Category Archives: Leadership


It started as a typical day, moving forward, stopping at the store to pick up milk. I back out of the parking spot, turn the wheels to drive forward, and realize I’m stuck. In reverse. The gear shift is broken. After several scrapped knee-jerk plans (sit and wait, don’t move, don’t turn off the car, drive the car home in reverse) the final decision is made.

Tow it. Fix it. Move forward. 

During this brief, chaotic situation, it occurred to me that I take two beautiful abilities for granted; the ability to shift gears and the ability to move forward. Thank you, vehicle, for the head smack. How awful it would be to only move backward!! Unfortunately, we find ourselves looking backward far too frequently.

We can’t redo yesterday, last week or 10 years ago, so why do we spin our wheels in reverse?

Companies do this all the time. All the time. How many times have you heard or said:

  • We will not carry zuladings because we tried and they don’t sell …
  • We will not invest in social media (insert any marketing tactic print, radio, TV, community outreach, etc). We tried and it doesn’t work …

Decisions made from a rear view will hinder future success. 

A couple of real business examples:

  1. In 2009, Starbucks breakfast sandwiches were a hard fast no. Too much aroma competition. “Coffee must win.”
  2. For most of this decade, Michaels Arts and Crafts’ only mass reach tool was the weekly insert in the Sunday paper. The company would not invest in anything else because, “Only print worked.”
  3. In late 2009 Domino’s Pizza changed its pizza recipe! After almost 50 years. “Yes, please” was not the initial response.

In all these cases, they didn’t let their rear view to deter them from moving forward. Yes, history can repeat and lessons should be learned; but what didn’t work once might work today because it is a new day, with a different landscape, different customers, and different needs.

Business strategy should always be forward-thinking and used to drive success.

Everyone has the ability to shift gears and move forward personally and professionally. If something is broke, fix it! By the way, I rode my bike to pick up my repaired vehicle. And you know what’s beautiful about a bike? It only goes forward.

gallery-thumbnailsAfter the long, cold winter, the arrival of spring is a welcome influx of new growth and new beginnings. Spring flowers, Easter and Passover celebrations and the kickoff of baseball season brings us happiness and warmth. We embrace this change.

Change is good.

In business and in life, the one thing we can be certain of is that change is around the corner.

Change is necessary. And change is rarely smooth.

Change can often be tumultuous – just google spring weather and take a look at the storms created by the replacement of cold air with warmth. But then think about the spectacular aftermath … after the spring storms depart, we are left with a rewarding burst of color.

Anything worth doing well comes at a price. Successful disruptors are revered, and for good reason. To have the vision for necessary change and the courage to enact the plan is not for the faint of heart. Patti Johnson notes in her book, Make Waves, “Even though each change is different, there are common patterns, habits and strategies that fuel those who start grassroots changes”

In order to grow, evolve and meet today’s rapid pace of change. It is vital that you and your organization are ready to meet the needs of the process of change and the new environment created:

  • Have a vision.
  • Have a strategy (identify the end goal and plan how to get there).
  • Make sure the vision and plan are clearly communicated.
  • Be prepared. You need the right team of like-mind folks.

Remember change is good, necessary and it is rarely smooth. As you begin to implement changes, be watchful of results and ready to adapt. Communicate those changes along the way. You will find the results well worth the pain and effort of getting there.

10458037_10153143659324684_1162887784269470914_nAnyone who knows me knows that I’m a little tennis-obsessed. I love to play it, watch it, discuss it … it’s my thing. It keeps me sane and makes me happy.

So about three months ago, I got a phone call from someone who I knew only by name (a captain of a rival tennis team). She was forming a “dream team” of players that she felt had the potential to advance and win a city championship, then a sectional championship, and ultimately a national championship.

Naturally, I jumped on board, excited about the possibilities.

After easily winning our regular season flight, last weekend we played for the city championships. Unfortunately, in the month prior I’d been sidelined with illness and injury and wasn’t in fighting shape. My heart was in it and I played, but I didn’t play well, and I wasn’t able to get the win to help my team. Fortunately for me and for everyone, other members of our team won their matches and the team as a whole won the city championship and advanced us to sectionals.

Of course this experience clearly illuminates the importance of TEAM. Finding the right people at the right time to help with the right things – a perfectly constructed gathering of people fully able to collectively move the ball forward and achieve goals. Yin and yang. Strength and weakness. It’s applicable in tennis and even more applicable in business.

I am so thankful to our captain, Lynn, for doing the work necessary to put us all together.

Here’s what we all can learn from her about assembling a TEAM, I will call them ~ “Lessons From Lynn:”

1.  Every team needs a leader who knows what’s what. A good leader has been in the trenches and knows whereof they speak. They should have the knowledge and experience to know what lies ahead and what will be required.

2.  Experience will tell you what you need. Trust your experience to guide you in identifying the needs of your TEAM. Do you need a strategist? An analytical type? Someone wildly creative? A worker bee? What combination of strengths and personalities is going to get you where you need to go?

3.  Find your people. Find the best people you can to fill your roles. Don’t settle for “almost good enough. “Enlist help from recruiters (we are partial to Mom Corps Dallas, one of our superstar clients) and/or behavioral benchmarking software (we are partial to Shadowmatch USA, who we have worked with in the past) to aid you in your search.

4.  Don’t be afraid to remove people who aren’t a good fit. If someone’s work is not aligned with the efforts of the TEAM, don’t try to fit a round peg into a square hole.

5.  Delegation is key. Lynn didn’t even play during city championship weekend. Her role was to make the decisions, delegate, organize and support. The leader doesn’t have to be the star.

6.  Let people do what they’re good at. Diversity in skills and experience brings broader perspectives and different approaches to the TEAM and allows for efficient assignment of people to roles. If you have assembled your team well, who does what should be an easy decision.

I feel lucky to be a part of a fantastic tennis team, and an equally fantastic rocking work team at Front Porch Marketing.

Take a page from our leaders and assemble your own DREAM TEAM to get you where you want to go!

On January 1, 2015, the Carryout Bag Ordinance went into effect in Dallas ~ hello baby step on the road to sustainability in our great city. The ordinance mandates that retailers charge consumers five cents for every single-use plastic bag they are given. This legislation may have dealt Dallas shoppers a jolt, but it’s nothing new.

Some Canadian cities have been adhering to Triple Bottom LInethese regulations since 2007, and Dallas is joining an ever-growing list of American cities who have been on board including San Francisco, Chicago, Portland, Austin and all the islands in Hawaii.

The reason for doing this is simple: WE HAVE TO.

Consider this:

  • More than trillion plastic bags are used every year worldwide.
  • Only somewhere between .5% to 3% of all bags is recycled.
  • A single plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to degrade.
  • Plastic bags remain toxic even after they break down. When plastics break down, they don’t biodegrade; they photodegrade. This means the materials break down to smaller fragments which readily soak up toxins. They then contaminate soil, waterways and animals upon digestion.
  • Ten percent of the plastic produced every year worldwide winds up in the ocean, 70% of which finds its way to the ocean floor, where it will likely never degrade.

As consumers, the decision is easy. Plastic bags are superfluous and avoidable, so take reusable bags shopping with you. Throw them in your car and use them. End of story.

But as a business-owner, there is a bigger issue at play – sustainability.

The most widely agreed upon definition of sustainability requires we meet the needs of today without negatively impacting future generations. All companies have the opportunity to formulate and then execute a strategy that will take into account all aspects of sustainability but that is useful enough to be implemented today.

True sustainability has four coequal components:

  1. Social (act as if other people matter)
  2. Economic (operate profitably)
  3. Environmental (protect and restore the ecosystem)
  4. Cultural (protect and value cultural diversity)

Now, more than ever before, consumers, employees and investors share a common purpose and a passion for companies that do well by doing good. So any strategy without sustainability at its core is just plain irresponsible – bad for business, bad for shareholders, bad for the environment.

Side note: It was our fine city’s birthday yesterday! Happy 159th Dallas! We built this city on rock and roll baby!

Often, during times of personal challenge, I say, “Without lows, there are no highs,” and it gets me through the struggle and the same goes in business today.

For a personal example, my youngest son recently cut his own hair. It was disastrous … resulting in a shaved head right before school pictures. That was a low. But oh how sweet it was to get that first real haircut! Before the low, I would not have classified a haircut as a high.

Without a valley, there are no peaks.

All companies, big and small, have peaks and valleys. Some turn around and some flatline:

  • You might open and be flooded with customers, but business tapers off;
  • You might open your doors and need to considerably grow your customer base;
  • You might have a sustainable model, but outside influences (economy, commodities, technology) change.

It happens to the best companies – it happens to all companies. What you do while in the valley determines your future.

Do you give up or do you find a pair of boots and start hiking?

In the Summer of 2008 Starbucks Corporation eliminated 12,000 full and part-time positions and closed 600 U.S. company-operated stores. I was there. The employee-centric company was in a valley. I was in a personal valley, watching talented professionals, my friends and colleagues, leave their beloved company.

So how did Starbucks start hiking? Howard Schultz came back with passion and a plan. There’s a fabulous book titled Onward that details the journey.

Are you in the valley? Is your business at the bottom of the mountain? Put on your boots and start your journey to the top.

People change. Attitudes change. Environments change. Business landscapes change. Change is good. Movement is good.

Face the challenge and start hiking.


It was my intention to write a prophetic post this week about the Texas bag law and the impact on Texans, small business and the progress on our slow road to being a sustainable nation. Small Business Owners Daily Survival Guide

And, then, duh dun dah … Mr. Flu A happened in the middle of the night and Ms. Worst Diaper Rash in the history of ever (ITHOE) caused baby to scream, “Mommmmiieeeeee,” every time she is changed during the day which is every 20 minutes due to the severity of her raw booty’s condition.

Folks, mama needed to work ~ lots of deadlines and things to be done.

Small business owners can’t just go a hundred miles an hour the day after a sleepless night. They can’t drop everything to take their child to an early morning, unscheduled pediatrician’s appointment. They can’t run and cuddle their wailing baby at the drop of a hat in the middle of a work day … Or can they??

Friends, they can.

There are four must haves for every small business owner in case life takes an unexpected turn on an action-packed work day:

  1. Highly, functioning virtual work space – Have the bunker ready at all times. High speed Internet, phone charger and all necessary supplies you use on a daily basis at the office. Thankfully I have a high quality color laser printer wired and ready in the home office and a pack of the 32 pound paper on hand at all times. We were able to complete the brand book we are presenting to a client today.   
  2. The village – I mention it frequently. It takes a spouse that can stay home from work for a few hours with the sleeping baby while mama goes to the early morning doctor’s appointment with the other baby. It is extremely helpful if the spouse’s employer believes in their employees putting their families first in times of need. It also takes a doting daytime care giver to be there when mom can’t to console the aching baby.
  3. Attitude of gratitude – It is easy to go down a dark hole and focus on all the things negative happening in your world. Instead, focus on the positive. Be grateful for all that is right. There are a million and one books, articles and studies showing that professionals with a positive attitude are more productive and successful. Put on your rose-colored rock star glasses and leave the tissue with lotion for the sickees.
  4. And, last but not least, a dependable and adaptable team When the work needs to be done – the client’s blog sm’ed by 8:30 a.m., the enewsletter draft to the client by noon, the conference call rescheduled, etc. – the work needs to be done. Make sure your team is as adaptable and reliable as you are and willing to step in and step up in a pinch.

Check, check, check and check! The kiddos are on the mend, deadlines were met, work got done and there is a new episode of American Idol on the DVR calling my name. Ciao for now!

My 13-year-old daughter is my hero.

IMG_2536At a time in her life when conformance equals survival and fitting in is everything (yes, we are talking about the angst of middle school), she has steadfastly, unapologetically and intentionally made choices that are true to her character, her spirit and her style.

In a sea full of long-haired girls, she chopped hers off and donated it to Locks of Love. When the group texts become more mean-spirited than meaningful, she turns her phone off and sits at the piano to play and sing. And although “being cool” is the going currency, she hangs onto her goofy, silly side. She tells me all the time, “I’m just doing me, Mom.”

She is her authentic self.

I admire this about her tremendously, and the truth is that it has inspired me to be more authentic myself. To:

  • Make choices that make sense for me and my family.
  • Spend my time doing what I want and not what I “should.”
  • Care less what others’ perceptions are.
  • Say no.
  • Remember myself in the equation.

It’s freeing. I highly recommend it.

This way of being also translates to the business world, which has been a resounding theme in my short time working with the goddesses at Front Porch Marketing. I have realized just how important authenticity is for your business, particularly a small business. Can you answer the following:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What are you doing that makes you unique?
  3. What is your brand?
  4. How are you representing yourself?
  5. Are you engaging in authentic online engagement?

It is imperative that you can answer these questions with clarity and that your brand is clear in everything you say and do. We on the Porch are passionate about helping you express your authentic self. It’s our mission!

Indeed, we want you to “just do you.”

Tips for remaining zen during the holidaysWe look forward to the holidays all year long. They are a wonderful time for festive gatherings, re-visiting family memories and traditions, and creating new ones. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukkah or Kwanzaa, the virtues of each of these holidays are celebrated for weeks and months in advance.

However, preparations for these celebrations can really zap our time. On any given day, the challenges presented by Father Time during the holidays can be intense. A Hollywood producer might love to document the chaos of a holiday reality show — imagine Gordon Ramsay trying to handle the heat in the kitchen while simultaneously shopping, decorating, wrapping, delivering and entertaining!

And beware! Just when you think you’ve wrangled things into manageable chaos, factor in a last minute curveball, because Someone. Will. Get. Sick.

It’s tempting to throw in the towel and let yourself get voted off the island and retreat. But with a little patience, pluck and determination, you can survive the holiday jungle and actually enjoy your holidays!

Here are a few of our tips on how to get through the season in one piece and beat Father Time at his own game:

  • Drink calming tea – it’s vital for survival.
  • Pay attention to behaviors. Delegate the right tasks to the right people. And, by all means, bring in “special teams” when necessary.
  • These days are long, people! Avoid the jitters and get an extra boost of sustainable energy with a Radiant Red Glow (with jalapeno) from The GEM.
  • Survivors will be welcomed back into civilization and rewarded with the rejuvenation gleaned from a good night’s sleep. On The Porch, we love the comfort and feel of crisp percale Egyptian cotton sheets. Lyric by Peacock Alley are our faves.

So enjoy the chaos and the glamour of the holidays, but remember, when it all comes down to it – there is a reason for the season. Take a deep breath, grab a mug and position your children under each arm, because “It’s a Wonderful Life” is truly what we have.

Digital Summit Dallas

Digital Summit Dallas

This week, our team had the opportunity to attend the Dallas Digital Summit, the region’s largest digital gathering, to re-enforce our digital insight strong hold.

Attendees were from a diverse range of organizations including national brands, agencies, technology, media, B2B providers, associations, nonprofits and start-ups. 

The conference was two days of jammed pack information all things digital insight ~ from SEO, email, mobile, social, analytics to cross-channel campaigns, trends and overall digital strategies.

Here’s the top 10 take-ways the team will be rockin’ on the porch in 2015:
1)   It is Search Everything Optimization not Search Engine Optimization
2)   Local SEO is absolutely vital for any business with a physical location
3)   Everyone wants their emails to be meaningful! Change your email strategy and get it opened
4)   Social media is not elective any more
5)   Employees can be the biggest brand ambassadors
6)   Create a behavioral statement to compliment your mission and vision
7)   Watch your inauthentic dislikers ~ it’s ok to ask why they don’t love you anymore
8)   2015 trend watch: more video, more spend on social
9)   Make it pervasive, participatory, personalized and prescriptive
10) Wheel and Spoke – Cross Channel is essential

Need to get started on your 2015 digital plan? Let’s get together on the porch and rock it out.


I made it! Surgery went great.

Here’s my favorite things from my latest adventure:
1) The anesthesiologist came with her tray of champagne, her words, it really was tequila shots. Lights out quicker than I could say “see ya later.”
2) The day before surgery I received a pedicure … day of Pete, my husband, had to remove my new polish. They check for circulation through your toes. Now you know.
3) The people that surrounded me, picked me up, covered me in kindness and took care of my family and me during this time. I have so much gratitude!

Recovery is progressing as planned ~ slowly. Meaning I have spent a lot of time in my recliner … A. LOT. of. TIME.

For many entrepreneurs, their business is their life. Life can teach us lessons about business. In my experience, most business owners are firefighters. They like solving problems and typically get a rush from fixing things! There usually is a small or raging fire that gets their complete attention, from equipment, accounting, staffing, inventory or sales, and rightfully so, if they don’t put out the fire, who will?

I was at a dinner party two weeks ago. It was exciting to get out of the house for an adult evening. Someone asked me {kindly} what exactly I was doing with all my time. Lots of computer time, social media, reading and a whole lot of being still.

Folks, I am here to tell you. After staying in the same spot for a while, you start to notice things. Little things like dust under the TV stand and big things like schedules, strategies, systems and relationships.

In the stillness. In the quiet. A new perspective emerged.

What an interesting idea for business leaders and owners. How often do we sit still? How often do we take the time to seek new perspective? Fresh perspective can come from new employees, new business partners, customers, but it also needs to come from you. The person who lives and breathes the business. The business that is your life. Imagine the possibilities. Take the time to be still and see things differently.

Personally, I can’t wait to get off the bench and start applying a fresh, new perspective.