Category Archives: Insights

Think of the last few things that you bought, big or small—a new phone, a pair of yoga pants, a new car, a pair of shoes, even a food item. All of these products have one thing in common: the company you purchased them from is selling you a lifestyle.

lifestyleSo what is a lifestyle brand?

Webster defines a lifestyle as an individual’s whole way of living, and a brand as (a) an identifying mark or label (b) the make of a commodity or (c) a special kind.

Wikipedia’s says: A lifestyle brand is a company that markets its products or services to embody the interests, attitudes, and opinions of a group or a culture. Lifestyle brands seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people, with the goal of their products contributing to the definition of the consumer’s way of life. They often operate off an ideology, hoping to attract a relatively high number of people and ultimately becoming a recognized social phenomenon.

In Forbes article A Survival Guide For Symbolic And Lifestyle Brands, they point out “(Lifestyle Brands) deliver strong social benefits through which a consumer will be able to subconsciously answer the question, “when I buy this brand, the type of people I relate to are…” they create a sense of belonging or disrupt the status quo. So, Nike aligns people who want to push their limits. Club Med connects those who wish to communicate; The Body Shop, those who value nature.”

If you are a lifestyle brand or if you aspire to be a lifestyle brand, you must fully grasp the lifestyle your customer aspires to and you must reflect it in thought, word and deed. You need to clearly communicate that you embrace the same ideals as your customer, but also define your product.
Consumers have started referring to brands as if they have their own personalities. Have you found yourself saying “That doesn’t seem like them” or “That was off-brand”? Case in point: a brand whose red cup can wage a war on Christmas.

In today’s constant barrage of communication, people want transparency, authenticity, and honesty. They want to admire and trust the brands they bring into their life. To create a lifestyle brand, you must:

  1. Discover Your Brand: What do you want people to feel about your brand? Determine what lifestyle aspirations your brand fulfills, and communicate accordingly.
  2. Create your Brand: Clearly define your brand personality. Your identity needs to be holistic. What is your brand’s whole way of living?
  3. Communicate Your Brand {with confidence}. Be conversational. Our friends and family enhance our lives with their adventures and personalities. Consumers expect that from a lifestyle brand. Create experiences. Share your personality. Form connections. Express your personality on many different platforms.

“In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes,” Tommy Hilfiger

Here on ‘The Porch we are making brands rock your lifestyle daily.

A few weeks ago, my tennis team traveled to Tucson, Arizona, and did something that very few players ever get a chance to do – we won a U.S. Tennis Association National Championship. It was the pinnacle of a year-long journey that we dreamt of, hoped for and worked towards; and countless hours spent playing, practicing and getting tough.


It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, no doubt. And an accomplishment for which I am beyond proud.

So why do I feel so sad?

As it turns out, post-success let-down after a big achievement is extremely common. The culmination of anything that requires prolonged time, effort, and energy can bring it about – a big race, a wedding, a big project. The drop in brain chemicals (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin) can make you feel exhausted and depleted.

A period of recovery is necessary, yet achievers forget this so easily. We are groomed to be industrious and effective, but not to allow for recovery or transition.

So what can you do to get yourself through this recovery period? Here are four tips:

1. Recognize that emotional ups and downs are normal after something big. Even something positive can bring about sadness and fatigue.

2. Keep your schedule light. Don’t expect that you will have the energy to jump back into reality with verve.

3. Pamper yourself. You just achieved something great. Reward yourself. Focus on simple pleasures.

4. Work structure back in gradually. Take it in stages. Don’t take on a new project right away.

We all have such high aspirations that we often forget to be kind to ourselves. Achievement and success are wonderful things. But so is recovery. Allow yourself that. Always.

In the latest installment of my never-ending quest for more energy and mental acuity, I recently turned to our friends and clients at The GEM. Nature and age have a way of guiding those ready to hear the call for a healthier lifestyle.

While inspiring, I didn’t feel ready for a juice cleanse. But I was delighted when The GEM offered the chance to experience a gentle route to health and well-being in their newly launched  “A Day in the Life of a Gem” series. A Day in the Life is a four-part series led by Chief GEMologists: Leslie Needleman, Mary Kathryn Bass, and Maury Neirling.

And let me tell you, It’s been an eye opener.

I have learned that in addition to juice and cleaner eating, there are other elements to this whole GEM lifestyle thing. And guess what? It makes a huge difference.

I love to cook (full disclosure: In my opinion there is nothing that wine or a stick of butter can’t fix!). And while I have always been cognizant of the importance of eating healthy, what I thought was good nutritional value at our dinner table couldn’t live up to the nutritional standard I learned about at The Gem.

My biggest concern going into this was the food itself — because for me, food means comfort and an expression of love for my family. And I asked myself, will this satisfy my taste buds or ruin my cooking mojo? And if so, is it worth it? So, I set about this with a tiny bit of skepticism. And I am happy to say, it was unfounded. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


Each session starts with a delicious sampling of Gem fare. The savory lentil soup in a quinoa salad, topped with a dollop of smooth, fresh jalapeno pesto scaled my taste buds like an episode of The Chew. And the nutritionally dense, but creamy and flavorful Tahitian Pearl smoothie was beyond delicious. I have been impressed with just how good it all tastes, all while following the 80/20 rule: eighty percent plant based foods.

After a light bite, we move on. We learned about the importance of water – the right kind of water. Filtered water. Thirty two ounces first thing in the morning to flush the system and then consistently throughout the day. It’s surprisingly easy.

A lot of the other things covered I was already doing. Excercising every day? Check. Stretching every day? Getting there. Supplements? Yes, but they have helped me make some healthy tweaks. Buy organic? Mostly. But it was interesting to learn how important it is to buy grass-fed meats. And, to find out how little we need dairy. Your mother’s food pyramid has changed.

Some things have proven to be a little more difficult. Under duress, I gave up my artificial sweetener. That hurt. And, I’m still wrestling with swapping wine for calm tea.

What’s especially nice is that the series is broken down into sessions focusing on a specific part of the day. We started with morning, and the late session covered mid-day. Having a week to practice everything between sessions is very useful and allows time to incorporate changes into your routine.

We walk away with three focus items each week.  And the Gem team is always available to answer questions.  You get the feeling that they genuinely want everyone to experience the vitality that comes with making a few changes. It’s not just about juicing, it’s a lifestyle and it’s hard not to walk away motivated. I’m looking forward to next week’s session on Pantry Cleanout and Kitchen Essentials.

The Gem Mantra is “Diamonds on your Inside”. I may not be shining bright like a diamond yet, but I do feel more energetic and focused. There is a reason this brand is so successful!



02026rOn the morning of September 11, 2001, I lay in bed gazing at my newborn daughter, then just 2 months old, who was sleeping in the bassinet beside me. My husband had left hours earlier for a business trip, and I sleepily turned the television on.

The chaos and confusion in New York was just unfolding. And as the hours passed, it became worse. And worse. And worse.

What I didn’t know then was that my husband was supposed to be in a meeting at the World Trade Center that morning. The meeting had been moved a short time prior to his office in midtown, where his co-workers watched the unfolding scene in horror from their conference room window.

I often think of how my family narrowly avoided tragedy that day. My daughter didn’t lose her father, but 3,051 other children did lose parents. Wives, husbands, friends, neighbors, employees, public servants – such a heartbreaking loss of life.

But what rose in the aftermath of those horrible events was a tremendous sense of community and service. It made us all proud to be Americans. And today, on the anniversary of September 11th, Americans will unite in service in the same remarkable way that so many came together following the attacks. This National Day of Service and Remembrance honors all that this day has come to represent.

It doesn’t take much to take me back to those days and feel the tragedy, the sadness. But what I want to remember more is the bravery. The fighting spirit. The selflessness. The coming together. The service.

Those are the things I want to walk with me. Today and always.


I _______ summer!

2015-06-12 14.30.28

Jumping into summer!

If you have children … there are two clearly defined summer camps. Working parents either love it or loathe it. ‘Tis the season for sleepaway camp, trips and being our kids social directors. You have sleepovers and playdates. Camps and sports. Staying connected to friends (as important as family time). Relaxed routines. The list goes on. We on the Porch have watched and listened to these two groups …

From the LOVE camp we saw lots of pictures, “100 activities to do this summer” lists, happy emoticons and summer forever, summer needs a speeding ticket and summer lovin’ taglines. I LOVE SUMMER.

From the maybe not so much love camp, the conversation was about sibling squabbles, last minute requests for supervision, open letters and sarcasm – Worst-end-of-summerEnjoyable Summer Sarcasm.

The common thread between the two camps was that they had a plan. A SUMMER plan! Where the kids would be and when, who was watching them, vacations and a screen time system.

screen time plan


If you own a local business … again there have been two definite camps this summer. You have either thrived or you have suffered from the dreaded North Texas summer sales slump. If sales were swinging – congrats! If they were slow, perhaps there is something you can learn from Summer Mom. Have a plan. This can include anything from a summer sale to a special event, new product introduction or staffing change. Once you have it – rock it and chill!


Successful summer promotion from our favorite GEMs

The Porch rocked our brands this summer, but we were watching others. We saw some interesting approaches, which ran the gamut from closing the doors to aggressive promotions to strategic affiliations. There’s no escaping that the kids will be at home and families will travel during the summer months, so a dedicated summer marketing plan is always a rockin’ idea.

As for me, sign me up in the I LOVE summer column! I also LOVE fall. They are all my favorites.

IMG_4070I admit it. I’m a bit of a black and white person. Figure it out, do what’s best, and move forward. “Moving on!” is a familiar refrain in my world.

So when we, as a family, decided it was time to sell our house and find a new one, I clipped along and got it done. Old house sold. New house bought. Packing. Moving. Planning.

Moving. On.

But what I didn’t count on in all my efficient trouncing forward was the emotional toll it would take on everyone around me. My children cried. A lot. My sweet, easy-going husband was wound tight as a drum and stomped around for several weeks. Even my animals became not themselves.

What was wrong? Didn’t we all want this? Weren’t we all excited about the moving on?

If I’d taken my moving on hat off for five minutes to really think about things, I would have realized that efficiency cannot take the place of closure. Recognizing the emotions associated with change, regardless of how positive the change is, is an important part of moving on. Perhaps the most important part.

What is true in life is also true in business. You must properly handle the endings to fully succeed in your beginnings. Clients. Employees. Jobs.

Pay proper attention to the things you are letting go.

Be gracious in your goodbyes.

I love what Ellen Goodman said on the matter, “There’s a trick to the ‘graceful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.”

Essential for moving on.

lectureYou’re standing at the podium in front of the room with all 500 eyes on you. Waiting. On. Your. Every. Word. Is this your worst nightmare?

It can be a terrifying feeling for many – in fact, statistics indicate about 74% of people have a fear of public speaking. So if you can relate, you’re in good company. But knowing this doesn’t help when business requires a speech.

The solution? You’ve got to grab the presentation bull by the horns and practice. Honestly, the more you present, the better you’ll get, both in technique and in feeling relaxed when you’re at the head of the table.

Even if presenting doesn’t make you break out in a sweat, it never hurts to remind ourselves of a few best practices that will more fully engage audiences to achieve the desired outcome.

1. Research Your Audience. Know who you’re talking to – if you want to influence these people, you need to understand what they care about and what motivates them.

2. Start With a Good Story. Preferably one that the audience can relate to – and one that will make them laugh. Capture their attention right away.

3. Clarify the Goal of the Presentation. Before you even outline what you’re going to say, determine the end goal. Sharing a key process? Persuasion to a specific point of view? Providing status on a project? Then, as you’ve likely heard before, “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. And tell them what you told them.” Keep it simple and on topic.

4. Make Eye Contact. Engagement happens when people feel like you’re talking to them versus at them. They’re more likely to actually hear you and buy into your content when they feel a more personal connection. Eye contact goes a long way in small, intimate meetings and large, seemingly impersonal audiences.

5. Project Your Voice. Everyone in the room, no matter how large, should be able to hear you – otherwise, what’s the point? Practice, if you can, in the room you’ll be in so you can gauge how loud you need to be – and don’t turn your back and talk to your slides instead of your audience.

6. Slow Down. Most people, when they’re nervous, don’t realize how quickly they talk. Concentrate on speaking slowly, pausing at key points, and giving meaning to your words.

7. Use Big Gestures. Not only is your voice and delivery important, so are your gestures. Command the space you’re inhabiting in front of the room. Move around, make a point with your hands – think like a TV weatherman! Your enthusiasm and passion for your subject should be evident in your actions.

8. Be Entertaining. A presentation is not the same as reading an informative article or textbook. It’s in person, and as such, the audience expects to have an emotional connection with the speaker. They want more than just the facts – they want to be engaged.

9. Anticipate Questions. Come prepared with answers to potential questions. You can’t possibly cover everything in one presentation, so what are people likely to ask? You’ve started a conversation, and an enthusiastic audience will want to know more.

10. Practice Like Crazy. Last but certainly not least, practice!!! When you know what you’re going to say backward and forward, you won’t have to worry about stumbling over words or losing your train of thought. And when you know your presentation, you won’t read slides, which keeps your audience focused on you.

Have more tips? All of us on the Porch would like to hear from you!

contmeplationEvery year in the month of May, I sort of lose my mind. The world spins at hyper-speed from all the commitments. Mother’s Day. My birthday. End of school. Wrapping up of activities. Onset of summer. First vacation. Send-off to summer camp. It’s nuts. Always.

But this May, it’s particularly nuts. We are selling a house. We are buying a house. There are big career things happening. Many good friends are dealing with serious health situations in their families. I am, of course, feeling the stress of such weighty life events.

But also, I am feeling surprisingly clear-headed. And what I have come to realize in my ever-advancing years, is that the key to this clarity is acceptance.

Acceptance is defined as the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. Let me say that again. Acceptance is defined as the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. And that’s the important part. Every situation, good or bad, is an offering – an offer of growth. An offer of clarity. An offer of understanding.

There are 5 absolutes of acceptance:

  1. Acceptance of self. Yes. You must. The good, the bad, and the crazy. You are you and that is awesome.
  2. Acceptance of others. Flip the coin. Everyone deserves this.
  3. Acceptance of situations for what they are. Open your eyes and take a look around. This is your reality. What are you going to do about it?
  4. Acceptance of change. Life is fluid. Let go a little, nothing is forever and that is ok. See what’s around the next corner. Breathe.
  5. Acceptance of failure. Let’s call a spade a spade. So you failed. So what? Course correct and know better next time.
  6. Acceptance of success. That’s right. I said success. You’ve earned it so enjoy it, feel proud of it, and stop worrying about losing it.

All we have is the world in which we live, so accept that world and find peace in it.

“Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.” ~Arthur Rubinstein

True that, Mr. Rubinstein. True that.

ChaosPlans are comforting. Satisfying to-do lists, orderly outlines, and pro-and-con comparisons are all tools that tame our anxiety and give us the feeling of being in control. As business people, we thrive on living this structure. assembling and assigning structure to a process.

Whether we are a part of a service-oriented business or one that is product-based, smart business people assemble structure to a process and put systems and procedures in place to maximize productivity.

Yet the natural order of things is chaotic.

So you’re a start up and are successfully launched. All systems are go. Products are distributed. You’ve diligently put systems in place and created a system of organization and productivity. Things are humming along smoothly.

Congratulations … but don’t get too comfortable.

Because inevitably, unforeseen circumstances and uncontrollable events will threaten to derail your hard-earned success. So how do you handle the chaos?

1. Stay focused

2. Stay true to your core concept

3. Stay true to your brand vision

4. Be agile

5. Be adaptable

6. Get back on track

As Deepak Chopra said, “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chaos is inevitable. Use it. Learn from it. And recognize that in the midst of the chaos lies opportunity.




When was the last time you looked up at the sky and really enjoyed the sunshine, being in the moment.

Felt the breeze on your face. Found shapes in the clouds.

Sunflower close-upIf you stopped right now, went outside and looked up, how would you feel? What would you be thinking? Are you happy? Content?

Perhaps, like many of us, things are basically good, but you’re in a bit of a life rut. Same routine over and over, and you suddenly realize how quickly the years are slipping by. Or maybe things simply aren’t going the way you want. There’s a little too much rain on your parade, and it’s gotten you down.

We all feel this way at some time or another. In today’s busy society, no one is immune from getting swept up in the stampede of life. Or being occasionally trampled by it. So how do you break free?

One way, again, is to simply look up. It’s sunshine, folks!

Let me explain. The other day, I heard a client talking about an employee who wasn’t performing at her best. He noted, “All she needs is a little water and sunshine, and she’ll be great.”

That was an amazing observation, and it really struck home with me. Of course, he was talking about nourishment. Nourishment of a person based on who she is. The things that feed her soul. Things to help her grow and thrive and blossom!

Ok, I’m overdoing it a bit, but you get the idea.

Friends, what is your sunshine? What are the nutrients that will nourish the essence of who you are? What do you need in your core being to shine more brightly?

It’s easy to ask these questions but not always easy to answer. Try to discover the tiny inkling within that excites you. Something you love and are passionate about, deep down. Maybe it’s a hobby, like painting or gardening. Perhaps it’s philanthropic, like rescuing dogs or mission work. It could be a special career skill that you didn’t pursue in college. Something on your bucket list? Take a moment and really listen to your gut. What are you hungry for?

When you find it, FEED IT! Embrace it! Nurture it! And give it plenty of sunshine!

Before you know it, you’ll be following your own heart on your own journey instead of being fenced in, grazing with the herd. It may be new and different, and it may require taking a risk. But you are only you once.

Dare to be great!