Category Archives: Insights


Travel, whether it be across the state border, or across the ocean, has more benefits than many people realize. By broadening your perspective by taking in other cultures, you will have more success in both your work and personal life.

6359524176194484221446729975_travel-01Here are some advantages you gain by stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that trip you’ve always wanted to take:

It changes the way you see the world.

We’ve all heard that traveling into a culture different from your own opens your eyes to the outside world. As cliché as this sounds, it is 100 percent true. You can read about different cultures and people as much as you want, but nothing will give you the same knowledge and experience as actually immersing yourself into that culture.

It helps you empathize with others. 

As we all know, it can be difficult to step into someone else’s shoes when we have little to no information about how they live, how they think or what they believe. No matter where your travels may take you, you will always come in contact with someone who is different from you, and learn a little about who they are and where they come from. This skill is especially important in the business world. Knowing who you are communicating with and understanding their outlook on different issues can be the thin line between success and failure in any business deal.

It gives you a unique kind of confidence.

The confidence one gains when immersing themselves in someplace new and unknown can only be created through traveling. It’s too easy to get overly comfortable in one’s own life, and forget that there are unique and exciting experiences to be had. Working through problems, overcoming language barriers, other issues that arise when traveling, builds a special kind of confidence in a person that helps carry them through their daily lives.

It teaches you how to fit your entire closet into one suitcase.

On a lighter note … this is a challenge that I have personally faced, and am sure others have as well. If you’re going to travel for two weeks, it only makes sense to pack 14 outfits, right? Wrong. A skill that has taken me a long time to master, and one I am most proud of, is my ability to assess an itinerary and pack strategically.

Have I convinced you yet to take that trip you’ve always wanted to take? Do it! You will be glad you did.

Marshall Feltus is the jr. roquera at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her on Twitter at @marshallfeltus. She can be reached by email at

blog 2 picCan you speak more than one language? Being bilingual has never been as important as it is today.

There are, of course, many superficial perks of being bilingual. Chatting up any person you meet when traveling abroad, expanding your world view when watching the news in a different language, or being able to add the phrase “speaks two languages” to your resume, are all wonderful experiences.

But make no mistake about it, being bilingual is a great asset for any professional. Business is no longer confined to U.S. boundaries, and bilingual individuals are in greater demand than ever before.

Here are 4 advantages to being bilingual that may make you reconsider learning a second language:

1. It helps keep your brain active
Did you know that individuals who are bilingual generally have a more flexible and active brain than those who only speak one language? This is due to the fact that they are frequently switching between two language systems.

Bilingual individuals also have an easier time:

  • Developing strong thinking skills
  • Using logic
  • Focusing, remembering and making decisions
  • Learning other languages

2. It helps you learn more efficiently
The learning advantages that come with growing up learning two languages is especially seen in children’s ability to think through problems. This is because they can switch between languages, are more sensitive to language, and have a better ear for listening. The ability to read and think in different languages promotes higher levels of abstract thought as well, which is an extremely important skill children carry into adulthood.

3. It makes you more “worldly”
One-half to two-thirds of adults around the world speak at least two languages. This seems like a high number, doesn’t it? Well the majority of these people don’t live in the United States. Generally bilingual adults have more advantages around the world than monolingual adults. They are also presented with more opportunities to participate in the global community, retrieve information from more places, and learn more about people from other cultures.

4. It keeps your brain sharp
Believe it or not, various studies have shown that individuals with a higher level of bilingualism were more resistant than others to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Esto es bastante guay, ¿sí? This is because both languages are continually active, even if only one is being used. Bilingualism has positive effects on the other end of the spectrum as well … bilingual children as young as seven months can better adjust to environmental changes.

Have you reconsidered picking up a second language yet?


Our oldest son plays baseball in the North Arlington Little League. Last year, his team, the Pirates, had an undefeated season and won the championship game. Of course, we celebrated the win.

Players moved up and on, but we returned for another season. It started out smoothly enough – the games were competitive, but the team was winning. Then we had a tied game. Then we lost.

No big deal, right?


We celebrated the wins, we worked for the wins, we appreciated the wins. However, we neglected to prepare for the possibility of a loss. For two years, the team was coached and played to win. We should have also been coached and prepared to lose.

There is value in the lessons we learn from losing and sports give us a good arena to teach these lessons to our children.

These are valuable lessons that can be applied in parenting, business and life:

  • Respect.
    For every winner, there is a loser. You have to respect both. Period. Respect your team, respect the other team. Act accordingly.
  • Resiliency.
    It’s ok to be disappointed or upset after a loss. But the quicker you put a loss behind you, the closer you are to the next win. Fast recovery serves anyone at any age well. Vince Lombardi said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” Recover and move forward.
  • Review.
    If you review the why in your losses and strengthen your weaknesses, new opportunities will arise. In sports no game has ever been lost the same way.
  • Humility.
    Losing challenges us and keeps us humble. It teaches us there are others who are better. The emphasis should be motivated to be better.

Preparing for winning and losing is critical. It is far better to lose and learn than to always win and not learn how to lose. If winning and losing were not important, we would not keep score.

If you are a business owner, an employee, a student or a teammate, what do you have to lose?

An account, a promotion, an employee, a score, a game? The answer is yes, all of these and more. But the bigger question is – what are you learning and how are you improving?

So what about the 2016 Pirates? Well, they are heading to the championship game. They earned their spot with three consecutive wins in a double elimination playoff. Regardless of the outcome, valuable lessons will be learned. Go Pirates!

Highs and lows in life are inevitable. Things change, our realities shift and sometimes we find ourselves in a low cycle. Although these times in our life are never fun, they offer tremendous opportunities for growth. When you find yourself facing adversity, look for these silver linings:

e69c5a2f420480bdd5c1b5beff2c203a1. You will find strength you never knew you had. Often times we fear the worst case scenario and wonder how we will handle failure. The answer is, you will be fine. You will persevere. And discovering this truth is empowering.

2. You will find your people. During tough times, look around. Who is there supporting you? Really supporting you? These are your people. Everyone else is periphery. Again, this discovery is a gift.

3. You will simplify your life. In times of confusion and strife, simplification is necessary. You must focus on only what is truly important. Everything that isn’t important falls away.

4. Your character and conviction will get you through. Regardless of where you find yourself, there is a reason. Stay the course. Remain true to what you know is right and honorable. There is peace in this.

It’s during hard times that we learn the most valuable lessons in life.

Silver. Linings.


Everybody remembers the “make a wish” tale – you must choose wisely, as you only get three wishes, and the wishes must all be considered wisely. From this tale, we learn that we must be careful what we ask for.

I like to ask questions. Maybe too many, but questions always provide answers..unless you ask the wrong question. Have you ever asked the wrong question? Yes. You. Have. I have too!

Get it right! Ask the right question.

Good question asking is a skill and can be applied to all relationships – spouse, children, employee, employer, friends, customers, etc. The applications are endless. Every question can deepen our understanding of a topic or person. There is no such thing as a stupid question, but there are ways to ask a question that are better than others.

Here are some examples:

  • Q: How was your day? A: good, bad, great, awesome, etc. This closed-ended question doesn’t really give you much, so follow up with what made your day _______? Now we are getting somewhere! Tip: Dig deeper with follow-up questions. Follow general questions with specific ones. 
  • Q: How are sales? A: Great they have doubled! This general question can elicit an answer that can be misleading – sales doubled from what? Better question: How are your sales compared to this same timeframe last year? Tip: Make sure to ask for context and reference to give the answer meaning.
  • Have you ever been asked if you want “anything else?” I hate this question. The answer is, of course I do, I have a long list of else, but you don’t sell them here. Another egregious offender: Did you find everything ok? Tip: Specific questions will garner more insight. Try to avoid yes or no questions unless they are truly satisfying a simple purpose.
  • Recently my husband called me and informed me that he grounded the kids. I asked, “What does grounding mean in our house?” We figured out our definition of grounding because of an open-ended question. Tip: Have a purpose for asking and a desire to know the answer. Every question you ask should help you gather either facts or elicit an opinion. Know which kind of information you need and frame your questions accordingly.
  • What if someone asked you if it was it sunny on the day you were born? I don’t know if it was sunny when I was born – does it matter? I can’t think of one thing someone would do with this information. Tip: Ask questions only if the information elicited is necessary. If you don’t really need the answer, don’t ask the question. Be respectful of people’s time and attention. Answer this – what will you do with the answer?

We ask questions because that is the way we improve, learn, connect and tell stories. Ask away, friends!

“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” ~ Tony Robbins

After you have done the heavy lifting and spent the necessary time and effort putting together your brand identity, don’t fall short when it comes to your message and execution. Make sure your content is relevant and captivating and then proceed to shout it from the mountaintops.

This is the time to fearlepromotion-and-marketing-concept--little-people-in-front-of-a-lossly spread your message.

And we mean fearlessly.

It is not the time to vacillate. Go big or go home! You have a story to tell. Getting your brand message out is critical. You must believe that in your particular niche, you are the voice of authority.

This fearless quality is what can be the turning point to success – or not. Even if it takes some time to penetrate your consumer base, this confidence and conviction is what keeps you moving forward. The delivery and construction of your message may be refined over time, but it needs to be confident and consistent. Because as our Chief Rocker always espouses; marketing is an art, not a science.

It’s hard and it’s scary when you put yourself out there. But, people will respond to your conviction and confidence. It’s inspiring. Tell your story.main-social-media-brands--illustration

Throughout high school I was told to focus on my weaknesses in order to be a well-rounded student for college applications. While I have always loved history and English, math and science were never my strong points and were subjects I strived to have a purely basic understanding of. Instead of being encouraged by my high school counselor to explore my interests in history and writing by enrolling in challenging courses, it was suggested that I take science courses instead to “round out” my application.

While my counselors stressed the importance of having an overall knowledge of basic core subjects, colleges wanted to know what made me unique and what I was passionate about in school. This contradiction is a common not just for students, but also for many business professionals in today’s world.

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 9.11.35 AMMy college professors have given me a different perspective in this matter, and have showed me the importance of utilizing strengths and coping with weaknesses. As an assignment for my business leadership course I read the book Strengths Finder 2.0, and took a “strengths” test that followed at the end of the book. This personality test reveals your top five strengths and suggests jobs that correlate with those strengths. There are many different ways to find your strengths, but the Strengths Finder 2.0 test revealed key insights to me that I had yet to think of.

When are people happiest in their jobs?

Instead of encouraging you to “correct” your weaknesses to be an attractive candidate in a job application, author Tom Rath promotes the idea of harnessing one’s strengths to be as productive and happy as possible. The book asks if, “you have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday?” Statistically speaking, people are happiest when their jobs showcase their strengths, and allows them to make a difference and be productive at work. If everyone was a well-rounded employee, their strengths would not be utilized and thus productivity and efficiency would decrease.

When you examine the most successful people in the world, you notice one thing they all have in common – they know what they do best and they DO IT.

“Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” – Shirley MacLaine

Most of us know that negativity impacts our emotions and mental health, but it has been medically proven that it also negatively affects your physical health. By causing stress, fatigue, decreased immunity and more, repeatedly focusing on the negative could end up affecting everything in your life.

Personally, I believe that everything happens for a reason, and every day I do my best to find the positive in situations and be grateful for all that I have. One of my favorite quotes is, “If you want to feel rich, count all of the blessings you have that money can’t buy.”

positivityIt’s certainly easier to stay positive on some days than others, and I am no expert on finding personal positivity. I am, however, well versed on the importance of staying positive when dealing with the media, especially when the reason the reporters are there is not ideal. The impact of negativity on your image and/or your company’s image is severe, and it can be incredibly difficult to rebound from negative publicity once the damage is done. It takes time, money and effort.

So, what can you do when the media come knocking on your door? Here are a few tips:

* Treat the reporter with respect – Something bad has just happened, and the last thing you want to do is be nice to the person shoving a camera in your face or asking you questions. But, remember, they have a job to do and a boss to answer to. If you treat them with respect, they are more likely to do the same for you.

* Stay positive (when appropriate) – Express passion and confidence and smile. This is especially important when being filmed on camera.

* Treat competitors, clients, contractors and vendors with respect – There should be no need to speak about or on behalf of any other parties involved, but if a specific question arises, stay respectful and move on quickly.

* Be responsive – Don’t fight or pick the wrong battles.

* Avoid negative phrases – Make what you say count and do not repeat a negative. A 5- to10-minute interview will be edited down to one or two quotes or a five-second soundbite. Don’t let that quote be negative.

Remember – “Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. Being positive means overcoming the negative.”

Daylight savings time, warmer days and busy baseball fields are here, and when spring arrives, we usually feel another year is moving forward more quickly than a fastball! As we turn the corner to the second quarter of the year, it’s a great time to slow down a bit and think about how we can get more fresh air, brighten up our homes, and breathe some life into our one of our all-time favorite events – the business team meeting. Yes, I just said the dreaded word, meeting.                                                                                                                                           Meeting

It’s time to spring clean your meeting!

Why? Because none of us gets excited when hearing we have to attend another meeting, and most of us have heard or said it numerous times, “that meeting was a waste of my time!” Folks, if time is our most valuable asset, how can we stop spending it in unproductive meetings, and what will it take to change-up the agenda and make it worth it? If it’s time for spring cleaning, where do we start?

We start by changing our thought process to get rid of the old and start with the new. The traditional meeting that is set and run by a boss, who does most of the talking, and calls on individual employees to report their progress, does nothing to engage the team.  I have run these types of meetings in my prior work and learned the hard way that the bored looks, fidgeting, and glances at the mobile phones were caused by my failure to recognize the needs of the team.  I learned that I needed their help in changing everything about how we ran meetings, including thinking of them as “our meetings” vs. my meetings.

Once we are willing to think differently and engage with each other in change, it’s time to ask a ton of questions. Getting feedback is critical, so be persistent until the team is open to talking about the type of meeting wanted. If you have flexibility in date, time, location – put the question to the team and ask what works best. If you can involve everyone in setting the agenda – do it! Ask open-ended questions such as – what do we want to discuss, who do we want to hear from, what do we want to learn, who should we invite and why? Throw out old paradigms and bring in fresh ideas and perspectives from everyone on the team.

As the agenda starts coming together, someone on the team must organize it and everything else about the meeting so everyone gets the most out of the time spent. An advanced communication should be sent to all attendees to include date, start and end times, break times, location, dress code, names of attendees/guests, meeting objectives/agenda and if food or drink will be served. All of this information can be included in one final agenda document, and also available at the meeting. An organized meeting produces the best results, and everyone leaves feeling their time has been appreciated and well spent.

Spring cleaning isn’t easy, but we all know it’s worth the effort. As you consider thinking differently, engaging with each other to make changes, and organizing yourselves for more productive time spent, keep in mind two key things:

  • If you are a leader, understand meetings are not all about you and engage others in helping you improve the time spent together. To have a successful meeting requires you to listen.
  • If you are a participant, share your suggestions for the agenda well before the meeting and be willing to speak up during the meeting. To have a successful meeting requires you to contribute.


Finally, when you attend a meeting think about how many times you have asked a family member to put their technology aside at the dinner table or when speaking with you. We should all do the same in our meetings. Unplug and engage.

Your meetings will rock! Get to that spring cleaning friends, and we’ll see you later on the Porch.


You’ve cultivated your own personal brand. You’ve pulled together an impressive resume, collected letters of recommendation, completed service hours, cleansed and monitored social media profiles. You are a model citizen waiting to hear the results of your application. Only, this isn’t a job application, or even a college application. This is the high school entrance process for magnet and private schools in Dallas. You heard me – high school.

These are 13 and 14-year-old students … and this is a typical experience for parents of middle schoolers this time of year.

I know I’m dating myself, but in my day, attending school was a relatively simple matter: application plus test and voila, you’re either in or you’re not. No big deal. In today’s uber competitive world, however, our young teens begin a grueling process that starts the year before. There are test prep classes, interview skills seminars, tutoring appointments, essay drafts, service hours and school tours. They begin building a resume that we never even dreamed of dealing with until college.

It is the crafting of what will become their personal brand.

In many ways it’s become a little too much. The transition from middle school to high school is fraught with plenty of landmines without this element of pressure added. But modeling the appropriate behaviors goes a long way in getting them through it. By reinforcing the process, not the outcome, it can become a learning experience. Along the way these children will learn resilience. Let’s face it, these are the years when teens face some of their first real rejection. It’s not easy.

Let me be clear, I am NO expert. We have one child and are muddling through with lots of good company in a wonderful environment filled with friends and other parents who are willing to share their experiences and offer tips. It’s an amazing village.

The good news is that there are plenty of options. With good counselors and faculty shepherding families through the process, the students will realize that the universe is watching out for them and whatever school they attend as freshman will be a good stepping stone for the next chapter of their academic experience. And the process teaches them that personal branding is an important part of their lives.