Category Archives: Insights

Life is a work in progress.

Reflection is a paramount part of that progress. It breeds opportunity. Reflection allows you to reinvent, reimagine, renew and realign yourself, your relationships, your business. It is cleansing and invigorating.

Thinking about our immediate past allows us to get to the heart of who we are and imagine who we can become.

Reflection is challenging.

To think deeply or carefully about something gives it meaning and purpose. Purpose is powerful.

This year on the Porch we found peace in reimagining our priorities, lessons learned and focusing our energies on the people we love.

We hope our reflections encourage you to take inventory of your own heart and mind as 2022 approaches.

Chief Rocker Julie Porter

I am so blessed to work with a team whose passions intersect with mine. My team members – new and old – bring different perspectives and invaluable ideas. Our clients’ energy and drive to keep moving forward despite all the obstacles they’ve faced this year is invigorating.

In addition, my children are the food that fuels my soul. Nothing brings me joy quite like seeing the excitement on their faces as they enjoy the activities they love.

Oh, and time at the beach. Time at the beach revitalizes me.

Rock Star Vanessa Hickman

On a family trip we learned about lighthouse keepers – their lifestyle, purpose, and job. The number one priority was to “keep a good light” by tending to the wick ensuring it burned as brightly and cleanly as possible. Over the years, this task became easier with electricity, but even then, it was an around-the-clock gig with dire consequences if the light went out.  

My crew applied this to 2021. We were able to help, serve, support and care for friends and family by letting our light shine. So the year has illuminated opportunities to burn a little brighter. And, we will carry that sentiment into the new year and hopefully burn as brightly and cleanly as possible in 2022.

Lil Rock Maria Gregorio

As I look back on my 2021, one reflection trend comes across loud and clear: I need to spend time with people more than I thought.

I’ve always thought of myself as an introverted person, a human turtle if you will. But the personal highlights of my year – taking a trip to Seattle on a whim with my best/oldest college friend, visiting Disney World for the first time with my husband’s family, meeting my Big Brothers Big Sisters mentee for the first time in-person after a year of Zoom meetings – all of them are moments of in-real-life, human contact.

As a result, my 2021 was a year-long reminder that, while I love whiling away my time, leisurely reading a book or watching makeup tutorials on YouTube, I also love and need to be with my favorite people.

Intern Trey Harrup

When I graduated school, all I could think was go, go, go. First, I wanted that dream job. Then, I wanted that financial security. Overall, I wanted the life I envisioned for myself, and I wanted it as fast as I could get it. But good things take time.

But one of the best lessons I have learned this year is that not everything has to be so fast paced. We need to slow down and be present right where we are. No one starts and reaches their max potential without a little time.

Swiss Army Rock Lea Ann Allen

Reflecting on 2021, I see a re-adjustment in my definition of what normal means. This “new normal” for me means work is now something that I do around my life, instead of living my life around my work – as had been the case for my entire career in this creative business. I am learning to try to not define myself by my work. What I do is not who I am. Productivity is not my purpose.

In 2022 I will actively seek out ways to replace “doing” with “being”. I’m so fortunate to be a part of Front Porch Marketing. This company has been ahead of the curve on remote work, and this idea of organizing your work around your life.

Rock Enthusiast Natalie Rosga

For me, 2021 was a year of embracing the chaos. It is still a work in progress. But, isn’t progress, not perfection what we should strive for?

I’m a person who likes structure. I love a plan for the day, a to-do list, and tidiness. None of which fit into your daily lifestyle with little ones! I’m learning to give myself grace and live in the moment. The dishes, laundry, and piles of toys can wait. (At least until they go to bed.) Go outside and swing, play hide-and-seek a million times, build the fort, and make the cookies or the art project that is ultimately going to be a hot mess. They’re only little for a little while, so I’m going to soak up every minute that I can!  

Fellow Rocker Romania Johnson

2021 has been a year of growth and re-invention. This year has forced reflection on values, morals, accountability and technology. I strongly believe and practice that everything happens for a reason. We just need to find the lesson in it all. If you think about it, there’s something to be learned from everything.

I’ve learned that when you stop learning, you stop growing. I’ve faced many challenges over the years. At 50 years of age, I began to lose my sight. I decided to get a degree in something and figure out how to re-invent myself. I had to put in the work because what you put in is what you get out. No shortcuts here.

I’ve also learned that I’m stronger than I thought and I’m capable of doing anything with hard work and determination.

Rock Collector Alison Moreno

This year I found that I was able to see the positive in challenges put in my path. I, too, had to embrace the chaos as our house warm torn apart to repair many (and I mean many) plumbing issues. It was overwhelming.

Though my family didn’t have a place to eat, we had more meals together than in the past. It was fun to eat in strange places – Bedrooms, the yard, etc.

Everything eventually came back together beautifully, and all is at peace in our home (besides the teenagers). The progress continues!

Intern Carson Allen

2021 reflection shows that this year has been a tremendous year of growth for me. I picked up two remote jobs working as an intern at Front Porch Marketing and as a social media manager at a startup. Working at Front Porch has been a blessing, I’ve gained so much experience working with clients. The work feels meaningful and makes me proud to have it on my resume. With every new assignment I feel like I’m breaking down another barrier. I am forever thankful for being a part of the team

Media Rocker Christine Finnegan

2021 was a year of renewal and loss for me. Both of my sons graduated college. As my beloved boys started the next chapters of their lives, I lost my mother. Her voice of reassurance and love are inextricably embedded within me.

Our Reflections Challenge

Surround yourself with those you love. Be present in the present. The gifts you will receive are invaluable.

As you look to 2022, we challenge you to reflect on your priorities, your purpose, and your passions. First, focus on what energizes you. Then do more of that. Be still and be in the moments you have with those you love. After all, there is an abundance of joy that arises from chaos. So embrace it. Most importantly, give yourself grace and go for progress, not perfection.

We wish you peace, love and joy this holiday season.

Our 2021 Christmas cards arrived early this year … shocking friends and family and prompting messages like “first card received” “winning” “overachiever” – well-intended messages that gave me a good chuckle. Holiday cards are a highlight of the season for me. The responses of being first, winning and overachieving, prompted thinking about how the concept of winning is engrained in our daily lives. It has become a measurement tool of our success. Whether it’s in athletics, business, or life, we want to win. What does winning mean to you? To your business?

I have two young athletes in my house, they are competitive, they like to get medals, but they also know how to lose. In athletics it is easy to define. You come out on top, or you learn and grow.

Defining what winning means in business.

It is not as clearly defined in business. How do we define winning professionally? Is it getting trophy, certificates, nominations, or promotions? Is it having the highest sales? Beating a competitor? Selling the most widgets? Making it to market first? Or could it be something different?

“Winning is fun … sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you’ve done is the point.”

Pat Summitt

Being the best version of you.

It’s not about performing better than others, rather it is performing to our highest abilities. You can be great without being first, and you can lose coming out on top. In this framing how do you win? You do this by performing to the best of your abilities.

“Competing at the highest level is not about winning. It’s about preparation, courage, understanding and nurturing your people, and heart. Winning is the result.”

Joe Torre

Back to the holiday cards, absolutely was not going for the gold by sending a piece of paper to my family and friends, however, being the best professionally and personally in Pat Summitt’s context would be a great ’22 accomplishment.

As we march toward a new year how will you resolve to win and how can we help you?

This is the time of year when I start thinking about goals and what I want to accomplish next year.  As I look through my goals, I realized a few things I want to remember in 2022:

Maybe You’re Already Reaching Your Goals

When I look at the life “buckets” I want to work on next year, I realized that a few of them, namely learning and socializing more, can be knocked out with my participation in Junior League.  Junior League offers members classes (we call them trainings) in all sorts of topics, everything from healthy eating to stress management to book clubs to special movie screenings. Each member also must volunteer as part of their commitment to Junior League, where I see old friends and meet new people.  It turns out, I have been accomplishing this goal all this time. Maybe you’ve been accomplishing your goals too without realizing it, you’ve just been accomplishing them within the context of what you’re already doing day-to-day.

Productivity Can’t Be Your Only Goal

Productivity is a great economic measure.  It’s not so great for measuring humanity

I had an epiphany one day, while bemoaning my lack of productivity.  I remember being so much more productive early on in my career. And then I thought, “Wait a minute.  I am doing work that is completely different from the work I used to do.” My work now is more strategic and graphic design takes time.  And that’s a good thing – it means I am advancing in my development rather than just churning out tactical stuff.

Seasons Change. So Should Your Goals.

Before you start trying to squeeze just one more task into your day, ask yourself, “Have my circumstances changed?  Has my career changed?” I bet you the answer is yes and yes. 

The past two years have been a doozy, for a lot of people.  I’ve had friends who have lost jobs and started new ones, go through heart-breaking loss, or take on more care-taking duties at home.  Considering all of these, its understandable that people would want to cut back in one aspect of their lives to pour more into another part.

Which brings me to…

Be Kind to Yourself

Something Julie reminds us of, especially when things are tough, is that we should give the other person grace.  We should give ourselves grace.  Be a little kinder.  Be the light.

Perhaps instead of New Year’s resolutions or goals, I should keep these three realizations in mind and make them my themes for the year:

  • Sometimes you can reach your goals without inventing a whole new set of actions to reach them.  What goals can you stack together?  How can you accomplish your goals within the context of your everyday? For example, if your goal is to exercise more in the new year and spend time more time with your kids, maybe a family stroll after dinner or a weekend bike ride might get you closer to your goal.
  • Don’t do #allthethings.  Do #therightthings. Change up your to-dos in accordance with the seasons of your life.  Sometimes your home life will ask more of you than your work life and vice versa.  Sometimes your volunteer obligations will take over your life for two weeks straight.  Give yourself leeway to accommodate all the aspects of your life when they need to be addressed, not year-round.
  • Be kind to yourself.  In the grand scheme of things, we are on this planet for only a moment.  Let’s make it a good one.

How do you describe a mom who is ready to re-enter the workforce and the marketing world after spending the past two years almost exclusively at home with toddler twins? Nervous. Excited. Anxious.

Will my sleep-deprived brain remember what to do? The marketing world is so fast-paced – is my skill set still relevant? How will I juggle all the things? As the self-doubt crept into my brain, I sat down to make a list. What do I need to do to be successful in my next workforce venture?

Ready to e-enter the workforce? Prioritize. Then, prioritize. And prioritize again.

Make a daily to-do list. First, what has to be accomplished today? Second, what can wait until tomorrow if the day doesn’t go as planned?

Set an alarm, and don’t hit snooze.

Whenever possible, wake before the rest of the house. Enjoy an early morning workout, or get a head start on work. Maybe drink a cup of coffee in silence. Then, get yourself mentally prepared for the day ahead.

Always prep the night before.

School lunches, snacks, clothes – the list goes on. Nothing is worse than waking up to realize ALL THE THINGS need to be done. So doing them the night before relieves this particular anxiety.

Learn to say ‘No.’

There are only 24 hours in a day. It’s ok to politely say no, I don’t have the bandwidth for that project or school activity.

Ask for help.

You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t have to.

Re-enter the workforce by refreshing your marketing skill set.

Learn something new! Take a social media course. Or, follow a new marketing blog. Perhaps do a tutorial or a webinar.

These are just a few of the things that made it onto my growing list. After a few sleepless nights making this list, I then realized it was missing something very important. Probably the MOST IMPORTANT!

**Choose an employer who values my commitment to my family as much as my commitment to my job.**

Because the truth is without this, I can do all of the other things extremely well and still be unsuccessful when I re-enter the workforce. Since this item became super important on my list, another more meaningful list emerged describing this dream-employer.

  • Choose an employer who doesn’t care when I clock in and out.
  • Stick with an employer who understands life happens. Sick kids happen. Doctor’s appointments, house and car emergencies, and extracurricular activities all happen too.
  • Work for an employer who values what I bring to the table, and my encourages my professional development.
  • Value an employer who values me as a person. This would be an employer who cares what is happening in my life and wants me to be as successful at home as I am on the job.

At the end of the day, valued and trusted employees are happy. They do great work. And, they tend to stay at their jobs. It doesn’t matter if that work is getting done at 8:00 am or 8:00 pm.

I’m happy to say I have found that employer with Front Porch Marketing.

I’m new to the team, but I can’t express how excited I am about this opportunity to re-enter the workforce.

I want to do great work for myself, my team, and my clients, but Front Porch understands I’m a mom first. And with that, every day comes with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Will it mean some late nights and early mornings? Sure. But moms tend to just figure things out. Woman-owned companies get things done! So, pour me another cup of coffee because I’m ready!

GenZ is Up and coming

Learn GenZ marketing strategies to market to this up and coming group as they become more involved in the economy. They use social media apps to shop, care more about knowing a brand and what they stand for, and are more receptive to different marketing strategies. As a member of GenZ myself, I know the in’s and out’s of how members of my generation think and shop. I also know what types of marketing they are the most drawn to.

Social Media Changes Everything for GenZ Marketing Strategies

What differentiates GenZ from prior generations is that we have grown up in a world where technology is changing by the year. We have used social media to our advantage, especially in terms of purchasing products or familiarizing ourselves with brands. According to a Forbes article, 95% or GenZ consumers use social media as their top source of shopping inspiration; 65% use social media to find entertaining content; and 61% are specifically interested in watching more video content. The most common social commerce platforms for GenZ are Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. These apps are leading the way because of their easy checkout process, limited distractions, and ability to explore other recommended brands. Also, many members of GenZ will purposefully like and follow appealing brands so the algorithm will recommend similar brands.

Brands Have to Speak Up

Another thing about GenZ is that most of us are unafraid to take a stand about issues that matter to us. Especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic and black lives matter movement upwards of 78% of GenZ’ers have said that these events have shaped their worldview. Brands remaining neutral on these issues are no longer an option. GenZ’ers are becoming more and more reluctant to purchase from brands who do not present a stance on major world events. Additionally 79% of GenZ agreed that companies behaving more sustainably has become more important since the pandemic. This generation has an attitude that can change the world for the better and want brands to do the same.

New GenZ Marketing Strategies

GenZ kids are more receptive to video media and get their product recommendations from different places. Social media influencers have played a huge role in marketing and GenZ are very receptive to this tactic. Influencers will show off their favorite products routinely on social media and because they have built trust with their audiences, Generation Z’ers are more likely to purchase a product if a trusted influencer recommends it. Also, a brands social media aesthetic and presence are crucial. I can attest to the fact that a brands Instagram feed/aesthetic is one of the main attention grabbers for me which ultimately could lead to me following or purchasing from them.

Brand aesthetic and cohesive Instagram feed that appeals to GenZ

The Change Upon Us

Businesses will have to adjust their marketing campaign tactics if they want to keep up with GenZ. They demand more from businesses in terms of usability, online presence, and advocation. Social media is playing a bigger role than ever before and change is definitely upon us.

Your brand has a voice.

As your brand’s marketer, you have control over whether that voice builds your brand or not. A strong brand voice is the structure and tone of the copy and content that is created for a brand to speak from. You can hear this voice on its website, ads, social and in collateral. With consistency, a brand can feel like a person. And over time that person can become familiar and even recognizable. That’s when you know you’re doing it right.

Why does brand voice matter?

First, a part of your initial branding exercise, your brand might have completed something similar to what we call The Brand Elaborative. This branding document outlines the personality of the brand. This helps writers write in that voice when creating copy for digital and traditional marketing and advertising. One of the most important parts of The Brand Elaborative are the three personality words that describe the brand as if it were a person. For instance: honest, kind, quirky. So why does having a distinctive brand voice matter to your brand?

Brand voice drives consistency.

Our B2B client Agile Sourcing Partners specializes in helping gas and electric utilities and utility infrastructure companies improve operational efficiencies and performance. So, they speak in an authoritative voice with above average complexity of language. Given that their audience are decision-makers in engineering and other technical industries, it makes sense for them to speak the language of their peers. Thus, using this consistent voice in content sets them apart as insiders: educated and in-the-know.

Brand voice helps you discern what copy hits the mark – and what misses.

Our restaurant client Chocolate Angel Café & Bakery is a local favorite for cross-generational high teas, exquisite baked good and charming family recipes. They believe in serving one another and understand that relationships matter. Thus, their brand voice is connective, celebratory and conjures up memories of childhood. They express gratitude often, and make every day feel like a special occasion. So it’s no wonder they’re a favorite for bridal showers and family celebrations. If it sounds like your great aunt reminiscing about a casserole, then we’ve hit the mark.

Brand voice creates fans.

Our education client Faith Family Academy, a charter school in DFW believes in pushing public education beyond just the classroom. They speak in servant leader’s voice. FFA makes students the center of attention, celebrating wins and putting every effort possible into their individual and collective success. The social media channels for Faith Family Academy are a testament to this brand voice in creating fans. In both English and Spanish their fans celebrate right along with the students, staff and parents. The FFA community adds congratulatory comments and a plethora of emojis on a daily basis. So who wouldn’t want to be part of this kind of enthusiasm, joy and experience of being lifted up by your community?

Brand voice can make your brand the authority on subject matter.

Our real estate client The Slay Diaz Group is a woman-owned residential real estate team who regularly wins “best-in-class” awards for their work. As a result, their voice is very real, straightforward, easy-to-understand and ready to give helpful advice on everything home-related, even sharing their coveted list of service providers. This is who you ask when you don’t know if remodeling your bathroom is a good idea or not. And, this is who can tell you if now is a good time to sell your house, put in a pool or move to a new neighborhood. Their consistent brand voice has grown their business, their reach and their authority on the subject of residential real estate.

Some of the brand voices from Front Porch Marketing.

Brand voice lets people know what you stand for.

Our own brand voice here at Front Porch Marketing tells you that we will go the extra mile to help. That we share what we know without reservation. And that we will be your biggest cheerleader. We stand for lifting you up, making you laugh and creating opportunities for others to do the work they love while taking care of the people they love. If your brand has a mission, shouldn’t all of your content reflect that mission? We think that your brand voice can show your potential customers that you are like them – kind, helpful, positive – and they will want to hang around with people like that.

Need to define or redefine your brand voice for better consistency and stronger connections with your audience? Then get started with a branding exercise which results in the guidance documents you need to hone your tone and define your voice. Consumers actually prefer brands with strong, defined and unique personalities. And having a unique personality definitely helps in creating spot-on social content, email storytelling and website visuals for your brand – which results in stronger brand loyalty and repeat customers.

You can visit some of our Front Porch client brands to see different types of brand voice in action.

Marketing meeting must-haves. What are they?

If you’ve ever sat through a meeting and walked out wondering what its purpose was or why you were there, then you know you don’t ever want to be the host of such an event. The must-haves must have been missing. Must-haves are important, and this is especially true in marketing where people expect you to get their creative juices flowing from the start of the meeting. To help you avoid being a bad host, here are eight must-haves for hosting your next marketing meeting – and making it successful.

Meet only when necessary.

If something can be easily covered via e-mail, it should be. 

A prepared – and shared! – agenda is the best start.

An advance agenda helps set the tone of the meeting, lay out the goals, and allows people to budget their time, as well as prepare responses. Be sure to include time for brainstorming!

Begin with the end in mind.

Know what you are trying to accomplish during your meeting. This is not a status conference. The goals need to be clearly defined so that they can be addressed and accomplished.

Keep meetings small.

The smaller the group, the better the collaboration. Amazon’stwo-pizza team rule for productive meetings is well-known and highly successful. The idea is that the group must be small enough that two pizzas can feed all attendees. This keeps ideas from being drowned out by too many voices.

Keep your marketing meeting short.

Be respectful of people’s time. No more than an hour – half an hour is even better.

Keep it simple.

Use pictures. Charts. Demonstrations. Content is king in marketing meetings too so make them compelling and focused, but not overwhelming.

Keep distractions out.

Set a no-computer rule and declare phones emergency-only devices.

Keep it interesting.

You don’t want a boring, tedious marketing meeting.  For instance, kick off the meeting in a fun way to grab their attention.

At a kick-off marketing meeting, for a client in the concrete industry, we needed to explain to the team that their audience didn’t know the difference between cement and concrete. How did we capture their attention? Cake batter. We demonstrated the difference in simple, relatable terms – without using engineer-speak.

Cement was represented as a box of cake batter. Concrete was then explained as the combination of the box of batter plus all other ingredients – resulting in a cake. This simple demonstration of making a cake in the meeting got the team’s attention, engaged their imaginations and helped them understand how their audience thought of them. Plus, CAKE!

Marketing Meeting Must-Haves are a Must

Well-organized marketing meetings can be great for productivity, team building, and brand development. Keep these marketing meeting must-have tips in mind so all you have to worry about is getting those creative juices flowing to rock your next marketing meeting.

Do you think you need a marketing audit? We’ve said it before, and we will say it a million times over – consistency in marketing equals recognition. You have to be consistent in your branding across all channels and materials. You also have to be relevant to your audience in the current marketing climate. 

There is a simple solution to ensure your marketing materials are current, accurate, and consistently following your branding guidelines – an audit of your marketing materials.

What is a marketing audit?

A marketing audit is designed to make sure your materials are aligned with your goals via a review (or creation of!) your brand’s marketing plan. It is a fabulous way to keep you on pace in the marketing marathon.

Here are five reasons you may need a marketing audit:

  1. It has been a hot minute. Maybe you’ve never done an audit of your marketing materials or perhaps it has been a long while since your last one. If it has been a year since your last audit, it’s time to rock one!
  2. Demand shifts. Products and/or services routinely go in and out of style. Your offerings need to be effective based on current supply and demand fluctuations.
  3. Products or services have changed. If you’ve added or removed products and/or services, your marketing materials need to reflect those changes.
  4. Competitive changes. This is one area you absolutely want to make sure you’re keeping up with the Joneses. You don’t want stale messages to hold your brand back while your competitors offer fresh and inspiring marketing.
  5. Contact information updates. If your address, phone, website or e-mail has changed, your marketing materials need to as well. If you’ve added – or need to add – a social media presence then your marketing needs to reflect that, too.

The market is constantly evolving and changing. Don’t let the materials designed to boost your brand get behind the times. A marketing materials audit gives your brand the boost it needs to keep rocking. Give us a call – we’re always ready help your brand reset and refresh.

Seamless, sharp, and sophisticated. That is the vision that Front Porch Marketing has for you and your brand as we share why you should style your Instagram highlights.

With the right color scheme, design, and icons, you can drive more views and engagement with your Instagram bio at little to no cost.

If you are looking for a push to execute this vision and wow your audience the next time, they see your page, this is the blog for you!

The Vision

When you open up your company’s Instagram page, what is the first thing you see? Most likely, your eyes go to the colorful posts or maybe a bold profile picture with a strong branding icon, but acting as an overlooked middleman is a row of highlight icons. Currently, there may be as little as 0 or as many as 100 on your page – the sky is the limit.

Truly, the only limit that is regarded is that only up to 100 pictures can be posted within a story highlight, but highlights – much like a reel – should be seamless, sharp, and sophisticated and not fragmented, sloppy, and cluttered. Most importantly, they should be an extension of your brand’s story.  

The Highlight

Many take a lot of time and effort to create the perfect “story” to post on Instagram. Whether it includes colorful gifs, a unique poll, engaging videos, or a giveaway you are extending a vision to viewers about your brand and its values. What is disheartening about all that time and effort is that it dwindles in significance alongside the 24-hour frame that stories are set on. Plus it requires the utmost strategic thinking.

Now, with story highlight reels you are able to make the stories on your Instagram stay permanently on your profile for viewers to enjoy at any given moment. By adding this extra step to your Instagram branding strategy, you are able to strategically use a prime location on your bio and create an immediate place of engagement with users.

Step 1: Be Seamless

What is great about engagement is that you can cast the vision for what viewers see and find different ways to resonate with them. For example, aesthetics are incredibly favored amongst millennials and are a growing target market for many companies. Thus, considering aesthetics on all social media platforms allows you to connect with this audience and others like it.

To create a seamless experience for users, use highlights to promote content that can showcase your products or services, express your brand, drive traffic and market your business. If your profile has bold colors, seamlessly transition the same color palette to your story highlights while also extending a nod to your brand as a whole. If your posts have a color scheme, extend it to your highlight to establish immediate brand recognition or go with a splash of color to draw in your audience with a double look. No matter what you choose, think about your brand as a whole and embody that within your highlight story covers – the first picture that viewers see on a highlight reel.

Step 2: Be Sharp

When it comes to your story highlight covers, always use high-definition content and think “succinct” when it comes to titles. There is a 10–11 character count rule of thumb when it comes to highlight covers. The more characters you use, the higher the chance that your highlight title will end up with an ellipsis instead of the word you were trying to promote. Whether you use CTA words like “events,” “promotions,” “sales,” or “giveaways,” be consistent and above all, do not be misleading in any way.

Step 3: Be Sophisticated

Last but not least, when it comes to Instagram story highlights create a look of sophistication. By using sites like Canva, Unsplash, and/or Pinterest, there are 100’s of highlight cover designs that are pre-made and ready to go at a moments notice for you and your company. No matter if you choose icons, HD pictures, graphic designs or a color palette, always keep your brand at the forefront.

In Conclusion

First, to bring your Instagram to the next level, revamp the look of your Instagram’s aesthetics with a seamless, sharp, and sophisticated look. Second, when it comes to highlight covers think about what story you want your viewers to plug into. Third, see your platform through the viewers eyes to see which highlights you want them to engage with first.  In summary, bring the middleman to the forefront.

Chances are you have seen a post or two about what days and what times are the best for posting on social media. And in fact, they are all probably right, and probably wrong. You see, the best time and place for YOUR social media is totally dependent upon your followers.

Short Cuts to an Optimal Social Media Time and Place Posting Schedule

What people want is a quick fix to their social media. A set-it-and-forget it system that they can follow that requires the least amount of work. But social media is not a broadcast channel like television, radio, or a print ad. Social media is supposed to be SOCIAL. Your social media channels are the place where you can actually have one-on-one conversations with people who love your brand already. How do you know they love you already? They’ve chosen to follow you, haven’t they? So talk with them when they are sitting there ready to have that conversation.

Sure, there are general guidelines for posting on social media channels, many of which have to do with putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for a moment. When are people most likely scrolling thru Instagram? What are people doing on their lunch break besides eating? (hint: scrolling thru Instagram) What’s the last thing that people do before they go to sleep at night, while they’re laying in bed? (another hint: scrolling thru Instagram) You get the picture. So how do you determine what social media channels and times are the best for your brand? When can you maximize a conversation with your followers going forward? The short answer is “the past”.

The Right Channel for Your Social Media

Each social media platform has a specific and different purpose. By offering a little bit different perspective and content on each channel of social media (instead of using the channels to broadcast like a tv or radio station) a company can show their many sides and offer a more nuanced look at their company, much like you would develop a friendship with a real person and grow to appreciate the many facets of their personality. So after you’ve given your social media channels a spring cleaning, start looking at your analytics.

Social Media Analytics

Every platform you post on for your brand has some form of analytics. You can see a surprising amount of information about your followers in the insights part of your dashboard, whatever the platform. One of the most valuable pieces of information in there is when your followers are on the platform. Start there. Your followers might be the breakfast crowd, in which case 6:15 – 8:30am is a good time for you. Maybe your followers are night owls in which case, program your posts (or manually post them) after 9:00pm.

With 63% of American users checking Instagram at least once a day, and 74% of American users checking Facebook once a day – according to Hootsuite – , you’re sure to find at least one and probably more than one heavy use time in your follower insights.

Scheduling platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer and Planoly make it even easier – they look at the analytics of your followers and tell you the best times to post without the research. Taking advantage of these low-cost automation platforms can save you valuable time, so you can concentrate your efforts on content creation.

Past Performance

Look at your social media feed on any channel as an indicator of what to post in the future. Which posts did well? What type of content got the most likes or comments? Do more of that. Look to your past performance to guide your future endeavors.

What are your competitors doing?

Competitive research is not just for branding and creative. Take a look at what your competitors are posting – what, when and where – when you’re setting up your optimal schedule. Look for patterns in not just your own feed, but in the similar feeds of your competitors and do more of what they are doing the best.

Post, Rinse, Repeat

Testing your content in different forms and at different times will also provide key insights when scheduling the best times and places for your social media as part of your content marketing plan. There is no one-size-fits-all best time solution that will fit every grand, as your brand’s best time and best platform are just as unique as your branding.

With a little effort upfront, you can glean insights into your audience that will not only increase your engagement, but actually help your followers even more. They have questions they want answered and you have the answer – so use the information that is readily available and answer that question sooner.