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I have been to plenty of conferences before, but I don’t think any a conference has resonated with me quite like this year’s Nonprofit Communicators Conference. Judging from the theme alone, “Communication for Social Good, Impact, Authenticity and Executive Presence”, the conference could have been six hours of well-worn clichés. Instead, I came away with a lot of great insights.

Authenticity Matters

When I hear words like “authenticity,” it sounds like one of those touch-ey feel-ey phrases that make me roll my eyes. Why should we care if a company is being authentic or not?

We live in interesting times. Globally, we are experiencing a lack of trust in institutions, including schools, media, government, and yes, nonprofits. With the share of Americans donating to nonprofits in decline, this lack of trust is disturbing news.

For-Profit companies cannot afford to ignore this reality either. Almost two-thirds of the consumers around the world based their purchasing decisions on their beliefs.

Authenticity is knowing your story and owning it. It is your history and your values. These values must be proven over and over again. A company’s history, story, and values are how they can inspire others.

Here are a few authentic brands. Is your brand an authentic reflection of your company?

Leadership Models are Changing

When I saw that there would be a workshop on executive presence and internal communication, I thought it would be someone telling us to “power pose” our way through work. The workshop turned out to be much more than that.

I used to think of a leader as a hard-charging person who was often the loudest or the most extroverted. Sort of like a bull in a china shop, but more charismatic. More of drill sergeant than a coach.

This “command and control” model of leadership is changing. People spend more than 90,000 hours of their lives at work. Our work and personal lives often blend into each other; with many workers who are expected to be “on” 24/7. I think these people deserve better than a drill sergeant for a boss.

Leaders listen, are constantly learning, they always ask for feedback and they are other-centered.

Leaders also have a “magic sauce” called Executive Presence.

Executive Presence is Crucial

What is executive presence? It’s the qualities of leadership that

“…align, engage, inspire and move people to act.”

– Suzanne Bates, Executive Coach

According to the Bates Executive Presence model, there are three dimensions of executive presence:

  • Character – Qualities of a leader as a person that are fundamental to who they are and give us reason to trust them. These qualities include integrity, concern for others, and humility.
  • Substance – Cultivated qualities of mature leadership that inspire commitment, inform action and lead to above-and-beyond effort. These qualities include practical wisdom, composure and vision.
  • Style – Over, skill-based patterns of communicative leadership that build motivation and that shape and sustain performance. Behaviors like intentionality, inclusiveness and assertiveness fall into this category.

Executive presence is an inside>out process, it starts with inner work. The workshop presenter described executive presence with a flight analogy – executive presence is like “putting on your oxygen mask first.” You must know who you are – your story, your voice, your values – before you can expect to lead others.

You can’t bluff your way through executive presence. True leaders are difficult to come by for a reason. Anyone can bark orders at people. Few people can actually inspire others to act.

I know which type of leader I would like to follow and which type of leader I aspire to be.

The Power of Storytelling

Human beings are wired for stories. Stories are a universal language. They carry weight, often even more so than facts because stories can make us feel something – joy, sadness, anger, etc.

Both organizations and individuals must know their story to make an impact in this world. A few questions to think about when contemplating your own story:

  • What is the story you are telling the world? Do your organization’s values match your deeds?
  • Whose story are you telling?
  • How will you tell your story? Does your story lend itself to video? Social media? A podcast?

Stories matter – they inform our world view and they can inspire others to action. What’s your story?

Corporate Culture Communicates a Lot

Today’s workplace asks a lot of its employees, and employees are looking for more in return. In fact, as many other institutions are losing the public’s trust, people are increasingly placing their trust in their employers. Globally, 75 percent of people trust “my employer” to do what is right, significantly more than NGOs (57 percent), business (56 percent) and media (47 percent).

Culture is a kind of communication; it conveys what your company values. When your corporate culture is aligned with your values, when your company “walks the walk,” your employees are more engaged. An engaged workforce is a productive workforce.

And a word of caution from the conference: “Social media has raised the stakes of internal organizational culture.” You don’t want one of your employees becoming so disengaged from their work that they pull an … emergency slide.

The conference resonated with me for a few different reasons, but they basically boil down to this: I feel like I am at a point in my life where questions about authenticity and leadership are becoming more and more important. How we present ourselves to the world, whether it’s in a professional or personal setting, matters. The stories we tell are important. And whether we are being true to our authentic selves, is paramount.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve got some inner work to do.

The working world is changing, there’s no doubt about it. Remote work arrangements are on the rise as companies maneuver to keep overhead low, and more and more workers are prioritizing flexibility in their work schedules.  A recent Labor Report indicates that 23% of workers report doing some or all of their work at home, and this trend shows no signs of reversing.

Here on the Porch, we all work remotely. We gather when we need to, have robust dialogue via phone, text and email, and share work product and resources digitally.  The rest … the when, where and how we work … is entirely ours to manage.

For me, it’s ideal. Solitude and silence are welcome commodities. I can largely plan my work around my kids and my commitments. I can work anywhere, at any time. It’s a great combination. But it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, and unfortunately, it’s easy to succumb to the pitfalls.


Office environments come with their own set of distractions, there’s no doubt about it – the ringing phones, the chatty co-worker, the people who pop into your office when you’re at your most productive. But when you work remotely, your entire life can be a distraction – the unwashed laundry, the food that needs prepping for dinner, the television, the phone calls from friends.

It’s ok to let yourself go there on occasion, the ability to multi-task when necessary is one of the perks of working from home. But don’t sabotage yourself. Identify your triggers and make a conscious effort to avoid them. Put the remote control away. Set aside a window to respond to personal texts and emails. Or make deals with yourself – work for a few hours straight and then allow yourself a 20 minute spin on the Peloton or 30 minutes with the Real Housewives.

Designated Work Space

If working remotely is a once in awhile situation, working from the kitchen table or having Kelly Ripa on in the background is fine. But if working from home is the norm, you need a designated work space.

Set up a space to work in and ensure that you can be productive there. A designated room in your home that can act as your office is an ideal situation. Ensure it is well lit and stock it with all that you need to work efficiently. Don’t have an entire room to spare? Then set up a desk in a quiet corner and Container Store the heck out of it. Staying organized and focused is a must.


The good thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. The bad thing about working remotely is that it gives you the flexibility to work whenever you need to. So boundaries are important.

You will be more likely to succeed if you set up a schedule for when you will work and stick to it. This will not only ensure that your work gets done, it will ensure that work doesn’t bleed over into your personal time with your family. Know when to work and when to put it away. It will keep you efficient and it will keep you sane.

Change It Up

Although working remotely can be rewarding, it can also be isolating. If you find yourself feeling disconnected, change things up. Take your laptop to Starbucks. Have lunch with a remote colleague instead of spending an hour on the phone. Connection is a human need – don’t create a life lived in a tunnel.

The ability to work remotely is a wonderful thing. If managed properly, it can give you the perfect combination of efficiency and flexibility. With a dash of Real Housewives.

If I were to google you right now, what would I find? What impressions would I form after viewing your professional history, your social media presence (or lack thereof), and your photos? Would I want to do business with you? Hire you? Befriend you?

Wakeup call, people … you’re being watched. It’s time to take control of your personal brand.

Say what?

Whether or not you identify it as such, you have a personal brand. Branding used to be reserved for businesses, but with the mushrooming social media landscape and the growing gig economy, the time has come to embrace personal branding.

A personal brand is how you present yourself to the world. It’s what you want people to know — who you are, what you think, what you stand for, and what makes you unique. Oftentimes, it’s the first impression someone will make of you.

So … yeah, it’s important. A strong personal brand establishes you as a thought leader in your industry, promotes your company (and your career), differentiates you from those who share your space, and allows you to build trust with those who seek you out.

Know thyself

Developing your personal brand starts with taking an objective look in the mirror. How would you describe yourself personally? Professionally? How would others describe you? Identify a handful of adjectives that feel like spirit words and make them your litmus test for everything you publish, post, share, comment on, and participate in. 

Find your niche. Solidify what sets you apart. And then run with it. It won’t happen overnight. It requires communicating your mission to your audience, in a genuine way, consistently and for the long-term.

Speaking practically

  • Focus your branding. Share only what rings true. Posting just for the sake of posting is just noise.
  • Deliver value to your audience. Make sure what you’re sharing is relevant to those you are talking to.
  • Put the “social” in social media. Interact on the platforms where you live. Comment when you have something to say. Like when something rings true to you. Start a conversation.
  • Share yourself with your audience. Give them a glimpse into your life and your soul. People want to know what makes you tick.
  • Don’t live and die by your numbers. Having a gaggle of followers is fantastic, but are they your people? Are they engaging with you and furthering your brand?
  • Lastly, and most importantly, make sure the on-line version of you matches the in-person version of you. Nobody likes a stepford wife. Don’t get caught up in what you think you should be – be authentic. 

If you’re not sure how to get there, give us a ring. We can help you hone your personal brand and show you how to rock it!

Voice-search is increasingly becoming a way people find information online:

  • Forty-one percent of adults use a voice- activated personal assistant at least once a day.
  • Fifty percent of all searches will be voice searches by 2020.
  • One-third of smartphone owners use their voice-activated personal assistants regularly.
  • More than 35 million Americans use a smart speaker at least once a month.
  • Moreover, the global market for smart speakers is expected to grow to $2 billion by 2020.

Voice-Search at Work

And before you assume that consumers do all of their voice search in private, consider that in a recent study, 50 percent of respondents said that they use voice search in the office. That must make for great cubicle relations.

Interestingly, voice searches indicate a greater intent to buy. This could be a good time to review the SEO strategies you have implemented on your website.

Millions of adults use voice-search features on their phones and smart speakers. Is your website ready?

Be Natural & Direct


Here’s how you can optimize your web copy for voice-search:

  • What problems does your company help consumers solve? Write content that answers these questions.
  • Once you’ve figured out the best terms and questions, look these up in Google.
  • Pay attention to the answers that Google spotlights in the answer box at the top of the page.
  • Can you answer these questions in a more direct way? The answers that show up in the Google Answer Box are the answers that get read out loud, increasing your odds of customer action.
  • Be Natural. When people use a virtual assistant to search for something, they’ll usually use words like “who,” “what,” “when,” “were” etc. Are you answering these questions on your website?  If not, you might need to take another look at your copy.

Throwing another search factor into the marketing mix can seem daunting. But, by taking some small steps, you can incorporate some thoughtful strategies and optimize your website for voice-search.

Last week, the Chief Rocker and I had a lunch meeting with a fantastic organization that we are partnering with. When beginning any new business relationship, I find myself returning to a familiar conversation, inspired by The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, to get us started in the right direction.

The belief is this: Any marketing effort will go off the rails quickly without clear goals and objectives, so it’s important to “begin with the end in mind.”

What does this mean, exactly?

You must define what success looks like and work backwards.

  • Identify your goals. What does success look like? In what timeframe?
  • More sales? How much more? What capture rate? What product or service?
  • More traffic? If so, how much more? In-store? Online? How will it be measured?
  • More leads? Are you looking for quantity, quality, or both?
  • Define your budget parameters. How much are you willing to spend to achieve your goals
  • Clearly define your audience. Are you talking to just one particular group or are there multiple segments of people you need to reach?

Messaging is key.

In order to be successful in marketing, your messaging has to break through the clutter, grab your audience’s attention, and meet at the crossroads of problem versus solution. Your opportunity is to offer the solution that only you can provide – even better if you’re there before they realize they need you.

You must clearly describe what action you want your audience to take. Do you want your audience to call you? Visit your location? Engage in a promotion? Provide a referral? Be clear. And lastly, whatever the call to action is, make sure their customer experience goes far beyond their expectations!

Begin with the end in mind and increase your opportunity for success. Need help clarifying your goals and getting started? We are here to help!

I am a third-generation, dyed-in-the-wool Minnesota Vikings fan. I grew up with Vikings games playing at BOTH of my grandparents houses. My mom’s parents have a Vikings poster hanging in their upstairs hallway, which I always found incredibly hip of them! Dad took me and my sister to watch games when the Vikings were playing in Texas. My first date with my husband was watching the Vikings.


I have always expressed my loyalty for my beloved Vikings, so it’s no surprise that my husband and I attended Sunday’s divisional playoff game. And it was a game for the ages. The “Minneapolis Miracle” will go down in NFL lore. Despite seeing it in person, I have watched this video almost 50 times since Sunday, and it still makes my face explode in joy, pride and tears of pure happiness.

At this point, you might be wondering why a marketing agency blogger is waxing on about her beloved football team. I’ll tell you why. Branding. Look closely at the NFL. Every single team that plays in the NFL is a picture-perfect brand model.


The Minnesota Vikings logo is a depiction of, well, a Viking. It is unique, memorable, timeless, and versatile. And it clearly articulates their brand.  As does the logo for the other 31 other teams. Play the logo game with your kids! My guess is that they can identify almost all teams by their logo alone (if they watch NFL football of course!).

Color Palette

Purple and gold are Vikings colors. The combination is unique and identifiable, and people can and do get behind it by wearing, painting, singing and displaying it. Give it extra points because it is Pantone’s color of the year.


Each team is a subset of the bigger brand of the NFL, but form their own identity and personality. Every good brand should! Enter the Viking ship, the horn, the SKOL chant, Minnesota Nice, Purple Reign in honor of the late Prince, the desire and will to play their best, defend the north, and be warriors and at the same time the good guys.


The coaching staff and the players all represent something bigger than their individual selves. They reflect, protect and represent the Vikings brand, on and off the field. People (employees past and present and consumers) are often overlooked as contributors to a brand. Don’t overlook this important piece of the puzzle.

Brand Advocates

This is me, this is the fan base, the former players, coaches, and owners. They proudly talk, share, and wear their team; and they stand by them through the rollercoaster of emotions that only elite sports brings. At Sunday’s game, past players such as Robert Smith, Chris Carter, Fran Tarkenton and John Randle pumped up the crowd and encouraged the current team from the sidelines – firing up an already explosive and LOUD crowd. Coach Mike Zimmer asked the stadium to be its loudest ever, and the fans delivered. My hoarse voice is proof.

A Vision

#bringithome is the post-season rally cry. US Bank will host Super Bowl LII and the Vikings have set the vision for their team and fans that they will bring it home. Check out this Bring It Home Feed on the Vikings homepage.

Recognize that in a digital storytelling era, a brand has the power to create an experience with its customer. This customer wants to be part of the story, as opposed to being told the story. This year the Vikings have masterfully brought their team, their fans and anyone that watches football into their story.

Sunday, January 14 at 7:11 p.m. will be The Biggest Moment In Vikings Franchise History for years to come. People will tell where they were, what they saw, and how they reacted … they will tell the story. And that is what branding is all about. The story. Not the product, service, outcome, or even the individuals.

It’s all about the story.

And that friends, is a very nice model to follow! We on the Porch would love to partner with you to share your story.

No matter what happens next for the Minnesota Vikings, this moment, the moment that made grown men and women cry, cannot be taken away. Ever. SKOL!