Category Archives: self-improvement

Does the idea of standing before an audience, making a presentation to represent your business, make you break out in a sweat? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Public speaking, whether it’s in front of a large or small crowd, can make many of us want to turn and run the other way.

But the reality is that as a business leader representing your business through public speaking and presentation is crucial to successfully advancing your brand.

How Are Your Presentation Skills?

Have you ever thought about working with a professional to refine your presentation skills? While the initial cost might seem steep, in the long run, it can be a worthwhile investment in both yourself and your business.

Before committing to training, consider the various scenarios in which you might represent your brand. For instance, are you set to speak at an upcoming industry event? This could involve giving a keynote speech or participating in a panel discussion. Are you pitching new business, whether it’s one-on-one, with a small group of executives, or in-person/virtually? Perhaps you’re speaking to a news reporter or appearing on a podcast. Do you lead internal teams or have regular interaction with business stakeholders and clients? The possibilities are extensive.

Various Scenarios in Which You Might Represent Your Brand

Now that you know where you represent your brand, how can a professional media team help leverage your presentation expertise and advance your brand?

  • Brand Representation: You embody your company’s brand. An impartial expert will help ensure that you are an outstanding brand advocate in all your interactions. Not only in the scenarios we’ve already mentioned, but also at networking events, while recruiting new talent and in everyday interactions.
  • Brand Message: Your brand message is a powerful tool and sets you apart from your competition. An authority will help you to convey your message clearly and concisely across all presentation mediums.
  • Message Delivery: How you deliver your message to your audience shouldn’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach.  A professional can provide you with tips and tricks to make sure that your message is both authentic and tailored to your audience. When your message is well-delivered it enhances your credibility and engages your audience. They can also teach you how to stay on topic if someone or something tries to veer you off course.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Practice. Practice. Practice. Your professional is an authority and an impartial critic. They can guide you through practice scenarios and provide instant feedback. Maybe you use a crutch word, fidget, or need to make your message more concise. You can also practice in front of a mirror, with a client, or with someone from your internal team. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be.

Presentation Training Builds Confidence

As a business leader, presentation training can equip you with the tools and confidence needed to represent your brand effectively. Don’t shy away for the opportunity to refine these skills. Embrace the training, and you’ll find that the benefits extend far beyond the podium, positively influencing every aspect of your professional life.

Each year, news producers, reporters, and journalists — including bloggers and podcasters — actively seek pitch stories to engage their audiences as they pursue new goals in various areas, such as health and fitness, business growth, financial success, and parenting. Producers receive numerous pitches that utilize the New Year’s resolution theme.

Celebrities often appear on national morning shows and various news formats, and the producers who book guests for these in-studio interviews typically see the arrangement as a “quid pro quo.” They provide guests with five to ten minutes of valuable airtime in exchange for engaging content — entertaining stories or insightful information that can benefit viewers in their personal or professional lives. This principle applies to many platforms, including radio shows, magazines, online information sites, podcasts and more.

Helpful Tips to Enhance Your Pitch:

  • Relate to Common Goals: Connect your story to the universal desire for self-improvement that comes with the New Year. Highlight how your idea addresses popular health, career, or relationship resolutions.
  • Create Engaging Characters: Develop relatable characters striving to achieve their New Year’s resolutions. This helps the audience connect emotionally with the story.
  • Incorporate Timely Elements: Mention how your story aligns with the start of the year, making it relevant and timely. Discuss why this angle is engaging at this moment.
  • Present a Unique Twist: Offer a fresh perspective on traditional resolutions. Consider how your story can challenge or expand upon typical narratives associated with this theme.
  • Emphasize Change and Growth: Focus on character development and transformations throughout the story. Illustrate how resolutions can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Resolve to Up Your Game This Year

Demonstrating your expertise in helping people stick to their New Year’s resolutions is an excellent way to build a connection with a larger, appreciative audience. In the process, you might also attract new customers or clients!

Happy New Year’s Resolutions!!! Sure, we’re now halfway through the month of January, but most people believe it’s perfectly acceptable to keep using ‘Happy New Year’ as a greeting all month long. In fact, some might even stretch it into February if they haven’t seen you in a while. At the end of the day, it’s your own personal judgement call.

Since it’s still perfectly acceptable to say ‘Happy New Year,’ it’s also a great time (if you haven’t already) to set new goals or resolutions for the year ahead! Let’s dive into the origins of resolutions, different types of goals and tips for staying on track.

When did New Year’s Resolutions start?

Resolutions have evolved over time. According to, the practice began over 4,000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians. Unlike today, their new year started in March and was rooted in religious customs. Later, Julius Ceasar established January 1 as the start of the new year, which still holds true today. And modern-day resolutions have shifted to focus on personal self-improvement rather than making promises to the gods.

Types of Goals

When we’re trying to decide on resolution(s) for the year, our minds probably all go to the tried-and-true ones on a lot of people’s lists.

  • Self-Care: hitting the gym, eating healthier, getting more shut eye, prioritizing mental health
  • Personal Development: getting that work promotion, decluttering, getting organized, taking up a new hobby
  • Relationship Goals: more quality time, expanding circles of friends, practicing gratitude
  • Financial Goals: saving money, creating a budget, paying down debt

But maybe the traditional list of resolutions isn’t for you. Maybe you’ve chosen a single word to inspire and guide you throughout the year. Think growth, gratitude or kindness. These one-word resolutions are becoming more common and can serve as a theme to help guide your actions for the year. 

My personal favorite New Year’s resolution is the straightforward “less” and “more” approach. Grab a piece of paper and make a column for both. Less clutter. More family time. Less stress. More time in nature. Less screen time. More gratitude. “Less” and “more” resolutions are easy to incorporate into your daily life. 

Keeping Your Resolutions

Now that resolutions have been made, the important question is how do we hold ourselves accountable to keep them? It’s sad to say that the percentage of people who successfully achieve their New Year’s resolutions is in the single digits. So, here are a few tips to stay on track.

  • Start Small. You don’t have to hit the gym seven days a week. Start with two or three days and work your way up if you choose.
  • Be Flexible. Life happens. Adjust your plan and keep trying instead of giving up completely.
  • Reward Yourself. Celebrate the small victories. Maybe it’s a new outfit if you’ve lost weight. Or a sweet treat at the end of the week if eating healthily is your goal.
  • Stay Positive. If things don’t go as planned be kind to yourself. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progression.

Your resolution can be as simple or as ambitious as you want. The goal is to start the year on a positive note, celebrate the wins and enjoy the journey. Happy New Year!!!

Collaboration is inevitable, whether in our careers, schooling or social life. This past semester I have worked to find balance between my schooling and work. Through this, I’ve gained valuable insight into how brainstorming, critiques and suggestions are all necessary to reach meaningful results.  

Growing up, I had a difficult time taking suggestions or criticism of my work. I was quite a perfectionist in that I couldn’t help but feel that any critiques were slightly personal. Yet, as I’ve grown creatively and gotten to work with other talented creatives, I’ve shifted my perspective on collaboration. My mindset has changed from previously becoming discouraged to now feeling motivated to improve. Here are some tips that have stuck with me that I keep in mind during any project I work on.  

Tip 1: Critiques are not a Criticism of your Creativity 

In my graphic design course, my work is regularly displayed to the class for my classmates to comment on. Going into my first critique session, I was terrified for my work to be perceived by others. But after listening to the critiques and making the changes to my work, I’m able to see both aesthetic and practical improvements. This has shown me that critiques should not undermine your creativity. Ultimately, you’ve already done the work that becomes the base for any critiques you may receive. You were able to create something worth discussing and that people want to see grow to its best potential. No project is perfect from the jump, and sometimes it takes multiple sets of eyes to notice things you haven’t.  

Tip 2: Don’t Hold Back Ideas  

Growing up, I tended to hold back my ideas unless I felt confident that they would impact the conversation at hand. I became hard on myself when it came to brainstorming, often thinking that if I shared an idea people didn’t use, it was a waste of time. Recently, I’ve come to learn how harsh I was on myself and now understand the value of sharing any relevant ideas that come to mind. You never know whether your idea will have that big impact unless it’s shared, and if it doesn’t, that’s ok! Most of the time, our ideas become catalysts for others to expand their thought process. Great solutions are discovered from bouncing ideas off of one another.  

Tip 3: Push Yourself to Think Past the Safe Choice 

The most important thing to ask yourself when working on a project is if the work is a good reflection of your company. This requires you to consider your audiences and stakeholders, recognizing what they want from your business and prioritizing that. By fully understanding your audience, you can experiment creatively with your messaging. Although it’s important to stick to a cohesive brand voice, don’t be afraid of creating content outside your norm. This could mean hopping onto current trends or trying out a new advertising campaign; regardless, audiences want to see fresh, entertaining content. This is another area in which conversation is key. Speaking with others and gathering multiple opinions is the best way to grow creatively without straying away from your brand image. 

Collaboration is the backbone of the creative process. With each critique or suggestion, we learn more about our craft and improve our skills. It’s important to trust those around you, for that trust fosters innovation and can motivate groups to work towards a common goal. So, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, ask questions and learn from others — you never know which ideas will spark successful content. 

When was the last time you embarked on producing video projects for a client? For most of us the probability is high as they aren’t every day, week or month projects. So, while video production is FUN and it’s important to be aware of video marketing trends, it can also be a hectic time. We might have a vision in our head of how we want the finished product to turn out, but it takes a lot of work to get there.

From the planning that takes place during preproduction, to shooting the content during production and editing the footage during postproduction it can all become a little overwhelming. Let’s spend a few minutes walking through the process from start to finish, so your next video project is smooth sailing.

Preproduction for Video Projects Is Important

Let the planning begin! All successful video projects start with a buttoned-up plan. While the list below might not be all-inclusive, it can be used as a springboard to get started.

  • Kickoff Planning Meeting(s)
    First things first, you need to gather the key players to define the objective and goals of the video.
  • Create a Project Overview.
    This document outlines the following elements of the shoot:
    • Objective
    • Goals
    • Project Scope
      • Video Content
      • Shoot Location, Duration, Dates and Delivery of Final Product
    • Estimate
      • This can encompass storyboarding/scripting, videographer costs (pre/production/post), photographer costs, project management, expenses (mileage, music, stock footage, meals, hair/makeup, wardrobe, meals, talent, etc.).
  • Shoot Deliverables
    Once a video projects’ overview document and estimate has been client approved, it’s time to get busy on the deliverables.
    • Create a detailed project timeline and assign team responsibilities.
    • Secure the videographer and talent, photographer, hair/makeup and wardrobe (if needed).
    • Develop the script and storyboard.
    • Scout the location.
    • Schedule the shoot. Create a detailed timeline for the day(s) of filming. Make sure everyone knows when and where to be and include contact names and phone numbers.
    • And don’t forget the food. The last thing you want is a hangry team!

It’s Time to Create Your Video Project: Production

The plan is set, and it is time for filming to commence.

It’s finally time to implement all the careful planning that has taken place. The video team will arrive well before the talent to set up the camera equipment, lighting, mikes, teleprompter. The set will also need to be prepped for filming. That might mean setting up any props, adjusting furniture, etc.

Next comes the hair/makeup/wardrobe team and talent. While the video team is finalizing film prep, the talent is becoming camera ready.

The film crew, set and talent are ready so its time for a quick walk through to make sure everyone is comfortable with their roles and knows the process/filming order for the day. And remember, there are going to be hiccups. Set or script adjustments need to be made. Someone is running late. There is a wardrobe malfunction. Remember to breathe and that every problem has a solution.

So now…Quiet on the set! Action!  

Postproduction of Your Video Project

The film is ‘in the can’ and postproduction is ready to commence.

During this phase the videographer will sort and organize all of the raw footage, edit the video to tell your story, add graphics and voice and music tracks. When you are happy with the edited piece it is ready to share with your client for feedback.

Once client approved, you can then develop the different video formats needed and deliver the finished product for distribution through your various marketing channels.

Now that you know the roadmap for video project production, it’s time for you to create your masterpiece.

Getting out of your artistic comfort zone can be really scary. It can be intimidating to pick up a new medium and try to learn a new skill. But artistic growth often thrives when you get out of your comfort zone. If you want to try new things and push your creative boundaries, here are some tips that can help you do so.

Try a New Medium to Expand Your Artistic Comfort Zone 

Trying a new medium can be scary but it’s one of the quickest ways to break out of your comfort zone. If you’re a painter who works with acrylics, why not try watercolor or oil paints? If you like to draw with just your pencil, try out pastels, colored pencils, or even charcoal. Try clay sculpting if you usually stick to drawing on paper. Try scrapbooking if you enjoy designing online. There are so many options to try out.

My favorite thing is to go to a craft store and pick a craft I wouldn’t normally pick up. That is how I got into punching needling and embroidery. There are so many avenues you can go down and luckily it’s easy to look up help when things get tough. By working with different materials, you will challenge your skills and maybe ignite a new passion. 

Collaborate with Others 

Partnering with other artists introduces you to new techniques and perspectives. It can inspire new ideas and approaches to your art. Getting together with an artistic group will give you an opportunity to try out new methods. If one artist uses a certain medium that you are not familiar with, let them teach you their skills. It’s always good to bounce ideas off of others to gain knowledge and perspective on a new medium. 

Attend Classes Outside of Your Artistic Comfort Zone

Enrolling in a class or a workshop outside your medium can open up new avenues for exploration. There are many resources online that can help you such as YouTube, Masterclasses, and sometimes even your local community college. There are also in person classes at your local craft store, libraries, or even museums that you can sign up for. Embrace a new venture, don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from trying new things. 

Embrace Failure 

When reaching outside of your artistic comfort zone, making mistakes is a natural part of the creative process. If you don’t make mistakes then you’re not learning. Each mistake is an opportunity for growth. It’s okay if you try something for the first time that doesn’t meet your expectations. At least you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. 

Stepping out of your artistic comfort zone is a journey of exploration and self-discovery. By experimenting with new mediums, seeking feedback from others, and trying new things, you’ll not only enhance your skills but maybe find a new passion for a new craft.

In its simplest form, communication is the act of transferring information from one person or group to another. Whether personally or professionally, through talk or text, we typically spend much of our day communicating with other people.

It sounds simple, right? As someone whose job in account services relies heavily on communication with both team members and clients, I can assure you this isn’t always the case. Remember playing the telephone game as a kid? I do, and I can assure you the message that started the circle wasn’t always the message that ended the circle. Confusion ensued!

Improving Your Communication Skills

Undoubtedly our communication skills have improved since our days playing the telephone game, but we all still fall short in communicating effectively at times. So, how do we get better? Let’s first take a look at a few of the main ways we communicate.

  1. Verbal Communication
    Whether we communicate through face-to-face meetings, a phone call or video chat, all of these are categorized as verbal communication. Using our voice to deliver the message to our audience.
  2. Nonverbal Communication
    Nonverbal communication accompanies verbal communication. When we speak, we give off different signals without using spoken words, and sometimes without even realizing we are doing it. This can include facial expressions, posture, eye contact, tone of voice, gestures, how we dress, etc.
  3. Written Communication
    There are many ways we can deliver our message through the written word. And, often this is considered the most common and effective way to communicate. It can be through emails, letters, social media, articles, text messages, etc.
  4. Visual Communication
    When we communicate visually it is done through a means that can be read or viewed by the recipient and has become more prevalent because of social media platforms. Such as infographics, graphs, videos, slides, etc.

Barriers to Being Effective

There are many barriers that can impede effective communication. Let’s explore a few of them.

  • Inattentive
    In other words, we simply aren’t paying attention. This can lead to missing important details and misunderstanding or misinterpreting what we do hear.

  • Mismatched Communications Styles
    Does how you prefer to communicate differ from that of the intended recipient? If so, there’s most likely a greater chance of miscommunications.

  • Poor Timing
    No matter how well thought out and prepared your communication might be, your message will fall short if it isn’t delivered at an appropriate time.

  • Too Much Jargon
    Although at times jargon can make your communication more efficient, often, your intended audience will not understand it and will be left in a state of confusion.

Troubleshooting Your Communication Gaps

Now that we have outlined both some of the common forms of communication and barriers to communication, let’s talk about how we can overcome them.

  • Active Listening
    If you find yourself struggling to absorb the communication, you might want to read up on active listening. It involves digesting the information, and then responding back through paraphrasing, asking questions and body language cues.

  • Identify Communication Styles
    You need to understand not only if your audience prefers to communicate face-to-face vs. emails, etc., but also if they prefer straightforward and to the point messages vs. being inundated with all the details. The answer may vary based on what is being discussed and you need to adjust your communication style accordingly.

  •  Think Before You Communicate
    Timing is everything when it comes to communicating to your audience. Are you sending your message right before a big event, a planned vacation or late at night? Always make sure you take these things into consideration if you want to be heard.

  • Use Plain and Simple Language
    Shorthand and acronyms can save you time, but often it leads to your recipient feeling frustrated and confused because the language isn’t understood by all. Make sure you tailor your message to your audience, and only use jargon if you know it will be understood by all.

Regardless of how you communicate to your audience, there are going to be instances when it is ineffective. But, if you keep in mind some simple obstacles to avoid, you’ll find these instances will be few and far between.

As I was pondering what to share in this month’s newsletter, an email about books hit my inbox. It was my daily New York Times digest. And, one of the stories featured was the 100 Best Books of the 21st Century. To be honest, I only scrolled through the first 50. And, gosh, I haven’t read any of them. But, of course, now I am excited to have a new “to read” list.

How to Vacation: Read Books

On our annual July Fourth vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama, not only do I cherish time with my kiddos, and the family tradition we have built. I enjoy reading, as I don’t have the opportunity to do it enough during the work week. On this vacation, I have a goal of reading a book a day. I know that sounds impossible, right? But I am a speedy reader when I’m engaged in a good book.

Reading to me is relaxation. It is an escape. Also, reading fills my head with new perspectives and ideas — even if I am reading romance or mystery novels. I do try to sharpen my parenting skills and throw in a parenting book now and then as well. In addition, adding business or professional development books to my library is important to me.

Books I’ve Been Reading This Summer

This year’s Fourth of July consumption, “dearest gentle reader,” did not disappoint. Highlights included:

James Patterson by James Patterson — My first audio book ever. Yes, stating this makes me feel like a dinosaur. I had no idea Patterson worked at J Walter Thompson. And was an executive there. He also produced some of the most iconic tag lines and creative concepts of all time! From this, I took away much. In addition to this one, I am adding two other books to my reading list: One by him and a book he gifts to others.

Five Principles of Parenting by Dr. Aliza Pressman — I have a 23-year-old son. Yet, parenting today and all the wise people and new learnings out there are still a benefit to me when I’m parenting my 11-year-old daughter. This book is a true treasure trove of wisdom.

Eruption by Michael Crichton and James Patterson — Wowsa. There were many unexpected turns and twists. Also, mind blown regarding new learnings on the science of volcanoes and other things. A must read y’all.

This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune — This is one of the top easy-to-read and escape-into books of the summer.

Need More Insights on These Books?

Want to share why you read and what your favorites are? I’m happy to have a call or Teams chat. Or leave a comment here. Summer reading and time away from work are so important for the soul, don’t you think?

Of course, if we can help you with your marketing and branding needs, book discussion or not, email, call or text us.

We are welcoming intern Michael Panikkacherry, our newest rocker from Texas Tech, to the team this summer. We wanted to get to know him better, so we asked him a few questions! He’s an advertising student and eager to learn more about this industry this summer at Front Porch Marketing. Give him a big howdy!

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

The biggest misconception about marketing today is that it’s primarily about advertising and selling products, when in fact, effective marketing is more about building relationships and  understanding customer needs. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would advise myself to embrace failure as a teaching opportunity and to concentrate on developing resilience and flexibility since these traits will help you navigate the ups and downs of life.

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far at school?

A good routine is key to success, especially in college when you’re living on your own. 

What does good brand strategy look like?

A good brand strategy clearly defines the brand’s purpose and values while also building a strong emotional connection to the target audience. 

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

I would like to go to Iceland because I feel like it is a very unique travel destination and the land and scenery is beautiful. 

If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be?

I would want to go to dinner with Michael Jackson because I have always loved his music since I could remember and he was such an icon for me. 

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Sociable, dedicated, adaptable

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

A major milestone in my life would have to be when I was elected leader for our community service project. I realized then that I was seen as a reliable person to the group that can help us get things done in a timely manner. 

From your perspective, how does Front Porch Marketing differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

Front Porch Marketing differentiates itself from other marketing companies because of its close knit team. 

What is a fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that I love to travel outside of the country. 

Networking is perhaps an undervalued, but critically important aspect of marketing. In the world of marketing, staying ahead of trends, understanding emerging technologies, and leveraging innovative strategies are immensely important. However, amidst the whirlwind of digital campaigns, content creation, and market analysis, one fundamental aspect remains critically vital: networking. This week, as some of our team is attending the Marketing 2.0 Conference, let’s delve into the significance of networking within our industry, particularly through conferences and conventions. 

Networking is a Gateway to Opportunities 

Networking serves as a gateway to a multitude of opportunities; including partnerships, client leads, mentorship, and the exchange of ideas. More often than not, who you know can be as important as what you know. Creating meaningful connections can catapult your career and business to new heights. 

The Value of Face-to-Face Interactions 

While social media and digital platforms offer convenient ways to connect, they cannot always replicate the value of face-to-face interactions. Conferences and conventions provide a unique environment for marketers to engage in real-time conversations, offering a depth of communication that virtual encounters cannot match. The exchange of ideas, the use of body language and the immediate feedback of in-person discussions enrich the networking experience and can foster stronger, more meaningful connections. 

Networking Means Learning from the Best 

Attending conferences and conventions exposes you to impressive leaders and innovators in the marketing world. Keynote speeches, classes, and panel discussions provide exceptional insights and knowledge, highlighting cutting-edge trends that have yet to become mainstream. These learning opportunities not only inspire but also equip you with fresh ideas and approaches that can be applied to your own business. 

A Platform for Visibility 

Participating in these events offers an invaluable platform to raise your personal or brand’s visibility within the industry. Presenting a paper, leading a workshop, or simply engaging in discussions can position you as a thought leader. In turn this can open doors to media coverage, speaking opportunities, and collaborations. The exposure gained can significantly enhance your reputation and credibility among peers and potential clients. 

The Ripple Effect of Sharing 

One of the most underrated aspects of networking at conferences is the ripple effect it creates. Sharing your own experiences, challenges, and success stories not only contributes to the collective knowledge but also helps in creating meaningful connections. This mutual exchange fosters a sense of community and support within the industry. 

Looking Ahead 

As our team prepares to immerse ourselves in the upcoming Marketing 2.0 Conference, the focus extends beyond just attending. It’s about actively participating, engaging with new faces, and absorbing every bit of knowledge and insight available. The importance of networking in marketing cannot be overstated, and conferences and conventions represent a place for nurturing connections that could shape the future of your business.