A New Year’s Resolution: Continue to Develop Your Skills

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As the ball drops and another year is rung in, we all create New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions are typically something like staying fit and healthy, spending less and saving more, or learning something new.

learn-new-skills-for-the-new-year-thumbHowever, as a senior in college, my New Years resolution is to secure a marketing career before graduation. Similar to many other students, I completed the application process for companies right as school began, and to my dismay, I have become all too familiar with the response: “We appreciate your desire to join our company, but at this time, we are not hiring yet for the spring.”

The Marketing major’s path to finding that first job is much different than those of Finance, Supply Chain, Accounting and even Management majors. What I have come to notice is that these other specialties seem to offer jobs early in the fall, while marketing companies have the tendency to wait until the spring. Being the girl that has always been highly organized and a big planner, this is something that I have struggled with.

Rather than letting this get me down, I plan on being positive in 2017 and using this to my advantage. As I watch many of my friends accept job offers they have received as early as August, I have to wonder if that would be best for a person like me. The uncertainty of where I will be in the future has motivated me to develop myself, my skills, and my portfolio, and has kept me from catching “senioritis”. The upper-division classes I am taking supply me with both hands-on experience and material that I can confidently discuss in upcoming job interviews.

Because I have been constantly focused on making myself a stronger job candidate, I have also had to grow my network. I have applied to dozens of marketing companies, both agency and corporate, consulted with career advisors, and attended many job fairs. This has not only helped get my foot in the door of many places, but has also led me closer to deciding exactly which career is right for me. I know that this ambitious flame inside of me would have dimmed and I would not have been able to consider the endless opportunities that are out there if I had jumped the gun and accepted a job in the Fall.

So to all my fellow Marketing majors out there, or any upcoming graduates on the job hunt, let’s shake up 2017! Look at this as the ultimate chance to grow yourself, develop your skills and learn about all of the different paths that there are. Good things happen to those who wait and remember that if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward.

Happy New Year, Y’all!

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