Category Archives: Insights

If you’re anything like me, right about now, you are exhausted. You’ve shopped and caroled and baked and planned and celebrated and stressed and shopped and stressed some more … and the big gatherings are still in front of you.

It’s this time every year that I always have to remind myself to take a deep breath and look objectively at the situation. What can I let go of that will help me truly enjoy the days to come?

The idea of perfection.

Perfect families in perfect clothing gathered around the perfectly set table eating the perfect meal … it’s an illusion. None of it is real. And none of it is important. If you are together and love is present, that’s the only reality you need.

Petty grievances.

Gatherings are inherent in the season, and interpersonal dynamics can be complicated. Invariably, you will have to spend some time with someone who has made things difficult. Rather than stress over seating arrangements and buffers, forgive and forget. What a relief it will be.


This time of year, the list of worries is long. Let them all go. The old adage, “worrying doesn’t take care of tomorrow’s troubles, it robs you of today’s peace” has never been more true.

And last, but certainly not least…

Your diet!

Eat, drink, and be merry. Have the dessert. Have the cocktail. Enjoy the food. And then get up tomorrow and enjoy that food as well. This is not the time to count calories. Don’t be that girl!

Resolve to truly enjoy yourself this holiday season. Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your family.

Happy Holidays!

Every year at this time, I sit down to write a blog that adequately expresses the gratitude I have in my heart. And the truth of the matter is, I struggle to find words weighty enough.

Friends, I am beyond thankful.

I am thankful that …

  • my dream of forming a company to do work that I love, every day, has become a reality.
  • my team of amazing professionals are not just co-workers; but also parents, warriors and above all else, friends.
  • I work for and alongside amazing client partners who value what we do, follow our lead and in turn, inspire us to grow and evolve.
  • the structure of my professional life allows me to be present for the important moments in my personal life. And I am proud that my entire team is able to do the same.
  • I have a loving husband who values and appreciates me.
  • I have strong, healthy, independent, amazing children whose successes bring me more joy than I thought imaginable. Don’t even get me started on this one. I am so grateful.
  • my entire family, but most specifically my parents, whose unending support and involvement in my life means everything.

I am thankful, friends. Beyond thankful.

Thank you, all of you, for making my personal and professional life rich and meaningful. My heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Fear is a funny thing. It starts out small, often as a small, nagging discomfort. But over time, fear can take on a life of its own, and develop into a full blown, panic-inducing phobia.

Funny story.

I am deathly afraid of the ocean. An innocuous snorkeling trip as a teenager developed, over time, into an intense fear of what lay beneath the beautiful water. My husband has a similar feeling about heights. And for two people who absolutely love to travel, over time, we came to realize that these fears were extremely limiting. Think about all the adventurous activities that our fears were keeping us from doing.

So we made a deal. He would zip line in Cancun if I would scuba dive in Grand Cayman.

Last summer, he made good on his promise. (He nearly stroked out, but he did it!) And so the time had come for me to return the favor: Grand Cayman.

We had become overly busy in the time leading up to the trip and never became dive-certified, so instead, swimming with the stingrays became the activity of choice.

And I did it. The screaming child who grabbed onto me for comfort nearly did me in (didn’t he know that I wanted his dad to rescue ME by lifting me out of the water like an airplane???), but I did it.

Eleanor Roosevelt was a wise woman. She said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

And that’s true. Getting in the water to swim with stingrays is not a heroic act. But the very fact that I made the decision to do it, despite the fear that had lived with me for decades, was an empowering one. I feel like a better and stronger version of myself for having done it. And I made my husband happy in the process. It was a win-win.

A small lesson in not allowing fear, big or small, to keep you from living your life. It’s a nice reminder, isn’t it?

I don’t mind telling you, friends – the past couple of weeks have been a complete and total exercise in spinning my wheels. I’ve had some big distractions – visiting relatives, a sick child, a big project, some health issues that needed addressing – but honestly I have had a hard time getting back to prime productivity.

Here’s what helps me right the ship when things veer off track:

Make A List 

Writing out a to-do list keeps it all front and center. I always think I will remember everything that needs doing, but the reality is that things will fall through the cracks if it doesn’t get written down. Pen. Paper. Write it out. It’s important! Plus it makes scratching through things as they get done oh so fulfilling!

Set Aside Time to be Productive

If you don’t schedule it, it may not happen. Designate blocks of time to focus and be productive. One thing at a time – get through that list.

Don’t Fall Down the Rabbit Hole

Distractions are the death knell to productivity. A “quick” telephone conversation, “five minutes” of mindless internet surfing, taking a break for a snack – allowing yourself to be distracted in these ways will absolutely sabotage your productive time.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Everyone has to be fluid when things come up, but productivity is a commitment. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

And … Repeat

A system, any system, needs to happen over and over again to be successful. Staying the course and developing good processes is the key to productivity.


Sigh. It’s been a scary week. In fact, it’s just a scary time. Unspeakable violence, natural disasters, discourse and pain and suffering … it’s a lot. A whole lot.

These events have caused me to struggle with feelings of fear and unease, and I have struggled to quell the fear and unease in my children. And although I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, I have looked to others for guidance about how to cope with these feelings, and I thought sharing what I’ve learned might help someone else, as well.

Some Coping Tips:

Acknowledge the Fear. Running from fear is not going to help anyone or anything. Slow down, and let yourself really feel what you’re feeling. It may be intense for a bit, but you will come out the other side and that journey shouldn’t be suppressed.

Offer Help. Tragedies make us feel powerless. Take some of that power back by actively helping those who are affected in any way you are able.

Focus on Your Reality. Yes, what is happening is disturbing. But what is your reality? Don’t overgeneralize threats and allow what is happening elsewhere to affect your day to day movement.

Balance the Negative With the Positive. Tragedies find their way into the news cycle far more often than their more positive counterparts, but there are wonderful things happening everywhere. Seek these stories out. Humanity is a beautiful thing.

Get Help If You Need It. If fear is consuming you, don’t suffer unnecessarily. Reach out for help.

Human life is a precious thing. Hold your loved ones close, friends. This too shall pass.


On September 11, 2001 I was a new mother, my daughter having been born just two months earlier. On that morning I woke before her, turned the television on low so as not to wake my sleeping baby, and watched as the tragedy unfolded. Shock as the first plane hit gave way to confusion when the second plane hit, and very very quickly, absolute horror, fear and sorrow lived in my bones.

How could someone, anyone, for any reason, do this? How would people deal with such painful loss? How would New York recover? How would we all recover?


Every year at this time, I am plunged back into the voracity of all those feelings, as I”m sure we all are. Today is the 16th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. And the sorrow still lives in my bones.

That perfect, innocent baby girl that I cried over that morning and worried about protecting from the evil in the world is now 16 years old. Last year, she and I visited the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York.

The somber exterior voids of water that greet you are haunting, yet beautiful. But as you move into the museum, and down into the dark chasms of the exhibits, you are thrown into chaos and heartbreak, and the angst is palpable.

The magnitude of the loss is evident in every inch of the space. It was extremely hard to digest.

It’s uncomfortable to remember what happened on September 11th; but remembering is important. Remembering is all that we have.

So today, September 11, 2017, we remember. We remember all of it.


It’s almost the 4th Quarter, and here on the Porch, it’s all about cooler weather, football, holidays and … 2018 plans. The time is NOW to schedule your 2018 winning game plan. We can help you Play. To. Win.


Here are 6 Things to Think About as we head into Q4:

  1. Volunteering.

    Folks, the need for volunteers is going into overtime to help hurricane victims. Our fellow Texans will persevere, but still need our help in Q4 and beyond. Over the last five weeks, the Front Porch Marketing team has donated some serious rocker time to help our clients whose teams were affected and to raise awareness for their fundraising and donation efforts. If you are looking to support hurricane victims in Texas and elsewhere, check out This fantastic organization based in North Texas helps us all keep on helping.

  2. Supporting Women.

    Does your playbook include doing business with and promoting women-owned businesses? Look for WBE certified businesses by visiting Women’s Business Council-Southwest. Consider joining this great organization, and if eligible, get certified. Front Porch is proudly certified WBE, HUB, SBE and WOSB and recently attended the WBCS Business Works Expo in Arlington, Texas. We will gladly answer your questions!

  3. Working Social Media.

    Are your fans crazy about your brand? Are they visiting your sites, watching you play and win the social media game, reading your blogs and newsletters and wanting more? It just takes one good quarter to make some great plays. Start now.

  4. Celebrations.

    4th Q wouldn’t be 4th Q without events that celebrate family, friends and don’t forget – your team. We love it when our clients such as Mister Sweeper celebrate the team and let us help them plan it. Hint: Cinemark. Star Wars. Private Screenings. Make sure you have plans in place now to thank your team for 2017.

  5. New Clients.

    Now that the Back to School huddle is over and everyone is settled into the new routine, we want to take a moment to shout out to two new clients who spend every day helping teachers do a great job of educating the children in our communities. Faith Family Academy and Catch Up & Read are North Texas organizations that demonstrate it’s all about having a passion for what you do.

  6. and lastly …

    Friends, if you have to pick one of six things to do in the 4th quarter, pick this – Find. Your. Purpose. Like this one.

Our purpose at Front Porch is to rock your world and help you play to win. See you on the field.

Something beautiful has washed ashore in Texas alongside the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Ordinary people are doing extraordinary things. We have all watched in despair Harvey wreak his destruction, and our hearts are broken and bleeding for every single person impacted.

The images are staggering, heart wrenching, but in an unexpected, unprecedented way … uplifting.

Leading up to Harvey, in two public forums I heard the well-known quote from Dr. Martin Luther King:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Texas Is All In Y’all

Today, I am, as I know we all are, proud to be Texans. We recognize that recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. We are ready to rebuild, and we know we have work to do. The storm arrived in the dark, but the heart and tenacity has shown bright ever since.

People helping people with no filter … refreshing. Incredible stories of people loving and caring about each other. People are being creative in allocating their time, treasure and talent. Harvey brought in a lot of ugly things, but it also brought in something stunning, beautiful and real. LOVE. Love for each other.

At this moment (and hopefully long-lasting in the aftermath) people have stopped fighting against each other and started fighting for one another. Today we are all just people trying to help people.

What’s your extraordinary? Listening, praying, donating, connecting … we each can help in our own way.

We stand with you South Texas. This disaster is unprecedented, there is no script to follow, but the lead with your heart approach is a winner on our Porch.

With Love,
Your Friends at Front Porch

It’s Monday, you’ve likely got the kids back to school and if you’re like us on the Front Porch, you are fired up! By the time mid-August rolls around we begin dreaming of routine, organization and a more productive schedule for everyone in the family. It takes a bit of focus, energy, a Lil’ shopping, and just like that, the kiddos are back in school. Should we do the same for our business and get fired up about bringing back a sales culture? Yes, it’s time to go back to Sales School!

Back to Sales School

Back to Sales School

Need a jump-start? Make a decision right now to have a renewed focus on attitudes and behaviors that will help your business get back to a successful sales culture. These three things will help you get on the right track.

Sales School Lesson #1. Be curious about others

Those who are deeply curious about the people, businesses and the world around them tend to be more successful. As Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” For salespeople, an ability to think of oneself as an extension of their customers’ businesses, an intense desire to solve problems by fully understanding their needs, and the skill to ask more questions before jumping to solutions are important skills that are rooted in curiosity. Want to know more? Check out the ever curious Seth Godin and start learning from his brief but interesting blogs, including several on the topic of curiosity.

Sales School Lesson #2. Commit to your industry

Businesses that want a successful sales culture need to commit to their industry. Joining associations, chambers of commerce, and other networking groups requires going above and beyond, and that commitment demonstrates to everyone on the team that the leadership team wants to continue to learn, network, and give back. Get back to having a passion for your industry.

Sales School Lesson #3. Engage your entire team

We tend to focus on the individual salespeople that close the deals, win the awards and earn the big bonuses as the heart of sales success, and they certainly are a critical piece to the puzzle. But the entire business needs to be part of the sales culture. This requires engaging everyone on the team in promoting the brand, understanding the goals, and being part of the rewards of sales success. Need ideas or assistance? Call Us! We can help you engage.

Curiosity about others. Commitment to others. Engagement with others. All three remove the self from the equation and put the focus and energy on everyone else – customers, industry, and team. Now that the kids are back in school, it’s time to be insatiably curious, commit, and engage at a higher level to get your business back to a rockin’ sales culture again.

Here’s a final lesson for the day. What we want from our children, we must demand of ourselves. Make it a great week, friends!

This week, my last year of high school will begin, which brings up a lot of talk about college. Aside from being asked where I want to go, the second most popular question is, “What do you want to study?” Now, let’s be realistic. How many teenagers actually know what they want to do for the rest of their lives? Before my internship at Front Porch, this question really made me think.

I started by investigating general areas of study: business, law, medicine, psychology, etc. While  thinking about business, I considered what I would want to do in the business world, and marketing stood out to me.

Why Marketing?

Marketing interests me because you are in control of your messaging and you can be creative. To sell your product or business to others, you get to highlight your product or business’ best qualities, defining it and what it stands for. Marketing allows you to showcase your business as an artist: you “paint” your vision of your business on a canvas, display it in the best light, and then watch the painting come to life as you strive to meet your customers’ demands.

Additionally, there are numerous channels you can pursue in marketing. For instance, you could work for a marketing agency, where the focus is solely on helping others market their “paintings.” Front Porch has given me the opportunity to learn how these “paintings” are created and built to produce success.

All in all, I feel that marketing is a great career for me to strive for in college. It will allow me to put my creative juices to work to promote or help others promote their businesses, leaving me with the satisfaction of having created many rewarding tales of triumph.