In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to focus on the negatives. Economic downturn, job loss, and our loved ones getting sick are certainly reasons to be feeling distraught. While these feelings are normal, an important shift in our thinking is crucial to survive this fork-in-the-road and come back stronger than ever. There are positives of the pandemic that should be accounted for, and I am here to highlight these for you!
Positive #1: Experiencing and appreciating the little things
Now that we are all on house arrest, it gives us the opportunity to get outside more. Maybe you are getting to know your neighbors and even family members better. Yay for lawn happy hours! This positive of the pandemic has instilled in us a better sense of localism. It also helps us realize how interconnected we are and (hopefully) allows us to recover a sense of society.
Positive #2: We are more in touch with our networks!
A perfect example of this is my family’s weekly Zoom call. Before COVID, I wouldn’t hear from or see my family in Dallas for months at a time. This crisis has opened a new channel of communication for my family and allowed us to check up on each other frequently. We all have technology to thank for this!
Positive #3: Surprising effects on climate change
Another positive effect COVID-10 has had is fewer carbon emissions, potentially saving around 300 MILLION tons of carbon emissions per year. Not to mention all the other awesome benefits such as work/life balance and decreased traffic congestion! Air quality has improved in areas of lockdown, and carbon emissions are down in China. From February 3rd to March 1st they experienced a 25% decrease in emissions.
Positive #4: Our responses to future pandemics should improve
Our current situation has exposed shortcomings all around, including test kit accessibility and a faster global response. Taking what we have learned from this pandemic, there is all the more reason to be more prepared in the future.
Positive #5: It has encouraged altruism
Celebrities and athletes have made considerable donations to those taking a hit by the pandemic, and that is just naming a few. Some major health insurers have also promised to cover care and testing related to COVID-19. Our client Faith Family Academy has approached the the situation with immediacy, and teachers have made generous food donations for their students, as well as other restaurants such as Cane’s!
Overall, we don’t want to dismiss your normal and expected feelings of despair during difficult times. However, we also need to shed light on the positive opportunity the pandemic has presented us. Let’s turn a new leaf and embrace these positives today!
I agree with the comments. I have had the opportunity to spend some quality time with my grandchildren at the park. Time with the one who is soon off to college is precious to me.
I also want to put in a word for Drive By birthday demonstrations. A lot of fun and enjoyed by the guests, family, and neighbors! Glad I had a chance to experience it.