We once again find ourselves, think agility, at a new threshold as our state and country reemerge from quarantine and businesses are making decisions on their next step. The initial rush of the digital pivot is fading … the next opportunity is stamina and easing back into the new normal, whatever that may be.

However, before we start running that ball, let’s just pause and celebrate the WINS over the past five weeks.
With collaboration of the students, parents, administration and teachers, Faith Family Academy was able to continue to serve their student body food, technology and knowledge. They did not miss a beat. Faith Family Academy, you rock!
To Mister Sweeper, who continues to hire when so many are looking for employment AND keeping streets, parking lots and garages clean, an especially important job right now! Mister Sweeper, you rock!
Agility Rules!
To Corps Team Dallas, who continue to support clients in their hiring, pipeline and talent continuity plans, plus the virtual edition of “What We Love about Dallas,” was a go-to guide for entertainment this month! Corp Team Dallas, you rock!
Despite Big Al’s business being significantly hindered during shelter in place every week they have continue to give big with 100+ meal donations to first responders and the underserved community partners, like Family Gateway, Ronald McDonald House, Genesis Women’s Shelter and UTSW first responders. Big Al’s, you rock!
Essential workers that found a new way to safely do business, you rock!
Entrepreneurs who continue to forge ahead despite many unknowns with business and marketing plans, you rock!
Non-profits that are using creative means to serve their clients, you rock!
Therefore, Stay-at-home parents that are navigating new schedules and systems, you rock!
To the kids (especially seniors) that are mourning traditions missed, but are finding creative alternatives, you rock!
Above all, all accomplishments, are worth cheering. Find reasons to celebrate and promote good news and good deeds. Recognize all the daily, tiny actions and choices that are keeping our community moving. If we did not catch you in this wrap up, know that we think you rock!