TikTok is in the top six social media networks for 2022. Does that mean that your brand should have a presence? Maybe. Maybe not. To find out if your brand should be on TikTok, take a deep look at the components of your brand: your mission, your audience, your goals, your assets before you just jump right in. Having a plan for any endeavor translates into better success. This includes your brand being on TikTok – no matter how shiny it seems to you this moment.
The social media landscape is continuously evolving.
Social media can be scary to some people and some brands, but exciting for others. And, being aware of new channels and finding the next one for your brand is what a smart marketing leader does. Examine your brand before deciding.
Let us help you answer the TikTok question by asking a few questions.
Brands on TikTok?
Who is your target audience?
What are your marketing goals?
What are your marketing strategies?
How much potential does TikTok have for lead generation or driving potential website traffic among your target?
Do you have additional resources to support another social media network consistently?
Do your internal personnel have the bandwidth or do you have the budget to add incremental dollars to your agency partner’s fees to manage it for you?
There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution to your brand on TikTok.
There are many brands who choose to be on TikTok because it is advantageous for them to do so in some way. But there are also many brands for whom TikTok is not a good marketing channel fit, and their needs are better met by other social media channels more appropriate to their audience, their product, and their goals.
Don’t get shiny object syndrome. Focus on the big picture that fuels the growth of your brand. If TikTok will be a part of that, it will be. You’ll make it happen, but maybe not this year. And that’s ok. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Plan for your future success first, on this and every possible marketing channel, and you can make the most of the social media channels that are right for you.
Getting marketing and sales on the same page is critical to your brand’s success.
This month, we were honored to attend a client’s 2022 sales kick off meeting in Orlando to see this practice of harmonizing marketing and sales in action. Being with our client in this setting reminded us that cross-functional teams are one of the keys to maximize growth for business success. Smart business leaders and collaborative relationships fuel us, so we wanted to share our top tips for helping marketing and sales work together for greater results.
Sales teams typically focus on talking directly to the customer. The sales process might take a very long time, but the sales team will discover useful information like solving a particular problem, or what pain points a potential customer runs into. These insights can be valuable, especially to the marketing team.
The marketing team approaches the customer in a somewhat different way – focusing on the brand. Increasing awareness of the brand and these brand conversations typically take the form of websites, content marketing, social media and email marketing and advertising.
Often sales and marketing groups seem to have different goals: but in reality their goal is the same – grow the business. They just approach it in different ways. When you harmonize marketing and sales strategies you reap the benefits of shared data on targets and prospects, shared communication, shared processes, and working together to solve challenges that arise.
Four ways to start bringing your sales, marketing and even finance teams together.
Discuss with saleswhat marketing strategies and tools moved the needle in the previous year. Was it messaging, tactics and delivery? Something else? What did potential customers and clients respond to?
Planning is key. Make sure that marketing is supporting sales strategies. The marketing team should review annual sales plans and have a meaningful discussion on how they can support the sales efforts.
Agree on goals. Not just numbers and target customers, but the terminology. Are you speaking the same language? Using the same metrics and processes?
Make sure the finance team is not developing forecasts in a silo. Communicate with them. Just because they can access the CRM does not mean they can create real projections.
Marketing is only as successful as sales; and sales is only as successful as marketing. Harmonize marketing and sales to work together to success. Working together is more important in 2022 than ever before. It is by working together in harmony, that the greater good can be achieved.
There are 5 business needs that we see happen about this time every year. Smart business leaders and owners know strategic branding and proactive marketing grows the top line. This is especially important in the 4th quarter of the year, when planning for next year comes into play. That’s why our clients raise their hand and ask Front Porch Marketing for help. They keep up with what their customers want and then they stay ahead of the competition by delivering it. And we joyfully help them. This past month of October, we’ve executed quite a range of marketing projects.
1. Full service marketing help for their 5 business needs.
C-suite executives looked to us to guide marketing strategy and execute pretty much everything on this list, because of empty seats on their team. We operate as “the marketing department” for several of our clients who have small teams and big needs.
2. Targeted, paid digital strategy.
From SEO and SEM to paid search, through display, shopping and gmail ads, our clients know how important search is for customer and client acquisition. We set up quite a big of this type of digital marketing in October.
3. Website refresh.
Q4 is the perfect time to refresh your website and quite a few of our clients are in the middle of a site refresh. Keeping branding fresh and relevant. Making sure that sites are optimized for content. Maximizing and streamlining customer journeys.
4. Paid email marketing.
From platforms like eTarget, MailChimp, HereFish, Zoho and ActiveTarget. List acquisition, cleaning and segmenting. Creating emails is the part you see…but list preparation and optimization is the key to more targeting customer acquisition. Email marketing is not slowing down anytime soon from what we’ve seen in October.
5. 2022 planning for next year’s 5 business needs.
Accessing 2021 marketing activities to date, and with phone and online client and customer surveys, we’re right now developing strategies, messaging, timelines and budgets for 2022. October has been busy getting our clients prepared for growth and smooth sailing the next year. This is absolutely one of our favorite things to do – setting the stage to help our clients’ business grow.
We also love sharing client happiness. This week, when delivering a final logo design, brand guidelines and collateral materials, a client emailed us, “Those goodies are like Christmas, seriously a sense of joy just washed over me.” And that brings us joy too. The season of joy doesn’t come just once a year for us, it’s all year long because we get to work with business owners who love what they do as much as we do.
Starting a business in 2021 is hard. You have to have the right product, shown at the right time, to the right people, and have everything executed properly. Not to mention you have to compete in an ever-growing marketplace. It’s a tough world and you have to have real mental grit to be successful. Startups have a 90% failure rate according to Investopedia.com. One of the main reasons as to why these startups failed was due to poor marketing. We’re going to go over some of the top marketing strategies that will aid your start up, to get you going in the right direction.
1. Make a Marketing Plan
You can’t have successful marketing strategies for a start up business without a marketing plan. This means coming together with metric-driven marketing goals, creating user personas, coming up with a budget that supports how you will achieve these goals, and researching your competitors, for starters.
2. Post on Social Media
Posting on social media is crucial to gaining exposure for your business. Around 2.4 billion people use social media. It’s important for you to be seen and heard, and for people to know who you are. Not to mention this helps reach a younger generation. Make sure you’re posting engaging quality content consistently.
3. Make an Email List
Email marketing can attract customers if done correctly. One way to build a list is by having a subscribe page on your website. Make sure when you send these emails out that they aren’t too advertising based – answer questions, be helpful. Help potential customers solve their problems. For example, you can post guides, infographics, or videos.
4. Don’t be Afraid to Try Some New Marketing Strategies
Don’t be afraid to voice your ideas! If you never try something new you won’t grow as a company. You never know who could benefit from an idea you might have. You don’t have to always stay inside what everyone is comfortable with. Innovations come from questioning the status quo.
5. Use More Than One Channel for Promotion
This builds off of tip #2. Once you have your social media set up, it’s important to diversify your brand. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even TikTok can be a channel for you to connect with your audience. These are amazing tools to get your brand out there. They each hit different audiences and you should change your approach depending on the socials you use, and who your audience is.
6. Know Your Audience
You must find your target audience. Find what age group is going to be interested in your product. What type of topics are they into? Don’t try to be too broad and play to your strengths. Once you’ve identified your target market make sure you cater to them.
7. Create and Maintain a Blog
Blogs are important to driving traffic your brand. They make you a source for information. Did you know that businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads than those who do not have one? Make sure you’re publishing blogs that you know your audience would read. Quality over quantity.
8. Sponsor an Event
Sponsoring events can gain massive exposure for your business. It’s a great way to get the right people looking at your company (investors). All you have to do is pay a fee to the event organizer and then you market your business with marketing materials like signs, stickers, etc. Try and sponsor events that are related to your business. For example, if you sell comic books maybe you can sponsor a comic book convention.
9. Give Away Small Things as a Marketing Strategy
Everybody loves free stuff. What do I mean by free stuff? Stickers, t-shirts, merchandise, or gift cards. These help people have a positive association with your business. It makes your company look very friendly and is great PR.
10. Use Paid Search Advertising
Paid search is a way to purchase focused traffic on popular search engines like Google. They use a system called cost-per-click. Which means you pay when someone types a specific word you have listed in your ad. You only have to pay for when people click on the ad. This can be a great traffic driver to your website.
Marketing Strategies for Start Up Businesses Can Take Many Forms
Don’t fall behind when running your startup business. It’s very competitive out there and if you aren’t doing everything you can to stay ahead of the game you may fall behind your competitors. However, if you follow at least half of these strategies your startup will be headed in the right direction.
If 2020 was the year of the pivot, 2021 is the year of branding and marketing agility. As we work with clients in multiple sectors, we are seeing this bubble to the top as a necessity. With constantly changing standards of operations and guidelines, the ability to move quickly and easily is equally yoked with the pivot this year. So there are several strategies that your organization can implement to ensure agility in all operations. Here’s the Porch’s top three for marketing and branding agility.
#1 Be Data Driven
Branding and marketing agility requires you to harness as much data as possible. Thus, it is important to focus not only on your potential customers, but also the competition, industry trends, and even in-house developments. We believe that marketing plans are an excellent tool for capturing and monitoring this data.
#2 Have Assets at the Ready
Your marketing team, and branding and marketing partners will be agile with viable marketing solutions if they have access to your marketing assets. Brand, style, and logo guides as well as asset hubs are good tools to have in place. Result? Easily accessible assets make everyone ready to rock quickly and easily.
#3 Be a Learning Organization
An important component of branding and marketing agility is the expertise of your employees and organization. Promote creative thinking, demonstrate the value of formal training and be sure to reward the expertise. The only way your business will be able to provide an answer to marketing challenges, is if itself becomes equally as agile in all of it is operations.
Take an agility self-assessment, if you need some help, we are a click or call away. Three cheers to a rockin’ agile end of the year.
Learn GenZ marketing strategies to market to this up and coming group as they become more involved in the economy. They use social media apps to shop, care more about knowing a brand and what they stand for, and are more receptive to different marketing strategies. As a member of GenZ myself, I know the in’s and out’s of how members of my generation think and shop. I also know what types of marketing they are the most drawn to.
Social Media Changes Everything for GenZ Marketing Strategies
What differentiates GenZ from prior generations is that we have grown up in a world where technology is changing by the year. We have used social media to our advantage, especially in terms of purchasing products or familiarizing ourselves with brands. According to a Forbes article, 95% or GenZ consumers use social media as their top source of shopping inspiration; 65% use social media to find entertaining content; and 61% are specifically interested in watching more video content. The most common social commerce platforms for GenZ are Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. These apps are leading the way because of their easy checkout process, limited distractions, and ability to explore other recommended brands. Also, many members of GenZ will purposefully like and follow appealing brands so the algorithm will recommend similar brands.
Brands Have to Speak Up
Another thing about GenZ is that most of us are unafraid to take a stand about issues that matter to us. Especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic and black lives matter movement upwards of 78% of GenZ’ers have said that these events have shaped their worldview. Brands remaining neutral on these issues are no longer an option. GenZ’ers are becoming more and more reluctant to purchase from brands who do not present a stance on major world events. Additionally 79% of GenZ agreed that companies behaving more sustainably has become more important since the pandemic. This generation has an attitude that can change the world for the better and want brands to do the same.
New GenZ Marketing Strategies
GenZ kids are more receptive to video media and get their product recommendations from different places. Social media influencers have played a huge role in marketing and GenZ are very receptive to this tactic. Influencers will show off their favorite products routinely on social media and because they have built trust with their audiences, Generation Z’ers are more likely to purchase a product if a trusted influencer recommends it. Also, a brands social media aesthetic and presence are crucial. I can attest to the fact that a brands Instagram feed/aesthetic is one of the main attention grabbers for me which ultimately could lead to me following or purchasing from them.
Brand aesthetic and cohesive Instagram feed that appeals to GenZ
The Change Upon Us
Businesses will have to adjust their marketing campaign tactics if they want to keep up with GenZ. They demand more from businesses in terms of usability, online presence, and advocation. Social media is playing a bigger role than ever before and change is definitely upon us.
From Facebook to Twitter, the digital-sphere is a fantastic focal point to any strategy.
Now that school is around the corner, it’s time to refresh your digital marketing strategy for your school, academy, or university. From experiencing a pandemic to entirely transforming a new academic environment for students and staff, the marketing and communications strategies that used to work for your district “pre-covid” may not work in this ever-changing 2021 environment. It is now the time to be pro-active, adaptive, and present to meet the increasing expectations of today’s families.
Practice #1: Start a School Blog
A school blog is a wonderful way to display the activities that students participate in and around the school. It’s also a great place to distribute advice and share the community’s voice. The blog will give outsiders an inside look on the programs and events that the students participate in. Connecting with the school’s community will emphasize how much the directors care about the students and faculty, while promoting conversation. It will also let more people organically find your school when searching for their children’s next academic steps. Overall, creating a blog will strengthen your school’s brand identity.
Practice #2: Enhance the School’s Website
Times are changing, and so should your website! Making an inadequately designed website and not thinking about the user’s experience will produce site traffic and static action. Like the director of Front Porch Marketing, Julie Porter states, “create a clean, user-friendly website.” This will increase the school’s reputation and lead to more engagement. Just remember to keep it simple to navigate and creative. An easy way to accomplish this is to rebrand logos, create a color scheme that seamlessly translates throughout all pages, and habitually update the navigation tabs.
Practice #3: Make Social Media Accounts
Posting on social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, create opportunities for parents and guardians to find your school organically. People can easily share, like, or comment on your posts to help create more popularity quickly. As your account grows, the more recognition and traffic your school develops. You can achieve this by devoting time into capturing professional videos and photos of events and activities.
A great example of this is with one of our clients, Faith Family Academy. As Christine Finnegan, our media relations director states, “be consistent will all messaging throughout your platforms.” In addition, you can connect with your audience by responding to their comments and other members can add reviews.
2021 Faith Family Academy Graduation
Practice #4: Begin an Email Drip Campaign
Emails are increasing in popularity due to people relying on the digital-sphere to stay in the loop. This upward trend in email reliability is the result of them being tailored to user preferences and behaviors. This personalization helps users see information related to their interests rather that unfavored topics that are being pushed upon them through advertising.
By asking current families and interested families for contact information via a survey or sign-up sheet, users can subscribe to an email list and look at automated content daily or weekly. This proves to be an easy strategy for reminding and promoting members of future academic and recreational events. Email workflows truly provide a personal touch to electronically reach each community member.
Practice #5: Promote School Events
Events, such as an open house, are a great way for newcomers to meet the faculty and staff. It also helps families understand if their values align with the school’s and if the school fits their expectations. Parents and guardians will also be given the opportunity to explore the campus for the first time.
Additionally, back-to-school kickoffs are a wonderful way to understand what people personally look for in a school and its curriculum. Having organized school events with informational pamphlets to give out aids prospective families to secure their decision of coming to your school. Whether you share the events via social media or on the website, the end result allows you to increase engagement and nurture relationships with newly inquiring families.
The expectations of parents are higher than ever. It’s crucial that your school’s digital marketing strategy adapt alongside them. As the fall semester comes right around the corner, use these best practices to ensure that your digital marketing strategy is future-proofed.
What are social selling and social commerce, and how do they differ? Would your business benefit from adding one of these practices to your sales efforts? If you’re like most small businesses, then you may have started with a storefront. Next you built a website. And after last year, your website became a much larger part of your sales strategy, as most of the world turned to ecommerce over in-person shopping.
As you plan your marketing strategy for the rest of the year and beyond, recognize that your social media can also be a part of your ecommerce strategy. In addition to being a personification of your branding, your social channels now have the functionality to make sales directly on each platform.
Expanding your brand conversations into making sales on social media is the goal of these tools. Social Selling refers to cultivating a relationship with your customers on social media with the goal of eventually making a sale. While Social Commerce means your customer is buying your product or service directly from the social media app. There are many ways to execute a social selling strategy on social media platforms. But currently, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest offer Social Commerce, and Twitter is testing this functionality. Here’s an overview of what sales tools are available on some of your social channels.
Facebook Social Selling and Social Commerce Tools
By 2017, a quarter of the world’s population was using Facebook monthly. As a small business thinking about expanding your customer base, it makes the most sense to start on this platform. With tools like Messenger, Groups, Insights, Shop and Marketplace many small businesses can leverage their local fanbase into larger audiences and make sales with social selling. In addition, brands can create active product catalogs right on Facebook with Facebook Shop for social commerce direct sales.
Facebook’s potential customer base combined with specific targeting tools makes this platform an easy place to start. A retailer or restaurant could post a limited time offer for instance, and then boost that content for a nominal charge, getting it seen by more people. Posts can even include a button to take an action.
Companies can sell products and services – including things like webinars and online classes – in the marketplace or in their Facebook Shop. And with insights and targeting tools available, brands can create ads as well, tailoring the audience for each ad deployment.
An example of a Facebook Shop
Instagram Social Selling and Social Commerce Tools
Instagram upgraded their social selling and social commerce tools in 2019 (look for the shopping bag icon in the nav bar of a business profile). Audiences like GenZ now rely on this platform to find and purchase new products right in the app. And, brands with a business page enjoy sales functionality that regular Instagram users don’t have including follower insights.
Selling on Instagram can be as simple as posting beautiful images of product, with an offer, and steering customers to a specific website link to purchase. Or companies can employ ad types like Carousels and Stories. Tools like LinkInBio or LInkInProfile enable Instagram accounts to post a specific website link for each post. (Otherwise there is only the one link in the bio for the entire account).
Using hashtags on Instagram is key. Small businesses can create their own hashtag, and then encourage customers to use it when they photograph and share pictures of the company’s product, place of business or service. Brands can then use that hashtag to find new customers – reposting their user generated content (with permission), engaging with that user’s followers, and tagging the customer. These activities increase the reach of the post.
Next, businesses can set up an Instagram Shop, just like on Facebook. The in-app checkout means customers can buy directly from a brand from their Instagram account. Once a business account reaches 10,000 followers, even more social selling and social commerce tools are unlocked to use, for instance, in Stories.
An example of social commerce on an Instagram video.
Pinterest Social Selling and Social Commerce Tools
As with all social channels, set up your business Pinterest account with a combination of pins of your own products as well as pins of brand-representative images that are not sales-oriented. To be part of the Pinterest community it is a best practice to pin other people’s images as well. Then leave comments and like others’ content while on the platform. Pinterest business accounts also feature analytics to glean insights into your top pins, impressions, and other KPIs.
In April 2021, Pinterest and Shopify expanded their partnership to make social commerce easier on the platform. And Pinterest also features functionality called Catalogues, allowing businesses to basically set up a virtual version of their stores complete with collections, aisle browsing and even price comparisons. 27 countries worldwide currently have all of this new functionality.
An example of a Pinterest Catalogue
Twitter Social Selling and Up-And-Coming Social Commerce Tools
According to TechCrunch, Twitter is now testing ecommerce features for tweets. In the Twitter “card” system, the product card will link to a shop’s website and feature the product as well as a “SHOP” button. This type of Twitter post could be used not just as an ad, but also as an organic social commerce post.
Twitter is definitely a place for brands to gain insights and engage with their followers. Using practices like social listening and tools like Buffer, Brands can discover how customers talk about their brand. Brands can also use hashtags for locating information, and lists for grouping like-customers together and marketing to them.
An example of a Twitter ecommerce card
Adding Social to Your eCommerce Strategy Can Pay Off
Social commerce is an $89.4 billion market right now. It is projected to grow 8x that over the next few years. Start small, test often and grow your business with social media using social selling and social commerce!
Video media is rising in popularity, especially with younger generations. This is prompting social media platforms like Instagram to take a more video-based approach to their branding strategy in order to reach all target audiences. Consequently, Instagram introduced more video watching features that bring a new depth to advertising and entertainment on the platform.
The Takeover of Video Media
Tik Tok, a video-sharing focused social networking service, has ignited a frenzy of user-generated content and influencer pull. The power is now in the users and as such, TikTok has benefited from making their videos short, entertaining, shareable, and customizable to each user. These features align with the short attention span of users and their desire for a high level of engagement.
TikTok’s platform also includes feeds titled “For You” and “Following”. These two feeds collectively hone into the individual’s likes, therefore making the app more appealing.
Additionally, the TikTok algorithm differs from the “following” style of Instagram. With Instagram’s feed, the user customizes it with little recommendation. This is due in part to how interests, relationships, timeliness, frequency, following, and usage influence the feed.
According to an article by The Conversation, the combination of a “feed” and videos makes TikTok very information dense. The article explains that, “video media operates on two parallel pathways conveying explicit information (the kind found in speech or writing) and implicit information (social cues like the TikTocker’s clothes and hairstyle, or emotional affect from music) at the same time.” Pictures are not as information dense, so they feel “slower” for users which further prompts Instagram to push for high-speed video sharing.
How Instagram Adjusts to the Change
Instagram’s new and changing features
Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, shared a video on July 30, 2021. He explains, “we’re always trying to build new features that help you get the most out of your experience. Right now, we’re focused on four key areas: Creators, Video, Shopping, and Messaging.”
An article from The Verge also summarized Mosseri’s video by saying, “the message that Instagram is sending is clear: it no longer wants to be thought of as the “square photo-sharing app,” but instead as a general entertainment app driven by algorithms and videos.”
To follow through with this vision, Instagram introduced “Instagram Reels” a concept where users can watch short videos on a continuous feed much like TikTok. Reels are the newest addition to Instagram Stories and IGTV, the forms of video sharing currently on Instagram. With this change, businesses must adjust and start curating engaging videos for all social media platforms.
What the Rise of Video Media Means for Businesses
This video takeover is a turning point for many company’s branding strategies. Companies must now start using videos to highlight their products and services to promote the personality of their brand. The sole use of high-quality photography may no longer be enough. For instance, according to Social Beat, “41% of users use social media to influence their purchase decisions. Furthermore, 83% of users want to discover a brand’s personality through social media.”
Whether the videos are interactive or informative, this prominent form of media makes brands more attractive to new and current customers. Showing a company’s products and services in action allows customers to see how the products and services can help “get the job done” in their own lives.
Up Your Instagram Game
Video content has taken the world by storm and forced Instagram to adjust to a new media environment. Truly, now is the time to invest in influencers, video trends, social listening, and engagement. From creating perfect loops to setting up an aesthetic frame, Instagram’s newest video features will help many companies promote their message to target audiences worldwide.
As your brand’s marketer, you have control over whether that voice builds your brand or not. A strong brand voice is the structure and tone of the copy and content that is created for a brand to speak from. You can hear this voice on its website, ads, social and in collateral. With consistency, a brand can feel like a person. And over time that person can become familiar and even recognizable. That’s when you know you’re doing it right.
Why does brand voice matter?
First, a part of your initial branding exercise, your brand might have completed something similar to what we call The Brand Elaborative. This branding document outlines the personality of the brand. This helps writers write in that voice when creating copy for digital and traditional marketing and advertising. One of the most important parts of The Brand Elaborative are the three personality words that describe the brand as if it were a person. For instance: honest, kind, quirky. So why does having a distinctive brand voice matter to your brand?
Brand voice drives consistency.
Our B2B client Agile Sourcing Partners specializes in helping gas and electric utilities and utility infrastructure companies improve operational efficiencies and performance. So, they speak in an authoritative voice with above average complexity of language. Given that their audience are decision-makers in engineering and other technical industries, it makes sense for them to speak the language of their peers. Thus, using this consistent voice in content sets them apart as insiders: educated and in-the-know.
Brand voice helps you discern what copy hits the mark – and what misses.
Our restaurant client Chocolate Angel Café & Bakery is a local favorite for cross-generational high teas, exquisite baked good and charming family recipes. They believe in serving one another and understand that relationships matter. Thus, their brand voice is connective, celebratory and conjures up memories of childhood. They express gratitude often, and make every day feel like a special occasion. So it’s no wonder they’re a favorite for bridal showers and family celebrations. If it sounds like your great aunt reminiscing about a casserole, then we’ve hit the mark.
Brand voice creates fans.
Our education client Faith Family Academy, a charter school in DFW believes in pushing public education beyond just the classroom. They speak in servant leader’s voice. FFA makes students the center of attention, celebrating wins and putting every effort possible into their individual and collective success. The social media channels for Faith Family Academy are a testament to this brand voice in creating fans. In both English and Spanish their fans celebrate right along with the students, staff and parents. The FFA community adds congratulatory comments and a plethora of emojis on a daily basis. So who wouldn’t want to be part of this kind of enthusiasm, joy and experience of being lifted up by your community?
Brand voice can make your brand the authority on subject matter.
Our real estate client The Slay Diaz Group is a woman-owned residential real estate team who regularly wins “best-in-class” awards for their work. As a result, their voice is very real, straightforward, easy-to-understand and ready to give helpful advice on everything home-related, even sharing their coveted list of service providers. This is who you ask when you don’t know if remodeling your bathroom is a good idea or not. And, this is who can tell you if now is a good time to sell your house, put in a pool or move to a new neighborhood. Their consistent brand voice has grown their business, their reach and their authority on the subject of residential real estate.
Some of the brand voices from Front Porch Marketing.
Brand voice lets people know what you stand for.
Our own brand voice here at Front Porch Marketing tells you that we will go the extra mile to help. That we share what we know without reservation. And that we will be your biggest cheerleader. We stand for lifting you up, making you laugh and creating opportunities for others to do the work they love while taking care of the people they love. If your brand has a mission, shouldn’t all of your content reflect that mission? We think that your brand voice can show your potential customers that you are like them – kind, helpful, positive – and they will want to hang around with people like that.
Need to define or redefine your brand voice for better consistency and stronger connections with your audience? Then get started with a branding exercise which results in the guidance documents you need to hone your tone and define your voice. Consumers actually prefer brands with strong, defined and unique personalities. And having a unique personality definitely helps in creating spot-on social content, email storytelling and website visuals for your brand – which results in stronger brand loyalty and repeat customers.
You can visit some of our Front Porch client brands to see different types of brand voice in action.