Category Archives: education

Recent readings over Spring and Easter Breaks provided four great reminders for me as a business leader. And I hope they do the same for y’all too.

For those of you who do not know, one half of my heart – my son – attends Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, right outside Orlando.

We stayed at one of my favorite beaches over Easter, New Smyrna Beach, which is a hour drive from my “son~shine.” And, where I purchased a beach condo, aka short-term rental investment property, earlier this year. It is affectionately deemed the “money pit.” But that is a blog for another day. I digress.

Reminder One: Be a GD Cheetah

A beach read was Glennon Doyle’s Untamed. She shares a visit to the zoo and the Cheetah Run. The cheetah, Tabitha, is tamed. She performs on queue.

A little girl asked, “Doesn’t she miss the wild?”

Zookeeper comes back with a BS answer.

Doyle writes that Tabitha would sigh and say, “I should be grateful. I have a good enough life here. It is crazy to long for what does not even exist.”

“I’d say: Tabitha. You are not crazy. You are a GD cheetah.”

That had such a profound effect on me. I later cried as I read the excerpt aloud to my daughter. Without the GD, of course. And I asked her to promise me to always be herself. To be a cheetah.

Reminder Two: Finding Leverage

Not as an emotional experience for me, but profound none the less. Reading the latest issue of Entrepreneur Magazine.

Time is our inventory.

An article by Adam Bornstein explores business growth by not necessarily adding more people. Rather, exploring this. “Smart growth is not about spending more time, nor is it about maxing out your time. It is about finding leverage.”

Reminder Three: Damn the Sycophants

I cannot remember what the article was about. It was the word. The word I had to look up.

I was reminded, although sometimes painful, I treasure those around me who are not this.

Surround yourself with talented people. Those who are smarter than you. Formidable team members push back. They may not think like you. But they make the organization better. These folks fill in for your short falls.

Reminder Four: Being Too Efficient

In a past life, I was ultra-organized. I am a Franklin Covey Planner Training Course graduate for heaven’s sake. Organized all the things in my office and life.

Then, I started Front Porch Marketing. And, had my second child at an “advanced maternal age.”

Words quoted from Edward Tenner in another Entrepreneur Magazine article spoke to me. In summary, big business always has the advantage. However, entrepreneurs combine technology with connection to people. Something big companies cannot do.

Jason Feifer, author of the article, cited Blockbuster and Netflix as an example. Early in my career collaborating with folks at Blockbuster and Viacom shaped me into who I am today. And I am eternally grateful for those experiences. I saw how they tried to evolve. As well as saw what was attempted and did not happen. These learnings were invaluable.

So I hope these four reminders for business that I learned this spring will resonate with you too!

As an account manager, I love the beginning of a new year.

In account management, a new year means a fresh start, not just personally but professionally! It’s an opportunity to put the struggles of 2021 in the rearview mirror and focus on what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Maybe you’re committed to getting healthy or decluttering. Or, did you a pick a word that you want to embody in 2022? Like “Present”. Or maybe “Accountable”. Perhaps, “Grateful”.   

The start of a new year at work means a chance to re-energize yourself and get better at doing your job. If you work in the agency world managing accounts like me, maybe you want to focus on a few core skills that will make 2022 your best year yet as a successful account manager.  

Recommitting to excellence.

Where do you start? Well, we know the traits of a successful account manager are many. But I think we can all agree that no matter your career level or personal management style, there are skills that every effective account manager should possess.  So what are they?

  1. Excellent Communicator. And Excellent Communication. Plus, Excellent Communicating. Saying it once isn’t enough. First, we are responsible for balancing the needs of clients with the resources of agency partners. Next, we communicate in every aspect of our job whether it’s through writing creative briefs, submitting change orders, or managing timelines and budgets. And most importantly, we understand our clients’ needs by actively listening and asking the right questions. Clear and consistent communication is invaluable in every aspect of our job.  
  2. Organized. If you’re in this field, chances are high that you love a to-do list. I know I do! You’re always equipped with your favorite note-taking tools. You jot down important pieces of information all day long. You will undoubtedly glean insights others miss, with your excellent notes. In addition, you’re simultaneously juggling multiple clients. And your projects move forward while you make sure you keep everything on-brand, on-time, and on-budget. Whatever method of organization you prefer, exercising organizational skills is critical.  
  3. Resourceful Problem Solver. It goes without saying that marketing is fast-paced and change is inevitable. So you’re not afraid to address problems head on. And you don’t leave any stone unturned to resolve a situation. Better yet, you’re always thinking ahead and proactively working with your clients to head off any roadblocks before they even occur.  

Get started on your account management reset!

Whether you choose to focus on all of the skills above or one or two, chances are if you stay committed and focused the possibilities are endless for a successful 2022 as an account manager. What are you waiting for? Get out there and ‘Rock Your Relationships.’  

How do you describe a mom who is ready to re-enter the workforce and the marketing world after spending the past two years almost exclusively at home with toddler twins? Nervous. Excited. Anxious.

Will my sleep-deprived brain remember what to do? The marketing world is so fast-paced – is my skill set still relevant? How will I juggle all the things? As the self-doubt crept into my brain, I sat down to make a list. What do I need to do to be successful in my next workforce venture?

Ready to e-enter the workforce? Prioritize. Then, prioritize. And prioritize again.

Make a daily to-do list. First, what has to be accomplished today? Second, what can wait until tomorrow if the day doesn’t go as planned?

Set an alarm, and don’t hit snooze.

Whenever possible, wake before the rest of the house. Enjoy an early morning workout, or get a head start on work. Maybe drink a cup of coffee in silence. Then, get yourself mentally prepared for the day ahead.

Always prep the night before.

School lunches, snacks, clothes – the list goes on. Nothing is worse than waking up to realize ALL THE THINGS need to be done. So doing them the night before relieves this particular anxiety.

Learn to say ‘No.’

There are only 24 hours in a day. It’s ok to politely say no, I don’t have the bandwidth for that project or school activity.

Ask for help.

You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t have to.

Re-enter the workforce by refreshing your marketing skill set.

Learn something new! Take a social media course. Or, follow a new marketing blog. Perhaps do a tutorial or a webinar.

These are just a few of the things that made it onto my growing list. After a few sleepless nights making this list, I then realized it was missing something very important. Probably the MOST IMPORTANT!

**Choose an employer who values my commitment to my family as much as my commitment to my job.**

Because the truth is without this, I can do all of the other things extremely well and still be unsuccessful when I re-enter the workforce. Since this item became super important on my list, another more meaningful list emerged describing this dream-employer.

  • Choose an employer who doesn’t care when I clock in and out.
  • Stick with an employer who understands life happens. Sick kids happen. Doctor’s appointments, house and car emergencies, and extracurricular activities all happen too.
  • Work for an employer who values what I bring to the table, and my encourages my professional development.
  • Value an employer who values me as a person. This would be an employer who cares what is happening in my life and wants me to be as successful at home as I am on the job.

At the end of the day, valued and trusted employees are happy. They do great work. And, they tend to stay at their jobs. It doesn’t matter if that work is getting done at 8:00 am or 8:00 pm.

I’m happy to say I have found that employer with Front Porch Marketing.

I’m new to the team, but I can’t express how excited I am about this opportunity to re-enter the workforce.

I want to do great work for myself, my team, and my clients, but Front Porch understands I’m a mom first. And with that, every day comes with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Will it mean some late nights and early mornings? Sure. But moms tend to just figure things out. Woman-owned companies get things done! So, pour me another cup of coffee because I’m ready!

Meet our new favorite Fellow

Romania Johnson comes to us from Dallas College this semester, and is part of the inaugural cohort of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Fellows Program. Julie, our Chief Rocker, has been a part of the 10K for awhile now often shares what she learns with us, so she couldn’t wait to be part of this next endeavor of theirs, the 10,000 Small Business Fellows Program. We asked Romania a few questions (like we do) so y’all can be as excited as we are that she’s part of the Front Porch!

What do you think the biggest misconception about marketing today is?

That it’s a commercial with a jingle.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be patient, everything’s a process.

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far in your career path?

Write, write and write. Write things down. They help you learn and remember.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

Somewhere warm and tropical but not Texas hot.

If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

My mother. I have so many questions.

If you could describe Romania Johnson in three words what would they be?

Silly, dependable and tenacious.

What is your favorite thing about college?

Learning! I’m glad I’m older because I now appreciate the value in education.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

Going back to school after 40 years.

What is a fun fact about you?

I’m a great grandmother of two.

What’s in store for Romania Johnson on the Porch?

We hope she likes it here! We’ll take a cue from her and set her to writing, writing, writing straight away. Look for a blog post or two from her this fall. Welcome to the Porch, Romania!

It only takes one person to believe in you.

These words truly resonate with me and are greatly exemplified in the connections I’ve made, both professionally and personally. From being an intern to an associate to now a coordinator, this past year and a half has been an introspective journey that I wouldn’t have changed for the world. 

During the peak of COVID last year, I thought that my plan to gain work experience before graduation would result in a dead end. Originally, I had an internship to work for Eatwith, an authentic culinary experience company, in Barcelona. Then that internship was cancelled due to the national travel ban – one that was completely understandable. Since the summer was about to begin, internships were filled and I worried that I would have a huge gap in my resume.  

Then the best thing happened.  

I shared my story about my internship falling through on Facebook and a friend of a friend led me to Julie Porter, CEO of Front Porch Marketing. From day one I felt like I was an equal to an empowering group of women. A team that truly embodies the meaning of fostering growth in one another, professionally and personally. I couldn’t believe my luck!

As an incoming marketing intern, I learned what felt like a million and one things about the marketing field all at once. From jargon to WordPress to branding, the marketing world was my oyster. Before I knew it, the summer was over and I had experience in working not only with one industry but over five – ranging from beauty to education to technology! 

Upon starting my senior year at Baylor University, I was honored when Julie asked me to continue working for the FPM team. As the new Digital Marketing Associate, I started working more autonomously on client’s websites, content creation, and branding documents. The workload was more intensive and my passion for marketing continued to grow with each passing day.

Those days quickly became a blur and before I knew it, I’d graduated from Baylor University with honors in May. As a graduate, the next stop was decidedly to get my MBA and hone my digital marketing skills. Although it seemed simple enough, the advice I received through my network ranged across the board:

The first connection wanted to connect me with Omni Hotel & Resorts in Dallas.

The second connection wanted me to work for American Express in New York.

The third connection wanted me to get my MBA at Baylor University. 

The fourth connection wanted me to get my MBA at an IVY League University.

And the fifth connection wanted me to re-pursue my interest in working internationally. 

What felt like initially one path, quickly turned into multiple forks in the road.  

The Fork I Took

Through reflection, time, and encouragement my future path is now clearer than ever. Although I’m truly sad to be departing from a company that has become like a family to me, my newest venture is now taking me to Omni Hotel & Resorts where I will be the new Digital Media Coordinator. I cannot wait to apply the lessons, skills, and insights that I’ve gained at FPM to the hospitality industry. I couldn’t have asked for better guidance than what I’ve received from the women of FPM. Without a doubt, I know what those who work with FPM in the future will see exactly what I have been privy to this past year and a half, a team of ladies with love in their hearts for not only the company’s mission, but for each other. 

My people, the FPM Family

In Conclusion

I love you ladies! Thank you for always encouraging me to find my aspirations in life. I cannot wait to take on the next step in my journey with ya’ll cheering me on. This company and each and every one of ya’ll will always have a special place in my heart.

GenZ is Up and coming

Learn GenZ marketing strategies to market to this up and coming group as they become more involved in the economy. They use social media apps to shop, care more about knowing a brand and what they stand for, and are more receptive to different marketing strategies. As a member of GenZ myself, I know the in’s and out’s of how members of my generation think and shop. I also know what types of marketing they are the most drawn to.

Social Media Changes Everything for GenZ Marketing Strategies

What differentiates GenZ from prior generations is that we have grown up in a world where technology is changing by the year. We have used social media to our advantage, especially in terms of purchasing products or familiarizing ourselves with brands. According to a Forbes article, 95% or GenZ consumers use social media as their top source of shopping inspiration; 65% use social media to find entertaining content; and 61% are specifically interested in watching more video content. The most common social commerce platforms for GenZ are Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. These apps are leading the way because of their easy checkout process, limited distractions, and ability to explore other recommended brands. Also, many members of GenZ will purposefully like and follow appealing brands so the algorithm will recommend similar brands.

Brands Have to Speak Up

Another thing about GenZ is that most of us are unafraid to take a stand about issues that matter to us. Especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic and black lives matter movement upwards of 78% of GenZ’ers have said that these events have shaped their worldview. Brands remaining neutral on these issues are no longer an option. GenZ’ers are becoming more and more reluctant to purchase from brands who do not present a stance on major world events. Additionally 79% of GenZ agreed that companies behaving more sustainably has become more important since the pandemic. This generation has an attitude that can change the world for the better and want brands to do the same.

New GenZ Marketing Strategies

GenZ kids are more receptive to video media and get their product recommendations from different places. Social media influencers have played a huge role in marketing and GenZ are very receptive to this tactic. Influencers will show off their favorite products routinely on social media and because they have built trust with their audiences, Generation Z’ers are more likely to purchase a product if a trusted influencer recommends it. Also, a brands social media aesthetic and presence are crucial. I can attest to the fact that a brands Instagram feed/aesthetic is one of the main attention grabbers for me which ultimately could lead to me following or purchasing from them.

Brand aesthetic and cohesive Instagram feed that appeals to GenZ

The Change Upon Us

Businesses will have to adjust their marketing campaign tactics if they want to keep up with GenZ. They demand more from businesses in terms of usability, online presence, and advocation. Social media is playing a bigger role than ever before and change is definitely upon us.

From Facebook to Twitter, the digital-sphere is a fantastic focal point to any strategy.

Now that school is around the corner, it’s time to refresh your digital marketing strategy for your school, academy, or university. From experiencing a pandemic to entirely transforming a new academic environment for students and staff, the marketing and communications strategies that used to work for your district “pre-covid” may not work in this ever-changing 2021 environment. It is now the time to be pro-active, adaptive, and present to meet the increasing expectations of today’s families. 

Practice #1: Start a School Blog 

A school blog is a wonderful way to display the activities that students participate in and around the school. It’s also a great place to distribute advice and share the community’s voice. The blog will give outsiders an inside look on the programs and events that the students participate in. Connecting with the school’s community will emphasize how much the directors care about the students and faculty, while promoting conversation. It will also let more people organically find your school when searching for their children’s next academic steps. Overall, creating a blog will strengthen your school’s brand identity.  

Practice #2: Enhance the School’s Website 

Times are changing, and so should your website! Making an inadequately designed website and not thinking about the user’s experience will produce site traffic and static action. Like the director of Front Porch Marketing, Julie Porter states, “create a clean, user-friendly website.” This will increase the school’s reputation and lead to more engagement. Just remember to keep it simple to navigate and creative. An easy way to accomplish this is to rebrand logos, create a color scheme that seamlessly translates throughout all pages, and habitually update the navigation tabs.  

Practice #3: Make Social Media Accounts 

Posting on social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, create opportunities for parents and guardians to find your school organically. People can easily share, like, or comment on your posts to help create more popularity quickly. As your account grows, the more recognition and traffic your school develops. You can achieve this by devoting time into capturing professional videos and photos of events and activities.

A great example of this is with one of our clients, Faith Family Academy. As Christine Finnegan, our media relations director states, “be consistent will all messaging throughout your platforms.”  In addition, you can connect with your audience by responding to their comments and other members can add reviews.

Graduation at Faith Family Academy
2021 Faith Family Academy Graduation

Practice #4: Begin an Email Drip Campaign 

Emails are increasing in popularity due to people relying on the digital-sphere to stay in the loop. This upward trend in email reliability is the result of them being tailored to user preferences and behaviors. This personalization helps users see information related to their interests rather that unfavored topics that are being pushed upon them through advertising.

By asking current families and interested families for contact information via a survey or sign-up sheet, users can subscribe to an email list and look at automated content daily or weekly. This proves to be an easy strategy for reminding and promoting members of future academic and recreational events. Email workflows truly provide a personal touch to electronically reach each community member. 

Practice #5: Promote School Events 

Events, such as an open house, are a great way for newcomers to meet the faculty and staff. It also helps families understand if their values align with the school’s and if the school fits their expectations. Parents and guardians will also be given the opportunity to explore the campus for the first time.  

Additionally, back-to-school kickoffs are a wonderful way to understand what people personally look for in a school and its curriculum. Having organized school events with informational pamphlets to give out aids prospective families to secure their decision of coming to your school. Whether you share the events via social media or on the website, the end result allows you to increase engagement and nurture relationships with newly inquiring families.   


The expectations of parents are higher than ever. It’s crucial that your school’s digital marketing strategy adapt alongside them. As the fall semester comes right around the corner, use these best practices to ensure that your digital marketing strategy is future-proofed.  

Broadening your skill set is the key to success. That is what I have learned as an intern and college student so far. Success in your career depends on being skilled in more than one discipline. Graphic Design is something that I hold very dear to my heart, so I started college thinking this would be my path. My father is a graphic designer. Thus I have a personal connection to it and I’ve been practicing it for over four years.

Start With Something You Love and Broaden Your Skill Set for Success From There

Since I was a kid I would always look up to my father’s work as an artist. He graduated from UNT with a degree in Graphic Design and immediately got picked up by a respectable design firm. Throughout my life I would observe his work, how he brainstormed, his rough sketches, and then the final product.

Some of his work includes the live theater company called Kitchen Dog Theater and the Green Light to Greatness logo for The University of North Texas, that you can still see today on busses. He’s even done work for BNSF, the largest freight railroad network in North America! As a kid growing up I really looked up to him and thought he had the coolest job in the world. Being able to permanently leave your mark on the world and potentially change a company’s look sounded amazing. So, I decided at a very early age that I wanted to be a Graphic Designer.

Learn a New Skill Wherever You Can

I started by taking every art class I could from elementary to high school. When I reached high school, I decided it was time to start learning Graphic Design. I started by taking Graphic Design I, and Graphic Design II. Once I got confident enough in my skills I joined the school newspaper The Sidekick, and worked for them providing writers with illustrations.

During this time, I also did a lot of work with Reese Bonneau, a local artist. I designed his album covers on Spotify and created multiple T-shirts for him to sell on his website. Now he has over 3K monthly listeners on Spotify! Through him I met other local artists and designed even more album covers. I like to help musicians and small companies just starting out. It allows me to get more experience, learn new things and grow.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Once I started college at The University of North Texas, I decided to major in Graphic Design like my father. It was a really tough program, but I was growing so much as an artist. But after one semester though, I decided that even though I love graphic design, I wanted to expand my skillset to a more business-oriented role. Being exposed to Marketing and Business caused me to pivot in my aspirations. I decided to switch my major from Graphic Design to Marketing. One of the most important things I learned in college: trying a bit of everything, meeting all kinds of people related to your industry, and taking new classes can help you discover your true path!

Now, my goal is to become a Marketing Manager for a big tech company. Currently, I still doing Graphic Design on the side. In addition to being an intern at Front Porch Marketing, I’m also the Graphic Designer and Social Media Manager for a start up Manga publishing company. Their mission is to provide a platform for up-and-coming manga artists and writers. We’re growing little by little every day and I think we’re off to a great start considering we started in January during a pandemic.

It’s OK to Change Your Mind and Try Something New

Even though I originally went to UNT to become a Graphic Designer, I have broader marketing and business goals now. I still love and practice it on the side when I can. But my focus is learning more about marketing and getting as much experience as I can with all aspects of marketing before I graduate.

There are so many different disciplines involved in marketing and I’m learning so much working as an intern at Front Porch Marketing. Every time I get an assignment I learn something new and grow in my confidence. Although I’m very focused on learning the digital aspect of marketing, I want to have a broad understanding of all the different branches, especially in the business management of marketing. I would love to learn how to create effective ads, do SEO, and email marketing. So I really look forward to growing with this company, as well as learning more at school this fall!

We are a proud supporter of Ursuline Academy!


Front Porch Marketing is proud to support Ursuline Academy of Dallas for six years. Ursuline seeks to provide opportunity and a welcoming environment for students of widely varied ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Front Porch Marketing meets the mission of Ursuline by providing opportunities for students to grow in a mentoring environment and experience first-hand what marketing looks like in a professional setting. From start to finish, interns are able to learn how to conduct research studies, create content, prepare branding documents, meet clients face-to-face, and more.

This summer, we have the opportunity to work alongside Ann Kurian and Sofia Arce, two rising seniors at Ursuline. We are excited to be mentoring the next generation of businesswomen and extend a warm welcome to our newest interns for the 2021 summer.

Ann Kurian

Ann is a rising senior at Ursuline Academy and currently plays the flute for the Jesuit Ursuline Ranger band. She has plans to be a marketing major and promote products for companies that she believes in. She is excited to meet clients and learn about the world of marketing. Additionally, her interests include creating or supporting products that are environmentally friendly and making the world a better place for others.

To start prompting her inquisitive mindset, we asked her some questions to which she brought a fresh take on. Some examples being:

1. What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity? 

Start by thinking back to your initial reason for starting the brand and where its core values lie.

2. What is the best piece of life advice you have ever received?

“You were born to be real, not to be perfect.”

3. What does good marketing look like?

The end result should ultimately make the consumers happy.

4. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned throughout your academic career?

Undoubtedly, dividing a large project into chunks and completing a little every day will make it much easier to finish.

Welcome to the FPM team Ann!

Sofia Arce

Sofia Arce is a rising senior at Ursuline Academy. With hopes of going into business in the future, she looks forward to expanding her knowledge of marketing by using her organization skills, attention to detail, and diligence. Sofia is very involved in and outside of school with activities such as playing on the basketball team, being an Ursuline Academy ambassador, participating in Global Advisory Council, and much more. Moreover, she has a passion for creativity and enjoys mentoring others.

To gain some fresh insight, we also asked Sofia what her thoughts were about the marketing field in today’s society and life advice. Some examples being:

1. What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing accurately reflects the business and caters to the client’s target audience in a way that is effective and engaging. Marketing also uses strategies that draw people in, in order to spike curiosity in a business and in services/products.

2. How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

FPM is made up of people with such diverse backgrounds and experiences. This makes for many points of view and approaches to a situation. The team at FPM is driven to helping a business succeed. It’s evident that they have a culmination of knowledge about marketing, communications, branding, digital media etc. It is important to have a tight-knit team and Front Porch Marketing definitely possesses one. It is clear that they value their clients and will help them market their business in creative and helpful ways.

3. What is the best piece of life advice you have ever received?

The best piece of life advice I have ever received is that there is always going to be somebody better than me. Granted, it might sound harsh, but it has helped me realize that comparing myself to others is a waste of time. This is due in part because burning myself out to meet unrealistic expectations is useless. I should instead focus on being the best person I can be by using my talents and strengthening them to be unique.

4. What are your goals for FPM?

My goals for FPM are to take my interest in marketing and learn everything I can about how to execute it successfully. Without a doubt, I am looking forward to learning more about the professional world and broadening my horizons. 

Welcome to the team Sofia!

In Conclusion

These two bright ladies are going to be great additions to the Front Porch Marketing team. We cannot wait to continue mentoring the next generation and empowering the women in our lives. Here is to year six of supporting Ursuline Academy of Dallas and to the brilliant minds of women everywhere!

Fayetteville, AR, can sometimes feel like a bubble. The craziness of the COVID-19 pandemic still doesn’t seem real here!

I wanted to give you an insider’s look from Fayetteville in relation to the other states.

The Stats

There are 4,012 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus and 91 deaths as of May 10th. A shelter-in-place was never issued in Fayetteville.

Restaurants were allowed to reopen dining rooms starting Monday, May 11. Non-urgent dental services also opened Monday. Pools, water parks and beaches are set to open May 22, with restrictions.

Bars are still closed under Phase 1, which I think is a smart decision. Arkansas has 3 casinos, all of which will be open on May 18. Some stores in Fayetteville opened back up Monday, including thrift stores which I was able to visit.

Phase 1 of Fayetteville Perspective

Phase 1 of this new implementation allows restaurants to be at one third capacity, with seating six feet apart. Employees must wear a mask and gloves, and patrons should wear a mask. If patrons are not wearing masks the restaurant has the right to turn them away. Phase 1 also includes daily health screenings of employees, and groups cannot be larger than ten.

My Perspective from Fayetteville

I am located in an apartment complex near Dickson Street, the central hub for restaurants and bars for students at the U of A. While Dickson street has been mostly shut down, some restaurants offer curbside pickup.

From my perspective in Fayetteville, roughly 50% of people I have observed in the grocery store are wearing masks. It is possible to keep 6 feet apart but difficult, especially if the store is crowded.

Fast food restaurants are all open, and some dining rooms are available with limited seating. The Northwest Arkansas Mall remained open, but most of the stores inside were closed. I have stayed in Fayetteville thus far during the pandemic because I feel it is safer than Dallas, however I will be moving home soon.

What I’ve Learned Through My Perspective From Fayetteville

  1. Be respectful. Wear a mask if you feel that is right for you. You are shielding both yourself and others from potential exposure.
  2. Supporting local and small businesses is very important during this difficult time. Whether it be patronizing favorite local coffee shops with curbside pickup or stopping in to a new store, I have made efforts to express my appreciation.
  3. Just because Fayetteville feels safe, does not necessarily mean it is. Since a shelter-in-place was never issued, people are still going about their days as if everything is normal here. In my perspective from Fayetteville, it is just as important that we preserve our health here as it is anywhere else.