Category Archives: Insights

In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to focus on the negatives. Economic downturn, job loss, and our loved ones getting sick are certainly reasons to be feeling distraught. While these feelings are normal, an important shift in our thinking is crucial to survive this fork-in-the-road and come back stronger than ever. There are positives of the pandemic that should be accounted for, and I am here to highlight these for you!

Positive #1: Experiencing and appreciating the little things

Now that we are all on house arrest, it gives us the opportunity to get outside more. Maybe you are getting to know your neighbors and even family members better. Yay for lawn happy hours! This positive of the pandemic has instilled in us a better sense of localism. It also helps us realize how interconnected we are and (hopefully) allows us to recover a sense of society.

Positive #2: We are more in touch with our networks!

A perfect example of this is my family’s weekly Zoom call. Before COVID, I wouldn’t hear from or see my family in Dallas for months at a time. This crisis has opened a new channel of communication for my family and allowed us to check up on each other frequently. We all have technology to thank for this!

Positive #3: Surprising effects on climate change

Another positive effect COVID-10 has had is fewer carbon emissions, potentially saving around 300 MILLION tons of carbon emissions per year. Not to mention all the other awesome benefits such as work/life balance and decreased traffic congestion! Air quality has improved in areas of lockdown, and carbon emissions are down in China. From February 3rd to March 1st they experienced a 25% decrease in emissions.

Positive #4: Our responses to future pandemics should improve

Our current situation has exposed shortcomings all around, including test kit accessibility and a faster global response. Taking what we have learned from this pandemic, there is all the more reason to be more prepared in the future.

Positive #5: It has encouraged altruism

Celebrities and athletes have made considerable donations to those taking a hit by the pandemic, and that is just naming a few. Some major health insurers have also promised to cover care and testing related to COVID-19. Our client Faith Family Academy has approached the the situation with immediacy, and teachers have made generous food donations for their students, as well as other restaurants such as Cane’s!

Overall, we don’t want to dismiss your normal and expected feelings of despair during difficult times. However, we also need to shed light on the positive opportunity the pandemic has presented us. Let’s turn a new leaf and embrace these positives today!

The Before and Now:

E-learning has affected students today in both good ways and bad. Before e-learning I was up at a set time each morning, took the bus to and from class, and had my whole day carved out. There was a distinct accountability system, where I was obligated to show up to class to get notes and participation points.

Now, classes are set up via recorded lectures or live video conferences. I can ask questions in the chats during live lectures and email if I am confused on the recorded lectures. It has shortened the length of most of my classes because we are not directly interfacing. Test schedules remain the same; exams are proctored and timed, using Lockdown browsers. I have less of a schedule, making things harder to time-manage.

What I like/miss about e-learning today? Benefits vs. how it could be improved?

What I like about e-learning is that I save time not traveling to and from class and I have more “free time.” I also don’t have to be up at a given time, I can watch prerecorded lectures at my convenience, and tests are open book.

What I miss about in-person classes is seeing my friends during my classes, walking the campus, interfacing with professors, getting off topic with entertaining teachers, and having a set schedule.

Benefits of e-learning include time spent going to class can be used elsewhere, certain tests are easier, and I can take time to do things I wouldn’t normally do (ex: go to a park, walk a trail, explore Mt. Sequoyah).

Areas of improvement for e-learning today include live lectures to help with questions that need to be addressed. It would be beneficial if classes with recorded lectures could go live once weekly. This also may help with understanding material if one is directly interfacing with the professor. Also, I would appreciate potentially adjusting the test material such that it is not significantly more difficult than any in-class test would be.

Lessons that are applicable to business and working from home:

Lesson 1: Just because you technically have more free time, it may not feel like it. With E-learning today, you must become a time-management expert! It is so easy to procrastinate if one is not physically going to class or work. We are more productive when our work is public rather than private!

Lesson 2: Nail down a routine- whether it be waking up at a specified time each day, setting working hours, or scheduling breaks in between work. Routines keep you on-track, motivated, and they deliver results.

Lesson 3: Keep your videoconferencing as close to “normal” as possible. Test the software before you schedule a call so that if it needs finetuning you are not wasting other people’s time. Be professional and minimize distractions! If you know your dog will bark when the mailman comes, either put yourself at the opposite end of the house or put the dog up while you videoconference.

Whether we realize it or not, E-learning affects students today. Awareness of these small changes can lead to improvements in productivity. Taking advantage of the benefits may change your working or learning style for the better.

Teamwork is essential in so many aspects of our lives today. How many team hats are you wearing right now?

My kids’ closet shelves are scattered with different hats, jerseys and socks, for instance. I love all our different teams, whether its academic, spiritual, work, sport. We even call our family a team.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Big agency life perk is the opportunity to join brands and marketing teams spanning different sizes, categories and geography. Joining new teams to reach goals is one of our favorite things. We are energized and inspired regularly by the talented, dedicated teams we partner with to achieve defined objectives.

Did you know that our Chief Rocker blares Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney every day in her car during football season? The lyrics resonate with her for many reasons and because of the quotes by some of the greats at the end. Above all, her favorite quote is from Joe Namath: Life is a team game. It is the big game.

Effective teamwork is simultaneously simple and challenging.

We’ve rounded up nine factors that we link to team success. The folks that live and nurture these factors seem to achieve their targets effectively and consistently.

Nine factors of successful teams:

  1. Clear and Defined Goals
  2. Clear and Assigned Roles
  3. Be and Stayed Organized
  4. Respectful Interactions
  5. Constantly Communicate
  6. Equal Contributions
  7. Support Each Other
  8. Produce Quality Outputs
  9. Have FUN!

My family invests a lot of time in sports, we are a football, basketball, soccer and baseball loving crew. Therefore, team sports organically have all these components – how convenient for parenting two preteen boys! Do your teams hit all the notes?

Teamwork rocks!

Brand identity book has pride of place on office desk.
Start with your brand


If you are reading this, you are probably curious to learn more about branding! Before we dive deeper into branding, it is critical to understand how your brand represents your purpose. Brian Whipple, CEO of Accenture Interactive, says “Brands must genuinely commit to aligning their businesses with purpose to differentiate themselves.” Innovative companies such as Apple have done this, starting with the “Why?” mentality instead of “Who?” or “What?”  

When businesses focus on why they are doing things, they establish purpose and garner respect. It is important to actively take steps to support your cause, because it is the action instead of words that makes a difference, and people can see this. Customers want to see companies supporting the things they support, and when this happens, they are 63% more likely to purchase.

Why it’s important

To build equity in a customer’s mind, a brand must be: memorable, meaningful, aesthetically appealing, transferable, adaptable over time, and protected legally. It means differentiating yourself and finding ways to stand out among competitors. It matters because brands stick with people!  

How many times do you think you have asked for a Kleenex when in reality you meant a tissue? James R. Hupp states that people refer to tissues as Kleenex because of their well-known reputation and product quality. People become emotionally invested, and while some people will hunt around for the best deals others will stay loyal to the companies they trust.  

Why you should start with branding

Brands define you from the very beginning and act as a launching pad for your business. They are a “lens through which the words and actions of a company, its competitors, and the environment in general are converted to thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes, etc., about a product (or family of products).” At Front Porch we place serious emphasis on branding because if you don’t define who you are/your purpose, how will you be credible? 

Is it okay to forget branding just to have something out there? 

In certain rare instances, it is okay to create something just to get it out there. This would be most acceptable for smaller projects or a company who has difficulty defining its brand. If a company is truly struggling , it may suffice to take a step back and begin generating content. Hopefully somewhere in the midst of creating content that company realizes its purpose and is able to establish its brand successfully. 

Key Takeaway:

Much of the value perceived by consumers is completely subjective. If you begin with branding, you will have a solid foundation that the rest of the company’s actions should follow, and you will always have something to circle back to should you stray from your brand image. We believe branding should be first always, and we would be delighted to show you how it’s done!  

Customer Experience
“It’s easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back.” – Seth Godin

Are you meeting customer expectations? We all know the importance of customer service when it comes to running a successful business. In this social media obsessed world we live in today and the age of instant feedback, excellent customer service can go a long way, but an excellent customer experience can go even further!

Until recently, the quality of product and service provided were the keys to winning customers and earning their business. But today, a new factor has come into play and that is providing the best customer experience.

A recent Walker study found that by the end of 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. Customers will stay loyal based upon the experience and if you can’t keep up, they will move on (bye, bye).

Happy customers remain loyal customers.

Consider these statistics:

  • 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience.
  • Research by American Express found that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience.
  • 49% of buyers have made impulse purchases after receiving a more personalized customer experience.
  • Customers that rate companies with a high customer experience score spend 140% more and remain loyal for up to 6 years.

Customer experience (aka CX) is the biggest opportunity businesses have to reduce customer churn and increase revenues. The problem is, most businesses think of customer experience and customer service as one in the same when in reality, customer service is only part of the many pieces of customer experience.

Simply put, customer service is a single touch point with a brand, while customer experience includes every touchpoint a customer has with a brand from the first time they hear about you until after completing a purchase – basically the perception the customer has of a brand. While you may think your customer experience is one thing, the customer may see it as something completely different and that is what the actual customer experience is.

Managing customer perception should be the top priority for every business and having a strategy for customer experience is the best way to make that happen.

Customer expectations are rising.

The expectation is that every single interaction with a brand be the best that it can be.

Below are several strategies for creating a great customer experience:

  1. Create a clear customer experience vision that is customer focused and can be communicated within your organization. This statement will act as the guiding principles and drives the behavior of your organization.
  2. Understand who your customers are and you can get to know their needs and wants.
  3. Connect emotionally with your customers.
  4. Collect customer feedback. It’s the only way to know if you are delivering on your promise. Try using live chat tools, conduct a focus group or send an email with a follow-up survey. Hey, even pick up the phone, for instance. In other words, get feedback, share it with the team and fix what is broken.
  5. Develop your team to the standards of your vision. Using the feedback collected from customers, identify the training needs for each member of your support team.
  6. Use employee feedback to improve the customer experience. Because, it’s your team who are interacting the most with your customers so give them an opportunity to share their ideas.
  7. Measure the results of your customer experience investment. There are several metrics available for tracking customer experience over time which include Customer Effort Score, Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction Score and Time to Resolution. These tools allow you to track the success or failure of changes you implement that might affect your customers.

Customer expectations are at an all-time high and word spreads fast! The importance of the customer experience increases because the customer becomes even more empowered. Customer experience is an area that needs constant attention.

Because, a greater focus on customer experience strategy, businesses will see a reduction in customer churn and an increase in revenue growth.

Need help developing your customer experience strategy?

Now that Julie has laid down some groundwork for a great marketing foundation, let’s look ahead. What is on the marketing horizon for 2020? Here are a few possibilities:

If only there was a crystal ball for marketing…

Social Media

Yes, organic reach isn’t what it used to be, and some businesses are even pulling out of Facebook altogether. But social media continues to be a driving trend and marketing tool going into 2020.

Social media engagement looks different than it used to even five years ago. Consumers are increasingly using social media to research products and services. And platforms are delivering ad options to take advantage of this trend. Are you?


Did you know there was such a thing as a zero-click result? A zero-click result is a search result in which Google automatically provides the answer to the search query in the form of an automated snippet. See my “What’s the temperature in Dallas?” screenshot below.

Screenshot example of a zero-click result on Google.

Why is this important to marketers?

Because 61.8 percent of search results in Google are now zero-search results, according to data from Jumpshot. As a result, more and more keywords are becoming less profitable.

Alp Mimaroglu

The automatic snippet oftentimes come from a website that ranks somewhere on page 1 of the search engine results page (SERP). But companies do not know for sure how to optimize their content so that Google chooses them over anyone else.

Marketing Silver Bullets

There is no one marketing tool to rule them all.

The marketing version of this does not exist.

According to marketing guru Neil Patel, we are all fighting for the margins now.

A lot of businesses were built off of one marketing channel… But you no longer can build a business through just one marketing channel. Good channels now get saturated extremely fast. Even if they work and cause explosive growth, it will only last for a short while before your competitors jump on board and make it harder. Marketing is now heading in the direction of being about “marginal gains”.

Neil Patel

I know this sounds a little daunting. But I think this is a good thing. At no other time in history have small businesses had so many tools and channels to choose from to market businesses and grow their sales. Back in the dark ages of media and marketing, you had three channels to choose from and the cost of production to create and place a 30-second spot was out of the realm of possibility for most small businesses.

Now, we have a plethora of choices. Take some comfort in that. You have so many tools to choose from going into 2020. What will you choose?

Practicing gratitude as a business leader can be challenging at times. Sometimes it is hard for business leaders to know what to be grateful for because of the many hats we wear, and the myriad of opportunities thrown our way each day. The big stuff often overshadows the tiny pieces of our everyday lives for which we should be grateful.


However, science has shown that regularly practicing gratitude makes you happier. Doing so makes you a better leader, which makes your team happier.

Want to be thankful at a time when it seems impossible?

Consider these things to find an attitude of gratitude:

  1. Focus on the here and now. Ask yourself what you are grateful for this very minute. Perhaps it is that you made it safely to work or appreciating your computer didn’t choose this instant to crash.
  2. Actively listen to a team member. Take time to truly listen to people when they talk to you, even though your mind is going a million different directions.
  3. Each time you talk to a team member, thank them for something. It doesn’t have to be a big something. Acknowledge a nicety they did for a teammate or client. Say a simple thanks for sharing their thoughts with you. Let them know when they brighten your day.
  4. Remember your “why.” Consider how the work you do benefits the people for whom you do it. Be thankful you have the opportunity to lead.

As a leader, go beyond. Go beyond yourself. Focus on showing thanks to others. Take it beyond Thanksgiving. Focus on practicing gratitude beyond this season of Thanksgiving.. Strive to live a life of gratitude, not just a season.

Julie Porter, Chief Rocker, is grateful for her precious family and their health, Texas high school football and the fabulous Front Porch Marketing team, clients and advocates. She tries to focus on showing gratitude to others daily as often as possible.

And now for the second installment of our two-part series on The Great 8 of Marketing Success. Numbers 5-7 are distinctly digital in nature and deal with how you can communicate and meet your customers where they are. Our last recommendation caps off our series with a decidedly human touch.

Number 5: Website

Prospects – both clients and candidates – are going to your website to validate your company and expertise. Make sure you are communicating your point of differentiation and your brand personality.

Most service sites look the same, sound the same and make the same mistakes. Take a look at your website and see if you can take it to the next level:

  • Eliminate the word “we.” Replace it with “you”, “your”, “our clients”, or “our candidates.” It seems like a small distinction, but you might be surprised by how much more customer-centric your copy will sound once you replace one word.
  • Include links to your social networks. And if you already have links to your social networks – great! Are they up-to-date? Or do you still have a link to your Google+ account? ( Hint: you might want to delete that one.)
  • Sell results and testimonials. Third party endorsements go a long way and potential customers want to see the value you can bring to their company.
  • Use minimal stock photos. We get it – when you were getting your website off the ground, you used whatever you had on hand to get it done. But stock photos can reduce the credibility of your company and take from the authenticity of your brand. Make the investment and book a professional photographer.  
  • Optimize the site for mobile. No one likes to pinch and zoom on their phone when they are trying to view a website. And increasingly, Americans of all ages are likely to say that they mostly access the internet on their smartphone.
  • Make it easy for people to contact you with a form and make sure your phone number and email address are front and center.

Number 6: Social Media

Consumers are increasingly using social media to not only connect with friends and family, but also with brands. Social media is increasingly influencing consumers’ buying behavior:

  • When consumers follow a brand on social media, 67% of consumers are more likely to spend more with that brand.
  • Social media can drive retail foot traffic: 78% say they will visit that brand’s physical retail store.
  • These results become even more pronounced when you narrow in on millennials: 84% said they were more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media.

But, don’t count out older folks – young people may have been early adopters of social media, but older adults using social media has increased as well.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by social media. That’s why we recommend narrowing your focus and pick two social networks to be active on daily. Most social networks are monetizing their platforms so organic social media, i.e. free, is becoming less effective, which is why you must be active consistently.

But which platforms should you choose? It depends. We recommend meeting your customers where they are. With almost a third of the world’s population using Facebook, the 500-lb. gorilla in the room might be a given. If you have an aspirational brand whose customers skew female and under the age of 49, Pinterest or Instagram may be a good fit. If you are more of a B2B company, look at joining YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Also, make sure you are connecting with the people you meet, whether you are introduced virtually or in person. Utilize both your personal timeline and create a company account if you don’t already have one.

Number 6.5: Social Media Content

As for content, have you ever been to a party and you were cornered by that one guy who talks about himself all night? Don’t be that guy.

Instead follow the rule of thirds: 1/3 of your content should be devoted to sharing content, 1/3 to engaging with others and 1/3 promoting yourself. Share open positions at your company, business successes and company news, just don’t let all your content be about you.

Number 7: Email Marketing

Email marketing doesn’t have to be crazy complicated or expensive. Email marketing is inexpensive and effective. If done correctly, you will be surprised at the results you see after every send.

Use a simple automated platform like MailChimp and send an email to your audiences once a month, or if you are just starting out, once every other month. Make sure you are updating your databases and are not sending the same content to both your clients and candidates.

Target your content to the reader and use your email marketing to establish yourself as a thought leader. Share information and expertise. This is especially true for B2B businesses; email marketing is most effective if you are sharing news people can use. At Front Porch, this is the direction we choose to take with our email newsletter. We offer marketing advice and highlight our clients.   

Similarly to social media, do not use email marketing to talk 100% about your company or you. It will not work.

Number 8: Networking

We are very fortunate to have several places to network in North Texas – industry associations, chambers of commerce, community organizations and the list goes on.

In deciding which group is right for you, consider these things:

  • Can I learn and grow?
  • Are this group’s values aligned with mine?
  • Can I contribute my knowledge and skills?
  • Do we have common interests?

When you are at these meetings or events, remember:

  • Give to get. Focus on what you can do for others, not what they can do for you.
  • Make sure you have business cards. (I know that sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised.)
  • Ask questions and listen.
  • Follow up. Sometimes this is the hardest thing to do because we are all wearing so many hats, but it is important to connect on LinkedIn with people you met, send them an email and if the situation calls for it, send a handwritten thank you note.

As business owners, we need to network. We need to work “on” our business as much as possible, not in our business.

Networking is a process. Remember that most business owners are looking for connections. Make time to network intentionally. Be bold and step forward into their world.

I urge you to not “go big or go home,” but as we tell our small to mid-sized clients, “Fewer. Deeper.” Do a couple of things well and knock it out of the park.

If you do your marketing well, then your target audience will come to trust your brand. Trusted relationships develop into emotional bonds that are hard to break. Consequently, loyalty to your brand means greater business success and reduced competitive threat.

Remember The Great 8. Engage your clients and candidates and turn them into customers and brand ambassadors.

As I was thinking about whether to hit send on my email to Julie, I paused. I had read an article that was interesting to me and I thought Julie would find it interesting too. I momentarily reflected on the longevity of our working relationship together. But, was this article too much? Too personal?

The article was about a topic I care about deeply – but its also a very decisive topic, one I didn’t want to get into an argument with complete strangers about, let alone my boss.

I don’t know why I sent it. All I know is that I did.

My last thought before I hit send was, “Well, they say you should bring your whole self to work, right?”

Free Froot Loops For All!

Just like ping-pong tables, free breakfast cereal and standing desks before it, the notion of “bringing your whole self to work” is the latest business organizational fad that promises to revolutionize the world of work. It remains to be seen if this is truly the case, or so much business world mumbo jumbo that bursts like a yoga ball under the weight of sky-high expectations.

None of this was on my mind when I entered the workforce. I had the mindset that I didn’t go to work to make friends, these people were my co-workers, colleagues. Nothing more, nothing less. You go into the office, do your job, do good work, go home. Repeat.

I thought I was being “professional.” Looking back, I think I came off as aloof and maybe a little uptight.

Imagine my surprise when Julie would ask me on Monday mornings how my weekend went or if I did anything fun or interesting. “You mean you have an interest in my life outside of work?,” I thought. Huh.

But I digress. This blog post is supposed to be about bringing your whole self to work. But what does that even mean and why would anyone want to do that in the first place?

Bringing Your Whole Self to Work: What It Is

Let’s start by defining what bringing your whole self to work is, and then we can get into what it is not.

When you Google around, and look at the literature about bringing your whole self to work, there are a few common themes that come up. I am cherry-picking the 3 that matter most to me. They are Authenticity, Vulnerability, and Appreciation.

AuthenticityMike Robbins, a popular thought leader on the topic, defines authenticity as honesty, minus self-righteousness plus vulnerability. People who are authentic with others are honest about the situation at hand, even if being honest means looking bad or it opens them up to criticism. Being authentic means being vulnerable.

Vulnerability – Its very difficult to put yourself in a vulnerable place. You don’t know what’s going to happen next. That’s why most people put on their “armor” when they walk through the office door. Best not to admit your fears or faults, lest someone use them against you. But overtime, that armor becomes incredibly heavy. It rusts and calcifies, and after a while, you do too.

Maybe its time to put the armor down, if only for a little while.

Appreciation – I don’t mean gold stars and carrots. Thank someone for the work they put in, not just the stellar end result.

Tell someone you admire the growth you’ve seen in them. Appreciate your co-workers kindness, thoughtfulness, people skills, etc. When you appreciate the little, human things about people, it makes their faults easier to understand, easier to accommodate, easier to work with. It also makes you easier to work with too.

Bringing Your Whole Self to Work: What It Is Not

Bringing your whole self to work is not:

  • “Letting it all hang out.”
  • Telling your co-workers about the most intimate parts of your love life.
  • Berating people over past grievances.
  • Clipping your nails at your desk, microwaving fish in the company kitchen, or making tacky, vulgar jokes for shock value.

Authenticity, and its close buddy vulnerability, is supposed to be productive when introduced in the office setting. It shouldn’t stop your co-workers in their tracks. It shouldn’t be cringey.

Authenticity should help your company grow and adapt.

Values: Your’s and Your Employer’s

Of course, bringing your whole self to work is a lot easier when your values match your employers and vice-versa. I never really thought I would be the type of person who cared about their work being fulfilling or not. I thought I would just go in, do my work, and that was it.

But a funny thing happens when you do work at a company or a series of companies where your values match your employers. You get the feeling that your co-workers actually care about you. Or that the work you do makes a difference to someone – not just money and profit, but a difference. You don’t want to let that go.

It turns out, human beings want to work with other human beings. And buy from other human beings. Who’d have thought.

I know this is harder to implement at some workplaces than others. That’s the problem with big, broad solutions – open offices! flexible seating! Mandatory yoga! – that are applied with a thick brush. They fail to take into account the particular contours of a business and its people.

Some businesses need their people to wear the armor, sometimes literally. Others, not so much. It is really up to each business leader to set the tone of how much vulnerability is allowed in their workplaces, how much of their whole selves their employees can take to work with them. That’s not something that can be decreed with the latest organizational business trend headline.

Vulnerability Unacknowledged

Front Porch Marketing is in a creative business. Our clients come to us for creative solutions, to find opportunities they don’t see, weaknesses they don’t detect. We can’t do these things without having some empathy for our clients and their customers.

Creativity comes from empathy, an ability to step outside of yourself and into someone else’s shoes. And with empathy, vulnerability often decides to pay a visit too. We must be honest with ourselves and with each other to help our clients. Or else our vulnerabilities can turn into blind spots, dangers just outside our peripheral vision that we know are there but we choose not to see or acknowledge.

But, What Does It Mean?

Anyway, back to that article. Julie and I had an interesting talk about it. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but that’s not why I sent it to her, to convince her one way or another. I guess I wanted to share something that is important to me.

Maybe that’s what bringing your whole self to work means. It means that you have the opportunity, if you choose to, to share with your co-workers the things that matter to you, without judgement or fear.

Well, that sounds a lot better than an open office.   

Procrastination and Its Discontents

Posted on by Maria Gregorio and currently has Comments Off on Procrastination and Its Discontents

We’ve all been there. It’s the eleventh hour before a project is due and you are frantically trying to get work done, kicking yourself all the while for waiting so long. Why oh why did you procrastinate for so long?

Later. Always later.

Why People Procrastinate

People procrastinate for several different reasons, but they pretty much come down to how a task makes them feel – overwhelmed, insecure, anxious, resentful, etc. Procrastination isn’t a character flaw, rather, it’s an “…emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem.”

Human beings are hard-wired to think about the here and now. We tend to prioritize the present over the future. The lizard part of our brain was designed to address clear and present needs – like avoiding getting eaten by a lion or figuring out where our next meal will come from – rather than addressing our long-term needs. And to make matters worse, we’re less able to make productive, future-oriented decisions when under stress.

So, how do we short-circuit our lizard brain to get our work done?

Tips to Beat Procrastination

Do one small thing
This is my personal favorite. Sometimes a project can seem so overwhelming in scope or importance that you become almost paralyzed at the thought of working on it. Try doing one small thing – a little research, a short outline, breaking down the project into a list of tasks, etc. Sometimes all we need to get started is to just start – no matter how small the step may be.

Create mini deadlines
Try setting a mini deadline for yourself. This can be anything from having a draft done by a certain date to just working on your project for 15-30 minutes. Sometimes it helps to know you won’t be working on a project forever if you can see a light at the end of a (short) tunnel.

Don’t be so hard on yourself
Give yourself a little kindness when you procrastinate. Case in point:

“In a 2010 study, researchers found that students who were able to forgive themselves for procrastinating when studying for a first exam ended up procrastinating less when studying for their next exam. They concluded that self-forgiveness supported productivity by allowing “the individual to move past their maladaptive behavior and focus on the upcoming examination without the burden of past acts.”

The Upside of Procrastination

I know I’ve been going on and on about how to not procrastinate, but I would also like to say that procrastination isn’t entirely a bad thing. Sometimes we need to let our mind wander around.

(Caveat – this works for tasks that are more problem-solving or creativity oriented. Procrastination doesn’t get your house cleaned.)

Letting your mind wander allows the brain to work on a task in the “background” while you go about your day. Have you ever had a great idea while washing dishes or taking a walk? That’s your brain working on a task in the background.

This blog post is an example of a silver lining to procrastination. I was procrastinating on another project when I decided to Google procrastination. I found a trove of articles and saved them for later use. And that is how this blog post came to be.

So, give yourself a little break and let your mind meander around. Your next five minutes of procrastination could start the seed of your next great idea.