Have an internal marketing team? Outsourced function? Freelance consultant?
It doesn’t matter what your marketing team looks like. Or what the project looks like. If you’re B2B or B2C. Ask the questions.
It is the last week of the first month of a new year. Therefore, one third the way through first quarter.
Our world looks different than it did even a month ago. With the constant changes, it is critical to focus on the “why.” Make sure the entire organization is aligned. After that, measure initiatives and report results and data.
Business leaders and their marketing team share the responsibility for growth. In other words, work together to achieve collective outcomes to improve enterprise value. Reframe conversations. Arrive at common language. In conclusion, ask and answer the questions.
Marketing Team: Ask These Questions
Do we remember why we are here? The first step to create alignment, excitement and positive team energy cross-functionally.
Have our business goals, objectives and strategies changed? Similarly, need to be tweaked?
Who are our customers / clients? Are the same as last year? How have our existing clients’ mindsets, decision drivers, perceptions changed in the last month?
Are we doing enough to add value and fully leverage our relationship with them?
Where are we falling down? A positive discussion with constructive criticism and actable outputs.
What could limit or impact our strategy, direction or execution?
What has been our biggest marketing success this month?
Are there new key relationships and milestones or events coming up we should be aware of?
Marketing contributes more than 50% of firm value when brand, customer and digital assets are properly valued. And, the impact of marketing performance, collaboration and perceptions are measured. Marketing is an asset, rather than a cost center or risk mitigator.
We are grateful to work as a marketing team for our clients. Front Porch Marketing asks the questions. We can work as fractional CMOs and outsourced marketing department. In addition, we help write marketing plans and execute marketing initiatives on a retainer or project basis.
Your Brand in 2021: Front Porch Marketing has seen an interesting client trend this past year, especially in the second half. Many entrepreneurial brand companies have decided that 2020 – and indeed 2021 – is a good time to double down their brand. They want to really dig in, define their brand and differentiate themselves from their competition. Even big corporate companies, like Burger King, have rebranded, seeking to better define their mission and vision going forward.
If you step back and take a look at your brand with the fresh eyes of 2021, does it look like the company you envisioned when you started? Likely, your brand has evolved and so have you. Does your current branding reflect where you want to be in 5 years with your company or even where you are now, or is it trapped in the past? Maybe it’s time to graduate your branding.
Your Brand in 2021: Envision, Evolve, Emerge
Are you adequately featuring your new products or services? Are you communicating your most compelling benefit? Does your brand look legit, grown-up, like a serious brand that does serious business? Don’t get the veto vote from a customer or a partner business because your brand is not getting taken seriously. You know you can do the job…make sure your branding speaks that truth this year.
Branding – and the digital marketing that embodies branding – has become more important than ever. Your customers and clients are getting bombarded with texts and emails from business service providers to retailers. Ask yourself “why should they read mine?”
What do you stand for?
Do you know what your company’s biggest benefit to your customer is? Do you know how each of your products or services add value to their lives, make their lives easier or answer their questions? Does the tone of voice you use resonate with your customer, and instill loyalty to your brand?
If you don’t know the answers to some of these questions, 2021 might be the year you think about doubling down on your brand. What DO you stand for? What is your mission? As part of your Marketing for 2021, branding can help you answer all of these questions and more, leaving you with a clear map of where to take your business next and how to get there. Branding gives you the platform and parameters to deliver tangible solutions to your customer. We’ve seen the excitement and commitment of more than half a dozen of our own clients rebranding for the future, in just the past six months.
Don’t just work IN your business, work ON your business.
Branding is not just about looks though, it is also about strategy and tactics. What are you going to say, and where are you going to say it are key. You need to be cohesive and coherent in your messaging, as well as look professional. Small businesses often fall down thinking they can “do it themselves” with marketing but without a marketing background – from logo design to social media to PR. Often, they are holding themselves back because they are too busy working IN their business and to work ON their business.
So double down on your brand this year – strengthen your commitment to your particular strategy or course of action. Become more tenacious and resolute in your bringing your brand vision into 2021 and beyond.
Reflecting on the past year, we are so grateful for courageous, fearless business leaders. We continue to be inspired by those who bravely carried on in 2020. Grit and gumption.
Cheers to those leaders who showed up. Those who made the most out homeschool, while working or not, closures, pivots, business opportunities and personal and professional loss.
Earlier in the year, I watched no TV. I read only the daily work related briefs and blogs.
However, in the later part of the year, I read a good chunk of mindless trash. This is how I escape. Reading fiction, mostly murder mysteries and romance novels.
The two personal and professional development books I did read were life changing for me. Leaders must read. One was this. The other was Brene Brown’s Braving the Wilderness. I read it twice in the past two months.
Leaders will brave the new year.
Do you. Brown talks about praying and cussing. Those who know me will not be surprised I love this. She talks about not being moved. Doing work in an honest way that is true to yourself. Leaders, time to truly support each other. I let others “do you.” And, I do me. Belong to yourself. ” … brave the wilderness of uncertainty, vulnerability and criticism.”
Speak truth to bullshit. Do not shut down. In other words, that is the easy road. Leaders do not avoid communication. Learn more about others. Even if we still disagree, at least we engaged in meaningful conversation. We have a deepened mutual understanding. However, at all costs, be civil.
Strong back. Soft front. The latter is most challenging for me. No more armored front. I will stay open. Leaders are comfortable with vulnerability. “A soft and open front is not being weak; it’s being brave, it’s being the wilderness.” Eeeek … here goes. I can do it.
Be fearless. I am a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program alum. The experience was life changing. My co-hort continues to inspire me. My growth group was named, “The Fearless Five.” Coincidence? “Fear is how we got here.” Fear and blame. Own your pain. Do not inflict pain on others. Be fucking fearless.
Read the book. It is worth your time.
And, in conclusion, I am driven to make this my best year, for me and my family, business, team, clients, community, country and world.
2021 is your chance to start fresh in marketing your business – so here’s your Marketing 101 for 2021
In the sea of marketing possibilities: programs, platforms, practices, what is the best course of action? It can be overwhelming. And with the promising new year of 2021 approaching, how do you decide what to focus or re-focus on? Marketing 101. Back to basics.
We are finding that many of our clients are spending this quarter reflecting and refocusing. They are homing in on what makes their business better, and then doing more of that for their Marketing 101. They are taking this opportunity – when much of the world is operating under an umbrella of The Great Unknown – to really get to know themselves, and know themselves well. And then take the necessary steps to take their company to the next level.
How did we get here? Pandemic. Panic. And from both of these we are seeing a renewed sense of Purpose. How has that manifested itself? We have all gotten more digitally focused, learning new platforms that keep work working when we can’t be together. We have all learned how to be more efficient with our precious time – doing more with less because we have to. We’ve all become experts at continuing to reach our customers with fewer resources. We have all learned how to focus on what’s important in our daily lives. So we propose Marketing 101: focusing on doing fewer important things for your business in 2021 – and doing them better.
Be the brand of your dreams.
Your brand is the foundation of your business and everything else builds up and out from there. So this is where we recommend starting. Right now is the best time to step back and reflect. Do you know what your mission is? Do you know exactly what kind of people find value in your company’s product or service? Is your brand working as hard as it could for you? Your branding should really represent and reflect your business as it stands now – because like it or not mostly everyone’s business has pivoted to an extent in the past three quarters.
We’ve rebranded a good number of our clients in the past 6 months – helping them really understand who they are, what they stand for, who their core audience is, and how they want to do business going forward. With a detailed Brand Elaborative in hand, business owners can easily discern where to focus their efforts and how to effectively market to their audience. It’s a map that leads them in the right direction for marketing in 2021.
Visual Marketing 101: Refresh your logo to reflect your brand’s mission.
A logo refresh is honestly a great place to start the new year as a Marketing 101 first step. New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t just be limited to a new diet, exercise routine or haircut. Your business can experience the same shot-in-the-arm – with a new logo – that a new haircut gives you. Armed with a strong visual presence, a lively color palette and versatile modern typefaces your brand now has new tools and a new voice to build community with your customers.
When you update your logo, you’ve created a reason to talk about your business, just as you would personally with a new haircut or new exercise routine. Keep your customers excited about the future. People want to hear good news, and celebrate success – since it seems in short supply recently – and with your new look and confident voice you can connect with them and bring them along to share in the journey.
If your brand was a person, would people want to hang out with them?
With your new branding and logo in hand, extend your voice and visuals to your social media and your website with a powerful Content Marketing plan. Make your customers feel like a community. Make them feel valued and a sense of belonging by helping them, educating them, solving their problems and being there when they need you. Your brand can have a definite personality and power. And your brand can use those powers for good. That’s a brand that people want to hang around with – the one that makes them feel important and smart.
Got limited resources? Marketing 101 says use what you have.
We hear you. One super efficient thing that brands can do is repurpose their existing content across channels. One way we maximize our client’s effectiveness is to take a look at what they have already done well and double down.
A great company brochure can be turned into 20 Facebook social media posts and most likely a blog post or two, with relevant bits of information and helpful graphics. Every company’s website is a treasure trove of social media content that’s already been written, just waiting to be broken into little pieces and shared as social media. Sometimes just having a fresh outside eye look at your company’s assets can help you see that you have more than you thought you did!
Be the best version of yourself for 2021.
Overall, when we’re looking at what to recommend to our small and medium-sized businesses for 2021, we keep coming back to these important things. Remind yourself of who you are and why you do what you do (branding), show your audience you mean it (logo) and bring them into your brand’s community (website, social, content marketing). A brand is a promise, and 2021 can be the year your brand makes a promise to be the best version of themselves.
Using Text Messaging Marketing in your Marketing Plan
Is your brand using text messaging to connect with customers? Consumer preference to shop and connect with brands continues to increase steadily. Because of the pandemic, the mobile ecommerce growth that was expected to occur over the next 2 to 3 years, happened in mere months in 2020.
In addition to email marketing and social media marketing, text message marketing is an opportunity to speak with your customers in real-time. As a result, you can have real conversations with them throughout their customer journey. And, build brand loyalty. Use the space where they spend the most time – on their phone – to reach them.
Start with your business goals.
First, define your business goals before you incorporate a new marketing strategy. Next, select key performance indicators (KPIs) that will support those goals. These can be simple quantifiable measurements like subscriber growth or they can be revenue driven. Then with a clear plan for your text marketing program, you can set your company up for success.
Brands who text message can engage customers, increase loyalty and even drive revenue. Now more than ever, as consumers and brands are both feeling the effects of COVID-19, it’s important to be able to connect with your customer directly.
Simple reasons to think about using text messaging.
Texting could be a helpful addition to your marketing mix depending on your type of business. With texting you can build the type of relationships with customers that they crave. There are many different ways to use SMS. So, here are a few ideas to get you started.
Welcome new customers
Create a welcome offer to new subscribers. Then, build a drip campaign (a series of texts) for these new subscribers. This welcomes them to the brand and give them a reason to stick around.
Offer your text message subscribers extra perks for being a subscriber. Make offers ones that aren’t given in your other digital venues. Share early access to shop new items, access to a member’s only special sale or VIP access to products.
Share new products or sales
Excite your customers about a new service. Send them a text with a link to your website. Then they can easily sign up for your company’s newest yoga class or hot stone massage.
Encourage quick action. Share limited-time deals in your shop, best-selling items running out of stock and Buy One Get One Free offers. Texting helps you highlight the time-sensitive nature of an offer.
Alert and remind
Keep your customers up-to-date about steps in a service process. Don’t make them guess or wait or have to track you down. Text them when their tax return is ready. Show them pictures of their new kitchen being built. Keep them aware of when your serviceman is coming to repair their refrigerator.
Remind your subscribers about their abandoned shopping carts with a link directly to their cart to finish their shopping journey. As a result, it’s easy for them to finish checking out. Thank them for their purchase. Reward them with a bounceback offer after the completion of their purchase.
Share important or timely information to your text message subscribers. If you’re a restaurant, share news like COVID-19 safety precautions, new menu items or dining options.
Your customers rely heavily on their smartphones to connect to the outside world right now. Reach out to them using text messaging. Having real-time conversation with your customers lets them know that you hear them, you understand their needs and you are ready to add value to their lives.
If you’re like a lot of businesses this year, you threw out your 2020 marketing plan and have been in triage mode for six months. Q4 is the perfect time to re-evaluate your company’s marketing plan to include a good marketing planning outline and process, messaging, strategies and brand.
This year’s best laid marketing plans were most likely laid to waste in the second quarter. It’s now Q4 of a very weird year – speaking from, well, every point of view – and everyone is working under the guise of not knowing what is coming next or when. Some businesses are continuing to just execute 2020 marketing strategies with messaging that is not currently relevant to growing their top line or their bottom line. Stop reacting and get proactive with your brand.
Typically, clients reflect and plan ahead this time of year, and this Q4 should be no exception.
In fact, we recommend doubling down on the planning. This year though, planning may look a lot like pivoting for most businesses. There is very little business-as-usual going on, and your company’s business plan should reflect that fact.
We are working with clients that are facing different year end results – from more than 75% decline in sales, to flat, to having the best year ever. We have clients who’s marketing plan has them pivoting completely and launching new brands, born of the new normal or a long-held dream. But the one thing all of our clients have in common right now is that they are planning in order to be able to continue to pivot if need be. They are ensuring that their future strategies will be on-brand even if the content has to change.
Now is the perfect time to step back from your business plan and take an objective perspective on your company’s state of affairs.
Is your brand’s marketing plan going in the right direction? Do you need a more focused or broader message? Are your communication strategies getting you in front of the right customers on the right social media channel? Is your brand voice in tune with the state of the world? Know who you are, what you stand for and how to communicate that mission to your customers. What is your highest and best use? When you have a plan, this is how you can frame all of your future content – even if it keeps changing.
Plan ahead to pivot.
Planning a marketing infrastructure to put in place now and building on it through Q1 and Q2 of next year can help pivot your brand toward a new goal, refine your mission and elevate your relevancy. Have a plan in place to be able to address the unknown needs of your customers as they arise in 2021. You don’t necessarily need the answers now, but you need to have a plan to be able to answer the questions your customers will have. Your marketing plan for next year should include key messages, strategies, a budget, timeline and content calendar through Q2 of 2021 to carry your company into Q3. Spend your marketing time wisely this quarter to build the brand you’ve always wanted to become next quarter and beyond.
A popular phrase in the marketing world states, “always be one step ahead of your competition.” But, how do you accomplish that? Develop a competitive analysis.
Why are your competitors outranking you? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their marketing strategies? All of these questions are answered through a competitor analysis.
What is a competitive analysis?
A competitive analysis identifies and evaluates your competitors in comparison to your business. More specifically, your analysis should include the following:
Identifying your competitors and highlighting those that pose the biggest challenge
Researching information about your competitors
i.e. pricing, financials, marketing campaigns and social media, company history, their marketed demographic, and locations they cover
Evaluating their strategies
Determine their strengths and weaknesses to your brand’s
Why do competitive analysis?
Competitive research is crucial to your success as a business because it helps you create better marketing strategies. Moreover, it allows you to make educated decisions about your strategy and guarantees you can create competitive advantages. A competitive analysis gives you the ability to quickly identify industry trends and adapt to other marketing campaigns. As a result, all of these enable you to stay ahead of your competitors.
It cannot be a one-time thing. In short, frequently completing a competitor analysis gives your business the advantage to outsmart the competition.
A tracking pixel is a little HTML code that tracks behavior
from your customers – it records for instance when a user visits your website
or opens an email from you, or interacts with a banner ad that your brand has
created. It essentially fills the same role as a cookie but tracking pixels
cannot be blocked by normal browsers like cookies, so they offer an alternative
information tracking process.
A tracking pixel is also a tiny graphic with the dimension
of 1 pixel by 1 pixel. Because it is this tiny, no one notices when it is
included on a website or in an email because it is usually designed to blend into
the graphics.
Brands can use a tracking pixel to gather this behavior data and then analyze it to make better decisions on what to put on their website, in their emails, on their social channels. Where are most of your customers located so you can market to them at a local level? Are most of your customers are on-line late at night, so it would make more sense to schedule your emails or social media when they are on-line looking for answers? Maybe a tracking pixel could give you more insight into answering questions like these.
How Does a Tracking Pixel Work, and What’s in it for You?
By adding this little snippet of code to a website or email, the brand links a piece of content – like a web page, an email, or a banner – to the pixel’s server. Then when a user, let’s say visits the brand’s website (where the tiny pixel is) the code gets processed by the browser being used and is then registered and noted in the server’s log files.
When this process occurs, several different pieces of
information can be transferred in regard to the content that a user is
interacting with. Brands can find out answers to questions like:
What is the screen resolution of this device?
Is this content being viewed on a mobile device or desktop?
What is the OS of device the customer is using?
Is the customer looking at your content in a browser or in an email program?
What is the IP address and location of the viewer?
When was the content was viewed?
What types of ads does the customer like clicking on?
One of the most common use of tracking pixels is for retargeting. Did you just look at a pair of shoes yesterday and now you’re seeing those shoes in Instagram? Do you feel like you were just talking about a specific thing and BOOM there it is in Facebook? That is a tracking pixel doing its job. That little guy is trying to be helpful!
Tracking pixels are also used to measure a marketing
campaign’s performance or track conversions. They can be used to build an
audience base for a new product or service.
How to Insert a Tracking Pixel
Web and social analytics tools such as Google Analytics and the analytics available within Facebook for Business, for instance, give brands thorough explanations and tutorials on implementing tracking pixels. There are two ways to include a tracking pixel in your website:
Through your CMS dashboard.
In the hardcode of your website. If this is the case, you will need to get your web developer involved.
What’s in it for your customers?
Tracking pixels can benefit customers over time, as the data garnered can be used to make offers more relevant, questions answered more readily, and overall make the user’s experience better. Privacy advocates argue that pixels violate user privacy and allow spammers access to personal data more readily. User consent must be secured first and GDPR rules require the choice of opting-out of being tracked.
Many of the data points tracked and logged by a tracking
pixel can be helpful information to brands when they decide what to highlight
on their website – which part of the website is the most popular and gets the
most traffic? One could infer that this particular content is valuable and
sought after and therefore create more like it to be more helpful to their
customers in the future.
Use tracking pixels wisely and carefully by being a responsible brand – answer their questions, be helpful, get them the information they need. In this way, the tiny tracking pixels can yield big results for both you and your customers.
From day one of my FPM internship, I quickly realized the importance of active learning and most importantly active application. The world of marketing thrums on the excitement of people bringing new ideas to life and sharing them with others. It’s only natural that this excitement creates a lively and dynamic environment where you learn lessons as quickly as you apply them.
Along this journey of active learning and active application, I was able to stretch myself in new ways. From trying to figure out how to prioritize your tasks to navigating uncharted waters, I give you – the ultimate list of lessons.
Top 5 Ultimate Lessons Learned
Ultimate Lesson #1
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Whether you get a job in the business world or take your neighbor’s dog on a walk, everything is a learning journey. When you don’t know what a certain word or task means, ask for example pieces. Once you see examples, you’ll be able to tweak your work as you go. By being open about your confusion, you’ll be able to get more clarity and open the channel of communication with your team.
Ultimate Lesson #2
Embrace your mistakes! No one is perfect – we are all human. Although we strive for perfection, the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes. Aim for a more efficient and effective thought process the next time you get a task you have trouble with. Undoubtedly, practice makes perfect!
Ultimate Lesson #3
Communication is key! A million and one things happen throughout the day and you can’t expect everyone to know what you are doing, nor can you assume that once you are done with your task that there isn’t more to be done. When you effectively communicate throughout the day with your team members, everyone is able to be on the same page. As a result, better teamwork is able to unfold.
Ultimate Lesson #4
Time management is KEY! When you are delegated multiple tasks with multiple deadlines, it’s imperative to write down a to-do list. Write the list from most important to least important and work your way down to increase efficiency. By creating this list, you’ll be able to track your progress throughout the day and create a drafted timesheet. At the end of the day, a completed list can give you the best feeling of accomplishment.
Ultimate Lesson #5
If you’re on time you’re 10 minutes late! When there is a time set for a meeting, client call, or even deadline, always aim to be present, poised, and punctual. Show initiative by being early. You’ll need those extra minutes for a bathroom break that would have overwise left your client awkwardly waiting for you at the front or needed when you attempt to submit a project right on the deadline but then your computer dies. Without a doubt, you never know what may happen so it is always best to be prepared with a pocket of time.
From being a senior at Baylor University to being an intern at Front Porch Marketing, I’ve used these pockets of wisdom in many facets of my life. These lessons have served me in more ways than one and now my hope is that they will serve you. May you flourish in all of your future endeavors!
Anywhere on the internet, you are greeted with constant advertisements cluttering your favorite websites, YouTube videos, and social media pages. It’s very possible you overlook those ads or even have an ad blocker to rid of them altogether. Flyers are still effective in the world of marketing because people actually read them. They are cost-efficient, tangible, and eye-catching. They also create valuable face-to-face connections with potential customers.
Flyers are one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business. Rather than renovating your website or paying for advertising space, flyers can be mass-produced on a modest budget.
Customers like having something they can put their hands on. With today’s internet flooded with online advertising, coming across a high quality and printed flyer is a delightful surprise. The flyers’ extra thickness allows the flyer to be placed into any mailbox neatly. Even when falling to the floor, a flyer remains solid and presentable to pick up.
Because flyers are palpable and tangible, they have a significant effect on the audience just upon the first initial glance. Customers are more likely to read an advertisement that can be held and touched than an online one. This makes your choice of marketing stand out from the rest.
In addition to flyers being cost-efficient and tangible, the design of your flyers makes all the difference. There are very few limitations to flyer advertising. They enable you to get creative. Therefore, you can employ unique designs while ensuring your intended message expresses clearly.
Imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop and seeing a colorful, stunning flyer posted right at eye level while waiting for your drink. You’d probably notice it. Visualize shopping at an outdoor mall and seeing a stunning flyer as you walk to the next store. You might stop and have a brief look.
Creates face-to-face connections
The biggest reason why flyers are effective in marketing is that you are creating face-to-face connections with your potential customers. This is especially important when distributing flyers by hand. Having in-person interactions make people feel valuable and much more likely to take an interest in what you have to say. Unlike advertisement emails, people are not in a hurry to trash it, which automatically ups the chances of your flyer being read.
Flyers might appear to be an old and ancient way to promote a business, but they always have proven effective in marketing. They are one of the most affordable ways to market your business. They are tangible, causing more people to give your advertisement a second thought. Through its limitless design, they catch your eye when you’re out and about and going to your everyday locations. And lastly, flyers create face-to-face connections adding a personal touch to your message. Businesses still rely on flyers for these reasons and more, proving that they do work and are likely to stay for many years in the future.