Make Waves, “Even though each change is different, there are common patterns, habits and strategies that fuel those who start grassroots changes”

In order to grow, evolve and meet today’s rapid pace of change. It is vital that you and your organization are ready to meet the needs of the process of change and the new environment created:

  • Have a vision.
  • Have a strategy (identify the end goal and plan how to get there).
  • Make sure the vision and plan are clearly communicated.
  • Be prepared. You need the right team of like-mind folks.

Remember change is good, necessary and it is rarely smooth. As you begin to implement changes, be watchful of results and ready to adapt. Communicate those changes along the way. You will find the results well worth the pain and effort of getting there.


I’m obsessed with customer service. Have been for some time. Retail brands can be wiped from my consumer consumption in a swipe if things go sideways.True for you too, right? If you don’t feel valued or respected, why should you spend your money there?!?

Customer service has never been easier or harder. Gone are the days:

  • Where the employee servicing the customer are the only touch point.
  • As an owner, major stakeholder, CEO you never hear about bad experiences.
  • 9-5 customer service. A social world means 24-7 visibility. Customers want quick resolution at anytime of the day.

One negative experience can end the relationship.
I had a favorite clothing store, a national brand and I loved them. They were the best. They kept a book on me. I could call ahead. They would have a room waiting with items in my size and preferences.

Until one day … the manager texted me that my loyalty reward was going to expire on Monday. I went to redeem and OOPS it expired on Sunday. The manager wasn’t there, the employees could do nothing for me (even though I shared the text). I decided I would return when someone followed up. It has been 14 months.

Excellent service creates loyalty.
This year, I ordered my Christmas cards. I waited patiently, for them to arrive but after an appropriate length of time and still no cards I called to inquire. They shipped to a previous property and had been delivered and signed for. I FORGOT to change the shipping address in my profile. How did they respond? “We will express print and ship tomorrow overnight.” I asked how much this wonderful solution would be?? It was FREE because they appreciated my business. Just. Wow.

Three benefits of having a customer service strategy. Customer service:

  • Differentiates. Blue Ocean Strategy by Chan Kim & Renee Maubogne tells us we need to differentiate to set us apart from a sea of sameness. Recommended read!
  • Creates loyal customers.
  • Creates happy employees.

Can you service your way to sales? Absolutely.

Can you service your way out of sales? Absolutely.

Do you have a customer service strategy? If not get on it. Your team, customers and P&L will thank you.

Never underestimate the power of simplicity in business. Simplicity in design. Simplicity in communication. Simplicity in life. Less will always be more.Simplicity in business

In the art and design world it is known as Minimalism, referring to anything that is stripped to its essentials. In the fashion world simplicity is dubbed the Ultimate Sophistication. Heck, there is an entire magazine with monthly tips for achieving Real Simple. It is full of tips and ideas to help the common gal, “simplify, streamline, and beautifully edit her life, armed with calm, confidence – and the power of the right lipstick.”

Apple is a shining example of simplicity. Steve Jobs’ love of simplicity is the foundation of Apple’s success in design, marketing and customer retention. Jobs developed a product that resonated with consumers because of its intuitive and simple interface.

Nowhere is simplicity more important than communication. Unfortunately, in our never-ending quest to make things bigger, better, stronger and faster, we occasionally overthink and complicate our message, which leaves your customer confused and disengaged. In order to really have your message heard, keep it simple.

A few tips for simple and effective communication:

  • Keep your message clear and concise. Avoid the need for interpretation.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Have a strategy for delivery. Make sure your target audience is engaged.
  • Offer a call to action. Inspiration breeds action. Make it easy.
  • Communicate in a timely manner.

Communication is critical to building relationships. To capture your audience’s attention and build a relationship, craft a clear message and and then deliver via the correct outlet.

Keep it simple!

contentmarketing-1Chances are your business is using content marketing as part of your overall marketing plan. The objective of content marketing is to deliver valuable information that will engage your audience. Consumers are tuning out the more intrusive marketing tactics. What they really want is great, customer-focused information that helps them make a decision or solve a problem. That’s what content marketing delivers.

I actually like The Content Marketing Institute’s definition of content marketing the best: “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

So when it comes to content marketing, as a marketing professional, your job is to create and share valuable, free content to attract and convert prospective buyers into customers and engage existing customers so they are repeat buyers. The content you create and share should be closely related to what you sell without selling.

The purpose is to build relationships, awareness, branding and overall establish your company as an expert in your industry. You want to educate people and gain their trust so they do business with you.

There are many types of content that form a content marketing strategy including:

  • Blogging
  • Guest blog posts
  • Social media posts and sharing
  • Email marketing
  • Infographics
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Podcasts
  • Standard videos
  • Micro-videos (i.e. Vine)
  • Public Speaking
  • Webinars
  • Articles

It’s up to you to know what is the best way for your brand to reach those potential and current customers. Just remember the power of great content marketing can make a person stop, read, think and behave differently. The return on investment for content marketing can be huge if executed correctly. And, it really doesn’t take a significant investment!


Our Chief Rocker enjoying the opening festivities with Megan and Landon Wood of Lily Jade.

Branding and marketing are more art than science.

In fact, it’s one of the reasons it’s so rewarding. There is no “one size fits all.”

Blogging could be a necessary part of your digital strategy. It’s the perfect way to deliver messages near and dear to your brand and engage your audience.

So, when we heard about the first annual The Hundred Event, we didn’t think twice about participating ourselves.

Hosted by four lovelies, Grace Patton, Bridget Hunt, Lauren Knight and Megan Graham, the event brought together a talented group of small business owners and bloggers intent on learning and sharing best practices. There is a distinct entrepreneurial spirit in this group. People came from all over to partake in the delicious food, warm ambiance and shared knowledge.

We discussed many blogging styles. What do they have in common? Imagery is key to them all. Whether it’s still or video – good photography is non negotiable.

Here are a few of my favorite photography takeaways and recommendations, compliments of Jenni Dawson of J.Noel Photography:

  • If you have a good camera, shoot in manual.
  • If you don’t know how to use that great camera, invest in the Extremely Essential Camera Skills Tutorial and learn how.
  • Afterlight is a handy app for photography on the go. It’s super easy and really adds a textural element to pictures taken on your phone.
  • Pic Tap Go is perhaps my favorite app. It costs $1.99 and is worth every penny. There are several filters to choose from. Pic Tap Go saves your “recipes” for future use.

Enjoying the Peacock Alley Block Party under the super moon.
Lauren Knight, Laura Busby, Beth Dotolo
Photos courtesy of Awake Photography

Make Waves … I remember the email that started it all, seems like only yesterday …Wave Maker Julie Porter

Patti Johnson, CEO and founder of PeopleResults, sent it a few short years ago.

She hired a company to assist her in redesigning and updating her company’s website and received round three or four of creative. She forwarded the concepts to me to get my opinion and eventually partnered with Front Porch Marketing to manage the project.

First step, we had several brand strategy meetings to outline the PeopleResults brand architecture.

Next step, we used the brand strategies to drive the website creative.

Along that journey, we recommended:

  • Adding a blog to the site ~ you can subscribe to it here. It ROCKS!
  • Then, defining the social media strategy for the brand and the individual partners
  • Conducting team and individual social media training
  • Creating a social media content calendar and blog schedule
  • Developing a team marketing bar where team members could present their individual marketing ideas and several other initiatives, but trying to keep this brief


And, the rest is history.

We initiated change with smart, concise thinking tailored for key personalities at PeopleResults: the PeopleResults Partners. From there, the strategies were clear, and together we built fresh path forward for the leadership team and brand.

Patti recently credited me for starting her journey that resulted in, “Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.” For that, I am very honored and humbled. It was a team effort though. Without her courageous leadership, a trusted, two-way partnership and the willingness of the leadership team, it wouldn’t have happened.

The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indie Bound and Walmart.

Wave Maker out!

I know, I know, it is about time!

We are finally launching our blog where our team will share our perspective on current events, new technology, branding and marketing insights, thoughts and wacky ideas that we hope you will find entertaining.

We also hope you can learn a lil’ bit more about us, who we are, what we do and the impact we have on businesses today.

We encourage you to be part of the discussion and subscribe by e-mail or RSS. Also, join our Facebook and Twitter discussions or follow us on Instagram.  

We are Off Our Rocker, that’s what makes us who we are.

We take our work and business seriously, sometimes maybe too much so, but ourselves, well … not so much.

Rock on!

Creativity and inspiration come in many forms. And, collaborative creativity rocks.

So … What inspires us on the porch? What gets our rockers going? A lot, to be sure!!!

So you are asking yourself, to blog, or not to blog, that is the question. Really?

We say yes! How else does one share the pearls that all of us might be thinking, but don’t get around to verbalizing? Share. Please share.

All of us enjoy having someone else validate our offbeat humor. Think about it this way.

There are many different ways to communicate. Condensing to 140 characters will get the tweet out. Facebook captures our pics and thought bubbles.

Make no mistake, we love social media!! Nothing gets us rocking like a fabulous tweet or Twitter conversation. But sometimes it just doesn’t do justice to the topic. So, we say blog on!

If it seems insurmountable and you don’t know where to start, think of it this way Shakespeare penned (and we do mean “penned”) 37 plays and 154 sonnets in his short 52 years. Think of that as your typing by the light of the fire.

And since brevity is the soul of wit … our work here is done.