Tag Archives: account management

As an account manager, I love the beginning of a new year.

In account management, a new year means a fresh start, not just personally but professionally! It’s an opportunity to put the struggles of 2021 in the rearview mirror and focus on what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Maybe you’re committed to getting healthy or decluttering. Or, did you a pick a word that you want to embody in 2022? Like “Present”. Or maybe “Accountable”. Perhaps, “Grateful”.   

The start of a new year at work means a chance to re-energize yourself and get better at doing your job. If you work in the agency world managing accounts like me, maybe you want to focus on a few core skills that will make 2022 your best year yet as a successful account manager.  

Recommitting to excellence.

Where do you start? Well, we know the traits of a successful account manager are many. But I think we can all agree that no matter your career level or personal management style, there are skills that every effective account manager should possess.  So what are they?

  1. Excellent Communicator. And Excellent Communication. Plus, Excellent Communicating. Saying it once isn’t enough. First, we are responsible for balancing the needs of clients with the resources of agency partners. Next, we communicate in every aspect of our job whether it’s through writing creative briefs, submitting change orders, or managing timelines and budgets. And most importantly, we understand our clients’ needs by actively listening and asking the right questions. Clear and consistent communication is invaluable in every aspect of our job.  
  2. Organized. If you’re in this field, chances are high that you love a to-do list. I know I do! You’re always equipped with your favorite note-taking tools. You jot down important pieces of information all day long. You will undoubtedly glean insights others miss, with your excellent notes. In addition, you’re simultaneously juggling multiple clients. And your projects move forward while you make sure you keep everything on-brand, on-time, and on-budget. Whatever method of organization you prefer, exercising organizational skills is critical.  
  3. Resourceful Problem Solver. It goes without saying that marketing is fast-paced and change is inevitable. So you’re not afraid to address problems head on. And you don’t leave any stone unturned to resolve a situation. Better yet, you’re always thinking ahead and proactively working with your clients to head off any roadblocks before they even occur.  

Get started on your account management reset!

Whether you choose to focus on all of the skills above or one or two, chances are if you stay committed and focused the possibilities are endless for a successful 2022 as an account manager. What are you waiting for? Get out there and ‘Rock Your Relationships.’  

This week, we welcome Natalie Rosga, our newest marketing rocker, to the team! As a mom of twins, we know she’s very practiced at patience, problem-solving and making peace.

Natalie Rosga takes a moment on the porch:

1. What is the biggest misconception about marketing today? 

Marketing is easy and can be done by anyone. This can’t be further from the truth!  

2. What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Don’t be afraid to take chances.  

3. What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned in your career? 

Always keep learning and growing!  

4. What does good marketing look like? 

Good marketing is thoughtful. It speaks to your customer and makes them want to learn more about your brand or your product/service.  

5. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

Rocking on the porch swing on my parents back porch. (Narrator: This here is why we hired her, y’all.)

6. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

My paternal grandfather who passed away when I was in grade school. We were very close and shared the same birthday. 

7. If you could describe Natalie Rosga in three words what would they be?

Determined. Loyal. Tired (The result of two little munchkins always ending up in my bed.) 

8. Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

Becoming a mom to my two little monkeys – Hudson & Emerson!  

9. What is a fun fact about you?

I grew up in northwest Oklahoma in a small farming and ranching community. My family has lived there for generations. Cows outnumber people by FAR and my graduating class was 34!  

What’s next for Natalie?

We are so excited to have our new rocker Natalie on the team as we continue to grow!