Category Archives: Entrepreneur

The definition of remote work (also known as work from home or telecommuting) is a type of flexible working arrangement that allows an employee to work from a remote location outside of a company office.

If you’re a Gen Xer like me, working remotely wasn’t in the realm of possibilities when you entered the workforce. You commuted Monday through Friday to your office. If you were lucky, you might have had a laptop and the ability to work from home one day a week. Video conferencing? What’s that? You sat in a conference room face to face with your colleagues. Jeans at work? Only on Fridays.

The Workforce Has Changed Tremendously

Fast forward to 2022, and the pandemic made many companies realize that employees don’t need to be located in the same building to be productive. And, because of this, more and more remote jobs are emerging worldwide every day. Here at Front Porch Marketing, we’ve always been remote, and it rocks!

For many people, gone are the days of worrying if you are going to be late to a meeting because you were stuck in traffic. Business casual and casual Fridays are a thing of the past. It’s business on the top, sweatpants on the bottom. Want to work in a different location? Just change your virtual background on Zoom. Work lakeside. Work from the beach. The options are endless.

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Remote Work

Working remotely definitely has benefits that can range from eliminating a long commute to more control over your work hours to spending more time with family. On the other hand, it can also have drawbacks. Whether you’re a long-time pro of telecommuting, or new to the game, let’s talk through three of the pitfalls people make working from home and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Not having a dedicated workspace.

While not everyone has an extra room in their home for a dedicated home office, it’s important to find a space that is free of distractions. Setting up camp from your couch or bed is ok from time to time, but is not advisable for the long term because it lessens your productivity and blurs the lines between work and home.

Think of your work space as your home cubicle. Maybe it means rearranging your bedroom to make room for a desk and chair. Or, do you have a breakfast nook or dining room that no one uses? If so, make it your own with a fun lamp and a picture or two, but most importantly, keep it simple and organized and solely focused on work. This home office environment allows you to set firm boundaries between work and home.

2. Household distractions.

Having the ability to do a load of laundry, being home for a repairman, or putting dinner in the crockpot are all benefits of working from home. But, if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself wasting a good chunk of your day working on household responsibilities instead of your work task at hand.

Utilize your work calendar by scheduling breaks and a dedicated lunch hour. Use short breaks time to take out the trash, fold a load of laundry or prep kids’ lunches for the next day. Your lunch hour is also a great time to run a quick errand, or get your blood flowing and go for a walk around the neighborhood. If you plan out your time, you’ll find at the end of the work day you have accomplished your work responsibilities and freed up some time in the evening by checking off a few nightly chores from your to-do list too.

3. Work-life balance.

If you are accustomed to being in an office, you more than likely are used to a set start and end time. Sometimes you might go in early or stay late, but typically when you leave the parking garage your work day is over. This isn’t the case when you work remotely.

While flexible hours are a benefit of working from home, it’s important to set boundaries. For some that might mean a set start and end time. Log in at 8. Log out at 5. For others, it might mean working chunks of hours to accommodate kids’ schedules. Whatever your work hours are, when you aren’t working log off your computer and turn off email notifications on your phone. Let your colleagues know this time is dedicated for family or personal time. When you have a balance, and time to disconnect, you will find you are happier and more productive while you’re working.

Remote Work is Here to Stay

It may take time to get used to a remote work environment, and find the schedule and tools and resources you need to be successful. Just know that more than likely you are not alone. Reach out to your colleagues and friends and family. They might have some tips and tricks to help too!

Our new high school interns Abby and Anna will be joining us on the Porch this summer.

Everybody say hello to our interns from Ursuline Academy of Dallas. Every summer we host interns from this high school, and give them a little taste of what a professional marketing career might look like. They’ll be visiting clients, creating content, researching topics, preparing branding documents, learning some analytics and PR skills, and we’ll even have them write a blog post here on our blog. We are proud to support and mentor the next generation of Ursuline Academy students, as we have for the past seven years.

We asked our Ursuline interns Abby Sanders and Anna Wilson a few “get to know you” questions, so y’all could learn more about their GenZ perspective.

Ursuline Intern Abby Sanders

1. What makes you want to have a career in marketing? I have always been really creative and have a playful sense of humor. I believe that marketing may be a good way for me to be able to express these traits while pursuing a career I enjoy.

2. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned so far in your life? During the pandemic, I learned the value of not stressing out over the small things and how much I should value the time I have with others. 

3. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be? Friendly, Optimistic, and Hard-Working 

4. What are your goals for your time at Front Porch Marketing? I am really excited to learn about what a profession in marketing would look like and develop skills that will be helpful throughout my life. 

5. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be? I would choose Walt Disney because he followed his dreams and pursued his passions to become immensely successful doing what he loves. My family and I love to go to Disney World, so I would love to meet the man that made those bonding experiences possible. 

6. What is a fun fact about you? I love to travel with my family and I have been able to visit 7 different countries!

Ursuline Intern Anna Wilson

1. What makes you want to have a career in marketing? I want to have a career in marketing because I love social media and understanding people. Marketing is always growing, especially with the influence of social media. It allows people to gain so much information all in one place. I also find it fascinating the way people consume information and how one Tik Tok can immediately make someone buy a product.

2. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned so far in your life? One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that balance is a necessity is all aspects of my life. Whether that be between school and my social life, or making time for myself, I feel the best, and do the best work when I do not overwhelm myself with one thing. 

3. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be? In three words, I would say I am enthusiastic, caring, and determined.

4. What are your goals for your time at Front Porch Marketing? My main goal at FPM is getting exposure to the marketing world. Seeing as marketing is not a class in high school, I want to learn as much as possible through real world experiences. 

5. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be? I would go to dinner with my grandma to hear her advice and understand her life from my current, older perspective.

6. What is a fun fact about you? One fun fact about me is that I love cows and think they are really funny!

Two Rockin’ Additions to the Front Porch Team!

The 2020’s Have Been Tough

The beginning of this decade has been a tough one. No one expected a pandemic in the 21st century. At least not one that would impact the way we live, learn, and conduct business. Covid-19 has forced humanity to adapt to the era of online learning, and remote work. Now that we have all had a taste for what its like to work at home I don’t think we’re going back to the office anytime soon. Or at least not back to full time positions in an office. In 2021 America experienced a momentous event: everyone started to quit their jobs. Journalists have called this “The Great Resignation”.

Following this, major companies in marketing and other knowledge industries like HubSpot, Twitter, Airbnb, and Microsoft announced that they’re switching to going fully remote or remote/hybrid. Due to this transition, more companies have started to look towards future advances in a new era of work. What comes next? The Metaverse.

What is the Metaverse?

So what is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a virtual 3D world that can be accessed by using either a VR headset or through a computer. Its goal is to create a world that is more layered and connected than the internet. It will allow users to create their own avatars and converse with one another, making remote projects significantly more efficient.

What Might Business in the Metaverse Look Like?

So how does this effect businesses like marketing? Well, to start off, one of the many challenges in working from home is communication. It takes a very well structured team with consistent communication and clear goals to make remote work flow efficiently. The Metaverse would only help this work style. It would allow for more open communication and allow people to separate their home life from their work life.

Often times people blend their work life with their home life when they work remotely, and this would solve this problem. You would simply say good bye to your coworkers once work is done in this virtual world, and log off. You would no longer have this distance problem. And be able to have more effective collaboration while you’re there. Just imagine everyone having a shared virtual space where you can freely move around. It could be the future of remote brainstorming sessions.

A Cheaper Alternative

Business might want to shift towards implementing the Metaverse, because in the end it’s going to save them money. There would be no need to pay office rent anymore. No need to fly employees out to meet clients in other countries and rent them hotels. This gives smaller businesses a chance to do business with clients overseas. In a way, it could even the playing field to meet in a virtual world.

Having a Metaverse office might also allow companies to save time on trainings. With this new technology managers will be able to train new employees at a much faster rate. Instead of just sending them a standard pdf of the tasks they need to complete, they could jump into a virtual simulation that has been specifically designed and tested to maximize their efficiency. The possibilities are endless.

Is the Metaverse a Necessary Change?

It may seem like a sudden and drastic change, but that’s what life has been like these last two years. And as humans, we continue to adapt to all of these sudden changes. I think the way we look at work — at least in the corporate setting —has forever changed since 2020. “The Great Resignation” is proof of it. It may take awhile for companies to change, but I believe there is no going back to fully in-person at the office in the future. I think you could compare this time period to a time in history when we stop using horses and started driving cars. It was a sudden drastic change that the world was not expecting, but over time it just became the new normal. You can either adapt and stay up with the times and join your colleagues in the Metaverse, or stay behind. There’s no moving backward now.

Marketing leaders, what are you doing to nurture relationships with your customers?

Consistency and connection nurture relationships. Sure, loyalty and points programs are tactics that bring brands and customers closer together.

But genuine allegiance is an outcome.

A recent conversation with a marketing leader provided inspiration. This marketing leader has had some challenges. But realized the value of marketing.

The company had cut the marketing budget. All the momentum that person built was put to a halt. And then the company brought in a consultant. First, he asked her what was happening on the marketing front. To which she replied, “Nothing.’ And, obviously he was shocked.

How to foster genuine relationships.

Business leaders do these four things:

  1. Conviction – Know the brand. Marketing leaders walk the talk. And they demonstrate it every touchpoint. Then, clients and their customers can see it and feel it.
  2. Consistency – Do you have a message map for your client? Share the value proposition of the brands you work on, on every platform, consistently.
  3. Communication – Know your audience. Then recognize: how do they want to communicate? It isn’t about you. It is about what works for them. Marketing leaders will recognize this and pivot messaging to solve clients’ problems in a way that is meaningful and relevant to the client.
  4. Connection – If there is consistency communicating the message, then the connection will happen. But as a marketing leader, how do you deepen the ties with your client and their customers?
    • Weekly meetings with clients
    • Weekly catch-up calls on both status of projects, and how pain points with consumers are being addressed
    • Notes on special days to recognize achievements
    • Boundaries set on both sides, so that both marketing and client are set up to succeed

Marketing leadership: Take inspiration. Deepen connections. Accelerate growth.

We love to partner with smart leaders who value marketing. And, if we can help, let’s talk about mutual partnership to grow top line sales.

AHA Moments are happening again!

AHAs and WHOAs. When the way the world of work is done shifts, like it did Q1 of 2022, you can expect a little bit of both. Our annual team kick off meeting this year was an AHA for us! Unfortunately, not everyone could make it. But it was the first time for us to meet two team members in person. They had joined us in 2021, but we had not all met in person yet. Such a great AHA moment!

We were also so excited to be onsite with our client last week. Their manufacturing facility inspires. Yes, we creative individuals love being in this environment because we can have lots of AHA moments together. Then, some of us go into a cave for a few hours after to recharge, taking all that inspiration with us to create. That meeting was the first time we met our client of several months in person vs via a screen. We hugged, natch.

WHOA, I’m not sure I’m ready for this.

In a catch-up lunch, Friday, a longtime advocate of ours was very anxious. And he admitted, he’s a bit angry. He starts international business travel again full throttle this week. He liked his pandemic routine. WHOA. We all kind of got used that didn’t we?

Another client of ours brought us on board recently. Their team is overstretched all the way around. Trade shows and conference are back now in person, and that adds a lot of extra marketing work to their plate. What’s extra hard for them right now is the fact that some of their clients are demanding online events as well. So, WHOA, they are now doing double the work.

We’ve been virtually ready for this for years.

Between all the client AHAs and WHOAs, it’s easy for us to just keep rollin’. Eleven years ago this month, we were founded on a virtual model. So, not much changed for us workstyle wise over the past two years. The rest of the world finally realized what a great model remote work is, and caught up to us!

Now the “Hybrid” work is emerging. Hybrid offices practice some time in the office and some time remote. According to U.S. News & World Report, the younger generations love the hybrid idea. But, they also love the connection of the face-to-face model. The older generation, who were the yuppies of the ‘80s, working 70 hours a week, now prefer not to be in the office all the time. And everyone seems to still be moving forward, getting things done. So remote and hybrid models are making more sense to a lot of workers.

Different work styles can work together.

Whatever style you or your team members or clients chose, be kind and carry on. You CAN work together! Remember professionals of all industries and levels are going through AHAs and WHOAs of their own as 2022 progresses. It may take some people time to settle in to their optimum work style, and make it work for their family, their team, and their company.

How to make working together easier.

When you’re working together, the key to a successful partner relationship between an agency and an in-house marketing client is articulating goals on both sides. What does the in-house marketing director want out of the partnership? What role(s) will the agency fill? And for those on the agency side: what is the expertise that you are offering and how will it fit into the work and process of the in-house marketing department. Ultimately, what common goal is everyone working toward?

3 traits of a successful in-house marketing director (when working with an agency):

  1. Treat the agency like a partner. Be available. Share the wins and the losses. Exchange information and best practices. Work united toward a common goal.
  2. Let people do their job. It has been said many times – surround yourself with smart people and let them do their jobs. This is very true when working with an agency. You, as the in-house marketing director, know your brand better than anyone. But the agency will have deep knowledge in how to market your brand to the right people, at the right time, and in the right place. Take advantage of this expertise.
  3. Be clear, concise and direct. Communication is key to a great in-house/agency working relationship. Having clear goals and being able give good feedback will make the process of creating great work run smoother.

3 traits of a successful agency (when working with an in-house client):

  1. Be transparent. Give real world examples with data and KPI results to show that you know how to do this work successfully. Show and tell your successes that relate to your new client’s business to increase their confidence in your expertise.
  2. Flatten your organization when it comes to direct contact. Allow clients to be able to communicate directly with different members of your team if they need an opinion on a specific matter. Shielding most of your agency from the client and running everything through gate-keeping account service people prevents deeper brand knowledge and deeper connections.
  3. Prepare to collaborate. Including your client in the creative process will not only make the working relationship work better, the client will have the opportunity to “own” the idea with you. Then, you’ll have no better champion for your idea than your client as it moves up the C-Suite approval chain.

Growing your partnership and working together – in-house and agency – requires determination. First, be determined to recognize the value of the people that you are working with. And then, be steadfast in your determination to succeed together.

Experience trends have changed for clients and customers. Its no longer just about owning your product or using your service – its about your customer’s experience with your brand. Over the last 21 months, our clients evolved themselves into digital and data enterprises. Now, all experiences for our clients and their customers involve technology to some extent. First, they use data to determine next steps in marketing and business. Then, digital insights can drive customer experiences for the better.

Re-evaluate what’s important – your consumer is doing it too.

2022 is not the year to chase all the shiny new things and add unneeded technology. It’s the year to re-evaluate what is important, and do JUST THAT. Digital is not just optional now, its what’s required for business. There is an endless sea of new digital tools, platforms and apps to use for your marketing strategy. But as clients and customers rethink business models and customer journeys, know that 50% of global consumers are re-evaluating what is important to them. They’re doing a little streamlining and optimizing in their own lives, as well as kicking what’s not working to the curb. Be the brand they keep.

Fewer tools; deeper connections.

Focusing on customers can help companies choose fewer, more precise tools that will help them garner deeper knowledge, and create a deeper connection. Getting rid of the digital tools that are not fully focused on getting to valuable customer insight will free up brand’s brain space to focus on what works. Keep an agile mindset as you continue to evaluate and streamline your marketing. This customer experience trend has brands enhancing existing tools that work based on data and analytics. They glean insights to increase customer and prospective customer engagement, loyalty and share of wallet.

Service companies like Super Inspector mine their customer reviews in real time. When the company receives the occasional 3-star rating (instead of a 5-star), the head of customer service immediately calls the customer to ask how they can right the wrong and improve in the future. Using data to improve customer experience is a very valuable practice to them. This simple process helps them form a deeper connection with their customers, inspiring repeat business. 2022 is an experience economy. It’s not just about a product or a service. Think about adding classes, educational videos, white papers to explain complex concepts. Help your customer experience your product or service and incorporate it into their lives.

Lessen the noise; increase focus.

Companies are using data and analytics to cut through all the clutter and noise and really speak to the consumer about what is important to THEM. When companies align their mission with their customers’ mission, relationships are built. Do your customers want meaning? Do they want convenience, speed, knowledge or maybe recognition? Use data to discover what it is that drives them to – or away from – your brand.

For example, our client Diamond Brand Gear is going deeper on its sustainability pillar this year, after reviewing their data. Their customers care deeply about sustainability. In fact, 91% of consumers expect companies to be socially and environmentally responsible. They’re weaving messaging and examples of their sustainability practices into their digital strategies, on social, email and website. One of their goals is committing to becoming a zero-waste factory by the end of 2022. So they’re conveying this messaging and tangible examples of their sustainability practices into their digital strategies. All to connect with their consumer, and show that they care about the same things.

Make digital and data work for you.

2022 isn’t the year to slow down when it comes to digital and data. It’s time to examine some of these customer experience trends, streamline and optimize what’s working for your brand, and get rid of the unnecessary. From using chat bots on SMS to help your company with customer service. From adding the most effective social channel, to building a monthly email newsletter. Adding a blog to adding a layer of transparency to your website regarding the way your company does business. Digital tools and analytic data from your customers can help you be a better company to them. Apply this valuable knowledge to client and customer experiences across the board in your company, and build a deeper connection with your customers this year.

Our 2021 Christmas cards arrived early this year … shocking friends and family and prompting messages like “first card received” “winning” “overachiever” – well-intended messages that gave me a good chuckle. Holiday cards are a highlight of the season for me. The responses of being first, winning and overachieving, prompted thinking about how the concept of winning is engrained in our daily lives. It has become a measurement tool of our success. Whether it’s in athletics, business, or life, we want to win. What does winning mean to you? To your business?

I have two young athletes in my house, they are competitive, they like to get medals, but they also know how to lose. In athletics it is easy to define. You come out on top, or you learn and grow.

Defining what winning means in business.

It is not as clearly defined in business. How do we define winning professionally? Is it getting trophy, certificates, nominations, or promotions? Is it having the highest sales? Beating a competitor? Selling the most widgets? Making it to market first? Or could it be something different?

“Winning is fun … sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you’ve done is the point.”

Pat Summitt

Being the best version of you.

It’s not about performing better than others, rather it is performing to our highest abilities. You can be great without being first, and you can lose coming out on top. In this framing how do you win? You do this by performing to the best of your abilities.

“Competing at the highest level is not about winning. It’s about preparation, courage, understanding and nurturing your people, and heart. Winning is the result.”

Joe Torre

Back to the holiday cards, absolutely was not going for the gold by sending a piece of paper to my family and friends, however, being the best professionally and personally in Pat Summitt’s context would be a great ’22 accomplishment.

As we march toward a new year how will you resolve to win and how can we help you?

Connections are everything. I take a moment each Thanksgiving to relay how grateful I am for those in my life. This year is no different in that regard. I am beyond thankful for my family, friends, colleagues, and clients. This year, I am also incredibly grateful for the connections and opportunities the Porch has created.

This business has always depended on connections. Regular readers of our blog know we preach the importance of authentic connections. Yet, like many others, I treated the multitude of opportunities to connect as a dependable part of daily life. It was something that just occurred naturally. Then, 2020 hit.

Connections became a carefully orchestrated medley of virtual meetings. We interacted online, on the phone, or via email. But, without the constant ability to see smiles. Opportunities for real connection had to be well-crafted and thought out.

Connections to New Opportunities

With new challenges come new opportunities, however. For that, I am also grateful. I have not previously put pen to paper and included being a certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) and Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, on my gratitude list.

So it is here to stay now! We have had these certifications for seven years. And I have always held this certification near and dear.

In preparation for Q1 2022 sales, I have been cranking on RFPs for significant business that I could not bid on without these certifications. Opportunities through connections that I made over the past several years through these certifications now have a very tangible benefit for the future of the Porch.

First, I am honored by the business opportunities these certifications have bestowed upon us, and the myriad of connections I’ve made through holding them. And second, I am thrilled to be a part of helping others construct and market their own brands.

This Thanksgiving, all of us on the Porch hope you and yours cherish the opportunities to connect. Connect with your loved ones, your business associates and your friends. We encourage you to look at the connections you’ve made to see what opportunities are out there – both to connect and to grow. We’re grateful to connect to you! Rock on this Thanksgiving!

Working for a Woman-Owned Business is a Career Changer and a Life Changer

To quote Bob Dylan, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” Specifically, the business industry has been changing and that’s a good thing. We aren’t in the 1950’s anymore. Women are achieving and climbing the corporate ladder like they never have before. However, sexism is still a prevalent problem in America’s workplace and economy. According to Business Insider, women were paid 17.7% less than men in 2019. From pay gaps to glass ceilings, women continue to be withheld from their full potential. We, as men, need to help bridge these gaps and break these ceilings for women worldwide.   

Every man should work for a woman-owned business at some point in their life. It will help you be more comfortable with the growing and changing workplace environment. Sometimes men have a specific mental picture of what it’s like to work for a business in the corporate world, i.e. lots of men in black suits barking orders at each other while submitting to their superiors without question. This is what I thought.

But now, working for Front Porch Marketing, a certified woman-owned business, has proven the opposite. Everyone I’ve worked with has shown me nothing but compassion, patience, and respect. Along with these values, I’ve learned how to become more detail-oriented, collaborative, and inquisitive. In summary, working for a woman-owned business has helped me grow personally as well as professionally.   

Woman-Owned Business: A Better Work Environment 

Front Porch Marketing treats me as an equal and makes me feel valued. One of the key aspects I’ve admired the most about a woman-owned business is the empathy they share. They care about how you’re doing and your well-being not only professionally but personally. As an example – on my first day of school as a junior in college, Front Porch Marketing sent me a box of cookies just to thank me for my work this summer. It put a huge smile on my face and made me proud to work for the firm.  

In regards to patience, I can tell you from personal experience that Front Porch Marketing has been very forgiving with me as I learn the ropes. They are very persistent in pushing me to reach my full potential and make it clear that I can always ask for help whenever I’m struggling. This learning atmosphere is rare to find in a business, especially one owned by men. In my experience, most of the time in a man-owned business they want you to figure things out quick and expect you to handle it yourself. 

Empathy, patience and understanding are not just the right things to do, they pay off. Not only are woman-owned businesses more understanding but they statistically tend to make more than those run by men. According to Sable International, women led companies “generated 10% more in cumulative revenue over a five-year period,” compared to men. Even when facing bias, woman-owned companies are still rising above men.   

Another bonus for me of working for a woman-owned business is the smoothness of the internship process. They gradually increase my work load once they think I’m ready for the next assignment, which is highly encouraging. They set me up to succeed. Additionally, I love having the opportunity to take on projects that make me feel like I’m making an impact. Lucky for me, Front Porch Marketing isn’t afraid to hand those out!  

This is an Experience That I Would Recommend to All Men

Overall, as a young man entering the workforce, where diversity and inclusivity is growing, working for a woman-owned business has helped me grow as an individual. It’s given me perspective on what it takes to be a marketer in today’s industry. For example I am learning multiple marketing strategies and tactics: how to write blogs, how to put together reports, how to conduct project research, and I am designing retail line cards. Working with the amazing staff here at Front Porch Marketing has opened my eyes on how a successful remote business is run and operated. From the emails, the coaching, zoom meetings, and most importantly meeting deadlines – a business works best when the team works together. 

Front Porch Marketing has been very kind in letting me join their team and held no judgement to the fact that I’m a man in a women’s business. It’s humbled me and made me proud to work for a group of strong, talented, independent women.  It’s an experience I’d recommend to all young men.