Life is a work in progress.
Reflection is a paramount part of that progress. It breeds opportunity. Reflection allows you to reinvent, reimagine, renew and realign yourself, your relationships, your business. It is cleansing and invigorating.
Thinking about our immediate past allows us to get to the heart of who we are and imagine who we can become.
Reflection is challenging.
To think deeply or carefully about something gives it meaning and purpose. Purpose is powerful.
This year on the Porch we found peace in reimagining our priorities, lessons learned and focusing our energies on the people we love.
We hope our reflections encourage you to take inventory of your own heart and mind as 2022 approaches.
Chief Rocker Julie Porter
I am so blessed to work with a team whose passions intersect with mine. My team members – new and old – bring different perspectives and invaluable ideas. Our clients’ energy and drive to keep moving forward despite all the obstacles they’ve faced this year is invigorating.
In addition, my children are the food that fuels my soul. Nothing brings me joy quite like seeing the excitement on their faces as they enjoy the activities they love.
Oh, and time at the beach. Time at the beach revitalizes me.
Rock Star Vanessa Hickman
On a family trip we learned about lighthouse keepers – their lifestyle, purpose, and job. The number one priority was to “keep a good light” by tending to the wick ensuring it burned as brightly and cleanly as possible. Over the years, this task became easier with electricity, but even then, it was an around-the-clock gig with dire consequences if the light went out.
My crew applied this to 2021. We were able to help, serve, support and care for friends and family by letting our light shine. So the year has illuminated opportunities to burn a little brighter. And, we will carry that sentiment into the new year and hopefully burn as brightly and cleanly as possible in 2022.
Lil Rock Maria Gregorio
As I look back on my 2021, one reflection trend comes across loud and clear: I need to spend time with people more than I thought.
I’ve always thought of myself as an introverted person, a human turtle if you will. But the personal highlights of my year – taking a trip to Seattle on a whim with my best/oldest college friend, visiting Disney World for the first time with my husband’s family, meeting my Big Brothers Big Sisters mentee for the first time in-person after a year of Zoom meetings – all of them are moments of in-real-life, human contact.
As a result, my 2021 was a year-long reminder that, while I love whiling away my time, leisurely reading a book or watching makeup tutorials on YouTube, I also love and need to be with my favorite people.
Intern Trey Harrup
When I graduated school, all I could think was go, go, go. First, I wanted that dream job. Then, I wanted that financial security. Overall, I wanted the life I envisioned for myself, and I wanted it as fast as I could get it. But good things take time.
But one of the best lessons I have learned this year is that not everything has to be so fast paced. We need to slow down and be present right where we are. No one starts and reaches their max potential without a little time.
Swiss Army Rock Lea Ann Allen
Reflecting on 2021, I see a re-adjustment in my definition of what normal means. This “new normal” for me means work is now something that I do around my life, instead of living my life around my work – as had been the case for my entire career in this creative business. I am learning to try to not define myself by my work. What I do is not who I am. Productivity is not my purpose.
In 2022 I will actively seek out ways to replace “doing” with “being”. I’m so fortunate to be a part of Front Porch Marketing. This company has been ahead of the curve on remote work, and this idea of organizing your work around your life.
Rock Enthusiast Natalie Rosga
For me, 2021 was a year of embracing the chaos. It is still a work in progress. But, isn’t progress, not perfection what we should strive for?
I’m a person who likes structure. I love a plan for the day, a to-do list, and tidiness. None of which fit into your daily lifestyle with little ones! I’m learning to give myself grace and live in the moment. The dishes, laundry, and piles of toys can wait. (At least until they go to bed.) Go outside and swing, play hide-and-seek a million times, build the fort, and make the cookies or the art project that is ultimately going to be a hot mess. They’re only little for a little while, so I’m going to soak up every minute that I can!
Fellow Rocker Romania Johnson
2021 has been a year of growth and re-invention. This year has forced reflection on values, morals, accountability and technology. I strongly believe and practice that everything happens for a reason. We just need to find the lesson in it all. If you think about it, there’s something to be learned from everything.
I’ve learned that when you stop learning, you stop growing. I’ve faced many challenges over the years. At 50 years of age, I began to lose my sight. I decided to get a degree in something and figure out how to re-invent myself. I had to put in the work because what you put in is what you get out. No shortcuts here.
I’ve also learned that I’m stronger than I thought and I’m capable of doing anything with hard work and determination.
Rock Collector Alison Moreno
This year I found that I was able to see the positive in challenges put in my path. I, too, had to embrace the chaos as our house warm torn apart to repair many (and I mean many) plumbing issues. It was overwhelming.
Though my family didn’t have a place to eat, we had more meals together than in the past. It was fun to eat in strange places – Bedrooms, the yard, etc.
Everything eventually came back together beautifully, and all is at peace in our home (besides the teenagers). The progress continues!
Intern Carson Allen
2021 reflection shows that this year has been a tremendous year of growth for me. I picked up two remote jobs working as an intern at Front Porch Marketing and as a social media manager at a startup. Working at Front Porch has been a blessing, I’ve gained so much experience working with clients. The work feels meaningful and makes me proud to have it on my resume. With every new assignment I feel like I’m breaking down another barrier. I am forever thankful for being a part of the team
Media Rocker Christine Finnegan
2021 was a year of renewal and loss for me. Both of my sons graduated college. As my beloved boys started the next chapters of their lives, I lost my mother. Her voice of reassurance and love are inextricably embedded within me.
Our Reflections Challenge
Surround yourself with those you love. Be present in the present. The gifts you will receive are invaluable.
As you look to 2022, we challenge you to reflect on your priorities, your purpose, and your passions. First, focus on what energizes you. Then do more of that. Be still and be in the moments you have with those you love. After all, there is an abundance of joy that arises from chaos. So embrace it. Most importantly, give yourself grace and go for progress, not perfection.
We wish you peace, love and joy this holiday season.