If you’re anything like me, right about now, you are exhausted. You’ve shopped and caroled and baked and planned and celebrated and stressed and shopped and stressed some more … and the big gatherings are still in front of you.
It’s this time every year that I always have to remind myself to take a deep breath and look objectively at the situation. What can I let go of that will help me truly enjoy the days to come?
The idea of perfection.
Perfect families in perfect clothing gathered around the perfectly set table eating the perfect meal … it’s an illusion. None of it is real. And none of it is important. If you are together and love is present, that’s the only reality you need.

Petty grievances.
Gatherings are inherent in the season, and interpersonal dynamics can be complicated. Invariably, you will have to spend some time with someone who has made things difficult. Rather than stress over seating arrangements and buffers, forgive and forget. What a relief it will be.
This time of year, the list of worries is long. Let them all go. The old adage, “worrying doesn’t take care of tomorrow’s troubles, it robs you of today’s peace” has never been more true.
And last, but certainly not least…
Your diet!
Eat, drink, and be merry. Have the dessert. Have the cocktail. Enjoy the food. And then get up tomorrow and enjoy that food as well. This is not the time to count calories. Don’t be that girl!
Resolve to truly enjoy yourself this holiday season. Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your family.
Happy Holidays!