Category Archives: tactics

Programmatic Advertising is Driving Results.

After Q1, clients historically shift focus based on marketing, advertising and communications results so far in the year. The Front Porch team than also ebbs and flows to make sure our efforts are successfully driving topline revenue for our clients.

One of the tactics working for our clients right now? Programmatic advertising. As we start Q2 and continue into 2023, this advertising approach is driving results.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

It is a bit different than digital advertising. Programmatic advertising utilizes automation and algorithms to achieve success. Too far in the weeds: but it is about the process of ads purchased and sold. But it is different than traditional media-buying techniques. Programmatic advertising meets the potential customer when and where they are. This approach optimizes the efforts of the advertising, hyper targeting the most interested, most matched customers with the brand.

What is the Difference Between Display Advertising and Programmatic Advertising?

Clients often ask us what the difference is between display advertising and programmatic advertising, since in many cases they can look the same. The answer is that programmatic levels up:

  • Display advertising refers to how ads are bought
  • Programmatic advertising goes beyond simply placing a digital display ad on a website, and is more about how ads appear and in what format — serving the right ad to the right person in the right place at the right time

How to Get Started with Programmatic

Before you dive in, your team or your marketing partner needs to do the due diligence to understand your target market. With more in-depth information, programmatic advertising can work harder for your client and find the customers that are looking for your client’s brand.

Then, as you implement your plan, these are the things to look for and monitor in order to continuously improve and optimize your advertising, maximize your budget and reach the best customers for you:

  • Cost per Click (CPC)
  • Click-through Rate (CTR)
  • Cost per Completed View (CPCV)

Want to Know More About Programmatic?

How can we help? The marketing and advertising landscape is evolving at the speed of light. And the Front Porch team is keeping up and leading the way to better outcomes for our clients. There are many benefits to choosing programmatic advertising such as efficiency and low-cost awareness. So please ask, as we love sharing our client successes, expertise and fodder. Sometimes the fodder isn’t relevant, but it sure creates great conversations and we’d love to have one with you.

The recent elections completely dominated the news. And will continue to do so in the days that follow. An unpredictable news cycle can occur at any time. This presents a challenge for businesses looking to align their PR in the news.

5 Tips to Draw Out Content in an Unpredictable News Cycle

Erratic news cycles negate the valuable time that is put forth to pitches. These cycles prevent your client’s story from gaining traction. Try one of these techniques for engaging with journalists to get the best results:

1. Flexibility

A client usually has a set date for an announcement or event. It’s absolutely necessary to pivot the strategy if a major news story breaks. If a date cannot be moved, then the plan has to rely on post coverage. Always make sure that ample photos and videos are banked and submitted once the heady headline of the unpredictable news cycle has ebbed.

2. Response

Response time is important! Become the person that a journalist can depend upon. When a news story breaks, reporters are on tight deadlines. Respond immediately to requests for images or quotes from a client that you represent. Always provide links to hi-res photos, a press release with a quote, a product or person overview and a company boiler plate.

3. Newsjacking

David Meerman Scott coined this term in his book, “Newsjacking.” According to Scott, Newsjacking is the process of adding your client’s thoughts and opinions into breaking news stories. Newsjacking is a piggyback onto trending news topics. Clients can still get noticed during unpredictable news cycles using this technique.

4. Evergreen

Evergreen content has virtually no expiration date. So ideally it will retain its value over the long-term — just like trees that never lose their leaves. In terms of value, this content never loses significance. It even continues to gain traction. With the right strategy, evergreen content will consistently generate interest over time. People will reference it for years to come, regardless of the news cycles.

5. Media Downtimes

Generally media downtimes take place during the holidays. During this period, journalists are more receptive to evergreen content, byline articles and feature stories. Incorporate this timeframe into your client’s editorial calendars. Pitch ready stories in mid-November to use at any during the holiday season. This strategy is effective for the obvious fact that the client is getting media coverage. The bonus is that it will run when most people have the time to watch or read the content.

Don’t Fret — This News Cycle Will End

Unpredictable news cycles do end. So in the meantime instead of panicking, try one of these techniques to keep your client’s brand top-of-mind. Preventative or proactive PR and media relations can be a very successful approach to use to keep your client from defaulting to reactive solutions.

How do you define a testimonial? Put simply, a testimonial conveys an individual’s thoughts or feelings toward a product or service.

In marketing, praise from a happy customer is one of the most important tools a company can use to show potential customers the value of its products and services. Not only that, they help your business build trust with customers, which ultimately leads to increased sales. And it goes without saying, a satisfied customer is your brands best advocate.

Testimonials are powerful marketing tools

Leveraging testimonials is a powerful tool you can use in your marketing efforts and there are many ways you can implement them in your strategy. Let’s spend a few minutes highlighting three ways to take advantage of them.

1. Display testimonials on your website.

Think about your favorite websites? Now go visit a couple of them. Chances are you’ll find a customer comment or two prominently displayed on the homepage of the site (or sprinkled throughout the site.) Your website is your front door for customers to learn about and purchase your product or service. So it makes sense you use this valuable real estate to tout what your loyal customers are saying.

2. Use testimonials in your social media efforts.

Do you ever find yourself at a loss for fresh social content? Testimonials are a great way to engage customers. They are usually short in content making them perfect for sharing across your social channels. If you want to take it a step further, try video testimonials. Start by asking your customers to submit a short video reviewing your product or service and their user experience. Conclusion? A customer providing insight into how your company positively impacted them can be very powerful.

3. Incorporate them in your email marketing.

Email marketing is yet another way you can incorporate customer praise. First, tie it into your email content. For example, if you’re promoting your top-selling coat for the winter season ahead, include two or three customer testimonials all raving about varying benefits (value, warmth, style, etc.). Second, email is a great way to collect customer testimonials. So, try to include a link to a feedback form and ask customers to submit a testimonial for potential use in upcoming marketing initiatives.

Overall, I think you’ll agree it’s easy to see why testimonials are a popular strategy in advertising your business products or services. If you haven’t considered implementing them into your marketing initiatives, what are you waiting for?

How can your company create better social media content and increase engagement? A cost-effective marketing strategy that is often overlooked today is employee — we prefer “team”— activation. Not only can employee activation, hence forth, team activation, benefit brands externally but internally as well.

What is Team Activation?

Team activation provides team members with social media guardrails. This approach allows them to share content and ideas on social media that align to their interests and professional goals.

More than 10 years ago, employee advocacy was popular. Team activation is similar but more engaging and collaborative. Employee advocacy forces team members to blast boilerplate messages and brand content to their social networks. The generic approach and efforts of employee advocacy fizzled out over time.

But team activation encourages employees to authentically create and share content that aligns with their company, on their own channels. If done properly, team activation benefits brands from employee engagement and communication to marketing and sales. As well as much more.

How does this work on different social channels?

Team activation works across all the social networks, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Over the past few years, according to our clients’ successful team activation campaigns, we have found:

  • Team members grow to consistently like brand posts on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
  • Whereas they like LinkedIn posts and tweets, they also reshare or RT the information to their personal accounts.

How does this help the brand internally?

When team members are socially engaged, they are more likely:

  • Stay at their company
  • Optimistic about the company’s future
  • To believe the brand is more competitive

How does this approach help the brand externally?

Here’s a fact: sales reps using social media as part of their sales strategies outsell 78% of their peers. According to Social Media Today, content shared by employees receives 8x more engagement than organic content shared by brand channels. More and more, social algorithms bury a company’s page posts, tweets, pins, etc. And, people believe individuals’ social media posts and engagement are more authentic and creditable than a brands’.

Done well and right, your team becomes real brand advocates. Think less expensive form on influencer marketing. We can help. Front Porch Marketing holds collaborative in person or virtual team workshops. Also, we do one-on-one team member training.

Going Digital is the Future

If there’s anything we learned from the pandemic it’s that going digital is the ultimate way to survive as a business. No one expected an event like this to disrupt the world as fast as it did, but we adapted. Lots of corporations switched to being remote or hybrid; and Zoom became a household name. With the world going digital many of us started to realize the importance of marketing ourselves online and there’s no better place than LinkedIn. Membership has climbed to reach over 780 million since the pandemic hit. So there’s no better time than now to upgrade your LinkedIn!

Personal branding is a topic we’re all familiar with. We all know it’s important, but many of us don’t give it the attention it really deserves. Most of the time were just too busy to give it any real time or thought. We think “I know there’s more I could be doing to improve my LinkedIn.” However, in this day and age its crucial to have your personal brand looking clean and professional. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to improve your LinkedIn profile.

Upgrade Your Profile Picture

Your picture is the first thing people see when they click on your LinkedIn profile. It’s important that you get this right. First make sure the picture is a recent photo of you, then make sure your face takes up about 60% of the frame. No long distance shots, and smile with your eyes!

Choose a Background Photo

Choose a background photo that represents either what you do, or your interest in visually interesting way. If you don’t have your own photos to work with, I recommend using a free hd stock image site called Unsplash. Also try to stick with a photo that fits within 1584 (w) x 396 (h) pixels for the best quality.

Get Creative With Your Headline

Your Headline doesnt just have to be what your business is. Try to add a little bit of flair or creativity to it. For example take a look at EA Talent Recruiter Jason Yuan’s LinkedIn headline, “I don’t usually stalk profiles, but when I do I usually have a career opportunity for you. Want to connect!?”. See how he managed to hook your attention and explain what he does? This is what you should be shooting for.

Expand your Network

Linkedin has amazing networking opportunities and has made it very easy to expand your network. One helpful tip is to link your profile with your email address book. LinkedIn will then suggest people you should connect with. Once you start connecting with people you may even notice that you have connections working at companies that you are currently applying for. I strongly suggest if you are in college that you connect with those who go to your school in your major. You never know when that connection may come in handy.

Take Skill Assessments

These are free tests that LinkedIn has created to help you stand out amongst the crowd. According to Linkedin candidates who have certified skills are 30% more likely to get hired. I recommend to getting certified in the Microsoft Excel assessment. It’s a universal skillset that will always help you standout. Obviously the more certified skills you have the better.

Publish Your Own Content

The best way to get noticed on LinkedIn is to publish engaging, long content. You should start pumping these out to start conversations. Make sure it’s interesting. A good tip is to look at the trending articles on LinkedIn News on the right hand side of your account. Look at the trending topics on the platform and share your thoughts or experiences on the topic. If you can don’t be afraid to sprinkle in a little emojis. It may sound stupid but it actually increases reader engagement. Just don’t over do it. Also try to steer away from politics on LinkedIn. This is a platform for professional networking, it’s not Facebook or Twitter.

A Brighter Future Awaits

Upgrading your LinkedIn doesn’t have to be done all in one day. Try to take it in small chunks. These steps may seem trivial at first, but I promise if you knock these out when you have your lunch break, or when find yourself with extra fee time you won’t regret it. Allow LinkedIn to work for you by taking the first step!

Media relations results require more than luck.

As a public relations professional, there’s no better feeling than seeing a client featured in a news story. There’s an exhilaration when an idea you’ve pitched appears in a magazine, newspaper, radio or the coveted TV spot. An earned media placement will impact a client’s awareness — and hopefully — their bottom line.

However, pitching isn’t easy. With fewer journalists, swifter news cycles and an extraordinary number of media outlets, communicators need to be savvy and strategic about formulating and targeting pitches. Muck Rack reports that there are now nearly 6 PR pros for every one journalist.

A 2021 Muck Rack survey stated that 34% of PR pros said finding and interacting with journalists is one of their biggest challenges. And 59% of journalists view their relationship with PR pros as mutually beneficial, but not quite a partnership. This decreased from 64% in 2020. Only 6% view it as a partnership.

Why is there such an inequity between PR professionals and journalists?

It’s no mystery that PR pros can’t do their media relations jobs successfully without journalists. And journalists depend on Public Relations outreach, too.

“I get roughly 300 emails a day. Most of the time, I read a subject line and that’s it. There’s just simply too many emails every day from publicists to be replying to each one. I can probably count on one hand the amount of general PR pitches I’ve responded to over the past few years. What they all have in common is they were targeted at BuzzFeed and me specifically. The publicist knew who I was, what kind of stories I write and was able to speak to this and why their pitch fit in line with that. They also know what BuzzFeed News is (hint: it’s not the same as BuzzFeed!) and why their story was of interest to our readers. It’s all obvious stuff, but you have to tailor your pitch like you would a cover letter for a job application.”

—David Mack, deputy director for breaking news at BuzzFeed News (source Muck Rack)

Personalization is key to getting a reporter’s attention.

It’s important to remember that each reporter is unique. In order to successfully connect with members of the media, know who they are and what they prefer when it comes to pitching. In Muck Rack’s Annual Journalist Survey, reporters cited lack of personalization as the number one reason they immediately reject pitches.

Writing the ideal pitch will not have “legs” if it is not strategically targeted. A political writer does not want to profile a new restaurant (unless the chef is a former president). An investigative journalist probably will not respond to a pitch about what’s trending in the fashion world. Educate yourself on a reporter’s areas of interest and get to know their point of view. Familiarize yourself with their writing style and how they communicate with their audience. Make each email distinctive to the individual. Remember that the ultimate goal is to establish or continue a relationship with the journalist.

Customize your pitch to their medium.

A wide-ranging PR campaign can be incredibly time consuming. Sending an initial mass email to all news outlets is, at times, the only course of action. However, this approach does not embolden coverage unless it is a very widely known product and/or personality. If possible, customize the pitch to the medium. When pitching a television producer, send clips or b-roll and include camera ready art to a print outlet. Reference the assets and describe how the visuals will enhance an interview or feature. If you want a reporter/editor/producer to accept your pitch, it needs to intrigue them — and contain something that that will engage their audience.

The media relations process — what happens next?

After sending a pitch, be respectful and allow the reporter enough time to decide if they are interested in covering the story. Give them a few days to review the pitch, and then follow up via email. If you don’t hear from them after a follow-up, assume they aren’t interested.

If a pitch is accepted, be sure to thank the reporter and share their story online. A share goes a long way, especially in a world where more reporters are being evaluated based on the success of their stories — 62% of journalists say they track how many times their stories are shared on social media.

How do you get hired in marketing? Finding a job can be tough especially in marketing where competition is high. When you don’t know what companies are looking for it can make this process significantly more difficult. To make your life easier we’re going to go over some of the main attributes companies are looking for.

Interpersonal Skills

When you’re in the workplace how do you handle conflicts? Do you get along well with others? Interpersonal skills are your ability to have diplomacy and act professionally in the workplace. According to LinkedIn’s CEO Jeff Weiner, the biggest skill gap in the U.S workforce is interpersonal skills. What can you do to solve this? Have good manners, show compassion, and be mindful of your body language.

Being Flexible

The world of marketing is always moving. New trends become the norm and old trends completely go away. It’s your job to stay agile and be able to adapt to these changes quickly. In other words, you need to consistently stay relevant to what’s happening. If you need to learn new skills then learn them.

Social Media Expertise

In the 21st century almost everything has a digital footprint. Especially companies. According to SCORE in 2018, 77 percent of the small business in the U.S use social media to facilitate sales, marketing, and customer service. The main platforms you should focus on are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and if you can pull it off, TikTok. Understanding the platforms and how each of them contribute to business is important if you to stand out amongst your competition.

Ability to Analyze Data

Data is everywhere. In order to be a valuable asset to your marketing team you must be comfortable with going into large amounts of data. Then be able to pull solutions from this data and visualize it with charts and graphs. How does it apply to the problem at hand? What are the trends? I recommend taking an excel class or get very familiar with using Microsoft Excel.

Writing Skills

Writing is incredibly important to marketing. If you cant convey what needs to be said in a polite and efficient manner you’re going to have a difficult time in the workplace. You’ll be writing social media posts, blogs, or tweaking websites, so it’s important that you grow as writer. This means double checking your work for grammar mistakes and checking to see if what you’ve written flows well.

Proven Results To Get Hired in Marketing

When companies are looking over your resume, you want to make sure you have highlighted some of your accomplishments. They need to know that you have a great track record of success. Try to highlight key metrics that you have impacted. This helps you stand out amongst your competition.


We know it’s hard out there. Learning how to set yourself apart from others can be challenging and stressful when trying to get hired. We hope this information helps you prepare and gets you ready for your future interview!

The Clean Up 

Spring cleaning comes in many forms but have you extended it to your social media? Although this sounds like an odd notion, tidying up your social media ensures that your online platforms are building up daily engagement and generating leads. 

When you don’t pay attention to your social pages, your platforms become dated – something that should always be a priority to avoid. 

By focusing on these five points in your social media, you can make sure to revamp your social presence, renew your look, and refocus your brand strategy.

When it comes to spring cleaning, start out with the basics. Your logo! Are your colors dated? Should you go brighter? Bolder? Is your logo still considered modern? These are all questions you should ask yourself to make sure that your company is putting their best foot forward and aligning with today’s day and age. 

The Header 

The header is one of the first things that your viewers will see when they come to Facebook and LinkedIn! When you look at it, ask yourself if the picture is…

  1. High quality? 
  2. Modern or dated? 
  3. Reflecting the season your company is in? 
  4. Updated with the awards and certificates your company has gotten throughout the year? 
  5. Used across all platforms? 

Once these questions are answered, your social media strategy is that much closer to being polished.

The Bio

The bio for your company may be short and sweet or long and informative but is it as updated as possible? Are there new hashtags you want to include that are easily found? Are there any typos you may have missed the first time you wrote it? 

No matter how fantastic your bio may be, the smallest writing error can cast doubt about your capabilities to be detail-oriented. This is a mistake you never want to have reflected in your platforms.

The Feed

When it comes to your feed you want to make sure that it is an extension of your latest brand strategy. If your brand is bold then extend that message through bold colors, sharp photos, and succinct captions. If your brand is playful then extend your brand through bright colors, whimsical photos, and emojis. 

Now that you know what you want your feed to look like, look at it from a grander scale.

Do the last posts reflect a past brand strategy? Do you want that to be the first thing that viewers note? Or do you have a new brand strategy that you want to promote and want that to be the focal point? 

Whatever the case, you will want the most current brand strategy to be noticeable at first glance. Take the time to see your company from the eyes of your viewers.

The Website

When your customers look for your website, are they able to find it easily? If not, you may need to revamp and renew the list of keywords that is used for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on each page.

By using the most up-to-date keywords, you’re able to make sure that your site is found in an easy manner. Decreasing the level of friction for customers to be able to locate your website and find the information they are looking for is important because it can be the difference of gaining or losing a lead. 

You’ll also want to make sure that all the tweaks that you make on your social media platforms are extended to your site. If you made the colors brighter on your logo, extend that color palette to your site. If you modernized your feed, make sure that your photos and messaging on your site reflect that change. For every action there will always be a reaction.

The Conclusion

No matter how big or small your spring cleaning is, always keep your brand at the forefront. Taking the time to be detail-oriented, using these focal points, and putting your brand first is sure to create a springtime glow for you and your company.

You are trying to save resources and graphic design seems like something you, a team member or a marketing / communications professional can do.

You’ve worked hard to make your dream a reality. Of course, you want to ensure it is recognizable. The first rule of thumb? Build trust in your brand.

Building that trust requires a connection with your target audience. To achieve it, your creative execution must be constantly consistent. It is crucial to get it right.

Here are four tips:

  • Know what you need before you begin. Define your brand pillars to create a strong foundation. What is your brand vision, personality, positioning and affiliation?
  • Next, have a creative professional define brand colors, fonts and creative execution guidelines. Mind the brand.
  • Don’t settle. There are many programs that allow anyone to try their hand at graphic design. Use caution. Layout, font and colors are just a few of the key elements of graphic design.
  • Take your time. If you choose to DIY your brand creation, understand it will be a time-consuming process to get it right. Take the time necessary to not only learn what you want, but what you need. Learn the art of design.

Experience pays. In the end, it will save you time and money to hire a professional graphic designer. They have the programs and experience to communicate your brand. They will give you the exact guidelines to follow to easily remain consistent and help distinguish your brand from the competition.

Own it. Once you have chosen your brand architecture and standards, own them. Use them religiously. Don’t use your logo in one color scheme on one social media post, then alter it for another. Instead of a random mixture of colors, know and use complementary colors. Keep all of your design elements consistent – Every. Single. Time.

There is value in creative and graphic design. Be consistent and follow brand guidelines. If you don’t have consistency, you won’t build connection. Without them, you may as well do nothing at all.

In conclusion, have a partner or team with the experience and know-how to help you stay consistent. We’re ready to rock when you are.

A tracking pixel is a little HTML code that tracks behavior from your customers – it records for instance when a user visits your website or opens an email from you, or interacts with a banner ad that your brand has created. It essentially fills the same role as a cookie but tracking pixels cannot be blocked by normal browsers like cookies, so they offer an alternative information tracking process.

A tracking pixel is also a tiny graphic with the dimension of 1 pixel by 1 pixel. Because it is this tiny, no one notices when it is included on a website or in an email because it is usually designed to blend into the graphics.

Brands can use a tracking pixel to gather this behavior data and then analyze it to make better decisions on what to put on their website, in their emails, on their social channels. Where are most of your customers located so you can market to them at a local level? Are most of your customers are on-line late at night, so it would make more sense to schedule your emails or social media when they are on-line looking for answers? Maybe a tracking pixel could give you more insight into answering questions like these.

How Does a Tracking Pixel Work, and What’s in it for You?

By adding this little snippet of code to a website or email, the brand links a piece of content – like a web page, an email, or a banner – to the pixel’s server. Then when a user, let’s say visits the brand’s website (where the tiny pixel is) the code gets processed by the browser being used and is then registered and noted in the server’s log files.

When this process occurs, several different pieces of information can be transferred in regard to the content that a user is interacting with. Brands can find out answers to questions like:

  • What is the screen resolution of this device?
  • Is this content being viewed on a mobile device or desktop?
  • What is the OS of device the customer is using?
  • Is the customer looking at your content in a browser or in an email program?
  • What is the IP address and location of the viewer?
  • When was the content was viewed?
  • What types of ads does the customer like clicking on?

One of the most common use of tracking pixels is for retargeting. Did you just look at a pair of shoes yesterday and now you’re seeing those shoes in Instagram? Do you feel like you were just talking about a specific thing and BOOM there it is in Facebook? That is a tracking pixel doing its job. That little guy is trying to be helpful!

Tracking pixels are also used to measure a marketing campaign’s performance or track conversions. They can be used to build an audience base for a new product or service.

How to Insert a Tracking Pixel

Web and social analytics tools such as Google Analytics and the analytics available within Facebook for Business, for instance, give brands thorough explanations and tutorials on implementing tracking pixels. There are two ways to include a tracking pixel in your website:

  • Through your CMS dashboard.
  • In the hardcode of your website. If this is the case, you will need to get your web developer involved.

What’s in it for your customers?

Tracking pixels can benefit customers over time, as the data garnered can be used to make offers more relevant, questions answered more readily, and overall make the user’s experience better. Privacy advocates argue that pixels violate user privacy and allow spammers access to personal data more readily. User consent must be secured first and GDPR rules require the choice of opting-out of being tracked.

Many of the data points tracked and logged by a tracking pixel can be helpful information to brands when they decide what to highlight on their website – which part of the website is the most popular and gets the most traffic? One could infer that this particular content is valuable and sought after and therefore create more like it to be more helpful to their customers in the future.

Use tracking pixels wisely and carefully by being a responsible brand – answer their questions, be helpful, get them the information they need. In this way, the tiny tracking pixels can yield big results for both you and your customers.